#1953 API/CLI for last package builds
Merged 2 years ago by praiskup. Opened 2 years ago by praiskup.
Unknown source api-monitor-page  into  main

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@

+ """

+ Pylintrc initialization methods.

+ """


+ import os

+ import sys

+ import subprocess


+ def init():

+     """

+     The main method, called in "init-hook=" config.

+     """


+     gitrootdir = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]).decode("utf-8").strip()


+     # All modules depend, or can depend on python-common and python-copr

+     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, 'common'))

+     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, 'python'))

+     gitsubdir = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-prefix"]).decode("utf-8").strip()


+     # Those sub-directories have the "nice" pattern, so setting the pythonpath

+     # here is trivial.

+     for nice_subdir in ["backend", "dist-git", "rpmbuild"]:

+         if gitsubdir.startswith(nice_subdir):

+             sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, nice_subdir))


+     # Those still need a special handling (and in future file movements).

+     if gitsubdir.startswith("frontend"):

+         sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, "frontend", "coprs_frontend"))

+     if gitsubdir.startswith("keygen"):

+         sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, "keygen", "src"))

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@

+ """

+ Helpers for the 'copr-cli' command.

+ """


+ output_format_help = """

+ Set the formatting style. We recommend using json, which prints the required data

+ in json format. The text format prints the required data in a column, one piece of

+ information per line. The text-row format prints all information separated

+ by a space on a single line.

+ """


+ def cli_use_output_format(parser, default='json'):

+     """

+     Add '--output-format' option to given parser.

+     """

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--output-format",

+         choices=["text", "json", "text-row"],

+         help=output_format_help,

+         default=default,

+     )

file modified
+26 -141
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@

      CoprNoConfigException, CoprConfigException, CoprNoResultException,


  from copr.v3.pagination import next_page

- from .util import ProgressBar, json_dumps, serializable

+ from copr_cli.helpers import cli_use_output_format

+ from copr_cli.monitor import cli_monitor_parser

+ from copr_cli.printers import cli_get_output_printer as get_printer

+ from .util import ProgressBar, serializable

  from .build_config import MockProfile


@@ -73,13 +76,6 @@




- output_format_help = """

- Set the formatting style. We recommend using json, which prints the required data

- in json format. The text format prints the required data in a column, one piece of

- information per line. The text-row format prints all information separated

- by a space on a single line.

- """



      input = raw_input

  except NameError:
@@ -131,128 +127,6 @@

      return buildopts



- class AbstractPrinter(object):

-     """Abstract class defining mandatory methods of printer classes"""


-     def __init__(self, fields):

-         """Represents the data we want to print.

-         Supports callable lambda function which takes exactly one argument"""

-         self.fields = fields


-     def add_data(self, data):

-         """Initialize the data to be printed"""

-         raise NotImplementedError


-     def finish(self):

-         """Print the data according to the set format"""

-         raise NotImplementedError



- class RowTextPrinter(AbstractPrinter):

-     """The class takes care of printing the data in row text format"""


-     def finish(self):

-         pass


-     def add_data(self, data):

-         row_data = []

-         for field in self.fields:

-             if callable(field):

-                 row_data.append(str(field(data)))

-             else:

-                 row_data.append(str(data[field]))

-         print("\t".join(row_data))



- class ColumnTextPrinter(AbstractPrinter):

-     """The class takes care of printing the data in column text format"""


-     first_line = True


-     def finish(self):

-         pass


-     def add_data(self, data):

-         if not self.first_line:

-             print()

-         self.first_line = False

-         for field in self.fields:

-             if callable(field):

-                 print("{0}: {1}".format(field.__code__.co_varnames[0], str(field(data))))

-             else:

-                 print("{0}: {1}".format(field, str(data[field])))



- class JsonPrinter(AbstractPrinter):

-     """The class takes care of printing the data in json format"""


-     def _get_result_json(self, data):

-         result = {}

-         for field in self.fields:

-             if callable(field):

-                 name = field.__code__.co_varnames[0]

-                 result[name] = field(data)

-             else:

-                 result[field] = data[field]

-         return json_dumps(result)


-     def add_data(self, data):

-         print(self._get_result_json(data))


-     def finish(self):

-         pass



- class JsonPrinterListCommand(JsonPrinter):

-     """

-     The class takes care of printing the data in list in json format


-     For performance reasons we cannot simply add everything to a list and then

-     use `json_dumps` function to print all JSON at once. For large projects this

-     would mean minutes of no output, which is not user-friendly.


-     The approach here is to utilize `json_dumps` to convert each object to

-     a JSON string and print it immediately. We then manually take care of

-     opening and closing list brackets and separators.

-     """


-     first_line = True


-     def add_data(self, data):

-         self.start()

-         result = self._get_result_json(data)

-         for line in result.split("\n"):

-             print("    {0}".format(line))


-     def start(self):

-         """

-         This is called before printing the first object

-         """

-         if self.first_line:

-             self.first_line = False

-             print("[")

-         else:

-             print("    ,")


-     def finish(self):

-         """

-         This is called by the user after printing all objects

-         """

-         if not self.first_line:

-             print("]")



- def get_printer(output_format, fields, list_command=False):

-     """According to output_format decide which object of printer to return"""

-     if output_format == "json":

-         if list_command:

-             return JsonPrinterListCommand(fields)

-         return JsonPrinter(fields)

-     if output_format == "text":

-         return ColumnTextPrinter(fields)

-     return RowTextPrinter(fields)



  class Commands(object):

      def __init__(self, config_path):

          self.config_path = config_path or '~/.config/copr'
@@ -312,6 +186,14 @@

              owner = self.config["username"]

          return owner, name


+     def build_url(self, build_id):

+         """

+         Return the "generic" predictable url for build_id, which redirects

+         to the final owner/project/build_id route.

+         """

+         return urljoin(self.config["copr_url"],

+                        "/coprs/build/{0}".format(build_id))


      def parse_chroot_path(self, path):


          Take a `path` in an `owner/project/chroot` format and return a tuple of
@@ -524,8 +406,7 @@

              print("Build was added to {0}:".format(builds[0].projectname))


              for build in builds:

-                 url = urljoin(self.config["copr_url"], "/coprs/build/{0}".format(build.id))

-                 print("  {0}".format(url))

+                 print("  {0}".format(self.build_url(build.id)))


              build_ids = [build.id for build in builds]

              print("Created builds: {0}".format(" ".join(map(str, build_ids))))
@@ -1247,8 +1128,7 @@

      parser_builds.add_argument("project", help="Which project's builds should be listed.\

                                 Can be just a name of the project or even in format\

                                 username/project or @groupname/project.")

-     parser_builds.add_argument("--output-format", choices=["text", "json", "text-row"],

-                                help=output_format_help)

+     cli_use_output_format(parser_builds, default=None)



@@ -1514,8 +1394,7 @@


      parser_get_chroot = subparsers.add_parser("get-chroot", help="Get chroot of a project")

      parser_get_chroot.add_argument("coprchroot", help="Path to a project chroot as owner/project/chroot or project/chroot")

-     parser_get_chroot.add_argument("--output-format", default="json", choices=["text", "json", "text-row"],

-                                    help=output_format_help)

+     cli_use_output_format(parser_get_chroot)



      parser_list_chroots = subparsers.add_parser("list-chroots", help="List all currently available chroots.")
@@ -1639,8 +1518,7 @@

                                        help="Also display data related to the latest succeeded build for the package.")

      parser_list_packages.add_argument("--with-all-builds", action="store_true",

                                        help="Also display data related to the builds for the package.")

-     parser_list_packages.add_argument("--output-format", default="json", choices=["text", "json", "text-row"],

-                                       help=output_format_help)

+     cli_use_output_format(parser_list_packages)



      # package names listing
@@ -1664,8 +1542,7 @@

                                      help="Also display data related to the latest succeeded build for each package.")

      parser_get_package.add_argument("--with-all-builds", action="store_true",

                                      help="Also display data related to the builds for each package.")

-     parser_get_package.add_argument("--output-format", default="json", choices=["text", "json", "text-row"],

-                                     help=output_format_help)

+     cli_use_output_format(parser_get_package)



      # package deletion
@@ -1795,6 +1672,9 @@




+     # package monitoring

+     cli_monitor_parser(subparsers)


      if argcomplete:


      return parser
@@ -1832,7 +1712,12 @@



          commands = Commands(arg.config)

-         getattr(commands, arg.func)(arg)

+         if isinstance(arg.func, str):

+             # Call self method by its name

+             getattr(commands, arg.func)(arg)

+         else:

+             # Call external command method

+             arg.func(commands, arg)


      except KeyboardInterrupt:

          sys.stderr.write("\nInterrupted by user.")

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@

+ """

+ The 'copr-cli monitor' implementation

+ """


+ from argparse import ArgumentTypeError


+ from copr_cli.helpers import cli_use_output_format

+ from copr_cli.printers import cli_get_output_printer




+     "name",

+     "chroot",

+     "build_id",

+     "state",

+ ]



+     "url_build_log",

+     "url_backend_log",

+ ]



+     "url_build"

+ ]



+ def cli_monitor_action(commands, args):

+     """

+     Get info about the latest chroot builds for requested packages.

+     """

+     ownername, projectname = commands.parse_name(args.project)


+     fields = None

+     if args.fields:

+         fields = [arg.strip() for arg in args.fields.split(",")]


+         bad_fields = []

+         for field in fields:

+             if field in ALLOWED_FIELDS:

+                 continue

+             bad_fields.append(field)


+         if bad_fields:

+             raise ArgumentTypeError(

+                 "Unknown field(s) specified in --fields: " +

+                 str(bad_fields) + ", " +

+                 "allowed: " + str(ALLOWED_FIELDS),

+             )

+     else:

+         fields = DEFAULT_FIELDS


+     # Package name, and chroot name are automatically in the output.

+     requested_fields = list(set(fields).intersection(ADDITIONAL_FIELDS)) or None


+     data = commands.client.monitor_proxy.monitor(

+         ownername=ownername, projectname=projectname,

+         additional_fields=requested_fields,

+     )



+     printer = cli_get_output_printer(args.output_format, fields, True)

+     for package in data["packages"]:

+         for chroot_name, chroot in package["chroots"].items():

+             data = {

+                 "name": package["name"],

+                 "chroot": chroot_name,

+             }

+             if "url_build" in fields:

+                 data["url_build"] = commands.build_url(chroot["build_id"])

+             data.update(chroot)

+             data = {

+                 key: value

+                 for key, value in data.items()

+                 if key in fields

+             }

+             printer.add_data(data)

+     printer.finish()



+ def cli_monitor_parser(subparsers):

+     """

+     Append "copr-cli monitor" sub-parser.

+     """

+     parser_monitor = subparsers.add_parser(

+             "monitor",

+             help="Monitor package build state",

+     )

+     parser_monitor.set_defaults(func=cli_monitor_action)

+     parser_monitor.add_argument(

+         "project", help=("Which project's packages should be listed. "

+                          "Can be just a name of the project or even in format "

+                          "username/project or @groupname/project."))

+     parser_monitor.add_argument(

+             "--dirname",

+             help=("project (sub)directory name, e.g. 'foo:pr:125', "

+                   "by default just 'foo' is used"))


+     cli_use_output_format(parser_monitor)


+     parser_monitor.add_argument(

+         "--fields",

+         help=(

+             "A comma-separated list (ordered) of fields to be printed. "

+             "Possible values: {0}.  Note that url_build* options might "

+             "significantly prolong the server response time.".format(

+                ", ".join(ALLOWED_FIELDS))

+         ),

+     )

@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@

+ """

+ Abstraction for printing data to copr-cli's stdout

+ """


+ from .util import json_dumps



+ class AbstractPrinter(object):

+     """Abstract class defining mandatory methods of printer classes"""


+     def __init__(self, fields):

+         """Represents the data we want to print.

+         Supports callable lambda function which takes exactly one argument"""

+         self.fields = fields


+     def add_data(self, data):

+         """Initialize the data to be printed"""

+         raise NotImplementedError


+     def finish(self):

+         """Print the data according to the set format"""

+         raise NotImplementedError



+ class RowTextPrinter(AbstractPrinter):

+     """The class takes care of printing the data in row text format"""


+     def finish(self):

+         pass


+     def add_data(self, data):

+         row_data = []

+         for field in self.fields:

+             if callable(field):

+                 row_data.append(str(field(data)))

+             else:

+                 row_data.append(str(data[field]))

+         print("\t".join(row_data))



+ class ColumnTextPrinter(AbstractPrinter):

+     """The class takes care of printing the data in column text format"""


+     first_line = True


+     def finish(self):

+         pass


+     def add_data(self, data):

+         if not self.first_line:

+             print()

+         self.first_line = False

+         for field in self.fields:

+             if callable(field):

+                 print("{0}: {1}".format(field.__code__.co_varnames[0], str(field(data))))

+             else:

+                 print("{0}: {1}".format(field, str(data[field])))



+ class JsonPrinter(AbstractPrinter):

+     """The class takes care of printing the data in json format"""


+     def _get_result_json(self, data):

+         result = {}

+         for field in self.fields:

+             if callable(field):

+                 name = field.__code__.co_varnames[0]

+                 result[name] = field(data)

+             else:

+                 result[field] = data[field]

+         return json_dumps(result)


+     def add_data(self, data):

+         print(self._get_result_json(data))


+     def finish(self):

+         pass



+ class JsonPrinterListCommand(JsonPrinter):

+     """

+     The class takes care of printing the data in list in json format


+     For performance reasons we cannot simply add everything to a list and then

+     use `json_dumps` function to print all JSON at once. For large projects this

+     would mean minutes of no output, which is not user-friendly.


+     The approach here is to utilize `json_dumps` to convert each object to

+     a JSON string and print it immediately. We then manually take care of

+     opening and closing list brackets and separators.

+     """


+     first_line = True


+     def add_data(self, data):

+         self.start()

+         result = self._get_result_json(data)

+         for line in result.split("\n"):

+             print("    {0}".format(line))


+     def start(self):

+         """

+         This is called before printing the first object

+         """

+         if self.first_line:

+             self.first_line = False

+             print("[")

+         else:

+             print("    ,")


+     def finish(self):

+         """

+         This is called by the user after printing all objects

+         """

+         if not self.first_line:

+             print("]")



+ def cli_get_output_printer(output_format, fields, list_command=False):

+     """According to output_format decide which object of printer to return"""

+     if output_format == "json":

+         if list_command:

+             return JsonPrinterListCommand(fields)

+         return JsonPrinter(fields)

+     if output_format == "text":

+         return ColumnTextPrinter(fields)

+     return RowTextPrinter(fields)

@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@

  # where to send notice about raised legal flag

  #SEND_LEGAL_TO = ['root@localhost', 'somebody@somewhere.com']


- # DEBUG = False

- DEBUG = True



@@ -136,7 +134,31 @@





+ #############################

+ ##### DEBUGGING Section #####


+ # The following options are not designed (or even safe) to be used in production

+ # systems!


+ # Turn on the Flask debugger (and some Copr internal mechanisms):

+ # https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/latest/debugging/

+ DEBUG = False


+ # Enable flask-profiler:

+ # https://pypi.org/project/flask_profiler/

+ # Setting this to True requires the flask_profiler installed

+ PROFILER = False


  # Provide special /ma/diff*.txt routes for memory management analysis.  This

  # should never be enabled in production (see the memory_analyzer.py module for

  # more info).




+ # Turn-on the in-code checkpoints (additional logging info output) which measure

+ # time since the beginning of the request, and between each checkpoints.  See

+ # the 'measure.py' module for more info.



+ ##### DEBUGGING Section #####

+ #############################

@@ -101,9 +101,11 @@

  from coprs.views import api_ns

  from coprs.views.api_ns import api_general

  from coprs.views import apiv3_ns

- from coprs.views.apiv3_ns import (apiv3_general, apiv3_builds, apiv3_packages, apiv3_projects, apiv3_project_chroots,

-                                   apiv3_modules, apiv3_build_chroots, apiv3_mock_chroots,

-                                   apiv3_permissions, apiv3_webhooks)

+ from coprs.views.apiv3_ns import (

+     apiv3_general, apiv3_builds, apiv3_packages, apiv3_projects,

+     apiv3_project_chroots, apiv3_modules, apiv3_build_chroots,

+     apiv3_mock_chroots, apiv3_permissions, apiv3_webhooks, apiv3_monitor,

+ )


  from coprs.views import batches_ns

  from coprs.views.batches_ns import coprs_batches

@@ -140,6 +140,10 @@

      # Default value for temporary projects



+     # Turn-on the in-code checkpoints (additional logging info output).  See the

+     # 'measure.py' module for more info.




  class ProductionConfig(Config):

      DEBUG = False

@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@


          Return status code for a given exception


-         return getattr(error, "code", 500)

+         code = getattr(error, "code", 500)

+         return code if code is not None else 500



      def message(self, error):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use


@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@


  from sqlalchemy.sql import text

  from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import not_

- from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, selectinload, load_only

+ from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, selectinload, load_only, contains_eager

  from sqlalchemy import func, desc, or_, and_

  from sqlalchemy.sql import false,true

  from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@

  from coprs.logic.coprs_logic import MockChrootsLogic

  from coprs.logic.packages_logic import PackagesLogic

  from coprs.logic.batches_logic import BatchesLogic

+ from coprs.measure import checkpoint


  from .helpers import get_graph_parameters

  log = app.logger
@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@

      def get_copr_builds_list(cls, copr, dirname=None):

          query = models.Build.query.filter(models.Build.copr_id==copr.id)

          if dirname:

-             copr_dir = coprs_logic.CoprDirsLogic.get_by_copr(copr, dirname).one()

+             copr_dir = coprs_logic.CoprDirsLogic.get_by_copr(copr, dirname)

              query = query.filter(models.Build.copr_dir_id==copr_dir.id)

          query = query.options(selectinload('build_chroots'), selectinload('package'))

          return query
@@ -689,15 +690,52 @@

          return batch



+     def assign_buildchroots(cls, build, chroot_names, status=None,

+                             git_hashes=None, **kwargs):

+         """

+         For each chroot_name allocate a new BuildChroot instance and assign it

+         to the build.

+         """

+         something_added = False

+         for chroot in chroot_names:

+             something_added = True

+             additional_args = {}

+             if git_hashes:

+                 additional_args["git_hash"] = git_hashes.get(chroot)

+             if status is None:

+                 status = StatusEnum("waiting")

+             buildchroot = BuildChrootsLogic.new(

+                 build=build,

+                 mock_chroot=chroot,

+                 status=status,

+                 **kwargs,

+                 **additional_args,

+             )

+             db.session.add(buildchroot)

+         return something_added


+     @classmethod

+     def assign_buildchroots_from_package(cls, build, **kwargs):

+         """

+         If build has already assigned build.package, create and assign new set

+         of BuildChroot instances according to 'build.package.chroots'.  This

+         e.g. respects the Copr.chroot_denylist config.

+         """

+         if not build.package:

+             return False

+         return cls.assign_buildchroots(

+             build,

+             build.package.chroots,

+             **kwargs,

+         )


+     @classmethod

      def add(cls, user, pkgs, copr, source_type=None, source_json=None,

              repos=None, chroots=None, timeout=None, enable_net=True,

              git_hashes=None, skip_import=False, background=False, batch=None,

              srpm_url=None, copr_dirname=None, bootstrap=None, isolation=None,

              package=None, after_build_id=None, with_build_id=None):


-         if chroots is None:

-             chroots = []



              copr, "Can't build while there is an operation in progress: {action}")

@@ -754,21 +792,18 @@

          if timeout:

              build.timeout = timeout or app.config["DEFAULT_BUILD_TIMEOUT"]


-         db.session.add(build)


-         for chroot in chroots:

-             # Chroots were explicitly set per-build.

-             git_hash = None

-             if git_hashes:

-                 git_hash = git_hashes.get(chroot.name)

-             buildchroot = BuildChrootsLogic.new(

-                 build=build,

-                 status=chroot_status,

-                 mock_chroot=chroot,

-                 git_hash=git_hash,

-             )

-             db.session.add(buildchroot)

+         if not chroots and package:

+             chroots = package.chroots

+         if not chroots:

+             chroots = []


+         db.session.add(build)

+         cls.assign_buildchroots(

+             build,

+             chroots,

+             git_hashes=git_hashes,

+             status=chroot_status,

+         )

          return build


@@ -813,17 +848,7 @@





-         status = StatusEnum("waiting")

-         for chroot in package.chroots:

-             buildchroot = BuildChrootsLogic.new(

-                 build=build,

-                 status=status,

-                 mock_chroot=chroot,

-                 git_hash=None

-             )

-             db.session.add(buildchroot)


+         cls.assign_buildchroots_from_package(build)


          return build

@@ -917,19 +942,10 @@

                  new_status = StatusEnum("importing")


                  if not build.build_chroots:

-                     # create the BuildChroots from Package setting, if not

-                     # already set explicitly for concrete build

-                     added = False

-                     for chroot in build.package.chroots:

-                         added = True

-                         buildchroot = BuildChrootsLogic.new(

-                             build=build,

-                             status=chroot_status,

-                             mock_chroot=chroot,

-                             git_hash=None,

-                         )

-                         db.session.add(buildchroot)

-                     if not added:

+                     # When BuildChroots are not yet allocated, allocate them now

+                     # from the assigned Package setting.

+                     if not cls.assign_buildchroots_from_package(

+                             build, status=chroot_status, git_hash=None):

                          new_status = StatusEnum("failed")


                      for buildchroot in build.build_chroots:
@@ -1400,6 +1416,141 @@


  class BuildsMonitorLogic(object):


+     def package_build_chroots_query(cls, copr_dir, mock_chroot_ids):

+         """

+         Return an SQL query returning all BuildChroots assigned to given CoprDir

+         (copr_dir) and MockChroot's (mock_chroot_ids).  The output is sorted by

+         Package.name, and then by Build.id (so callers can easily skip the

+         uninteresting entries).

+         """

+         return (

+             models.BuildChroot.query

+             .join(models.Build)

+             .join(models.Package)

+             .options(

+                 load_only("build_id", "status", "mock_chroot_id", "result_dir"),

+                 contains_eager("build").load_only("package_id", "copr_dir_id")

+                     .contains_eager("package").load_only("name"),

+             )

+             .filter(models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id.in_(mock_chroot_ids))

+             .filter(models.Build.copr_dir==copr_dir)

+             .order_by(

+                 models.Package.name.asc(),

+                 models.Build.id.desc(),

+             )

+         )


+     @classmethod

+     def package_build_chroots(cls, copr_dir):

+         """

+         For each Packge in CoprDir (copr_dir) and its assigned and enabled

+         CoprChroots, return a list of the latest BuildChroots, if any.

+         The output format is:

+             [{

+                 "name": "PackageName",

+                 "chroots": [ <BuildChroot>, <BuildChroot>, ...  ],

+             }, ...]

+         """


+         class _Finder:

+             def __init__(self, find_mock_chroot_ids):

+                 self.searching_for = set(find_mock_chroot_ids)

+                 self.package_name = None

+                 self._reset()


+             def _reset(self):

+                 self.mock_chroot_ids_found = set()

+                 self.package_name = None

+                 self.chroots = []


+             def get_data(self):

+                 """

+                 Return the dictionary to be yielded, or None if no data are

+                 already processed.

+                 """

+                 if not self.chroots:

+                     # no package in the result set

+                     return None

+                 return {

+                     "name": self.package_name,

+                     "chroots": self.chroots,

+                 }


+             def _add_item(self, build_chroot):

+                 self.mock_chroot_ids_found.add(build_chroot.mock_chroot_id)

+                 self.chroots.append(build_chroot)

+                 self.package_name = build_chroot.build.package.name


+             def add(self, build_chroot):

+                 """

+                 Process one BuildChroot instance.  Return the get_data() output

+                 if we should flush the package out to caller, or None.

+                 """

+                 package_name = build_chroot.build.package.name


+                 if self.package_name is None:

+                     # first package

+                     self._add_item(build_chroot)

+                     return None


+                 if package_name == self.package_name:

+                     # additional chroot for the same package

+                     mock_chroot_id = build_chroot.mock_chroot_id

+                     if mock_chroot_id in self.mock_chroot_ids_found:

+                         # we already have status for this

+                         return None

+                     self._add_item(build_chroot)

+                     return None


+                 # a different package, flush the old one

+                 return_value = self.get_data()

+                 self._reset()

+                 self._add_item(build_chroot)

+                 return return_value


+         mock_chroot_ids = {mch.id for mch in copr_dir.copr.active_chroots}

+         package_data = _Finder(mock_chroot_ids)

+         for bch in cls.package_build_chroots_query(copr_dir, mock_chroot_ids).yield_per(1000):

+             if value := package_data.add(bch):

+                 yield value


+         if value := package_data.get_data():

+             yield value



+     @classmethod

+     def last_buildchroots(cls, pkg_ids, mock_chroot_ids):

+         """

+         Query the BuildChroot for given list of package IDs, and mock chroot IDs

+         """

+         builds_ids = (

+             models.Build.query.join(models.BuildChroot)

+                   .filter(models.Build.package_id.in_(pkg_ids))

+                   .filter(models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id.in_(mock_chroot_ids))

+                   .with_entities(

+                       models.Build.package_id.label('package_id'),

+                       func.max(models.Build.id).label('build_id').label("build_id"),

+                       models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id,

+                   )

+                   .group_by(

+                       models.Build.package_id,

+                       models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id,

+                   )

+                   .subquery()

+         )


+         return (models.BuildChroot.query

+             .join(

+                 builds_ids,

+                 and_(builds_ids.c.build_id == models.BuildChroot.build_id,

+                      builds_ids.c.mock_chroot_id == models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id))

+             .add_columns(

+                 builds_ids.c.package_id.label("package_id"),

+             )

+         )



+     @classmethod

      def get_monitor_data(cls, copr, per_page=50, page=1,


@@ -1431,39 +1582,22 @@

          pkg_ids = [package.id for package in pagination.items]

          mock_chroot_ids = [mch.id for mch in copr.active_chroots]


-         builds_ids = (

-             models.Build.query.join(models.BuildChroot)

-                   .filter(models.Build.package_id.in_(pkg_ids))

-                   .filter(models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id.in_(mock_chroot_ids))

-                   .with_entities(

-                       models.Build.package_id.label('package_id'),

-                       func.max(models.Build.id).label('build_id').label("build_id"),

-                       models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id,

-                   )

-                   .group_by(

-                       models.Build.package_id,

-                       models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id,

-                   )

-                   .subquery()

-         )


-         query = (models.BuildChroot.query

-             .join(

-                 builds_ids,

-                 and_(builds_ids.c.build_id == models.BuildChroot.build_id,

-                      builds_ids.c.mock_chroot_id == models.BuildChroot.mock_chroot_id))

-             .add_columns(

-                 builds_ids.c.package_id.label("package_id"),

-             )

-         )

+         query = BuildsMonitorLogic.last_buildchroots(pkg_ids, mock_chroot_ids)


          mapper = {}

          for package in pagination.items:

              mapper[package.id] = {}


+         checkpoint("large query start")

+         first = True

          for build_chroot, package_id in query:

+             if first:

+                 checkpoint("large query done")

+             first = False

              mapper[package_id][build_chroot.mock_chroot.name] = build_chroot


+         checkpoint("buildchroot => package mapped")


          for package in pagination.items:

              package.latest_build_chroots = []

              for chroot in copr.active_chroots_sorted:

@@ -543,8 +543,32 @@


  class CoprDirsLogic(object):


+     def get_by_copr_safe(cls, copr, dirname):

+         """

+         Return _query_ for getting CoprDir by Copr and dirname

+         """

+         return (db.session.query(models.CoprDir)

+                 .join(models.Copr)

+                 .filter(models.Copr.id==copr.id)

+                 .filter(models.CoprDir.name==dirname)).first()


+     @classmethod

+     def get_by_copr(cls, copr, dirname):

+         """

+         Return CoprDir instance per given Copr instance and dirname.  Raise

+         ObjectNotFound if it doesn't exist.

+         """

+         coprdir = cls.get_by_copr_safe(copr, dirname)

+         if not coprdir:

+             raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound(

+                 "Dirname '{}' doesn't exist in '{}' copr".format(

+                     dirname,

+                     copr.full_name))

+         return coprdir


+     @classmethod

      def get_or_create(cls, copr, dirname, main=False):

-         copr_dir = cls.get_by_copr(copr, dirname).first()

+         copr_dir = cls.get_by_copr_safe(copr, dirname)


          if copr_dir:

              return copr_dir
@@ -557,12 +581,6 @@


          return copr_dir


-     @classmethod

-     def get_by_copr(cls, copr, dirname):

-         return (db.session.query(models.CoprDir)

-                 .join(models.Copr)

-                 .filter(models.Copr.id==copr.id)

-                 .filter(models.CoprDir.name==dirname))



      def get_by_ownername(cls, ownername, dirname):

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@

+ """

+ Helper methods for measuring flask performance.

+ """


+ import datetime


+ from coprs import app


+ CONTEXT = None



+ class CheckPointContext:

+     """

+     the checkpoint's CONTEXT variable

+     """

+     def __init__(self):

+         self.start = datetime.datetime.now()

+         self.last = self.start



+ def checkpoint_start(force=False):

+     """

+     Enable checkpoints by flask global variable.

+     """

+     global CONTEXT  # pylint: disable=global-statement

+     if force or app.config["DEBUG_CHECKPOINTS"]:

+         CONTEXT = CheckPointContext()



+ def checkpoint(message):

+     """

+     Print useful timing info for the CONTEXT, prefixed with MESSAGE.

+     You can enable this by `DEBUG_CHECKPOINTS = True` config option, or

+     by calling `checkpoint_start(force=True)`.  Usage:


+         checkpoint("start")

+         some_expensive_action()

+         checkpoint("Expensive action finished")


+     Then the stdout output is:


+         start                         : 0:00:00.148130 (full time 0:00:00.148130)

+         Expensive action finished     : 0:00:04.223232 (full time 0:00:04.371362)

+     """


+     if CONTEXT is None:

+         return

+     start = CONTEXT.start

+     last = CONTEXT.last

+     now = datetime.datetime.now()


+     app.logger.info("%30s: %s (full time %s)",

+                     message, now-last, now-start)

+     CONTEXT.last = now

@@ -252,3 +252,42 @@

          if field.name in formdata.keys():


          formdata[field.name] = field.default



+ def streamed_json_array_response(array_or_generator, message, field="data"):

+     """

+     Helper response to stream large JSON API arrays (ARRAY_OR_GENERATOR).  We

+     keep the layout of the output like::


+         {

+             "output": "ok",

+             "message: MESSAGE,

+             "<FIELD>": [ ITEM, ITEM, ...,]

+         }


+     .. as it is expected by clients.  We iterate continuously over the array

+     items (or fetch from generator), so we don't have to keep the large dataset

+     in memory (or wait till it is fully fetched from DB).

+     """


+     def _stream():

+         start_string = (

+             '{{'

+             '"output": "ok",'

+             '"message": {message},'

+             '{field}: [\n'

+         )

+         yield start_string.format(message=json.dumps(message),

+                                   field=json.dumps(field))

+         for item in array_or_generator:

+             if start_string:

+                 yield json.dumps(item)

+                 start_string = None

+             else:

+                 yield ",\n" + json.dumps(item)

+         yield "]}"


+     return flask.Response(

+         _stream(),

+         mimetype="application/json",

+     )

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@

+ """

+ /api_3/monitor routes

+ """


+ import flask


+ from coprs.exceptions import BadRequest

+ from coprs.logic.builds_logic import BuildsMonitorLogic

+ from coprs.logic.coprs_logic import CoprDirsLogic

+ from coprs.views.apiv3_ns import (

+     apiv3_ns,

+     GET,

+     get_copr,

+     query_params,

+     streamed_json_array_response,

+ )


+ from coprs.measure import checkpoint


+ def monitor_generator(copr_dir, additional_fields):

+     """

+     Continuosly fill-up the package_monitor() buffer.

+     """

+     anti_garbage_collector = set([copr_dir])

+     packages = BuildsMonitorLogic.package_build_chroots(copr_dir)

+     first = True

+     for package in packages:

+         if first is True:

+             checkpoint("First package queried")

+             first = False

+         chroots = {}

+         for bch in package["chroots"]:

+             chroot = chroots[bch.name] = {}

+             for attr in ["state", "status", "build_id"]:

+                 chroot[attr] = getattr(bch, attr)

+             if "url_build_log" in additional_fields:

+                 chroot["url_build_log"] = bch.rpm_live_log_url

+             if "url_backend_log" in additional_fields:

+                 chroot["url_backend_log"] = bch.rpm_backend_log_url

+             # anti-gc, this is a very small set of items

+             anti_garbage_collector.add(bch.mock_chroot)

+             anti_garbage_collector.add(bch.build.copr_dir)

+         yield {

+             "name": package["name"],

+             "chroots": chroots,

+         }

+     checkpoint("Last package queried")



+ @apiv3_ns.route("/monitor", methods=GET)

+ @query_params()

+ def package_monitor(ownername, projectname, project_dirname=None):

+     """

+     For list of the project packages return list of JSON dictionaries informing

+     about status of the last chroot builds (status, build log, etc.).

+     """

+     checkpoint("API3 monitor start")


+     additional_fields = flask.request.args.getlist("additional_fields[]")


+     copr = get_copr(ownername, projectname)


+     valid_additional_fields = [

+         "url_build_log",

+         "url_backend_log",

+         "url_build",

+     ]


+     if additional_fields:

+         additional_fields = set(additional_fields)

+         bad_fields = []

+         for field in sorted(additional_fields):

+             if field not in valid_additional_fields:

+                 bad_fields += [field]

+         if bad_fields:

+             raise BadRequest(

+                 "Wrong additional_fields argument(s): " +

+                 ", ".join(bad_fields)

+             )

+     else:

+         additional_fields = set()


+     if project_dirname:

+         copr_dir = CoprDirsLogic.get_by_copr(copr, project_dirname)

+     else:

+         copr_dir = copr.main_dir


+     # Preload those to avoid the error sqlalchemy.orm.exc.DetachedInstanceError

+     # http://sqlalche.me/e/13/bhk3

+     _ = copr_dir.copr.active_chroots

+     _ = copr_dir.copr.group


+     try:

+         return streamed_json_array_response(

+             monitor_generator(copr_dir, additional_fields),

+             "Project monitor request successful",

+             "packages",

+         )

+     finally:

+         checkpoint("Streaming prepared")

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@

  from coprs.logic.complex_logic import ComplexLogic

  from coprs.logic.users_logic import UsersLogic

  from coprs.exceptions import ObjectNotFound

+ from coprs.measure import checkpoint_start



  def create_user_wrapper(username, email, timezone=None):
@@ -62,12 +63,17 @@




- def set_empty_user():

-     flask.g.user = None

+ def before_request():

+     """

+     Configure some useful defaults for (before) each request.

+     """


+     # Checkpoints initialization

+     checkpoint_start()


- @app.before_request

- def lookup_current_user():

+     # Load the logged-in user, if any.

+     # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/3793

+     # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot

      flask.g.user = username = None

      if "openid" in flask.session:

          username = fed_raw_name(flask.session["openid"])

@@ -323,6 +323,19 @@

          assert resp.status_code == 200

          return json.loads(resp.data)


+     def fail_source_build(self, build_id):

+         """ Mimic backend marking source build as failed """

+         form_data = {

+             "builds": [{

+                 "id": int(build_id),

+                 "task_id": str(build_id),

+                 "srpm_url": "http://foo",

+                 "status": 0,

+             }],

+         }

+         assert self.update(form_data).status_code == 200



      def finish_build(self, build_id, package_name=None):


          Given the build_id, finish the build with succeeded state

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@

+ """

+ Test /api_3/monitor

+ """


+ import pytest


+ from tests.coprs_test_case import CoprsTestCase, TransactionDecorator



+ class TestAPIv3Monitor(CoprsTestCase):

+     @TransactionDecorator("u1")

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("f_users", "f_users_api", "f_coprs",

+                              "f_mock_chroots", "f_builds", "f_db")

+     @pytest.mark.parametrize("case", [

+         {"project_dirname": "nonexistent"},  # non-existing dir

+         {"project_dirname": "foocopr"},      # main dir

+         {"additional_fields[]": ["url_build_log", "url_backend_log"]},

+         {"additional_fields[]": ["wrongarg1", "wrongarg2"]},

+     ])

+     def test_v3_monitor(self, case):

+         params = {

+             "ownername": "user1",

+             "projectname": "foocopr",

+         }

+         params.update(case)

+         result = self.tc.get("/api_3/monitor", query_string=params)

+         if case.get("project_dirname") == "nonexistent":

+             assert result.status_code == 404

+             assert "'nonexistent' doesn't exist in 'user1/" in result.json["error"]

+             return


+         if case.get("additional_fields[]") and \

+                     "wrongarg1" in case["additional_fields[]"]:

+             assert result.status_code == 400

+             assert result.json["error"] == \

+                    "Wrong additional_fields argument(s): wrongarg1, wrongarg2"

+             return


+         self.api3.create_distgit_package("foocopr", "cpio")

+         self.api3.rebuild_package("foocopr", "cpio")

+         self.backend.finish_build(5)


+         assert self.tc.get("/api_3/monitor", query_string=params).json \

+                == {

+             "message": "Project monitor request successful",

+             "output": "ok",

+             "packages": [{

+                 "name": "cpio",

+                 "chroots": {

+                     "fedora-18-x86_64": {

+                             "build_id": 5,

+                             "state": "succeeded",

+                             "status": 1,

+                     } | ({

+                             "url_backend_log": (

+                                 "http://copr-be-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org/"

+                                 "results/user1/foocopr/fedora-18-x86_64/xyz/"

+                                 "backend.log.gz"),

+                             "url_build_log": (

+                                 "http://copr-be-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org/"

+                                 "results/user1/foocopr/fedora-18-x86_64/xyz/"

+                                 "builder-live.log.gz"),

+                     } if "additional_fields[]" in case else {})

+                 },

+             }, {

+                 "name": "hello-world",

+                 "chroots": {

+                     "fedora-18-x86_64": {

+                         "build_id": 2,

+                         "state": "waiting",

+                         "status": 9,

+                     } | ({

+                         "url_backend_log": None,

+                         "url_build_log": None,

+                     } if "additional_fields[]" in case else {})

+                 },

+             }]

+         }


+     @TransactionDecorator("u1")

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("f_users", "f_users_api", "f_mock_chroots", "f_db")

+     def test_v3_monitor_empty_project(self):

+         self.web_ui.new_project(

+             "test",

+             ["fedora-rawhide-i386", "fedora-18-x86_64"])

+         self.web_ui.create_distgit_package("test", "tar")

+         result = self.tc.get("/api_3/monitor", query_string={

+             "ownername": "user1",

+             "projectname": "test",

+         })

+         assert result.json == {

+             "message": "Project monitor request successful",

+             "output": "ok",

+             "packages": [],

+         }



+     @TransactionDecorator("u1")

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("f_users", "f_users_api", "f_mock_chroots", "f_db")

+     def test_v3_monitor_multi_chroot(self):

+         self.web_ui.new_project(

+             "test",

+             ["fedora-rawhide-i386", "fedora-18-x86_64"])

+         self.web_ui.create_distgit_package("test", "tar")

+         self.api3.rebuild_package("test", "tar")

+         self.backend.finish_build(1, package_name="tar")


+         assert self.tc.get("/api_3/monitor", query_string={

+             "ownername": "user1",

+             "projectname": "test",

+         }).json == {

+             "message": "Project monitor request successful",

+             "output": "ok",

+             "packages": [{

+                 "name": "tar",

+                 "chroots": {

+                     "fedora-18-x86_64": {

+                         "build_id": 1,

+                         "state": "succeeded",

+                         "status": 1,

+                     },

+                     "fedora-rawhide-i386": {

+                         "build_id": 1,

+                         "state": "succeeded",

+                         "status": 1,

+                     },

+                 },

+             }]

+         }


+     @TransactionDecorator("u1")

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("f_users", "f_users_api", "f_mock_chroots", "f_db")

+     def test_v3_monitor_source_build(self):

+         self.web_ui.new_project(

+             "test",

+             ["fedora-rawhide-i386", "fedora-18-x86_64"])

+         self.web_ui.create_distgit_package("test", "tar")

+         self.api3.rebuild_package("test", "tar")


+         def _fixup_result(result_dict, update=None):

+             for package in result_dict["packages"]:

+                 for _, chroot in package["chroots"].items():

+                     if update:

+                         chroot.update(update)


+         result = self.tc.get("/api_3/monitor", query_string={

+             "ownername": "user1",

+             "projectname": "test",

+             "additional_fields[]": ["url_build_log"],

+         }).json

+         _fixup_result(result)


+         expected_result = {

+             'message': 'Project monitor request successful',

+             'output': 'ok',

+             'packages': [{

+                 "name": "tar",

+                 'chroots': {

+                     'fedora-rawhide-i386': {

+                         'build_id': 1,

+                         'state': 'waiting',

+                         'status': 9,

+                         # we don't have build log here

+                         'url_build_log': None,

+                     },

+                     'fedora-18-x86_64': {

+                         'build_id': 1,

+                         'state': 'waiting',

+                         'status': 9,

+                         # we don't have build log here

+                         'url_build_log': None,

+                     },

+                 },

+             }]

+         }

+         assert result == expected_result


+         # finish with source failure

+         self.backend.fail_source_build(1)

+         result = self.tc.get("/api_3/monitor", query_string={

+             "ownername": "user1",

+             "projectname": "test",

+             "additional_fields[]": ["url_build_log"],

+         }).json

+         _fixup_result(result)


+         # We expect that the result is failed!

+         _fixup_result(expected_result, update={

+             "status": 0,

+             "state": "failed",

+         })

+         assert result == expected_result

@@ -63,13 +63,21 @@

          build = self.models.Build.query.get(1)

          assert json.loads(build.source_json) == expected_source_dict

          assert build.source_type == BuildSourceEnum(source_type_text)

-         assert build.chroots == []


+         def _assert_default_chroots(test_build):

+             # We assign Package to Build as soon as possible, and at the same

+             # time we allocate BuildChroots.

+             assert {bch.name for bch in test_build.chroots} == {

+                 "fedora-17-x86_64",

+                 "fedora-17-i386",

+             }


+         _assert_default_chroots(build)

          rebuild_data["chroots"] = chroots

          self.post_api3_with_auth(endpoint, rebuild_data, user)

          build = self.models.Build.query.get(2)

          assert json.loads(build.source_json) == expected_source_dict

          if "fedora-18-x86_64" in chroots or chroots == []:

-             assert build.chroots == []

+             _assert_default_chroots(build)


              assert [mch.name for mch in build.chroots] == ["fedora-17-i386"]

@@ -27,32 +27,33 @@

  class TestMonitor(CoprsTestCase):



-     def test_regression_monitor_no_copr_returned(self, f_db, f_users, f_mock_chroots):

+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("f_db", "f_users", "f_mock_chroots", "f_db")

+     def test_regression_monitor_no_copr_returned(self):

          # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1165284


-         # commit users to the database

-         self.db.session.commit()

          copr_name = u"temp"


          # trying to get monitor page for non-existing project

-         res = self.tc.get("/coprs/{}/{}/monitor/".format(self.u1.name, copr_name))

-         assert res.status_code == 404

+         url_monitor = "/coprs/{}/{}/monitor/".format(self.u1.name, copr_name)


-         tmp_copr = models.Copr(name=copr_name, user=self.u1)

-         cc = models.CoprChroot()

-         cc.mock_chroot = self.mc1

-         tmp_copr.copr_chroots.append(cc)

+         res = self.tc.get(url_monitor)

+         assert res.status_code == 404


-         self.db.session.add_all([tmp_copr, cc])

+         # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/3793

+         # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot

+         flask.g.user = self.u1

+         tmp_copr = CoprsLogic.add(

+             self.u1, name=copr_name,

+             selected_chroots=["fedora-rawhide-i386"],

+         )



-         res = self.tc.get("/coprs/{}/{}/monitor/".format(self.u1.name, copr_name))

+         res = self.tc.get(url_monitor)

          assert res.status_code == 200


-         self.db.session.add(CoprsLogic.delete_unsafe(self.u1, tmp_copr))

+         CoprsLogic.delete_unsafe(self.u1, tmp_copr)



-         res = self.tc.get("/coprs/{}/{}/monitor/".format(self.u1.name, copr_name))

+         res = self.tc.get(url_monitor)

          assert res.status_code == 404



file modified
+3 -6
@@ -22,15 +22,12 @@




-     import os

-     import sys

      import subprocess

      gitrootdir = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]).decode("utf-8").strip()

-     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, 'backend'))

-     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, 'frontend', 'coprs_frontend'))

-     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, 'common'))

-     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, 'python'))

      sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, '.pylintpath'))

+     import copr_pylintrc

+     copr_pylintrc.init()



  # Our own pylint transformations.


file modified
+3 -4
@@ -5,13 +5,12 @@




-     import os

-     import sys

      import subprocess

      gitrootdir = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]).decode("utf-8").strip()

-     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, 'common'))

-     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, 'python'))

      sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(gitrootdir, '.pylintpath'))

+     import copr_pylintrc

+     copr_pylintrc.init()



  # Our own pylint transformations.


@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

  from .proxies.package import PackageProxy

  from .proxies.module import ModuleProxy

  from .proxies.mock_chroot import MockChrootProxy

+ from .proxies.monitor import MonitorProxy

  from .proxies.project_chroot import ProjectChrootProxy

  from .proxies.build_chroot import BuildChrootProxy

  from .proxies.webhook import WebhookProxy
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@

          self.package_proxy = PackageProxy(config)

          self.module_proxy = ModuleProxy(config)

          self.mock_chroot_proxy = MockChrootProxy(config)

+         self.monitor_proxy = MonitorProxy(config)

          self.project_chroot_proxy = ProjectChrootProxy(config)

          self.build_chroot_proxy = BuildChrootProxy(config)

          self.webhook_proxy = WebhookProxy(config)

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

+ from functools import wraps

  import os

  import time

  import configparser
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@

      Modify a result munch and set the __proxy__ parameter

      to the actual proxy instance.


+     @wraps(func)

      def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

          result = func(*args, **kwargs)

          if type(result) not in [List, Munch]:

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@

+ """

+ APIv3 /monitor Python client code

+ """


+ from copr.v3 import proxies

+ from copr.v3.requests import Request, munchify

+ from copr.v3.helpers import for_all_methods, bind_proxy



+ @for_all_methods(bind_proxy)

+ class MonitorProxy(proxies.BaseProxy):

+     """

+     Proxy to process /api_3/monitor requests.

+     """


+     def monitor(self, ownername, projectname, project_dirname=None,

+                 additional_fields=None):

+         """

+         Return a list of project packages, and corresponding info for the latest

+         chroot builds.


+         :param str ownername:

+         :param str projectname:

+         :param str project_dirname:

+         :param list additional_fields: List of additional fields to return in

+             the dictionary.  Possible values: ``url_build_log``,

+             ``url_backend_log``, ``build_url``.  Note that additional fields

+             may significantly prolong the server response time.

+         :return: Munch a list of dictionaries,

+             formatted like::


+                 {

+                   "name": package_name,

+                     "chroots": {

+                       "fedora-rawhide-x86_64": {

+                           "build_id": 843616,

+                           "status": "succeeded",

+                           ... fields ...,

+                     }

+                   },

+                 }

+         """

+         endpoint = "/monitor"

+         params = {

+             "ownername": ownername,

+             "projectname": projectname,

+             "project_dirname": project_dirname,

+             "additional_fields[]": additional_fields,

+         }

+         request = Request(endpoint, api_base_url=self.api_base_url, params=params)

+         response = request.send()

+         return munchify(response)

@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@


      def reset(self, ownername, projectname, packagename):


-         Reset a package configuration, meaning that previously selected `source_type`

-         for the package and also all the source configuration previously defined by

-         `source_dict` will be nulled.

+         Reset a package configuration, meaning that previously selected

+         ``source_type`` for the package and also all the source configuration

+         previously defined by ``source_dict`` will be nulled.


          :param str ownername:

          :param str projectname:

@@ -47,6 +47,13 @@




+ Monitor

+ -------


+ .. autoclass:: copr.v3.proxies.monitor.MonitorProxy

+    :members:



  Project Chroot



no initial comment

Metadata Update from @praiskup:
- Pull-request tagged with: wip

2 years ago

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

rebased onto 48b4e48357ffc60386deed13ca5b6747be9d6dff

2 years ago

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

Metadata Update from @praiskup:
- Pull-request untagged with: wip
- Pull-request tagged with: needs-tests

2 years ago

6 new commits added

  • frontend, cli, python: APIv3 /package/monitor
  • python: fix doc sphinx warnings
  • python: fix :members: autodoc
  • cli: move output printer logic to separate file
  • cli: de-duplicate --output-format option handling
  • frontend: checkpoint measurement helpers
2 years ago

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

6 new commits added

  • frontend, cli, python: APIv3 /package/monitor
  • python: fix doc sphinx warnings
  • python: fix :members: autodoc
  • cli: move output printer logic to separate file
  • cli: de-duplicate --output-format option handling
  • frontend: checkpoint measurement helpers
2 years ago

6 new commits added

  • frontend, cli, python: APIv3 /package/monitor
  • python: fix doc sphinx warnings
  • python: fix :members: autodoc
  • cli: move output printer logic to separate file
  • cli: de-duplicate --output-format option handling
  • frontend: checkpoint measurement helpers
2 years ago

Build succeeded.

Build succeeded.

6 new commits added

  • frontend, cli, python: APIv3 /package/monitor
  • python: fix doc sphinx warnings
  • python: fix :members: autodoc
  • cli: move output printer logic to separate file
  • cli: de-duplicate --output-format option handling
  • frontend: checkpoint measurement helpers
2 years ago

Build succeeded.

This can be tested by:

#> dnf copr enable @copr/copr-dev:pr:1936
#> dnf copr update copr-cli python3-copr
#> vim ~/.config/dev-copr  # get token from dev instance https://copr-fe-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org/
#> copr monitor --help
usage: copr monitor [-h] [--dirname DIRNAME]
                    [--output-format {text,json,text-row}]
                    [--fields FIELDS]

positional arguments:
  project               Which project's packages should be listed. Can be
                        just a name of the project or even in format
                        username/project or @groupname/project.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dirname DIRNAME     project (sub)directory name, e.g. 'foo:pr:125',
                        by default just 'foo' is used
  --output-format {text,json,text-row}
                        Set the formatting style. We recommend using
                        json, which prints the required data in json
                        format. The text format prints the required data
                        in a column, one piece of information per line.
                        The text-row format prints all information
                        separated by a space on a single line.
  --fields FIELDS       A comma-separated list (ordered) of fields to be
                        printed. Possible values: name, chroot, build_id,
                        state, url_build_log, url_backend_log, url_build,
                        Note that url_build* options might significantly
                        prolong the server response time.

So typical use-case would be:

./copr --config ~/.config/dev-copr monitor @copr/copr-dev --output-format text-row
copr-backend    fedora-34-x86_64        2133258 failed
copr-backend    fedora-rawhide-x86_64   2133258 failed
copr-backend    fedora-33-x86_64        2133258 failed
copr-backend    fedora-35-x86_64        2115755 forked
copr-cli        fedora-rawhide-aarch64  2132770 failed
copr-cli        fedora-rawhide-x86_64   2132770 failed
copr-cli        epel-7-x86_64   2132770 succeeded
copr-cli        epel-8-x86_64   2132770 failed

But one can opt-in the frontend build URL and/or the backend build/backend log
urls. Using the text-row (CSV, tab separated) one can order the fields:

$ copr --config ~/.config/dev-copr monitor @copr/copr-dev \
       --output-format text-row \
       --fields "name, chroot, state, url_build_log"
copr-backend    fedora-34-x86_64        failed  https://download.copr-dev.fedorainfracloud.org/results/@copr/copr-dev/fedora-34-x86_64/02133258-copr-backend/builder-live.log.gz
copr-backend    fedora-rawhide-x86_64   failed  https://download.copr-dev.fedorainfracloud.org/results/@copr/copr-dev/fedora-rawhide-x86_64/02133258-copr-backend/builder-live.log.gz
copr-keygen     fedora-35-x86_64        forked  None
copr-messaging  fedora-34-aarch64       forked  None

And use tools like cut or sort --key N.

Note that the url_build_log, etc.
options make the frontend response a bit more expensive (about twice as
slow response). That's, except for readability, the reason those fields are
not always automatically printed.

With this, the largest project @rubygems/rubygems, with about 103982
packages in production, and 200k+ build chroots, should be provided in
between about half a minute (without build URLs) and minute (with URLs).

You mean

#> dnf copr enable @copr/copr-dev:pr:1953
#> dnf update copr-cli python3-copr

right? And what the heck happens to the double-columns?

Tested. This is exactly what I needed. Just great.

Here should be "Possible values: " + ", ".join(ALLOWED_FIELDS) + ". ". Otherwise, it separates the new sentence with a comma and not a period

This bch shadows name 'bch' from outer scope, it is not clear from the naming that what the variable represents.

It is a pity that it is not possible to enable measurement from copr.conf, in my opinion, it is not a good idea to have a piece of code that will work as soon as we uncomment another piece of code.

Hmm, what if return streamed_json_array_response fails, we still declare the streaming prepared?

I'm not entirely sure why this is here. Do you use it somewhere?

In general, it works very well, I like it :)

rebased onto d37bfadfa0631259aa98107636a83f2d8bb7afec

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

@iucar thanks for the feedback!

@schlupov thank you for the review! I fixed all your remarks.

It is a pity that it is not possible to enable measurement from copr.conf

I was a bit lazy to polish the code, but I eventually did ... and it is configurable now.
While on it, I did a bit of cleanup work in configuration documentation.

Hmm, what if return streamed_json_array_response fails, we still declare the streaming prepared?

Unless there's a bug, the streamed response shouldn't fail. And it shouldn't really
matter. The point is that, even though the full response takes several seconds, the
output "Streaming prepared" should be printed instantly (if not, something is wrong).
If any exception comes, it happens after that checkpoint is printed.

I'm not entirely sure why this is here. Do you use it somewhere?

It was documented before, but I added more clear docs, thanks for the note.

It's awesome. Thank you!

rebased onto 99cb8a5d85261377db13b65fb74eaec0bbd0b3a0

2 years ago

11 new commits added

  • frontend, cli, python: APIv3 /package/monitor
  • python: fix doc sphinx warnings
  • python: fix :members: autodoc
  • cli: move output printer logic to separate file
  • cli: de-duplicate --output-format option handling
  • frontend: assure error_handler error is 500
  • frontend: handle CoprDir.get_by_copr consistently
  • frontend: single before_request hook
  • frontend: document the debugging options in copr.conf
  • frontend: checkpoint measurement helpers
  • pylint: don't poison sys.path too much
2 years ago

Build succeeded.

11 new commits added

  • frontend, cli, python: APIv3 /package/monitor
  • python: fix doc sphinx warnings
  • python: fix :members: autodoc
  • cli: move output printer logic to separate file
  • cli: de-duplicate --output-format option handling
  • frontend: assure error_handler error is 500
  • frontend: handle CoprDir.get_by_copr consistently
  • frontend: single before_request hook
  • frontend: document the debugging options in copr.conf
  • frontend: checkpoint measurement helpers
  • pylint: don't poison sys.path too much
2 years ago

Build succeeded.

12 new commits added

  • frontend: add BuildChroot(s) to Build ASAP if package is known
  • frontend, cli, python: APIv3 /package/monitor
  • python: fix doc sphinx warnings
  • python: fix :members: autodoc
  • cli: move output printer logic to separate file
  • cli: de-duplicate --output-format option handling
  • frontend: assure error_handler error is 500
  • frontend: handle CoprDir.get_by_copr consistently
  • frontend: single before_request hook
  • frontend: document the debugging options in copr.conf
  • frontend: checkpoint measurement helpers
  • pylint: don't poison sys.path too much
2 years ago

12 new commits added

  • frontend: add BuildChroot(s) to Build ASAP if package is known
  • frontend, cli, python: APIv3 /package/monitor
  • python: fix doc sphinx warnings
  • python: fix :members: autodoc
  • cli: move output printer logic to separate file
  • cli: de-duplicate --output-format option handling
  • frontend: assure error_handler error is 500
  • frontend: handle CoprDir.get_by_copr consistently
  • frontend: single before_request hook
  • frontend: document the debugging options in copr.conf
  • frontend: checkpoint measurement helpers
  • pylint: don't poison sys.path too much
2 years ago

Metadata Update from @praiskup:
- Pull-request untagged with: needs-tests

2 years ago

Build succeeded.

I fixed all your remarks.

Thank you

Metadata Update from @praiskup:
- Request assigned

2 years ago

I am not sure what is the purpose of these two lines. If it is indeed useful, please add some comment

I am not entirely sure if we want to have this under packages. The monitor has always been its own thing in the web UI, so for me, it would be more intuitive to add apiv3_monitor.py with @apiv3_ns.route("/monitor") route(s). But I am not insisting on this, just a suggestion.

rebased onto aeda09a

2 years ago

Ok, I agree. Moved to "monitor" namespace in all components (cli/python/frontend). PTAL

Build succeeded.

Nice. And also thank you for describing those _ = something statements, now we won't be tempted to remove them with "wtf, they are useless" :-)


Pull-Request has been merged by praiskup

2 years ago
Changes Summary 26
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+202 -68
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+25 -7
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+39 -0
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+10 -4
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+13 -0
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+10 -2
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+15 -14
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+3 -6
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