#24 [backend] switched usage of deprecated ansible Runner for python-paramiko module
Merged 7 years ago by clime. Opened 7 years ago by clime.
Unknown source ansible2-support  into  master

@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@

                  except MockRemoteError as e:

                      # record and break


-                         "Error during the build, host={}, build_id={}, chroot={}, error: {}"

-                         .format(self.vm.vm_ip, job.build_id, job.chroot, e)

+                         "Error during the build, host={}, build_id={}, chroot={}"

+                         .format(self.vm.vm_ip, job.build_id, job.chroot)


                      status = BuildStatus.FAILURE

                      register_build_result(self.opts, failed=True)
@@ -280,5 +280,7 @@


          except VmError as error:

              self.log.exception("Building error: {}".format(error))

+         except Exception as e:

+             self.log.exception("Unexpected error: {}".format(e))



file modified
+6 -38
@@ -1,47 +1,15 @@

  class MockRemoteError(Exception):

-     def __init__(self, msg):

-         super(MockRemoteError, self).__init__(msg)

-         self.msg = msg


-     def __str__(self):

-         return self.msg


+     pass


  class BuilderError(MockRemoteError):

-     def __init__(self, msg, return_code=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):

-         super(BuilderError, self).__init__(msg)


-         self.return_code = return_code

-         self.stdout = stdout

-         self.stderr = stderr


-     def __str__(self):

-         result = "BuildError: {}".format(self.msg)

-         if self.return_code:

-             result += "; return code: {}".format(self.return_code)

-         if self.stdout:

-             result += "; stdout: {}".format(self.stdout)

-         if self.stderr:

-             result += "; stderr: {}".format(self.stderr)

-         return result



- class AnsibleResponseError(BuilderError):




- class AnsibleCallError(BuilderError):

-     def __init__(self, msg, cmd, module_name, as_root, **kwargs):

-         self.msg = "{}\n Call cmd: `{}`, module: `{}`, as root: {}".format(

-             msg, cmd, module_name, as_root

+ class RemoteCmdError(BuilderError):

+     def __init__(self, msg, cmd, as_root, rc, stderr, stdout):

+         self.msg = "{}\nCMD:{}\nRC:{}\nAS_ROOT:{}\nSTDERR:{}\nSTDOUT:{}".format(

+             msg, cmd, as_root, rc, stderr, stdout


-         super(AnsibleCallError, self).__init__(self.msg, **kwargs)

-         self.call_args = dict(

-             cmd=cmd,

-             module_name=module_name,

-             as_root=as_root,

-         )


+         super(RemoteCmdError, self).__init__(self.msg)


  class BuilderTimeOutError(BuilderError):


file modified
+2 -3
@@ -301,9 +301,8 @@


          # ssh options

          opts.ssh = Munch()

-         # TODO: ansible Runner show some magic bugs with transport "ssh", using paramiko

-         opts.ssh.transport = _get_conf(

-             cp, "ssh", "transport", "paramiko")

+         opts.ssh.port = _get_conf(

+             cp, "ssh", "port", 22, mode="int")


          opts.msg_buses = []

          for bus_config in glob.glob('/etc/copr/msgbuses/*.conf'):

@@ -155,7 +155,10 @@

          if not self.job.chroot:

              raise MockRemoteError("No chroot specified!")


-         self.builder.check()

+         try:

+             self.builder.check()

+         except BuilderError as error:

+             raise MockRemoteError(str(error))



      def chroot_dir(self):
@@ -294,14 +297,11 @@


              build_stdout = self.builder.build()

              build_details = {"built_packages": self.builder.collect_built_packages()}


              self.log.info("builder.build finished; details: {}\n stdout: {}"

                            .format(build_details, build_stdout))

          except BuilderError as error:

-             self.log.exception("builder.build error building pkg `{}`: {}"

-                                .format(self.job.package_name, error))

-             raise MockRemoteError("Error occurred during build {}: {}"

-                                   .format(self.job, error))

+             self.log.error(str(error))

+             raise MockRemoteError("Builder error during job {}.".format(self.job))



              self.builder.download_configs(os.path.join(self.job.results_dir, "configs"))

@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@

  from subprocess import Popen

  import time

  from urlparse import urlparse

+ import paramiko


- from ansible.runner import Runner

  from backend.vm_manage import PUBSUB_INTERRUPT_BUILDER

  from ..helpers import get_redis_connection, ensure_dir_exists


- from ..exceptions import BuilderError, BuilderTimeOutError, AnsibleCallError, AnsibleResponseError, VmError

+ from ..exceptions import BuilderError, BuilderTimeOutError, RemoteCmdError, VmError


  from ..constants import mockchain, rsync, DEF_BUILD_TIMEOUT

@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@

          self.remote_pkg_name = None


          # if we're at this point we've connected and done stuff on the host

-         self.conn = self._create_ans_conn()

-         self.root_conn = self._create_ans_conn(username="root")

+         self.conn = self._create_ssh_conn()

+         self.root_conn = self._create_ssh_conn(username="root")


          self.module_dist_tag = self._load_module_dist_tag()

@@ -70,19 +70,14 @@

          create_tmpdir_cmd = "/bin/mktemp -d {0}/{1}-XXXXX".format(

              self._remote_basedir, "mockremote")


-         results = self._run_ansible(create_tmpdir_cmd)


-         tempdir = None

-         # TODO: use check_for_ans_error

-         for _, resdict in results["contacted"].items():

-             tempdir = resdict["stdout"]

+         tempdir = self._run_ssh_cmd(create_tmpdir_cmd)[0].strip()


          # if still nothing then we"ve broken

          if not tempdir:

              raise BuilderError("Could not make tmpdir on {0}".format(



-         self._run_ansible("/bin/chmod 755 {0}".format(tempdir))

+         self._run_ssh_cmd("/bin/chmod 755 {0}".format(tempdir))

          self._remote_tempdir = tempdir


          return self._remote_tempdir
@@ -91,50 +86,36 @@

      def tempdir(self, value):

          self._remote_tempdir = value


-     def _create_ans_conn(self, username=None):

-         ans_conn = Runner(remote_user=username or self.opts.build_user,

-                           host_list=self.hostname + ",",

-                           pattern=self.hostname,

-                           forks=1,

-                           transport=self.opts.ssh.transport,

-                           timeout=self.timeout)

-         return ans_conn


-     def run_ansible_with_check(self, cmd, module_name=None, as_root=False,

-                                err_codes=None, success_codes=None):


-         results = self._run_ansible(cmd, module_name, as_root)


-         try:

-             check_for_ans_error(

-                 results, self.hostname, err_codes, success_codes)

-         except AnsibleResponseError as response_error:

-             raise AnsibleCallError(

-                 msg="Failed to execute ansible command",

-                 cmd=cmd, module_name=module_name, as_root=as_root,

-                 return_code=response_error.return_code,

-                 stdout=response_error.stdout, stderr=response_error.stderr

-             )


-         return results

+     def _create_ssh_conn(self, username=None):

+         conn = paramiko.SSHClient()

+         conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())

+         conn.connect(hostname=self.hostname, port=self.opts.ssh.port,

+                      username=username or self.opts.build_user)

+         return conn


-     def _run_ansible(self, cmd, module_name=None, as_root=False):

+     def _run_ssh_cmd(self, cmd, as_root=False):


-             Executes single ansible module

+         Executes single shell command remotely


-         :param str cmd: module command

-         :param str module_name: name of the invoked module

+         :param str cmd: shell command

          :param bool as_root:

-         :return: ansible command result

+         :return: stdout, stderr as strings


          if as_root:

              conn = self.root_conn


              conn = self.conn


-         conn.module_name = module_name or "shell"

-         conn.module_args = str(cmd)

-         return conn.run()

+         self.log.info("BUILDER CMD: "+cmd)


+         stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command(cmd)

+         rc = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status() # blocks

+         out, err = stdout.read(), stderr.read()


+         if rc != 0:

+             raise RemoteCmdError("Error running remote ssh command.",

+                                  cmd, rc, as_root, err, out)

+         return out, err


      def _get_remote_results_dir(self):

          if any(x is None for x in [self.remote_build_dir,
@@ -156,13 +137,8 @@

          Packages in buildroot_pkgs are added to minimal buildroot.


          cfg_path = self.get_chroot_config_path(self.job.chroot)


-         try:

-             copy_cmd = "cp /etc/mock/{chroot}.cfg {dest}".format(chroot=self.job.chroot, dest=cfg_path)

-             self.run_ansible_with_check(copy_cmd, module_name="shell")

-         except BuilderError as err:

-             self.log.exception(err)

-             raise err

+         copy_cmd = "cp /etc/mock/{chroot}.cfg {dest}".format(chroot=self.job.chroot, dest=cfg_path)

+         self._run_ssh_cmd(copy_cmd)


          if ("'{0} '".format(self.buildroot_pkgs) !=

                  pipes.quote(str(self.buildroot_pkgs) + ' ')):
@@ -171,79 +147,53 @@

              # allowed in packages name

              raise BuilderError("Do not try this kind of attack on me")


-         self.log.info("putting {0} into minimal buildroot of {1}"

-                       .format(self.buildroot_pkgs, self.job.chroot))


-         kwargs = {

-             "cfg_path": cfg_path,

-             "chroot": self.job.chroot,

-             "pkgs": self.buildroot_pkgs,

-             "net_enabled": "True" if self.job.enable_net else "False",

-         }

-         buildroot_cmd = (

-             "dest={cfg_path}"

-             " line=\"config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'install \\1 {pkgs}'\""

-             " regexp=\"^.*chroot_setup_cmd.*(@buildsys-build|@build|buildsys-build buildsys-macros).*$\""

-             " backrefs=yes"

-         )

-         buildroot_custom_cmd = (

-             "dest={cfg_path}"

-             " line=\"config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'install {pkgs}'\""

-             " regexp=\"config_opts\\['chroot_setup_cmd'\\] = ''$\""

-         )

-         set_networking_cmd = (

-             "dest={cfg_path}"

-             " line=\"config_opts['use_host_resolv'] = {net_enabled}\""

-             " regexp=\"^.*use_host_resolv.*$\""

+         set_networking_cmd = "echo \"config_opts['use_host_resolv'] = {net_enabled}\" >> {path}".format(

+             net_enabled=("True" if self.job.enable_net else "False"), path=cfg_path



-         try:

-             self.run_ansible_with_check(set_networking_cmd.format(**kwargs),

-                                         module_name="lineinfile")

-             if self.buildroot_pkgs:

-                 if 'custom' in self.job.chroot:

-                     self.run_ansible_with_check(buildroot_custom_cmd.format(**kwargs),

-                                                 module_name="lineinfile")

-                 else:

-                     self.run_ansible_with_check(buildroot_cmd.format(**kwargs),

-                                                 module_name="lineinfile")


-             if self.module_dist_tag:

-                 set_dist_tag_cmd = (

-                     "dest={cfg_path}"

-                     " line=\"config_opts['macros']['%dist'] = '{dist_tag}'\""

-                     " regexp=\"^.*config_opts['macros']['%dist'].*$\""

+         self._run_ssh_cmd(set_networking_cmd)


+         if self.buildroot_pkgs:

+             if 'custom' in self.job.chroot:

+                 pattern = "^config_opts\['chroot_setup_cmd'\] = ''$"

+                 replace_by = "config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'install {pkgs}'".format(pkgs=self.buildroot_pkgs)

+                 buildroot_custom_cmd = "sed -i \"s+{pattern}+{replace_by}+\" {path}".format(

+                     pattern=pattern, replace_by=replace_by, path=cfg_path


-                 self.run_ansible_with_check(set_dist_tag_cmd.format(

-                     cfg_path=cfg_path, dist_tag=self.module_dist_tag), module_name="lineinfile")

+                 self._run_ssh_cmd(buildroot_custom_cmd)

+             else:

+                 pattern = "^.*chroot_setup_cmd.*\(@buildsys-build\|@build\|buildsys-build buildsys-macros\).*$"

+                 replace_by = "config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'install \\1 {pkgs}'".format(pkgs=self.buildroot_pkgs)

+                 buildroot_cmd = "sed -i \"s+{pattern}+{replace_by}+\" {path}".format(

+                     pattern=pattern, replace_by=replace_by, path=cfg_path

+                 )

+                 self._run_ssh_cmd(buildroot_cmd)


-         except Exception as err:

-             self.log.exception(err)

-             raise

+         if self.module_dist_tag:

+             dist_tag_cmd = "echo \"config_opts['macros']['%dist'] = '{dist_tag}'\" >> {path}".format(

+                 dist_tag=self.module_dist_tag, path=cfg_path

+             )

+             self._run_ssh_cmd(dist_tag_cmd)


      def collect_built_packages(self):

          self.log.info("Listing built binary packages")

-         results = self._run_ansible(

+         built_packages = self._run_ssh_cmd(

              "cd {0} && "

              "for f in `ls *.rpm |grep -v \"src.rpm$\"`; do"

              "   rpm -qp --qf \"%{{NAME}} %{{VERSION}}\n\" $f; "


-         )


-         built_packages = list(results["contacted"].values())[0][u"stdout"]

+         )[0].strip()

          self.log.info("Built packages:\n{}".format(built_packages))

          return built_packages


      def check_build_success(self):

          successfile = os.path.join(self._get_remote_results_dir(), "success")

-         ansible_test_results = self._run_ansible("/usr/bin/test -f {0}".format(successfile))

-         check_for_ans_error(ansible_test_results, self.hostname)

+         self._run_ssh_cmd("/usr/bin/test -f {0}".format(successfile))


      def download_job_pkg_to_builder(self):

          repo_url = "{}/{}.git".format(self.opts.dist_git_url, self.job.git_repo)

          self.log.info("Cloning Dist Git repo {}, branch {}, hash {}".format(

              self.job.git_repo, self.job.git_branch, self.job.git_hash))

-         results = self._run_ansible(

+         stdout, stderr = self._run_ssh_cmd(

              "rm -rf /tmp/build_package_repo && "

              "mkdir /tmp/build_package_repo && "

              "cd /tmp/build_package_repo && "
@@ -261,11 +211,11 @@

          # Wrote: /tmp/.../copr-ping/copr-ping-1-1.fc21.src.rpm



-             self.remote_pkg_path = list(results["contacted"].values())[0][u"stdout"].split("Wrote: ")[1]

-             self.remote_pkg_name = os.path.basename(self.remote_pkg_path).replace(".src.rpm", "")

+             self.remote_pkg_path = stdout.split("Wrote: ")[1]

+             self.remote_pkg_name = os.path.basename(self.remote_pkg_path).replace(".src.rpm", "").strip()

          except Exception:

              self.log.exception("Failed to obtain srpm from dist-git")

-             raise BuilderError("Failed to obtain srpm from dist-git: ansible results {}".format(results))

+             raise BuilderError("Failed to obtain srpm from dist-git: stdout: {}, stderr: {}".format(stdout, stderr))


          self.log.info("Got srpm to build: {}".format(self.remote_pkg_path))

@@ -307,10 +257,6 @@

          buildcmd += self.remote_pkg_path

          return buildcmd


-     def run_build(self, buildcmd):

-         self.log.info("executing: {0}".format(buildcmd))

-         return self._run_ansible(buildcmd)


      def setup_pubsub_handler(self):


          self.rc = get_redis_connection(self.opts)
@@ -352,14 +298,14 @@


          # construct the mockchain command

          buildcmd = self.gen_mockchain_command()

-         # run the mockchain command async

-         ansible_build_results = self.run_build(buildcmd)

-         check_for_ans_error(ansible_build_results, self.hostname)  # on error raises AnsibleResponseError

+         # run the mockchain command

+         stdout, stderr = self._run_ssh_cmd(buildcmd)


          # we know the command ended successfully but not if the pkg built

          # successfully


-         return get_ans_results(ansible_build_results, self.hostname).get("stdout", "")


+         return stdout


      def rsync_call(self, source_path, target_path):

          ensure_dir_exists(target_path, self.log)
@@ -391,7 +337,7 @@

          if cmd.returncode != 0:

              err_msg = "Failed to download data from builder due to rsync error, see the rsync log file for details."


-             raise BuilderError(err_msg, return_code=cmd.returncode)

+             raise BuilderError(err_msg)


      def download_results(self, target_path):

          if self._get_remote_results_dir():
@@ -409,80 +355,21 @@

              raise BuilderError("{0} could not be resolved".format(self.hostname))



-             # check_for_ans_error(res, self.hostname)

-             self.run_ansible_with_check("/bin/rpm -q mock rsync")

-         except AnsibleCallError:

+             self._run_ssh_cmd("/bin/rpm -q mock rsync")

+         except RemoteCmdError:

              raise BuilderError(msg="Build host `{0}` does not have mock or rsync installed"



          # test for path existence for mockchain and chroot config for this chroot


-             self.run_ansible_with_check("/usr/bin/test -f {0}".format(mockchain))

-         except AnsibleCallError:

+             self._run_ssh_cmd("/usr/bin/test -f {0}".format(mockchain))

+         except RemoteCmdError:

              raise BuilderError(msg="Build host `{}` missing mockchain binary `{}`"

                                 .format(self.hostname, mockchain))



-             self.run_ansible_with_check("/usr/bin/test -f /etc/mock/{}.cfg"

-                                         .format(self.job.chroot))

-         except AnsibleCallError:

+             self._run_ssh_cmd("/usr/bin/test -f /etc/mock/{}.cfg"

+                               .format(self.job.chroot))

+         except RemoteCmdError:

              raise BuilderError(msg="Build host `{}` missing mock config for chroot `{}`"

                                 .format(self.hostname, self.job.chroot))



- def get_ans_results(results, hostname):

-     if hostname in results["dark"]:

-         return results["dark"][hostname]

-     if hostname in results["contacted"]:

-         return results["contacted"][hostname]


-     return {}



- def check_for_ans_error(results, hostname, err_codes=None, success_codes=None):

-     """

-     dict includes 'msg'

-     may include 'rc', 'stderr', 'stdout' and any other requested result codes


-     :raises AnsibleResponseError:

-     :raises VmError:

-     """


-     if err_codes is None:

-         err_codes = []

-     if success_codes is None:

-         success_codes = [0]


-     if ("dark" in results and hostname in results["dark"]) or \

-             "contacted" not in results or hostname not in results["contacted"]:


-         raise VmError(msg="Error: Could not contact/connect to {}. raw results: {}".format(hostname, results))


-     error = False

-     err_results = {}

-     if err_codes or success_codes:

-         if hostname in results["contacted"]:

-             if "rc" in results["contacted"][hostname]:

-                 rc = int(results["contacted"][hostname]["rc"])

-                 err_results["return_code"] = rc

-                 # check for err codes first

-                 if rc in err_codes:

-                     error = True

-                     err_results["msg"] = "rc {0} matched err_codes".format(rc)

-                 elif rc not in success_codes:

-                     error = True

-                     err_results["msg"] = "rc {0} not in success_codes".format(rc)


-             elif ("failed" in results["contacted"][hostname] and

-                   results["contacted"][hostname]["failed"]):


-                 error = True

-                 err_results["msg"] = "results included failed as true"


-         if error:

-             for item in ["stdout", "stderr"]:

-                 if item in results["contacted"][hostname]:

-                     err_results[item] = results["contacted"][hostname][item]


-     if error:

-         raise AnsibleResponseError(**err_results)

@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@

  # coding: utf-8

  import json

+ import paramiko

  #from setproctitle import setproctitle

  # from multiprocessing import Process

  #from threading import Thread


- from ansible.runner import Runner


  from backend.helpers import get_redis_connection

  from backend.vm_manage import PUBSUB_MB, EventTopics

  from backend.vm_manage.executor import Executor
@@ -20,22 +19,8 @@

      :param vm_ip: ip address to the newly created VM

      :raises: :py:class:`~backend.exceptions.CoprWorkerSpawnFailError`: validation fails


-     # setproctitle("check VM: {}".format(vm_ip))


      log = get_redis_logger(opts, "vmm.check_health.detached", "vmm")


-     runner_options = dict(

-         remote_user=opts.build_user or "root",

-         host_list="{},".format(vm_ip),

-         pattern=vm_ip,

-         forks=1,

-         transport=opts.ssh.transport,

-         timeout=opts.vm_ssh_check_timeout

-     )

-     connection = Runner(**runner_options)

-     connection.module_name = "shell"

-     connection.module_args = "echo hello"


      result = {

          "vm_ip": vm_ip,

          "vm_name": vm_name,
@@ -43,17 +28,17 @@

          "result": "OK",

          "topic": EventTopics.HEALTH_CHECK



      err_msg = None


-         res = connection.run()

-         if vm_ip not in res.get("contacted", {}):

-             err_msg = (

-                 "VM is not responding to the testing playbook."

-                 "Runner options: {}".format(runner_options) +

-                 "Ansible raw response:\n{}".format(res))


+         conn = paramiko.SSHClient()

+         conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())

+         conn.connect(hostname=vm_ip, port=opts.ssh.port,

+                      username=opts.build_user or "root")

+         stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command("echo hello")

+         stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()

      except Exception as error:

-         err_msg = "Failed to check  VM ({})due to ansible error: {}".format(vm_ip, error)

+         err_msg = "Healtcheck failed for VM {} with error {}".format(vm_ip, error)




@@ -50,13 +50,8 @@

  # BuildRequires: python-plumbum

  # BuildRequires: wget -- ???


- %if 0%{?fedora} >= 24

  BuildRequires: ansible

  Requires:   ansible

- %else

- BuildRequires: ansible1.9

- Requires:   ansible1.9

- %endif


  #for doc package

  BuildRequires: sphinx

@@ -122,7 +122,4 @@

  # owned by root after copr-keygen installation tests are run

  RUN chown copr-signer:copr-signer /var/log/copr-keygen/main.log


- # workarounds

- RUN dnf -y install ansible1.9 --allowerasing # copr does not support ansible2 yet


  CMD ["/bin/run.sh"]

@@ -105,4 +105,4 @@

  # consecutive_failure_threshold=10



- transport=ssh

+ port=2222

Please take a look.

Regression tests are running atm so I'll add fixes later if any.

Cool, I would personally vote for having "RemoteCommand" class with defined API (so we could easily add a new implementations). But looks good.

Quite a huge change for immediate review, how do you handle SSH timeouts? I was experiencing ssh EOF when some build of package did not write into stdout/stderr for a long time...

Quite a huge change for immediate review, how do you handle SSH timeouts? I was experiencing ssh EOF when some build of package did not write into stdout/stderr for a long time...

I don't think there are any timeouts on client side. According to docs http://docs.paramiko.org/en/2.1/api/channel.html#paramiko.channel.Channel.settimeout, it should just hang ad infinity if no output is given.

Ouch, I've used this ansibles config since Jul 2015::

transport = ssh

So for some time I use ServerAlive* config.

But I experienced issues with timeouts a long time before that change. So, it is
possible that ansible set's the paramiko timeout to some non-Null value?

Anyways, I'm afraid that setting alive interval is not possible with

So for some time I use ServerAlive* config.

Which helped that time actually, does paramiko respect such setting on Backend? How do you actualy deal with this issue?

I wanted to give it a try in devel environment, but ansible 2.0 seems to have broken nova support,
but now there's a different issue:
HTTPConnectionPool(host='control.os1.phx2.redhat.com', port=8774)
Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused

But I neither requested hostname, I use concrete IPv4 and port 5000.
Any idea? I'll have a look tomorrow.

// edit: reported against Open Stack provider, seems to be some networking issue

Paramiko doesn'ŧ seem to respect '~/.ssh/config' where I set IdentityFile, how should I set the IdentityFile? It looks like 'key_file' or 'password' options should be set for 'conn.connect()' call but it is not.

I can confirm it works as expected, except for I had to add:

Can this be somehow parametrized? What's your setup when you claim regression tests worked fine?

Thanks a lot for this patch!

I can confirm it works as expected, except for I had to add:
Can this be somehow parametrized? What's your setup when you claim regression tests worked fine?
Thanks a lot for this patch!

Yes, we can parametrize it. I already parametrized port for ssh for tests to work.

4 new commits added

  • [backend] use + symbols for sed replacement command
  • [backend] fix error output for RemoteCmd exception
  • [dockerized-backend] finally use ansible2 in dockerized backend
  • [backend] allow specifying ssh port in copr config for beaker tests
7 years ago

it may be better instead of replacing chroot_setup_cmd use new mock feature:
config_opts['chroot_additional_packages'] = 'SOME ADDITIONAL PACKAGES'

3 new commits added

  • [backend] simplified/improved logging of exceptions mainly
  • [backend] remove unnecessary exception log
  • [backend] fix custom chroot regexp pattern
7 years ago

I finally made all the regression tests pass so merging now. We can improve on the code afterwards.

Pull-Request has been merged by clime

7 years ago