#866 switch to tito
Merged 4 years ago by praiskup. Opened 4 years ago by praiskup.
Unknown source move-to-tito  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ the .tito/packages directory contains metadata files

+ named after their packages. Each file has the latest tagged

+ version and the project's relative directory.

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ [buildconfig]

+ builder = tito.builder.Builder

+ tagger = tito.tagger.VersionTagger

+ changelog_do_not_remove_cherrypick = 0

+ changelog_format = %s

file modified
+77 -9
@@ -2,19 +2,14 @@

  %global _pkgdocdir %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}



- Name:       {{{ git_dir_name }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_dir_version lead=1 }}}

+ Name:       copr-backend

+ Version:    1.123

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Backend for Copr


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by:

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/backend

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0:    https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr/%name-%version.tar.gz


  BuildArch:  noarch

  BuildRequires: asciidoc
@@ -221,7 +216,80 @@

  %exclude %{_pkgdocdir}/playbooks



- {{{ git_dir_changelog since_tag=copr-backend-1.115-1 }}}

+ * Wed Apr 24 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.123-1

+ - clean data for failed builds; fix #619

+ - replace runnecessary regex with str.endswith

+ - move clean_copr from prunerepo to our codebase

+ - cleanup_vm_nova.py: use yaml.safe_load

+ - don't rely on createrepo from prunerepo

+ - simplify logging through redis

+ - run sign command without sudo to fix #636

+ - encode 'msg' in LogRecord sooner

+ - fix charset warnings on redis-py v3

+ - fix default arguments in redis scripts

+ - don't prunerepo too old directories

+ - LogHandler: don't drop exc_info from LogRecord

+ - use the correct data for rawhide_to_release createrepo

+ - make copr_prune_results skip already pruned outdated chroots

+ - require libmodulemd in at least 1.7.0

+ - remove dependency on python3-configparser


+ * Mon Feb 11 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.122-1

+ - Add requires python3-novaclient

+ - Set the architecture for which the module has been built

+ - Generate module artifacts in the correct format

+ - Compress the modules.yaml file


+ * Fri Jan 11 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.121-1

+ - remove data from outdated chroots


+ * Thu Jan 10 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.120-1

+ - update list of copr services

+ - Use oslo_concurrency for craeterepo locking

+ - use run_cmd() in pkg_name_evr()

+ - drop "downloading" state

+ - allow blacklisting packages from chroots


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.119-1

+ - optimize copr_log_hitcounter.py for speed a bit

+ - move selinux rules to copr-selinux

+ - fix traceback for non-serializable log message

+ - fix tracebacks in copr-backend-log

+ - more robust run_tests.sh

+ - remove unused imports

+ - py3 compat for msgbus support

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack

+ - migrate from deprecated python3-modulemd to libmodulemd

+ - doc: remove warning that _static directory does not exists

+ - doc: the undeline need to be at least as long as the title


+ * Thu Aug 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.118-1

+ - fix logging exception

+ - send proper arguments for rawhide_to_release

+ - packaging: Python 2/3, RHEL/Fedora fixes


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.117-1

+ - None task protection

+ - pagure integration

+ - use manual .pyc file generation

+ - remove unused imports, ad. pr#327

+ - resolving pylint warnings

+ - for py3 use unittest.mock

+ - fix msgbus ContentType to application/json


+ * Fri May 18 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.116-1

+ - fix #291 forks are incomplete

+ - log more information about incoming actions

+ - preparation for opensuse-leap-15.0-x86_64


+ * Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek <dturecek@redhat.com> 1.115-1

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation

+ - fix pagure bugs #269, #273, #221 and #268

+ - cleanup in test_helpers, one test added

+ - change order of args in StrictRedis call

+ - add comment about expected usage of the copr_log_hitcounter script

+ - try to send hit data to frontend several times from

+ copr_log_hitcounter


  * Mon Feb 26 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.114-1

  - add possibility for copr_log_hitcounter to ignore multiple subnets

file modified
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@

+ include LICENSE

  include MANIFEST.in

  include copr-cli.spec

  include copr_cli/README.rst

  include requirements.txt

  include run_tests.sh

  recursive-include man/ *

+ recursive-include tests/ *.py README* *.json *.txt

file modified
+87 -11
@@ -6,19 +6,14 @@

  %global with_python2 1



- Name:       {{{ git_dir_name }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_dir_version lead=1 }}}

+ Name:       copr-cli

+ Version:    1.79

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Command line interface for COPR


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by:

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/cli

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0:    %pypi_source


  BuildArch:  noarch

@@ -115,7 +110,90 @@




- {{{ git_dir_changelog since_tag=copr-cli-1.68-1 }}}

+ * Wed Apr 24 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.79-1

+ - add CLI for permissions

+ - new --max-builds option

+ - rename repos 'url' attribute to 'baseurl'

+ - generate mock rootdir on client side

+ - pass a repo priority to dnf config

+ - Revert "[cli] fix copr mock-config"

+ - support temporary projects

+ - print helpful hints for config parsing errors

+ - fix tests broken by PR#547

+ - fix copr-cli downloading parent directory for cancelled builds


+ * Mon Feb 11 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.78-1

+ - Don't catch exceptions inside action

+ - Fix storing the custom script parameters

+ - Properly rewrite download-build to use APIv3

+ - Do not require to set PyPI packagename when it is already set

+ - When serializing munch omit the proxy object

+ - Fix the APIv1 call in the aciton_new_webhook_secret function


+ * Tue Jan 15 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.77-1

+ - fix side_effect function arguments

+ - fix assert_called_with params


+ * Thu Jan 10 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.76-1

+ - rewrite description of copr dirs feature. Use "tag" instead of "suffix".

+ - explain copr_dir feature in man pages for build subcommand

+ - improve naming of copr_dir in copr-cli interface to copr_repo

+ - add support for copr dir to copr-cli

+ - we also buildrequire python-copr with APIv3 support

+ - add missing dependency on python-simplejson

+ - depend on munch because of tests

+ - have numbered string fields because of epel6

+ - fix copr mock-config


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.75-1

+ - 1639590 - print name of package when it is deleted

+ - set variables for each build

+ - print friendlier error when trying to upload a nonexisting file

+ - put backend the deprecation warnings

+ - better errors with --config

+ - print just 'repos' to avoid yum/dnf confusion

+ - depend on python-copr-1.89

+ - print additional repos and blank line between projects

+ - rewrite unit tests to work with APIv3

+ - update resource properties

+ - fix the order of arguments

+ - json_dumps is not supposed to print anything

+ - return proper status code

+ - cast disable_createrepo to bool

+ - write to stderr instead of printing

+ - if ownername is not specified, use the one from config

+ - remove deprecated tito and mock actions

+ - rewrite copr-cli to use APIv3

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack

+ - pg#251 Make it possible for user to select pyp2rpm template


+ * Thu Aug 30 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.74-1

+ - python-progress is not present in EL6


+ * Fri Aug 24 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.73-1

+ - pg#370 copr-cli new-webhook-secret fails

+ - fix input under python2


+ * Thu Aug 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.72-1

+ - generate new webhook secret functionality in copr-cli

+ - packaging: Python 2/3, RHEL/Fedora fixes


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.71-1

+ - %%{python_sitelib} → %%{python2_sitelib}


+ * Fri May 18 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.70-1

+ - deprecate mock-config command


+ * Mon Apr 30 2018 Dominik Turecek <dturecek@redhat.com> 1.69-1

+ fix non-passing unittests under f28+


+ * Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek <dturecek@redhat.com> 1.68-1

+ - simplify bar.finish logic

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation

+ - #280 cli upload to nonexisting project makes terminal cursor disappear

+ - #220 copr-cli doesn't display build progress in non-interactive terminal

+ - add download-build --dest description to man page

+ - add `copr delete-build` build into man pages


  * Fri Feb 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.67-1

  - remove Group tag
@@ -782,5 +860,3 @@


  * Mon Jun 17 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.1-1

  - new package built with tito



file modified
+3 -3
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

  import os

  import re


- from setuptools import setup

+ from setuptools import setup, find_packages


  long_description = """Copr is designed to be a lightweight buildsystem that allows contributors

  to create packages, put them in repositories, and make it easy for users
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@




-     version=os.getenv('version'),

+     version="1.79",



@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@

          "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",



-     packages=['copr_cli'],

+     packages=find_packages(),




file modified
+18 -12
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

- {{{ export srcname=copr-common }}}

- %global srcname {{{ printf "$srcname" }}}

+ %global srcname copr-common


  %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6

  %{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
@@ -14,19 +13,14 @@

  %global with_python2 1



- Name:       {{{ git_name name="python-$srcname" }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_version }}}

+ Name:       python-copr-common

+ Version:    0.5

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Python code used by Copr


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/common

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0:    %pypi_source


  BuildArch: noarch

@@ -68,7 +62,7 @@




- %setup -q

+ %setup -q -n %srcname-%version



@@ -106,7 +100,19 @@




- {{{ git_changelog since_tag="python-$srcname-0.3-1" }}}

+ * Mon Feb 11 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 0.5-1

+ - Add splitFilename function


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 0.4-1

+ - sync common.BuildSourceEnum with helpers.BuildSourceEnum

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack

+ - packaging: Python 2/3, RHEL/Fedora fixes


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.3-1

+ - %%{python_sitelib} → %%{python2_sitelib}

+ - fix git packing for python-copr, copr-common

+ - fix reading spec file values from setup.py

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR


  * Thu Mar 22 2018 Dominik Turecek <dturecek@redhat.com> 0.2-1

  - [common] fix spec file

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@




-     name='copr_common',

-     version=os.getenv('version'),

+     name='copr-common',

+     version="0.5",




file modified
+30 -9
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@

- Name:       {{{ git_dir_name }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_dir_version }}}

+ Name:       copr-dist-git

+ Version:    0.46

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Copr services for Dist Git server


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/dist-git

- # rpkg sources --spec

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0:    https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr/%name-%version.tar.gz


  BuildArch:  noarch

@@ -124,7 +119,33 @@

  %ghost %{_var}/log/copr-dist-git/*.log



- {{{ git_changelog since_tag=copr-dist-git-0.41-1 }}}

+ * Fri Jul 12 2019 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> 0.46-1

+ - add offline argument to upload method, to fix RPM import

+ - add script to clear lookaside cache of old sources


+ * Wed Apr 24 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 0.45-1

+ - remove old logs from cron


+ * Thu Jan 10 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 0.44-1

+ - add python3-copr Recommends:

+ - one-shot script script to remove data for already deleted coprs

+ - allow blacklisting packages from chroots


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 0.43-1

+ - fix SELinux

+ - use FailTypeEnum from copr_common

+ - use EnumType from copr_common

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack

+ - fix `cgit_pkg_list` script

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.42-1

+ - manual byte-code compilation

+ - for py3 use unittest.mock, otherwise mock from python2-mock


+ * Fri May 18 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.41-1

+ - switch to python3

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation


  * Fri Feb 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.40-1

  - remove Group tag

file modified
+37 -52
@@ -16,13 +16,19 @@


  and walk the directories of packages listed. In each directory, call::


-     rpkg tag

-     rpkg push

+     tito tag


+ push them::


+     git push --follow-tags origin


+ and upload tarballs to _`Copr release directory`.



  Build packages



- Build all packages::

+ Build all packages in copr, in ``@copr/copr`` project::


      releng/build-packages @copr/copr

@@ -82,14 +88,14 @@

  Make sure you have `~/.pypirc` correctly set up and run::


      dnf install twine

-     version=<current_pkg_version> python3 setup.py sdist

+     python3 setup.py sdist

      twine upload dist/<NAME-VERSION>.tar.gz


- Substitute `<current_pkg_version>` with the current package version (without release).


- If you cannot run that, tell somebody with access to run that (msuchy has access).

+ If you cannot run that, tell somebody with access to run that (msuchy, praiskup,

+ jkadlcik).


- This needs to be run for `copr-common`, `python` and `copr-cli`.

+ This needs to be run for `copr-common`, `python`, `copr-cli` and

+ `copr-messaging`.


  .. _build_packages_for_production:

@@ -98,51 +104,26 @@


  Make sure that ``releng/releasers.ini`` has up to date list of branches.


- Make sure you are co-maintainer of those packages in Fedora.


- Run::


-     rm -r /tmp/rpkg


-     git checkout <latest-python-tag>

-     rpkg --path python srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git-all /tmp/rpkg/python-copr*.src.rpm


-     git checkout <latest-cli-tag>

-     rpkg --path cli srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git-all /tmp/rpkg/copr-cli*.src.rpm


-     git checkout <latest-frontend-tag>

-     rpkg --path frontend srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git /tmp/rpkg/copr-frontend*.src.rpm

+ Make sure you are co-maintainer of those packages in Fedora::


-     git checkout <latest-backend-tag>

-     rpkg --path backend srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git /tmp/rpkg/copr-backend*.src.rpm

+     copr-backend

+     copr-cli

+     copr-dist-git

+     copr-frontend

+     copr-keygen

+     copr-messaging

+     copr-mocks

+     copr-rpmbuild

+     copr-selinux

+     python-copr

+     python-copr-common


-     git checkout <latest-distgit-tag>

-     rpkg --path dist-git srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git /tmp/rpkg/copr-dist-git*.src.rpm

+ For each package do::


-     git checkout <latest-keygen-tag>

-     rpkg --path keygen srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git /tmp/rpkg/copr-keygen*.src.rpm


-     git checkout <latest-selinux-tag>

-     rpkg --path selinux srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git /tmp/rpkg/copr-selinux*.src.rpm


-     git checkout <latest-prunerepo-tag>

-     rpkg --path prunerepo srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git /tmp/rpkg/prunerepo*.src.rpm


-     git checkout <latest-common-tag>

-     rpkg --path common srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git /tmp/rpkg/python-copr-common*.src.rpm


-     git checkout <latest-srpm-tag>

-     rpkg --path rpmbuild srpm --outdir /tmp/rpkg

-     releng/fedora-release git /tmp/rpkg/copr-rpmbuild*.src.rpm

+     cd <package subdir>

+     tito build --srpm

+     tito release fedora-git-servers # for server packages, or

+     tito release fedora-git-client # for server packages (includes epel)


  And submit them into `Infra tags repo <https://fedora-infra-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sysadmin-guide/sops/infra-repo.html>`_.

  Not even every fedora infra member can to this, ping clime or ask on ``#fedora-admin``.
@@ -160,12 +141,14 @@


  Generate package specific documentation by going to:


- * https://readthedocs.org/projects/copr-rest-api/


  * https://readthedocs.org/projects/copr-backend/


  * https://readthedocs.org/projects/copr-keygen/


+ * https://readthedocs.org/projects/copr-messaging/


+ * https://readthedocs.org/projects/copr-rest-api/


  * https://readthedocs.org/projects/python-copr/


  And hitting "Build" button for each of those projects.
@@ -247,3 +230,5 @@



  Fix this document to make it easy for the release nanny of the next release to use it.


+ .. _`Copr release directory`: https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr

file modified
+264 -9
@@ -40,19 +40,14 @@




- Name:       {{{ git_dir_name }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_dir_version lead=1 }}}

+ Name:       copr-frontend

+ Version:    1.150

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Frontend for Copr


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by:

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/frontend

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0:    https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr/%name-%version.tar.gz


  BuildArch:  noarch

@@ -361,7 +356,267 @@




- {{{ git_dir_changelog since_tag=copr-frontend-1.130-1 }}}

+ * Tue May 21 2019 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> 1.150-1

+ - fix the script for prolonged outdated chroots

+ - add RHEL 8 (rhelbeta) chroot logo

+ - correctly describe "Create repositories manually"

+ - remove unused module_md_name and module_md_zlib columns

+ - sort package (build)requires

+ - use humanize in time_ago(); fix #724

+ - automatize outdated chroots notifications and deletion

+ - notify outdated chroots with 80 days interval

+ - don't unselect inactive chroots in project edit; fix #712

+ - print soon-to-remove outdated chroots in red; see #593

+ - cron: call 'clean_expired_projects' correctly

+ - traceback when forked_from project deleted

+ - disable "expire now" button when chroot is already expired

+ - NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined

+ - require wtforms version with render_kw


+ * Wed Apr 24 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.149-1

+ - fix finished status for SRPM builds, hopefully last time

+ - log handled 500 errors

+ - fix a failing test

+ - expect the correct status code for project deletion failure

+ - webhook triggers expect int:copr_id

+ - fix shebang in daily cron job

+ - remove a redundant condition for outdated chroots

+ - allow user to remove outdated chroot; fix #624

+ - sort outdated chroots by name; fix #593

+ - pagure-events: send keep-alive tcp packets

+ - replace cron configuration automatically

+ - respect module buildorder by setting dependencies among batches

+ - add mechanism to block build batch until other one finishes

+ - build is not finished when not even SRPM is finished

+ - fix WTForms deprecation warning

+ - fix Flask invalid cookie warning

+ - fix YAMLLoadWarning deprecation warning

+ - fix FlaskWTForms deprecation warning

+ - pagure-events: each commit in push/PR should trigger build

+ - webhooks: each commit in push should trigger build

+ - make clean_old_builds query join() explicit

+ - link to correct API documentation

+ - fixup test fixtures for Rawhide

+ - add CLI for permissions

+ - new --max-builds option

+ - move "Other options" to separate panel

+ - support temporary projects

+ - print friendly error on http when https is enforced

+ - Merge #647 `[frontend] make 'alembic revision --autogenerate' pylint-clean`

+ - *_private migration is irreversible

+ - don't ignore constraints when moving data to *_private

+ - simplify *_private tables

+ - de-duplicate *_private ids

+ - add CoprPrivate to join

+ - fix migration sequence by putting private table migrations on top

+ - remove private columns from user and copr

+ - private tables for user and copr

+ - make 'alembic revision --autogenerate' pylint-clean

+ - pagure-events: accept [copr-build] key in PR message

+ - pagure-events: allow duplicate builds

+ - better parse Pagure's PR messages

+ - fix Pagure-triggered Package builds

+ - linter for alembic revisions

+ - repaired import in builds_logic Closes #644

+ - increase the build timeout limit because of chromium

+ - reset config changes after each test method

+ - UI: say "SRPM log" instead of "Import log"

+ - disallow root to execute ./manage.py

+ - don't display url to dist-git logs for non-admin users

+ - fix batch build delete in group projects; see #575

+ - fix exception when multiple sources are generating graph data

+ - support ?priority=x for non copr:// repo

+ - Redis.setex swapped arguments in v3+

+ - go to builds page after submitting a custom method build

+ - fix module builds table

+ - test real-world module buildorder, see #599

+ - enforce https for outdated chroots emails

+ - pass queue_sizes also to the graph page

+ - display badges in task queue tabs, see #552

+ -[python] avoid 'collections.abc' warnings


+ * Fri Mar 15 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.148-1

+ - [frontend] add missing spaces

+ - [frontend] set reply-to header to our emails

+ - [frontend] sort chroots in email by project name

+ - [frontend] don't get chroots from deleted projects

+ - [frontend][python] handle timeout errors

+ - [frontend] return the correct status for SRPM fail (fix #513)

+ - Added rss feed from all copr's projects to /rss/

+ - [frontend] show packages with no builds as 'not built yet'

+ - [cli][frontend] fix copr-cli downloading parent directory for cancelled builds

+ - [frontend][backend] make copr_prune_results skip already pruned outdated

+ chroots


+ * Mon Mar 11 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.147-1

+ - [frontend] don't forget to commit in 'manage.py alter_chroot'

+ - [frontend] new 'db_session_scope' idiom

+ - [frontend] remove leftover old_status after PR#562

+ - [frontend] rework error handlers to fix #531

+ - [frontend] remove migration-report page

+ - [frontend] remove old_status column from package table

+ - [frontend] mention Copr in mail subject

+ - [frontend][backend] require libmodulemd in at least 1.7.0

+ - [frontend] build batch deletion by xhr


+ * Thu Feb 14 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.146-1

+ - [frontend] require copr-common greater than 0.4 version


+ * Mon Feb 11 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.145-1

+ - Don't let dev instance notify all users

+ - Don't allow to send notification for empty chroots

+ - Move splitFilename function to the copr-common package

+ - Fix storing the custom script parameters

+ - Set webhook_rebuild even in APIv3

+ - Set the disable_createrepo when creating the project via APIv3

+ - Stick with the old repo_id format until F28 is supported

+ - Add index build(canceled, is_background, source_status, id)

+ - Couple of bugfixes for wrong variables and properties


+ * Tue Jan 15 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.144-1

+ - add db indexes


+ * Mon Jan 14 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.143-1

+ - add build_copr_id index and build_chroot(status, started_on)

+ - fix path to bash

+ - removing executable bit from api_general.py


+ * Fri Jan 11 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.142-1

+ - remove data from outdated chroots

+ - fix modulemd import on F29


+ * Thu Jan 10 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.141-1

+ - order builds already by SQL

+ - add support for copr dir to copr-cli

+ - Show markdown code for status badge

+ - add pending action count

+ - add get_admins command to manage.py

+ - notifications for outdated chroots

+ - show project forks

+ - don't include port in repofile ID

+ - Remove spaces around slash in owner/project header

+ - Make pagure-events service load-balanceable

+ - Fix `copr-cli mock-config` after switching to APIv3 by preprocessing repos on

+ frontend

+ - add data migration to remove build.results column

+ - add try-except block to rollback session properly if an error ocurrs

+ - move inline style to css

+ - let mock rootdir generation on clients

+ - rename repos 'url' attribute to 'baseurl'

+ - provide repo_id in project chroot build config

+ - refactor repo_id property

+ - dont remove additional_repos list

+ - add possibility to query all projects (RhBug: 1130166)

+ - don't show empty copr dirs (see #447)

+ - warn maintainer when working in foreign project

+ - Allow per-package chroot-blacklisting by wildcard patterns

+ - add possibility to notify just selected users

+ - send only one email per user

+ - preprocess repo URLs on frontend

+ - move 'Build only for' down into 'Default Build Source'

+ - list chroots the package is built for

+ - render "Generic form"

+ - drop "downloading" state

+ - allow blacklisting packages from chroots


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.140-1

+ - /usr/bin/env python3 -> /usr/bin/python3

+ - fix SELinux

+ - use cached data for small graph of usage

+ - add quick_enable.html flavor template

+ - sync style-overwrite.css with generate_colorscheme

+ - new config REPO_NO_SSL

+ - split style-overwrite.css into two parts

+ - change repo ID format

+ - Start using a code from copr_common

+ - refactor mailing code

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack

+ - 1628399 - che/llvm and che/mesa do not show up when searching

+   for the search terms

+ - migrate from deprecated python3-modulemd to libmodulemd

+ - do not allow other users to edit your packages

+ - fix operation of alembic-3 commands (e.g. alembic-3 history)

+ - pg#251 Make it possible for user to select pyp2rpm template

+ - don't hardcode OpenID provider (#374)

+ - 1622513 - require python3-requests

+ - pg#251 Make it possible for user to select pyp2rpm template

+ - change repo ID format to copr:<hub>:<user>:<project>


+ * Fri Aug 24 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.139-1

+ - add proper access check for integrations page


+ * Thu Aug 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.138-1

+ - fix bug that project non-owner can generate new webhook secret


+ * Thu Aug 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.137-1

+ - generate new webhook secret functionality in copr-cli

+ - fix forking not to duplicate information that should not be

+ duplicated

+ - apiv3: construct dict with project data before deleting it

+ - don't set source_build_method for unset packages

+ - Change of the default setting of follow_fedora_branching

+ - #349 Do not fork package auto-rebuild information

+ - fix rawhide_to_release after b15e4504c

+ - packaging: Python 2/3, RHEL/Fedora fixes

+ - fix custom package webhooks


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.136-1

+ - None task protection

+ - apiv3

+ - pagure integration

+ - manual byte-code compilation


+ * Fri Jul 20 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.135-1

+ - fix tests under ppc64le


+ * Fri Jul 20 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.134-1

+ - fix #320 copr frontend check: remove arch specific condition

+ - drop initscripts Require

+ - fix #322 frontend: scriptlet stderr pollution

+ - contact_us column added into footer

+ - graphs optimizied

+ - note contact info for GDPR data dump

+ - remove logstash configuration from .spec


+ * Tue Jun 19 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.133-1

+ - separate version of the copr-frontend-flavor provide

+ - ignore errors on "condrestart" foreign services

+ - rename user_info flavor template file to user_meta

+ - GDPR compliance

+ - drop 'passwd' dependency


+ * Fri May 18 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.132-1

+ - add --with/--without rpmbuild options for build chroot

+ - use "$releasever" in repo base URL for opensuse-leap and mageia chroots

+ - openSUSE chroot support

+ - fix #291 forks are incomplete

+ - fix rpm download counters for group projects

+ - #290 auto-rebuilds are being spawned on commits to some other projects

+ - preparation for opensuse-leap-15.0-x86_64


+ * Mon Apr 30 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.131-1

+ - fix build on pagure commit script to listen only to pagure fedmsgs

+ - use rsplit for chroot splitting to get os, version, arch triplet


+ * Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek <dturecek@redhat.com> 1.130-1

+ - add pending tasks to graphs

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation

+ - fix flash messages not disappearing after page reload

+ - change flash messages for deleted/cancelled builds

+ - remove dangling symlinks after 00b6073

+ - unbundle static files

+ - some javascript assets are not placed under component folder

+ - remove redundatant stuff in complex tests

+ - remove unneeded basenames

+ - fix #269, #273, #221 and #268

+ - fix  #275 web-ui: last build name shows "None"

+ - api /build_status/ to not require login

+ - add status_icon for build_id

+ - change login welcome message to success message

+ - redirect to builds table after rebuild

+ - custom method: move the script filter into form

+ - fix graphics issues after adding xstatic-patternfly-common

+ - give project names more space


  * Wed Feb 28 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.129-1

  - several tweaks for graphs of utilization

file modified
+19 -11
@@ -1,18 +1,13 @@

  %global with_test 1


- Name:       {{{ git_dir_name }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_dir_version lead=1 }}}

+ Name:       copr-keygen

+ Version:    1.75

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Part of Copr build system. Aux service that generate keys for signd


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by:

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/keygen

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0:    https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr/%name-%version.tar.gz


  BuildArch:  noarch

  BuildRequires: util-linux
@@ -168,7 +163,22 @@




- {{{ git_dir_changelog since_tag=copr-keygen-1.72-1 }}}

+ * Tue May 07 2019 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> 1.75-1

+ - make sure key generation is not blocked by trustdb operation

+ - add daily cron job to do trustdb maintenance

+ - define gpg2 arguments on one place


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.74-1

+ - fix SELinux

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.73-1

+ - manual byte-code compilation

+ - better "condrestart" foreign services


+ * Fri May 18 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.72-1

+ - fix gnupg2 requirement

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation


  * Fri Feb 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.71-1

  - remove Group tag
@@ -807,5 +817,3 @@


  * Mon Jun 17 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.1-1

  - new package built with tito



file modified
+1 -2
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@



  __name__ = 'copr-keygen'

- __version__ = 0.01

  __description__ = description

  __author__ = "Valentin Gologuzov"

  __author_email__ = "vgologuz@redhat.com"
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@




-     version=__version__,

+     version="1.75",




@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ include LICENSE

+ include MANIFEST.in

+ include copr-messaging.spec

+ include runtests.sh

+ recursive-include docs/ *

@@ -6,19 +6,15 @@

  Package also provides several convenience methods for working with \

  copr messages.


- Name:       {{{ git_dir_name }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_dir_version }}}

+ Name:       copr-messaging

+ Version:    0.1

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Abstraction for Copr messaging listeners/publishers


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by:

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/fedora-messaging

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}


+ Source0:    %pypi_source

I don't understand this one. Why the copr-messaging doesn't have the same source0 as other packages - Source0: https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr/%name-%version.tar.gz?

Aha, python-copr.spec has also %pypi_source but I still don't understand it :-D


  BuildArch:  noarch

@@ -86,4 +82,5 @@




- {{{ git_dir_changelog }}}

+ * Wed Jul 17 2019 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> 0.1-1

+ - copr_messaging: new package for working with copr messages

file modified
+2 -5
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@

  __author__ = "Copr team"

  __author_email__ = "copr-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org"

  __url__ = "https://pagure.io/copr/copr"

- __version__ = "0.0"


  __requires__ = [

@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@




-     version=__version__,

+     version="0.1",



@@ -52,9 +51,7 @@

      maintainer="Copr Team",



-     packages=find_packages(

-         exclude=("copr_messaging.tests",

-                  "copr_messaging.tests.*")),

+     packages=find_packages(),




file modified
+3 -1
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@

+ include LICENSE

  include MANIFEST.in

  include copr/README.rst

  include python-copr.spec

  include requirements.txt

  include run_tests.sh

- recursive-include docs/ *

+ recursive-include docs/ *.rst *.py Makefile README*

+ recursive-include copr/test/ *.rst *.py *.json README* copr_cli.conf

file modified
+761 -10
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@

+ %global srcname copr


  %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6

  %{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}

  %global _pkgdocdir %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
@@ -12,19 +14,14 @@

  %global with_python2 1



- Name:       {{{ git_name name=python-copr }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_version lead=1 }}}

+ Name:       python-copr

+ Version:    1.94

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    Python interface for Copr


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by:

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/python

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0:    %pypi_source


  BuildArch:  noarch

@@ -151,7 +148,7 @@




- %setup -q

+ %setup -q -n %srcname-%version


  %if %{with python3}

  rm -rf %{py3dir}
@@ -216,7 +213,53 @@

  %doc %{_pkgdocdir}



- {{{ git_changelog since_tag=python-copr-1.88-1 }}}

+ * Wed Apr 24 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.94-1

+ - add CLI for permissions

+ - support temporary projects

+ - print friendly error on http when https is enforced

+ - print helpful hints for config parsing errors

+ - remove unnecessary PY3 condition

+ - re-order spec {Build,}Requires

+ - BuildRequires python3-mock

+ - avoid 'collections.abc' warnings

+ - handle timeout errors

+ - remove old_status column from package table

+ - fix wait function for custom List

+ - remove dependency on python3-configparser


+ * Tue Jan 15 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.93-1

+ - there is no dict comprehension for python2.6 which is in epel6


+ * Thu Jan 10 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.92-1

+ - add support for copr dir to copr-cli

+ - provide a way to wait until builds finish

+ - don't pass proxy object to the wait method

+ - don't fail when no callback

+ - provide a way to wait until builds finish

+ - store a reference to the proxy object

+ - add possibility to query all projects (RhBug: 1130166)


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.91-1

+ - better errors with --config

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack

+ - document status codes from frontend

+ - pg#251 Make it possible for user to select pyp2rpm template


+ * Thu Aug 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.90-1

+ - generate new webhook secret functionality in copr-cli

+ - allow to edit devel_mode on a project

+ - update copyright for the documentation

+ - packaging: Python 2/3, RHEL/Fedora fixes

+ - fix "File 'setup.py' not found" error in readthedocs.org

+ - use readthedocs theme if it is installed


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.89-1

+ - apiv3

+ - change %%{python_sitelib} to %%{python2_sitelib}

+ - for py3 use unittest.mock, otherwise mock from python2-mock


+ * Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek <dturecek@redhat.com> 1.88-1

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation


  * Wed Feb 28 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.87-1

  - add missing frontend states to clientv2
@@ -928,4 +971,712 @@

  * Mon Jun 17 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.1-1

  - new package built with tito


+ * Wed Feb 28 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.87-1

+ - add missing frontend states to clientv2


+ * Fri Feb 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.86-1

+ - remove Group tag


+ * Mon Feb 19 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.85-1

+ - build python2-copr package conditionally

+ - Remove unnecessary shebang sed in copr-cli.spec and python-copr.spec

+ - fix deps in spec

+ - new custom source method

+ - use username from config if nothing is explicitly specified

+ - remove outdated modularity code

+ - require to specify project when building module


+ * Fri Nov 10 2017 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.84-1

+ - update clients to use https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org as default

+   API endpoint


+ * Thu Nov 09 2017 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.83-1

+ - Remove duplicated Python packagtes, using "." in requirements.txt

+ - Add classifiers to support Python3.

+ - allow to set use_bootstrap_container via API


+ * Wed Oct 18 2017 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.82-1

+ - add SCM api

+ - add deprecation warnings for tito and mockscm methods


+ * Fri Sep 15 2017 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.81-1

+ - Bug 1431035 - coprs should check credentials before uploading

+   source rpm Remove unnecesary condition

+ - Spelling fixes


+ * Mon Aug 21 2017 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.80-1

+ - rename python-copr to python2-copr


+ * Fri Aug 11 2017 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.79-1

+ - allow to modify copr chroots

+ - always send name of the user


+ * Fri Jun 09 2017 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.78-1

+ - pag#67 copr edit-package-tito nulls out fields not edited


+ * Wed Apr 19 2017 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.77-1

+ - allow to submit optional params to mbs

+ - frontend act as a gateway between user and mbs

+ - allow to create module and it's action separately

+ - possibility to submit yaml file to mbs

+ - update auth for current MBS package

+ - rename method for making module to match cli naming

+ - add command for building modules

+ - files can be uploaded via simple MultipartEncoder (RhBug: 1440480)

+ - fix proxyuser when creating modules

+ - replace fedorahosted links

+ - fix setting username on multipart data

+ - proxyuser feature (RhBug: 1381574)


+ * Thu Jan 26 2017 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.76-1

+ - fix python 2.6 incompatibility


+ * Thu Dec 01 2016 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.75-1

+ - edit_chroot implemented

+ - modulemd 1.0.2 compatibility

+ - add method for fetching /api/module/repo

+ - add 'mock-config' command to CLI

+ - added auto-prune project's option

+ - stripped down impl of building from dist-git

+ - Bug 1335168 - Delete build(s) from CLI


+ * Mon Sep 19 2016 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.74-1

+ - dummy api for submitting module builds


+ * Mon Aug 15 2016 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.73-1

+ - Bug 1361344 - RFE: Allow denial of build deletion and resubmitting at project or group level

+ - fix creating group projects

+ - fix search for projects within group (RhBug: 1337247)


+ * Fri Jul 01 2016 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.72-1

+ - run pylint check during build only if python3 is defined

+ - Bug 1335237 - copr create command missing --disable_createrepo

+ - --enable-net option added for create/modify commands of copr-cli

+ - --unlisted-on-hp option add for create/modify commands of copr-cli

+ * Thu Jun 16 2016 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.71-1

+ - configure more packages to run pylint

+ - send confirm only when it is True

+ - add --background option to new build in CLI

+ - honor standard build options for build-package cmd + use

+   package.has_source_type_set in API

+ - _No_ to Url & Upload package types

+ - removing need for source_type in package post data

+ - fix non-existent attribute access for PackageWrapper

+ - experimental support of building packages

+   with copr-cli

+ - added --with-all-builds, --with-latest-

+   build and --with-latest-succeeded-build options for list-packages and get-

+   package cmds


+ * Mon May 30 2016 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.70-1

+ - [cli][python][frontend] support forking via CLI

+ - [python-copr] added missing source_type specification for upload & url builds


+ * Thu May 26 2016 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.69-1

+ - package manip implemented in Client

+ - refactored building via url and pypi; see df6ad16

+ - connection error message simplified

+ - print user-friendly error for broken config

+ - implemented rubygems CLI support


+ * Fri Apr 22 2016 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.68-1

+ - Add unicode representation for collections (RhBug: 1327597)

+ - handlers: use list() after map() for chroots

+ - fix download-build for dist-git era file structure (RhBug:

+   1324847)

+ - implement building via mock

+ - refactor building via tito

+ - implement building via tito

+ - assure python_versions type for pypi builds


+ * Sun Mar 20 2016 Jakub Kadlčík <jkadlcik@redhat.com> 1.67-1

+ - allow creating group projects


+ * Mon Mar 14 2016 Jakub Kadlčík <jkadlcik@redhat.com> 1.66-1

+ - support building from PyPI


+ * Wed Feb 03 2016 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.65-1

+ - convert bytes to utf-8 in Py3


+ * Fri Jan 29 2016 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.64-1

+ - fix wrong check for list instance


+ * Wed Dec 23 2015 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.63-1

+ - fixes for epel-6+ and fedora-22+

+ - Added MANIFEST.in for python and cli

+ - updated docs to include project creation method

+ - create new projects now returns newly created project on success

+ - added method to create new projects through ClientV2

+ - we need six >= 1.9.0

+ - added support for BuildTask and update docs

+ - W: 67, 8: Unused variable 's' (unused-variable)

+ - W: 70,12: Unused variable 'x' (unused-variable)

+ - Too few public methods (0/1) (too-few-public-methods)

+ - Use %% formatting in logging functions but pass the %% parameters as

+   arguments

+ - Instance of '...Entity' has no '...' member (no-member)

+ - add Entity tests

+ - initial documentation for ClientV2


+ * Mon Nov 16 2015 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.62-1

+ - pylint cleaning


+ * Mon Nov 09 2015 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.61-1

+ - W:  9, 0: Unused import json (unused-import)

+ - Added marshmallow as dep

+ - since APIv2 we require python-marshmallow


+ * Mon Nov 02 2015 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.60-1

+ - python3 compatibility

+ - Removed __version__ from cli and python

+ - Added version parse from specs instead of __init__

+ - Fixes to allow copr lib to be installed using setup.py

+ - Fixed invalid classifiers

+ - put client_v2 into package

+ - Display progress bar if python-progress is available

+ - support APIv2


+ * Tue Oct 13 2015 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.59-1

+ - version_info is not namedtuple on epel6 interpreter

+ - fix missing urllib.parse on el7

+ - use requests-toolbelt to stream SRPM files (RhBug:1261125)

+ - add run_tests.sh script

+ - fix unicode representation of CoprResponse (RhBug:1258915)


+ * Tue Aug 11 2015 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.58-1

+ - implement srpm upload functionality

+ - better error handling (RhBug:1245105)

+ - define %%license macro for el6

+ - el6 needs field numbers


+ * Thu Jul 02 2015 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.57-1

+ - [cli] wrap requests exception (RhBug:1194522)

+ - [python] Bug 1188874 - better unicode handling

+ - [cli] test unicode representation of ProjectWrapper (RhBug:1188874)

+ - [cli] fix unicode representation of ProjectWrapper (RhBug:1188874)

+ - mark license as license in spec


+ * Mon Dec 15 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.56-1

+ - control auto_createrepo property of project through API


+ * Thu Nov 20 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.55-1

+ - [python] support python 2.6


+ * Thu Nov 20 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.54-1

+ - fixed poor decision abou CoprClient constructor, now it accepts

+   kwargs arguments instead of config dict


+ * Mon Nov 03 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.53-1

+ - [python-copr] syntax bugfix


+ * Mon Nov 03 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.52-1

+ - [python-copr] removed log config from client


+ * Tue Oct 07 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.51-1

+ - [python-copr, cli] test coverage 

+ - [python-copr, cli] updating copr-cli to use python-copr

+ - [python-copr] minor fixes, added usage examples to docs


+ * Mon Sep 08 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.50-1

+ - [python-copr] fix: we need to support python 2.6 due to epel-6


+ * Fri Sep 05 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.49-1

+ - [python-copr] 

+ - bugfix in cancel_build - more docsrtings

+ - using sphinx documentation for rpm build

+ - added instruction to build documentation

+ - re-implemented Response handling  

+ - started transition to sphinx documentation  

+ - added optional argument `username` to most client methods

+ - removed method  `get_build_status`


+ * Wed Aug 27 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.48-1

+ - [python-copr] small fix due to the old version of python-six in RHEL-7


+ * Wed Aug 27 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.47-1

+ - [python-copr] Build python3 package only for fedora

+ - [python-copr] minor description fix in .spec


+ * Fri Aug 22 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.46-1

+ - [python-copr] packaging fixes to satisfy Fedora package guidelines.


+ * Thu Aug 21 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.45-1

+ - change package name: python-copr-client -> python-copr


+ * Tue Aug 19 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.44-1

+ - [python-client] fixed BuildRequires


+ * Tue Aug 19 2014 Valentin Gologuzov <vgologuz@redhat.com> 1.43-1

+ - [python-client] Added new package

+ - [cli] cli now  access api through  python-client


+ * Tue Jul 22 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.36-1

+ - use correct name of variable


+ * Fri Jul 04 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.35-1

+ - [cli] stop waiting when the status is unknown


+ * Fri Jul 04 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.34-1

+ - [cli] skipped state support


+ * Thu Jun 19 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.33-1

+ - cancel added to the man page

+ - exit code 4 for failed build and man pages updated

+ - error and shell return code 1 when build fails

+ - delete a project

+ - shell return codes with errors

+ - copr-cli cancel fix


+ * Thu Apr 10 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.32-1

+ - be less strict in parsing fas/copr-name


+ * Thu Apr 10 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.31-1

+ - We can choose chroots for new builds

+ - copr-cli waiting fix

+ - building pkgs separately


+ * Wed Mar 19 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.30-1

+ - BR make is not needed

+ - build -doc subpackage only for fedoras

+ - add LICENSE to -doc

+ - replace 'copr' with 'project'


+ * Tue Mar 18 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.29-1

+ - move copr-cli in standalone package


+ * Thu Feb 27 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.28-1

+ - [backend] - pass lock to Actions


+ * Wed Feb 26 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.27-1

+ - [frontend] update to jquery 1.11.0

+ - [fronted] link username to fas

+ - [cli] allow to build into projects of other users

+ - [backend] do not create repo in destdir

+ - [backend] ensure that only one createrepo is running at the same time

+ - [cli] allow to get data from sent build

+ - temporary workaround for BZ 1065251

+ - Chroot details API now uses GET instead of POST

+ - when deleting/canceling task, go to same page

+ - add copr modification to web api

+ - 1063311 - admin should be able to delete task

+ - [frontend] Stray end tag h4.

+ - [frontend] another s/coprs/projects/ rename

+ - [frontend] provide info about last successful build

+ - [spec] rhel5 needs group definition even in subpackage

+ - [frontend] move 'you agree' text to dd

+ - [frontend] add margin to chroots-set

+ - [frontend] add margin to field label

+ - [frontend] put disclaimer to paragraph tags

+ - [frontend] use black font color

+ - [frontend] use default filter instead of *_not_filled

+ - [frontend] use markdown template filter

+ - [frontend] use isdigit instead of is_int

+ - [frontend] move Serializer to helpers

+ - [frontend] fix coding style and py3 compatibility

+ - [cli] fix coding style and py3 compatibility

+ - [backend] fix coding style and py3 compatibility


+ * Tue Jan 28 2014 Miroslav Suchý <miroslav@suchy.cz> 1.26-1

+ - lower testing date

+ - move localized_time into filters

+ - [frontend] update user data after login

+ - [frontend] use iso-8601 date


+ * Mon Jan 27 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.25-1

+ - 1044085 - move timezone modification out of template and make it actually

+   work

+ - clean up temp data if any

+ - [db] timezone can be nullable

+ - [frontend] actually save the timezone to model

+ - fix colision of revision id

+ - 1044085 - frontend: display time in user timezone

+ - [frontend] rebuild stuck task

+ - disable test on i386

+ - use experimental createrepo_c to get rid of lock on temp files

+ - [frontend] - do not throw ISE when build_id is malformed

+ - [tests] add test for BuildLogic.add

+ - [tests] add test for build resubmission

+ - [frontend] permission checking is done in BuildLogic.add

+ - [frontend] remove BuildLogic.new, use BL.add only

+ - [api] fix validation error handling

+ - [cli] fix initial_pkgs and repos not sent to backend

+ - [frontend] fix BuildsLogic.new not assigning copr to build

+ - [frontend] allow resubmitting builds from monitor

+ - [frontend] allow GET on repeat_build

+ - [frontend] 1050904 - monitor shows not submitted chroots

+ - [frontend] rename active_mock_chroots to active_chroots

+ - [frontend] rename MockChroot.chroot_name to .name

+ - [frontend] 1054474 - drop Copr.build_count nonsense

+ - [tests] fix https and repo generation

+ - [tests] return exit code from manage.py test

+ - 1054472 - Fix deleting multiple SRPMs

+ - [spec] tighten acl on copr-be.conf

+ - [backend] - add missing import

+ - 1054082 - general: encode to utf8 if err in mimetext

+ - [backend] lock log file before writing

+ - 1055594 - mockremote: always unquote pkg url

+ - 1054086 - change vendor tag

+ - mockremote: rawhide instead of $releasever in repos when in rawhide chroot

+ - 1055499 - do not replace version with $releasever on rawhide

+ - 1055119 - do not propagate https until it is properly signed

+ - fix spellings on chroot edit page

+ - 1054341 - be more verbose about allowed licenses

+ - 1054594 - temporary disable https in repo file


+ * Thu Jan 16 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.24-1

+ - add BR python-markdown

+ - [fronted] don't add description to .repo files

+ - [spec] fix with_tests conditional

+ - add build deletion

+ - 1044158 - do not require fas username prior to login

+ - replace http with https in copr-cli and in generated repo file

+ - [cli] UX changes - explicitly state that pkgs is URL

+ - 1053142 - only build copr-cli on el6

+ - [frontend] correctly handle mangled chroot

+ - [frontend] do not traceback when user malform url

+ - [frontend] change default description and instructions to sound more

+   dangerously

+ - 1052075 - do not set chroots on repeated build

+ - 1052071 - do not throw ISE when copr does not exist


+ * Mon Jan 13 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.23-1

+ - [backend] rhel7-beta do not have comps

+ - 1052073 - correctly parse malformed chroot


+ * Fri Jan 10 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.22-1

+ - [backend] if we could not spawn VM, wait a moment and try again

+ - [backend] use createrepo_c instead of createrepo

+ - 1050952 - check if copr_url exist in config

+ - [frontend] replace newlines in description by space in repo file


+ * Wed Jan 08 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.21-1

+ - 1049460 - correct error message

+ - [cron] manually clean /var/tmp after createrepo


+ * Wed Jan 08 2014 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.20-1

+ - [cli] no need to set const with action=store_true

+ - [cli] code cleanup

+ - 1049460 - print nice error when projects does not exist

+ - 1049392 - require python-setuptools

+ - [backend] add --verbose to log to stderr

+ - [backend] handle KeyboardInterrupt without tons of tracebacks

+ - 1048508 - fix links at projects lists

+ - [backend] in case of error the output is in e.output

+ - [selinux] allow httpd to search

+ - [backend] set number of worker in name of process

+ - [logrotate] rotate every week unconditionally

+ - [backend] do not traceback if jobfile is mangled

+ - [backend] print error messages to stderr

+ - [cli] do not require additional arguments for --nowait

+ - [backend] replace procname with setproctitle

+ - [cli] use copr.fedoraproject.org as default url

+ - [frontend] show monitor even if last build have been canceled

+ - [backend] call correct function

+ - [cli] print errors to stderr

+ - 1044136 - do not print TB if config in mangled

+ - 1044165 - Provide login and token information in the same form as entered to

+   ~/.config-copr

+ - [frontend] code cleanup

+ - [frontend] move rendering of .repo file to helpers

+ - 1043649 - in case of Fedora use $releasever in repo file

+ - [frontend] condition should be in reverse


+ * Mon Dec 16 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.19-1

+ - [backend] log real cause if ansible crash

+ - [frontend] try again if whoosh does not get lock

+ - [backend] if frontend does not respond, repeat

+ - print yum repos nicely

+ - Bump the copr-cli release to 0.2.0 with all the changes made

+ - Refer to the man page for more information about the configuration file for

+   copr-cli

+ - Rework the layout of the list command

+ - Fix parsing the copr_url from the configuration file

+ - [backend] run createrepo as copr user

+ - 1040615 - wrap lines with long URL


+ * Wed Dec 11 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.18-1

+ - [frontend] inicialize variable


+ * Wed Dec 11 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.17-1

+ - [frontend] fix latest build variable overwrite


+ * Wed Dec 11 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.16-1

+ - [backend] store jobs in id-chroot.json file

+ - [frontend] handle unknown build/chroot status

+ - use newstyle ansible variables


+ * Tue Dec 10 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.15-1

+ - [frontend] smarter package name parsing

+ - [frontend] extend range to allow 0

+ - handle default timeout on backend

+ - initial support for SCL

+ - [backend] create word readable files in result directory

+ - [backend] print tracebacks

+ - [frontend] monitor: display only pkg name w/o version

+ - [doc] update api docs

+ - [doc] update copr-cli manpage

+ - [cli] list only name, description and instructions

+ - [cli] add support for build status & build monitor

+ - [frontend] add build status to API

+ - [playbook] do not overwrite mockchain

+ - [backend] add spece between options

+ - [backend] pass mock options correctly

+ - [frontend] support markdown in description and instructions

+ - [backend] Add macros to mockchain define arguments

+ - [backend] Pass copr username and project name to MockRemote

+ - [backend] Handle additional macro specification in MockRemote

+ - [frontend] monitor: show results per package

+ - [frontend] add favicon

+ - [backend] quote strings before passing to mockchain

+ - send chroots with via callback to frontend

+ - [cli] change cli to new api call

+ - enhance API documentation

+ - add yum_repos to coprs/user API call

+ - [frontend] provide link to description of allowed content

+ - [backend] we pass just one chroot

+ - [backend] - variable play is not defined

+ - if createrepo fail, run it again

+ - [cron] fix syntax error

+ - [man] state that --chroot for create command is required

+ - [spec] enable tests

+ - [howto] add note about upgrading db schema

+ - [frontend]: add copr monitor

+ - [tests]: replace test_allowed_one

+ - [tests]: fix for BuildChroots & new backend view

+ - [frontend] rewrite backend view to use Build <-> Chroot relation

+ - [frontend] add Build <-> Chroot relation

+ - 1030493 - [cli] check that at least one chroot is entered

+ - [frontend] typo

+ - fixup! [tests]: fix test_build_logic to handle BuildChroot

+ - fixup! [frontend] add ActionsLogic

+ - [tests]: fix test_build_logic to handle BuildChroot

+ - [spec] enable/disable test using variable

+ - add migration script - add table build_chroot

+ - [frontend] skip legal-flag actions when dumping waiting actions

+ - [frontend] rewrite backend view to use Build <-> Chroot relation

+ - [frontend] add ActionsLogic

+ - [frontend] create BuildChroot objects on new build

+ - [frontend] add Build <-> Chroot relation

+ - [frontend] add StatusEnum

+ - [frontend] fix name -> coprname typo

+ - [frontend] remove unused imports

+ - [frontend] add missing json import

+ - [backend] rework ip address extraction

+ - ownership of /etc/copr should be just normal

+ - [backend] - wrap up returning action in "action" blok

+ - [backend] rename backend api url

+ - [backend] handle "rename" action

+ - [backend] handle "delete" action

+ - base handling of actions

+ - move callback to frontend to separate object

+ - secure waiting_actions with password

+ - pick only individual builds

+ - make address, where we send legal flags, configurable

+ - send email to root after legal flag have been raised


+ * Fri Nov 08 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.14-1

+ - 1028235 - add disclaimer about repos

+ - fix pagination

+ - fix one failing test


+ * Wed Nov 06 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.13-1

+ - suggest correct name of repo file

+ - we could not use releasever macro

+ - no need to capitalize Projects

+ - another s/copr/project

+ - add link to header for sign-in

+ - fix failing tests

+ - UX - let textarea will full widht of box

+ - UX - make background of hovered builds darker

+ - generate yum repo for each chroot of copr

+ - align table header same way as ordinary rows

+ - enable resulting repo and disable gpgchecks


+ * Mon Nov 04 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.12-1

+ - do not send parameters when we neither need them nor use them

+ - authenticate using api login, not using username

+ - disable editing name of project

+ - Add commented out WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = True to configs

+ - Use new session for each test

+ - fix test_coprs_general failures

+ - fix test_coprs_builds failures

+ - Add WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = False to unit test config

+ - PEP8 fixes

+ - Fix compatibility with wtforms 0.9

+ - typo s/submited/submitted/

+ - UX - show details of build only after click

+ - add link to FAQ to footer

+ - UX - add placeholders

+ - UX - add asterisk to required fields

+ - dynamicly generate url for home

+ - add footer


+ * Sat Oct 26 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.11-1

+ - catch IOError from libravatar if there is no network


+ * Fri Oct 25 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.10-1

+ - do not normalize url

+ - specify full prefix of http

+ - execute playbook using /usr/bin/ansible-playbook

+ - use ssh transport

+ - check after connection is made

+ - add notes about debuging mockremote

+ - clean up instance even when worker fails

+ - normalize paths before using

+ - do not use exception variable

+ - operator should be preceded and followed by space

+ - remove trailing whitespace

+ - convert comment to docstring

+ - use ssh transport

+ - do not create new ansible connection, reuse self.conn

+ - run copr-be.py as copr

+ - s/Copr/Project/ where we use copr in meaning of projects

+ - number will link to those coprs, to which it refers

+ - run log and jobgrab as copr user

+ - log event to log file

+ - convert comment into docstring

+ - use unbufferred output for copr-be.py

+ - hint how to set ec2 variables

+ - document sleeptime

+ - document copr_url for copr-cli

+ - document how to set api key for copr-cli

+ - do not create list of list

+ - document SECRET_KEY variable

+ - make note how to become admin

+ - instruct people to install selinux with frontend


+ * Thu Oct 03 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.9-1

+ - prune old builds

+ - require python-decorator

+ - remove requirements.txt

+ - move TODO-backend to our wiki

+ - create pid file in /var/run/copr-backend

+ - add backend service file for systemd

+ - remove daemonize option in config

+ - use python logging

+ - create pid file in /var/run by default

+ - do not create destdir

+ - use daemon module instead of home brew function

+ - fix default location of copr-be.conf

+ - 2 tests fixed, one still failing

+ - fix failing test test_fail_on_missing_dash

+ - fixing test_fail_on_nonexistent_copr test

+ - run frontend unit tests when building package

+ - Adjust URLs in the unit-tests to their new structure

+ - Adjust the CLI to call the adjuste endpoint of the API

+ - Adjust API endpoint to reflects the UI endpoints in their url structure

+ - First pass at adding fedmsg hooks.


+ * Tue Sep 24 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.8-1

+ - 1008532 - require python2-devel

+ - add note about ssh keys to copr-setup.txt

+ - set home of copr user to system default


+ * Mon Sep 23 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.7-1

+ - 1008532 - backend should own _pkgdocdir

+ - 1008532 - backend should owns /etc/copr as well

+ - 1008532 - require logrotate

+ - 1008532 - do not distribute empty copr.if

+ - 1008532 - use %%{?_smp_mflags} macro with make

+ - move jobsdir to /var/lib/copr/jobs

+ - correct playbooks path

+ - selinux with enforce can be used for frontend


+ * Wed Sep 18 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.6-1

+ - add BR python-devel

+ - generate selinux type for /var/lib/copr and /var/log/copr

+ - clean up backend setup instructions

+ - initial selinux subpackage


+ * Mon Sep 16 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.5-1

+ - 1008532 - use __python2 instead of __python

+ - 1008532 - do not mark man page as doc

+ - 1008532 - preserve timestamp


+ * Mon Sep 16 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.4-1

+ - add logrotate file


+ * Mon Sep 16 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.3-1

+ - be clear how we create tgz


+ * Mon Sep 16 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.2-1

+ - fix typo

+ - move frontend data into /var/lib/copr

+ - no need to own /usr/share/copr by copr-fe

+ - mark application as executable

+ - coprs_frontend does not need to be owned by copr-fe

+ - add executable attribute to copr-be.py

+ - remove shebang from dispatcher.py

+ - squeeze description into 80 chars

+ - fix typo

+ - frontend need argparse too

+ - move results into /var/lib/copr/public_html

+ - name of dir is just copr-%%version

+ - Remove un-necessary quote that breaks the tests

+ - Adjust unit-tests to the new urls

+ - Update the URL to be based upon a /user/copr/<action> structure

+ - comment config copr-be.conf and add defaults

+ - put examples of builderpb.yml and terminatepb.yml into doc dir

+ - more detailed description of copr-be.conf

+ - move files in config directory not directory itself

+ - include copr-be.conf

+ - include copr-be.py

+ - create copr with lighttpd group

+ - edit backend part of copr-setup.txt

+ - remove fedora16 and add 19 and 20

+ - create -doc subpackage with python documentation

+ - add generated documentation on gitignore list

+ - add script to generate python documentation

+ - copr-setup.txt change to for mock

+ - rhel6 do not know _pkgdocdir macro

+ - make instruction clear

+ - require recent whoosh

+ - add support for libravatar

+ - include backend in rpm

+ - add notes about lighttpd config files and how to deploy them

+ - do not list file twice

+ - move log file to /var/log

+ - change destdir in copr-be.conf.example

+ - lightweight is the word and buildsystem has more meaning than 'koji'.

+ - restart apache after upgrade of frontend

+ - own directory where backend put results

+ - removal of hidden-file-or-dir

+   /usr/share/copr/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/.coprs_logic.py.swo

+ - copr-backend.noarch: W: spelling-error %%description -l en_US latests ->

+   latest, latest's, la tests

+ - simplify configuration - introduce /etc/copr/copr*.conf

+ - Replace "with" statements with @TransactionDecorator decorator

+ - add python-flexmock to deps of frontend

+ - remove sentence which does not have meaning

+ - change api token expiration to 120 days and make it configurable

+ - create_chroot must be run as copr-fe user

+ - add note that you have to add chroots to db

+ - mark config.py as config so it is not overwritten during upgrade

+ - own directory data/whooshee/copr_user_whoosheer

+ - gcc is not needed

+ - sqlite db must be owned by copr-fe user

+ - copr does not work with selinux

+ - create subdirs under data/openid_store

+ - suggest to install frontend as package from copr repository

+ - on el6 add python-argparse to BR

+ - add python-requests to BR

+ - add python-setuptools to BR

+ - maintain apache configuration on one place only

+ - apache 2.4 changed access control

+ - require python-psycopg2

+ - postgresql server is not needed

+ - document how to create db

+ - add to HOWTO how to create db

+ - require python-alembic

+ - add python-flask-script and python-flask-whooshee to requirements

+ - change user in coprs.conf.example to copr-fe

+ - fix paths in coprs.conf.example

+ - copr is noarch package

+ - add note where to configure frontend

+ - move frontend to /usr/share/copr/coprs_frontend

+ - put production placeholders in coprs_frontend/coprs/config.py

+ - put frontend into copr.spec

+ - web application should be put in /usr/share/%%{name}


+ * Mon Jun 17 2013 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.1-1

+ - new package built with tito

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

  import os

  import codecs


- from setuptools import setup

+ from setuptools import setup, find_packages


  long_description = """Copr is designed to be a lightweight buildsystem that allows contributors

  to create packages, put them in repositories, and make it easy for users
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@




-     version=os.getenv('version'),

+     version="1.94",



@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@

          "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",



-     packages=['copr', 'copr.client', 'copr.client_v2', 'copr.v3', 'copr.v3.proxies', 'copr.test'],

+     packages=find_packages(),




file modified
+1 -3
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@

      echo "##############################"

      echo "Building $(basename $package):"

      echo "##############################"

-     pushd $package >/dev/null

-     rpkg build $PROJECT

-     popd >/dev/null

+     copr build "$package" "$PROJECT"



file modified
+2 -2
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@


- branches = master f29 f28

+ branches = master f30 f29



  branches = master



  # this is for client packages

- branches = master f29 f28 el6 epel7

+ branches = master el6 epel7 f30 f29

file removed
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

- [rpkg]

- module_name = @copr/copr-dev

file modified
+80 -9
@@ -17,19 +17,14 @@

  Requires: %1 \

  %{expand: %%global latest_requires_packages %1 %%{?latest_requires_packages}}


- Name:    {{{ git_dir_name }}}

- Version: {{{ git_dir_version }}}

+ Name:    copr-rpmbuild

+ Version: 0.29

  Summary: Run COPR build tasks

  Release: 1%{?dist}

  URL: https://pagure.io/copr/copr

  License: GPLv2+


- # Source is created by:

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/rpmbuild

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0: {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0: https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr/%name-%version.tar.gz


  BuildRequires: %{python}-devel

  BuildRequires: %{python}-distro
@@ -207,7 +202,83 @@




- {{{ git_dir_changelog since_tag=copr-rpmbuild-0.18-1 }}}

+ * Fri Jun 07 2019 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> 0.29-1

+ - clean /var/cache/mock automatically


+ * Mon May 27 2019 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> 0.28-1

+ - don't use --private-users=pick


+ * Mon May 20 2019 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> 0.27-1

+ - enforce use_host_resolv

+ - require even nosync.i686


+ * Tue May 14 2019 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> 0.26-1

+ - [rpmbuild] ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3

+ - [rpmbuild] install dnf-utils instead of yum-utils on Fedora

+ - [rpmbuild] builder: document some of the requires

+ - [rpmbuild] builder: merge dependencies from playbooks

+ - [rpmbuild] don't define %%_disable_source_fetch

+ - [rpmbuild] use six.moves.urllib.parse

+ - [rpmbuild] download srpm/spec if url contains query string


+ * Wed Apr 24 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 0.25-1

+ - remove dependency on python3-configparser


+ * Thu Jan 10 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 0.24-1

+ - create copr-rpmbuild-all subpackage

+ - Fix `copr-cli mock-config` after switching to APIv3 by preprocessing repos on

+ frontend

+ - add python-srpm-macros

+ - print nice error when suggested package is not installed

+ - tito and rpkg should be required only by copr-builder

+ - create copr-builder

+ - let mock rootdir generation on clients

+ - rename repos 'url' attribute to 'baseurl'

+ - provide repo_id in project chroot build config

+ - Allow per-package chroot-blacklisting by wildcard patterns

+ - preprocess repo URLs on frontend

+ - revert back Suggests

+ - drop "downloading" state

+ - allow blacklisting packages from chroots


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 0.23-1

+ - /usr/bin/env python3 -> /usr/bin/python3

+ - nicer live logs


+ * Tue Sep 18 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.22-1

+ - make spec_template for pypi in build config optional

+ - EPEL6 fixes

+ - EPEL7 fixes

+ - Merge #393 `use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack`

+ - handle non-existent chroot for given build-id

+ - fix requests exception

+ - add support for copr://

+ - generate some sane mock root param when --copr arg is used

+ - add --copr arg to build/dump-configs against copr+chroot build defs

+ - pg#251 Make it possible for user to select pyp2rpm template

+ - --dump-configs option


+ * Wed Aug 29 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.21-1

+ - [rpmbuild] add possibility to supply rpkg.conf in top-level scm dir

+ - packaging: Python 2/3, RHEL/Fedora fixes


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.20-1

+ - for py3 use unittest.mock, otherwise mock from python2-mock

+ - avoid subprocess.communicate(timeout=..)

+ - BlockingIOError, IOError -> OSError

+ - hack for optional argparse subparser

+ - fix shebang for epel7

+ - use fcntl.lockf (works with python 2.7, too)

+ - make copr-rpmbuild installable/buildable on el7


+ * Fri May 18 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.19-1

+ - add --with/--without rpmbuild options for build chroot


+ * Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek <dturecek@redhat.com> 0.18-1

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation

+ - updates for latest upstream rpkg

+ - update rpkg.conf.j2 to the latest rpkg version

+ - s|/bin/env|/usr/bin/env| in shebang


  * Fri Feb 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 0.17-1

  - remove unused requires and rename rpm-python3 to python3-rpm

file modified
+20 -9
@@ -9,19 +9,14 @@

  # https://github.com/fedora-selinux/selinux-policy-macros/pull/4

  %global selinuxvariants targeted


- Name:       {{{ git_dir_name }}}

- Version:    {{{ git_dir_version lead=1 }}}

+ Name:       copr-selinux

+ Version:    1.53

  Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    SELinux module for COPR


  License:    GPLv2+

  URL:        https://pagure.io/copr/copr

- # Source is created by:

- # git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git

- # git checkout {{{ cached_git_name_version }}}

- # cd copr/selinux

- # rpkg spec --sources

- Source0:    {{{ git_dir_archive }}}

+ Source0:    https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr/%name-%version.tar.gz


  BuildArch:  noarch

  BuildRequires: asciidoc
@@ -111,7 +106,23 @@




- {{{ git_dir_changelog since_tag=copr-selinux-1.49-1 }}}

+ * Mon Feb 11 2019 Jakub Kadlčík <frostyx@email.cz> 1.53-1

+ - Add more rules for keygen (follow-up to 4f689743)


+ * Tue Jan 15 2019 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.52-1

+ - allow signd to write to socket


+ * Fri Oct 19 2018 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy@redhat.com> 1.51-1

+ - do the relabel in %%posttrans

+ - use git_dir_archive instead of git_dir_pack

+ - allow frontend's apache to ioctl uploaded tarballs

+ - packaging: Python 2/3, RHEL/Fedora fixes


+ * Tue Aug 07 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.50-1

+ - fix distro condition for policycoreutils-python


+ * Mon Aug 06 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.49-1

+ - rpkg deployment into COPR


  * Fri Feb 23 2018 clime <clime@redhat.com> 1.48-1

  - remove Group tag

After discussion on meeting we decided to switch to tito packaging system,
which better supports python packages (setup.py) and makes our life easier.

emails in changelog entries are not needed IMO

I don't understand this one. Why the copr-messaging doesn't have the same source0 as other packages - Source0: https://releases.pagure.org/copr/copr/%name-%version.tar.gz?

Aha, python-copr.spec has also %pypi_source but I still don't understand it :-D

Looks good to me. I only have one question ^^ about source0, mainly to understand it, not because objecting it.

+1 from me.

The %pypi_source link looks slightly nicer to me, since that is something used in other packages (usually, sort of standard or so). I like that link more because it gives users sign that the tarball referenced in spec file is the same as used by pip (even though at the beginning it isn't entirely truth, I/we need to take a look at tito releaser class that will make this happen).

rebased onto c686ef8

4 years ago

emails in changelog entries are not needed IMO

thanks, fixed

12 new commits added

  • Fix how_to_release_copr WRT tito change
  • [selinux] prepare for tito
  • [rpmbuild] prepare for tito
  • [keygen] prepare for tito
  • [frontend] prepare for tito
  • [dist-git] prepare for tito
  • [backend] prepare for tito
  • [cli] prepare for tito
  • [python] prepare for tito
  • [common] prepare for tito
  • [messaging] prepare for tito
  • initialized to use tito
4 years ago

Thanks for the review, assuming that we agreed with this on meeting I'm merging before 24h limit... so we can continue with new release of copr-messaging in package review.

Pull-Request has been merged by praiskup

4 years ago