#721 Fixup copr-rpmbuild logging
Closed 4 years ago by praiskup. Opened 4 years ago by praiskup.
Unknown source fixup-rpmbuild-frontend  into  master

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

  import multiprocessing

  import pipes

  import glob

+ import errno

  from setproctitle import setproctitle


  from ..exceptions import MockRemoteError, CoprWorkerError, VmError, CoprBackendSrpmError
@@ -158,10 +159,10 @@



          # setup our target dir locally

-         if not os.path.exists(job.chroot_dir):

-             try:

-                 os.makedirs(job.chroot_dir)

-             except (OSError, IOError):

+         try:

+             os.makedirs(job.chroot_dir)

+         except OSError as e:

+             if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

                  self.log.exception("Could not make results dir for job: %s",


                  failed = True
@@ -202,6 +203,7 @@


                      mr.check_build_success() # raises if build didn't succeed


+                     mr.cleanup_builder()


                  except MockRemoteError as e:

                      # record and break
@@ -209,7 +211,9 @@

                          "Error during the build, host=%s, build_id=%s, chroot=%s",

                          self.vm.vm_ip, job.build_id, job.chroot)

                      failed = True

-                     mr.download_results()

+                     mr.download_results(can_fail=True)

+                     # the builder is stil believed to work

+                     mr.cleanup_builder()


                  except SSHConnectionError as err:


@@ -288,10 +288,12 @@

          except BuilderError as error:

              raise MockRemoteError("Build {} failed".format(self.job))


-     def download_results(self):

+     def download_results(self, can_fail=False):



          except Exception as err:

+             if not can_fail:

+                 raise MockRemoteError("Can not download build results")



      def mark_dir_with_build_id(self):
@@ -310,3 +312,6 @@


          except Exception as error:

              self.log.exception("Failed to mark build {} with build_id".format(error))


+     def cleanup_builder(self):

+         self.builder.cleanup_after_build()

@@ -153,6 +153,11 @@

      def reattach(self):



+     def cleanup_after_build(self):

+         self.log.info("Removing pid file")

+         cmd = '/bin/rm -f /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/pid'

+         self.conn.run_expensive(cmd)


      def rsync_call(self, source_path, target_path):

          # TODO: sshcmd.py uses pre-allocated socket, use it here, too

          ensure_dir_exists(target_path, self.log)

@@ -25,10 +25,8 @@

          self.sourcedir = sourcedir

          self.resultdir = resultdir

          self.config = config

-         self.logfile = self.config.get("main", "logfile")


      def run(self):

-         open(self.logfile, 'w').close() # truncate logfile

          configdir = os.path.join(self.resultdir, "configs")



@@ -236,13 +236,20 @@

      return ownername, projectname



- def dump_live_log(logfile):

-     filter_continuing_lines = r"sed 's/.*\x0D\([^\x0a]\)/\1/g' --unbuffered"

-     tee_output = "tee -a {0}".format(pipes.quote(logfile))

-     cmd = filter_continuing_lines + "|" + tee_output

-     tee = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

-     os.dup2(tee.stdin.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())

-     os.dup2(tee.stdin.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())

+ def dump_live_log(filename):

+     sed = subprocess.Popen(

+         ['sed', r"s/.*\x0D\([^\x0a]\)/\1/g", '--unbuffered'],

+         stdin=subprocess.PIPE,

+         stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

+     )


+     tee = subprocess.Popen(

+         ['tee', '-a', filename],

+         stdin=sed.stdout

+     )


+     os.dup2(sed.stdin.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())

+     os.dup2(sed.stdin.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())



  class GentlyTimeoutedPopen(subprocess.Popen):

file modified
+45 -31
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@


  import re

  import os

- import fcntl

  import sys

  import argparse

  import requests
@@ -15,6 +14,9 @@

  import stat

  import pipes

  import pkg_resources

+ import errno

+ import daemon

+ import time



      from simplejson.scanner import JSONDecodeError
@@ -30,39 +32,44 @@


  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


- log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))

+ log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr))



      VERSION = pkg_resources.require('copr-rpmbuild')[0].version

  except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:

      VERSION = 'git'


- def daemonize():


+ def daemonize(pidfilename):


          pid = os.fork()

      except OSError as e:

-         self.log.error("Unable to fork, errno: {0}".format(e.errno))

+         log.error("Unable to fork, errno: {0}".format(e.errno))



      if pid != 0:

-         log.info(pid)

-         os._exit(0)


-     process_id = os.setsid()

-     if process_id == -1:

+         # wait till child writes the PID into pidfile

+         start = time.time()

+         while time.time() - start < 10:

+             # try-except not needed, pidfilename always exists

+             with open(pidfilename, 'r') as pidfile:

+                 content = pidfile.read()

+                 if content.endswith("\n"):

+                     sys.stdout.write(content)

+                     sys.exit(0)

+             time.sleep(0.1)

+         log.error("Unable to wait for PID")



-     devnull_fd = os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR)

-     os.dup2(devnull_fd, 0)

-     os.dup2(devnull_fd, 1)

-     os.dup2(devnull_fd, 2)

-     os.close(devnull_fd)

+     c = daemon.DaemonContext()

+     c.open()



  def get_parser():

      shared_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)

      shared_parser.add_argument("-d", "--detached", default=False, action="store_true",

-                                help="Run build in background. Log into /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/main.log.")

+                                help="Run build in background. Log into /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/main.log. "

+                                     "Print PID of the background process.")

      shared_parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count",

                                 help="Print debugging information.")

      shared_parser.add_argument("-r", "--chroot",
@@ -117,15 +124,28 @@

      if args.verbose:



+     # Create the pidfile

+     pidfilename = config.get("main", "pidfile")

+     try:

+         os.open(pidfilename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_EXCL)

+     except OSError as e:

+         if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:

+             log.error("Either another build is running, or the file "

+                       "'{0}' is forgotten".format(pidfilename))

+             sys.exit(1)

+         raise(e)


+     # Switch to background, if requested

      if args.detached:

-         daemonize()

+         daemonize(pidfilename)


-     # Write pid

-     pidfile = open(config.get("main", "pidfile"), "w")

-     pidfile.write(str(os.getpid()))

-     pidfile.close()

+     # Let the main process (if --detached) know ASAP what is our PID.  Note that

+     # the info is also used by copr-backend when re-attaching to running builds

+     # after 'systemctl restart'.

+     with open(pidfilename, 'w') as pidfile:

+         pidfile.write("{0}\n".format(os.getpid()))


-     # Log also to a file

+     # Redirect stderr to stdout, and then copy stdout to logfile

      logfile = config.get("main", "logfile")

      if logfile:

          open(logfile, 'w').close() # truncate log
@@ -134,10 +154,7 @@

      log.info('Running: {0}'.format(" ".join(map(pipes.quote, sys.argv))))

      log.info('Version: {0}'.format(VERSION))


-     # Allow only one instance

-     lockfd = os.open(config.get("main", "lockfile"), os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)


-         fcntl.lockf(lockfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX, 1)

          init(args, config)


          if args.dump_configs:
@@ -148,15 +165,12 @@

              action = build_rpm


          action(args, config)

-     except (RuntimeError, OSError):

-         log.exception("")

+     except RuntimeError as e:

+         log.exception(e)


-     except: # Programmer's mistake

-         log.exception("")

+     except Exception as e: # Programmer's mistake

+         log.exception(e)


-     finally:

-         fcntl.lockf(lockfd, fcntl.LOCK_UN, 1)

-         os.close(lockfd)



  def init(args, config):

Metadata Update from @praiskup:
- Pull-request tagged with: needs-work

4 years ago

I'd like to add tests ... and then I'd like to try this on staging first, before merging.

rebased onto 51894e3da1480cd959cc3dc1a2aeb71786271861

4 years ago

7 new commits added

  • [rpmbuild] use python-daemon
  • [rpmbuild] logging to stderr, PID to stdout
  • [rpmbuild] avoid shell=True in live-log handler
  • [rpmbuild] typo s/self.log/log/
  • [backend] cleanup race in "if not exists then create"
  • [backend] fail if build results can not be downloaded
  • [rpmbuild][backend] avoid fcntl locks on rpmbuild
4 years ago

1 new commit added

  • [rpmbuild] never truncate the live log
4 years ago

rebased onto c7b0651cae3691358e06245906ee0af802144896

4 years ago

rebased onto dfa5039

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been closed by praiskup

4 years ago