#734 [frontend][backend] remove unused module_md_name and module_md_zlib columns
Merged 4 years ago by frostyx. Opened 4 years ago by frostyx.
copr/ frostyx/copr modulemd-yaml-error-quark  into  master

file modified
+1 -33
@@ -220,35 +220,6 @@ 

                                     remote_comps_url, local_comps_path)

                  result.result = ActionResult.FAILURE


-     def handle_module_md_update(self, result):

-         self.log.debug("Action module_md update")


-         ext_data = json.loads(self.data["data"])

-         ownername = ext_data["ownername"]

-         projectname = ext_data["projectname"]

-         chroot = ext_data["chroot"]

-         url_path = ext_data["url_path"]


-         remote_module_md_url = self.opts.frontend_base_url + url_path


-         path = self.get_chroot_result_dir(chroot, projectname, ownername)

-         ensure_dir_exists(path, self.log)

-         local_module_md_path = os.path.join(path, "module_md.yaml")

-         result.result = ActionResult.SUCCESS

-         if not ext_data.get("module_md_present", True):

-             silent_remove(local_module_md_path)

-             self.log.info("deleted module_md.yaml for %s/%s/%s from %s ",

-                           ownername, projectname, chroot, remote_module_md_url)

-         else:

-             try:

-                 urlretrieve(remote_module_md_url, local_module_md_path)

-                 self.log.info("saved module_md.yaml for %s/%s/%s from %s ",

-                               ownername, projectname, chroot, remote_module_md_url)

-             except Exception:

-                 self.log.exception("Failed to update module_md from %s at location %s",

-                                    remote_module_md_url, local_module_md_path)

-                 result.result = ActionResult.FAILURE


      def handle_delete_build(self):

          self.log.info("Action delete build.")

@@ -498,9 +469,6 @@ 

          elif action_type == ActionType.RAWHIDE_TO_RELEASE:



-         elif action_type == ActionType.UPDATE_MODULE_MD:

-             self.handle_module_md_update(result)


          elif action_type == ActionType.BUILD_MODULE:


@@ -530,7 +498,7 @@ 

      GEN_GPG_KEY = 5


      FORK = 7


+     UPDATE_MODULE_MD = 8  # Deprecated

      BUILD_MODULE = 9

      CANCEL_BUILD = 10


@@ -43,24 +43,9 @@ 




-         self.module_dist_tag = self._load_module_dist_tag()

+         self.module_dist_tag = None

          self._build_pid = None


-     def _load_module_dist_tag(self):

-         module_md_filepath = os.path.join(self.job.destdir, self.job.chroot, "module_md.yaml")

-         try:

-             mmd = Modulemd.ModuleStream()

-             mmd.import_from_file(module_md_filepath)

-             dist_tag = ".{}+{}+{}".format(mmd.get_name(), (mmd.get_stream() or ''), (str(mmd.get_version()) or '1'))

-         except IOError as e:

-             return None

-         except Exception as e:

-             self.log.exception(str(e))

-             return None

-         else:

-             self.log.info("Loaded {}, dist_tag {}".format(module_md_filepath, dist_tag))

-         return dist_tag


      def _run_ssh_cmd(self, cmd):


          Executes single shell command remotely

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 

+ """

+ Remove unused module_md_name and module_md_zlib columns


+ Revision ID: 2d8b4722918b

+ Revises: 8ae65946df53

+ Create Date: 2019-05-05 17:42:00.875012

+ """


+ import sqlalchemy as sa

+ from alembic import op

+ from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql


+ revision = '2d8b4722918b'

+ down_revision = '8ae65946df53'


+ def upgrade():

+     op.drop_column('copr_chroot', 'module_md_name')

+     op.drop_column('copr_chroot', 'module_md_zlib')


+ def downgrade():

+     op.add_column('copr_chroot', sa.Column('module_md_zlib', postgresql.BYTEA(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True))

+     op.add_column('copr_chroot', sa.Column('module_md_name', sa.VARCHAR(length=127), autoincrement=False, nullable=True))

@@ -956,8 +956,6 @@ 




-     module_md = FileField("module_md")


      comps = FileField("comps_xml")


      with_opts = wtforms.TextField("With options")

@@ -170,29 +170,6 @@ 




-     def send_update_module_md(cls, chroot):

-         """ Schedules update module_md.yaml action


-         :type copr_chroot: models.CoprChroot

-         """

-         url_path = helpers.copr_url("coprs_ns.chroot_view_module_md", chroot.copr, chrootname=chroot.name)

-         data_dict = {

-             "ownername": chroot.copr.owner_name,

-             "projectname": chroot.copr.name,

-             "chroot": chroot.name,

-             "module_md_present": chroot.module_md_zlib is not None,

-             "url_path": url_path,

-         }


-         action = models.Action(

-             action_type=ActionTypeEnum("update_module_md"),

-             object_type="copr_chroot",

-             data=json.dumps(data_dict),

-             created_on=int(time.time())

-         )

-         db.session.add(action)


-     @classmethod

      def send_create_gpg_key(cls, copr):


          :type copr: models.Copr

@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ 



      def create_chroot(cls, user, copr, mock_chroot, buildroot_pkgs=None, repos=None, comps=None, comps_name=None,

-                       module_md=None, module_md_name=None, with_opts="", without_opts="",

+                       with_opts="", without_opts="",

                        delete_after=None, delete_notify=None):


          :type user: models.User
@@ -644,14 +644,13 @@ 

              "Only owners and admins may update their projects.")


          chroot = models.CoprChroot(copr=copr, mock_chroot=mock_chroot)

-         cls._update_chroot(buildroot_pkgs, repos, comps, comps_name, module_md, module_md_name, chroot,

+         cls._update_chroot(buildroot_pkgs, repos, comps, comps_name, chroot,

                             with_opts, without_opts, delete_after, delete_notify)

          return chroot



      def update_chroot(cls, user, copr_chroot, buildroot_pkgs=None, repos=None, comps=None, comps_name=None,

-                       module_md=None, module_md_name=None, with_opts="", without_opts="",

-                       delete_after=None, delete_notify=None):

+                       with_opts="", without_opts="", delete_after=None, delete_notify=None):


          :type user: models.User

          :type copr_chroot: models.CoprChroot
@@ -660,12 +659,12 @@ 

              user, copr_chroot.copr,

              "Only owners and admins may update their projects.")


-         cls._update_chroot(buildroot_pkgs, repos, comps, comps_name, module_md, module_md_name,

+         cls._update_chroot(buildroot_pkgs, repos, comps, comps_name,

                             copr_chroot, with_opts, without_opts, delete_after, delete_notify)

          return copr_chroot



-     def _update_chroot(cls, buildroot_pkgs, repos, comps, comps_name, module_md, module_md_name,

+     def _update_chroot(cls, buildroot_pkgs, repos, comps, comps_name,

                         copr_chroot, with_opts, without_opts, delete_after, delete_notify):

          if buildroot_pkgs is not None:

              copr_chroot.buildroot_pkgs = buildroot_pkgs
@@ -684,11 +683,6 @@ 

              copr_chroot.comps_name = comps_name



-         if module_md_name is not None:

-             copr_chroot.update_module_md(module_md)

-             copr_chroot.module_md_name = module_md_name

-             ActionsLogic.send_update_module_md(copr_chroot)


          if delete_after is not None:

              copr_chroot.delete_after = delete_after

@@ -736,17 +730,6 @@ 




-     def remove_module_md(cls, user, copr_chroot):

-         UsersLogic.raise_if_cant_update_copr(

-             user, copr_chroot.copr,

-             "Only owners and admins may update their projects.")


-         copr_chroot.module_md_name = None

-         copr_chroot.module_md_zlib = None

-         ActionsLogic.send_update_module_md(copr_chroot)

-         db.session.add(copr_chroot)


-     @classmethod

      def remove_copr_chroot(cls, user, copr_chroot):


          :param models.CoprChroot chroot:

@@ -1161,9 +1161,6 @@ 

      comps_zlib = db.Column(db.LargeBinary(), nullable=True)

      comps_name = db.Column(db.String(127), nullable=True)


-     module_md_zlib = db.Column(db.LargeBinary(), nullable=True)

-     module_md_name = db.Column(db.String(127), nullable=True)


      with_opts = db.Column(db.Text, default="", server_default="", nullable=False)

      without_opts = db.Column(db.Text, default="", server_default="", nullable=False)

@@ -1179,13 +1176,6 @@ 

              data = comps_xml

          self.comps_zlib = zlib.compress(data)


-     def update_module_md(self, module_md_yaml):

-         if isinstance(module_md_yaml, str):

-             data = module_md_yaml.encode("utf-8")

-         else:

-             data = module_md_yaml

-         self.module_md_zlib = zlib.compress(data)



      def buildroot_pkgs_list(self):

          return (self.buildroot_pkgs or "").split()
@@ -1200,11 +1190,6 @@ 

              return zlib.decompress(self.comps_zlib).decode("utf-8")



-     def module_md(self):

-         if self.module_md_zlib:

-             return zlib.decompress(self.module_md_zlib).decode("utf-8")


-     @property

      def comps_len(self):

          if self.comps_zlib:

              return len(zlib.decompress(self.comps_zlib))
@@ -1212,13 +1197,6 @@ 

              return 0



-     def module_md_len(self):

-         if self.module_md_zlib:

-             return len(zlib.decompress(self.module_md_zlib))

-         else:

-             return 0


-     @property

      def name(self):

          return self.mock_chroot.name


@@ -75,33 +75,6 @@ 




-     <div class="form-group">

-       <label class="col-sm-2 control-label" for="textInput-markup">

-         module_md.yaml

-       </label>

-       <div class="col-sm-10">

-         {{ form.module_md }}

-         {% if chroot.module_md_name %}

-           Stored module meta-data file: <code>

-             <a href="{{ copr_url('coprs_ns.chroot_view_module_md', copr, chrootname=chroot.name) }}">

-               {{ chroot.module_md_name }}

-             </a>


-           </code>

-           <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="delete_module_md" name="submit">

-             <span class="pficon pficon-delete"></span> Delete

-           </button>

-         {% endif %}

-         <li class="help-block">

-         <small><span class="text-muted pficon pficon-info"></span>

-           If you would like to provide module meta-data, please upload your module_md.yaml here

-         </small>

-       </li>


-       </div>


-     </div>

Only this project seem to me to be ever using this form:


      <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="submit" value="update">

      <a class="btn btn-default" href="{{ copr_url('coprs_ns.copr_edit', copr) }}">Cancel</a>


@@ -63,31 +63,22 @@ 

              action = flask.request.form["submit"]

              if action == "update":

                  comps_name = comps_xml = None

-                 module_md_name = module_md = None


                  if form.comps.has_file():

                      comps_xml = form.comps.data.stream.read()

                      comps_name = form.comps.data.filename


-                 if form.module_md.has_file():

-                     module_md = form.module_md.data.stream.read()

-                     module_md_name = form.module_md.data.filename



                      flask.g.user, chroot,



                      comps=comps_xml, comps_name=comps_name,

-                     module_md=module_md, module_md_name=module_md_name,

                      with_opts=form.with_opts.data, without_opts=form.without_opts.data



              elif action == "delete_comps":

                  CoprChrootsLogic.remove_comps(flask.g.user, chroot)


-             elif action == "delete_module_md":

-                 CoprChrootsLogic.remove_module_md(flask.g.user, chroot)



                  "Buildroot {0} in project {1} has been updated successfully.".format(

                      chroot_name, copr.name), 'success')
@@ -110,15 +101,3 @@ 

  def render_chroot_view_comps(copr, chroot_name):

      chroot = ComplexLogic.get_copr_chroot_safe(copr, chroot_name)

      return Response(chroot.comps or "", mimetype="text/plain; charset=utf-8")



- @coprs_ns.route("/<username>/<coprname>/chroot/<chrootname>/module_md/")

- @coprs_ns.route("/g/<group_name>/<coprname>/chroot/<chrootname>/module_md/")

- @req_with_copr

- def chroot_view_module_md(copr, chrootname):

-     return render_chroot_view_module_md(copr, chrootname)



- def render_chroot_view_module_md(copr, chroot_name):

-     chroot = ComplexLogic.get_copr_chroot_safe(copr, chroot_name)

-     return Response(chroot.module_md or "", mimetype="text/plain; charset=utf-8")

Fix #707

Those two columns were added in d8ae899 as a very first prototype
of building modules in Copr, but not being used since then. Now, we
rather have a module table and store a modulemd yaml within it.

[copr-build] (updated pagure api key)

rebased onto da34d33

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by frostyx

4 years ago