#1774 frontend: clone all CoprChroot attributes when forking
Merged 3 years ago by praiskup. Opened 3 years ago by praiskup.

@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@

          if not len(fork_builds):



+         new_build_chroots = 0

          for build in fork_builds:

              chroot_exists = mock_chroot in build.chroots

@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@

              if not chroot_exists:

                  # forked chroot may already exists, e.g. from prevoius

                  # 'rawhide-to-release-run'

+                 new_build_chroots += 1

                  dest_build_chroot = builds_logic.BuildChrootsLogic.new(


@@ -124,6 +126,12 @@

              if rbc.result_dir:



+         if data["builds"] or new_build_chroots:

+             print("  Fresh new build chroots: {}, regenerate {}".format(

+                 new_build_chroots,

+                 len(data["builds"]) - new_build_chroots,

+             ))


          if len(data["builds"]):


@@ -131,16 +139,11 @@


  def turn_on_the_chroot_for_copr(copr, rawhide_name, mock_chroot):

      rawhide_chroot = None

-     for chroot in copr.active_copr_chroots:

+     for chroot in copr.copr_chroots:

          if chroot.name == rawhide_name:

              rawhide_chroot = chroot

          if chroot.name == mock_chroot.name:

              # already created



-     create_kwargs = {

-         "buildroot_pkgs": rawhide_chroot.buildroot_pkgs,

-         "comps": rawhide_chroot.comps,

-         "comps_name": rawhide_chroot.comps_name,

-     }

-     coprs_logic.CoprChrootsLogic.create_chroot(copr.user, copr, mock_chroot, **create_kwargs)

+     coprs_logic.CoprChrootsLogic.create_chroot_from(rawhide_chroot,

+                                                     mock_chroot=mock_chroot)

@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@

  import time

  import os


+ # We need to set this so copr_url() can be used in unit tests

+ SERVER_NAME = "localhost"


  PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..', '..', '..'))

  LOCAL_TMP_DIR = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, '_tmp', str(int(time.time())) )


@@ -659,3 +659,37 @@


          " is" if be_suffix else ""



+ def clone_sqlalchemy_instance(instance, ignored=None):

+     """

+     Clone an object, but skip the primary key.

+     """

+     new_instance = type(instance)()

+     if not ignored:

+         ignored = []


+     # Copy the normal table columns.

+     for col in instance.__table__.columns:

+         column = col.name

+         if column in ignored:

+             continue

+         if not hasattr(instance, column):

+             # stuff like user_id in _UserPrivate

+             continue

+         if col.primary_key:

+             # the new object needs to have it's own unique primary key

+             continue

+         if col.foreign_keys:

+             # we copy the references instead below

+             continue

+         setattr(new_instance, column, getattr(instance, column))


+     # Copy the references.  It is better to copy 'new.parent = old.parent'

+     # than just 'old.parent_id' because the 'new' object wouldn't have the

+     # 'new.parent' object loaded.

+     for attr, rel in instance.__mapper__.relationships.items():

+         if rel.uselist:

+             # TODO: support also 1:N, not only N:1

+             continue

+         setattr(new_instance, attr, getattr(instance, attr))

+     return new_instance

@@ -330,9 +330,10 @@

              fcopr_dir = models.CoprDir(name=fcopr.name, copr=fcopr, main=True)


              for chroot in list(copr.active_copr_chroots):

-                 CoprChrootsLogic.create_chroot(self.user, fcopr, chroot.mock_chroot, chroot.buildroot_pkgs,

-                                                chroot.repos, comps=chroot.comps, comps_name=chroot.comps_name,

-                                                with_opts=chroot.with_opts, without_opts=chroot.without_opts)

+                 CoprChrootsLogic.create_chroot_from(chroot,

+                                                     mock_chroot=chroot.mock_chroot,

+                                                     copr=fcopr)





@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@

  from coprs.exceptions import MalformedArgumentException, BadRequest

  from coprs.logic import users_logic

  from coprs.whoosheers import CoprWhoosheer

- from coprs.helpers import fix_protocol_for_backend

+ from coprs.helpers import fix_protocol_for_backend, clone_sqlalchemy_instance


  from coprs.logic.actions_logic import ActionsLogic

  from coprs.logic.users_logic import UsersLogic
@@ -681,6 +681,23 @@

          return chroot



+     def create_chroot_from(cls, from_copr_chroot, copr=None, mock_chroot=None):

+         """

+         Create a new CoprChroot object for USER, COPR and MOCK_CHROOT,

+         inheriting the configuration from FROM_COPR_CHROOT.

+         """

+         assert copr or mock_chroot

+         copr_chroot = clone_sqlalchemy_instance(from_copr_chroot, ["build_chroots"])

+         if mock_chroot is not None:

+             copr_chroot.mock_chroot = mock_chroot

+         if copr is not None:

+             copr_chroot.copr = copr

+         db.session.add(copr_chroot)

+         if copr_chroot.comps_name is not None:

+             ActionsLogic.send_update_comps(copr_chroot)

+         return copr_chroot


+     @classmethod

      def update_chroot(cls, user, copr_chroot, buildroot_pkgs=None, repos=None, comps=None, comps_name=None,

                        with_opts="", without_opts="", delete_after=None, delete_notify=None, module_toggle="",

                        bootstrap=None, bootstrap_image=None, isolation=None):

@@ -6,16 +6,21 @@


  from coprs import db, models

  from coprs.logic import coprs_logic

- from tests.coprs_test_case import CoprsTestCase, new_app_context

- from copr_common.enums import StatusEnum

+ from copr_common.enums import StatusEnum, ActionTypeEnum

  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order

  from commands.branch_fedora import branch_fedora_function


+ from coprs_frontend.tests.coprs_test_case import CoprsTestCase, new_app_context



  class TestBranchFedora(CoprsTestCase):


+     def _get_actions(self):

+         actions = self.models.Action.query.all()

+         return [ActionTypeEnum(a.action_type) for a in actions]



-     def test_branch_fedora(self):

+     def test_branch_fedora(self, capsys):

          """ Test rawhide-to-release through branch-fedora command """


          # Create one build which is also built in rawhide-i386 chroot
@@ -26,7 +31,6 @@



          for cch in self.c3.copr_chroots:

-             print("adding {} buildchroot into {}".format(cch.name, b_rawhide))

              bch_rawhide = models.BuildChroot(


@@ -53,6 +57,8 @@




+         assert self._get_actions() == []


          assert len(self.c1.copr_chroots) == 2

          assert len(self.c3.copr_chroots) == 2

@@ -81,3 +87,31 @@


          assert bch.status == StatusEnum("forked")

          assert bch.build.package == self.p3


+         assert self._get_actions() == ["rawhide_to_release"]


+         # re-run the command, this is no-op

+         branch_fedora_function(19, False, 'f19')

+         assert self._get_actions() == ["rawhide_to_release"]


+         # re-run, and re-fork all the builds, generates new action

+         branch_fedora_function(19, True, 'f19')

+         assert self._get_actions() == ["rawhide_to_release",

+                                        "rawhide_to_release"]


+         stdout, _ = capsys.readouterr()

+         assert stdout == "\n".join([

+             "Handling builds in copr 'user2/barcopr', chroot 'fedora-rawhide-i386'",

+             "  Fresh new build chroots: 1, regenerate 0",

+             "Handling builds in copr 'user1/foocopr', chroot 'fedora-rawhide-x86_64'",

+             "fedora-19-i386 - already exists.",

+             "fedora-19-x86_64 - already exists.",

+             "Handling builds in copr 'user2/barcopr', chroot 'fedora-rawhide-i386'",

+             "Handling builds in copr 'user1/foocopr', chroot 'fedora-rawhide-x86_64'",

+             "fedora-19-i386 - already exists.",

+             "fedora-19-x86_64 - already exists.",

+             "Handling builds in copr 'user2/barcopr', chroot 'fedora-rawhide-i386'",

+             "  Fresh new build chroots: 0, regenerate 1",

+             "Handling builds in copr 'user1/foocopr', chroot 'fedora-rawhide-x86_64'",

+             ""

+         ])

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@

  from coprs.helpers import parse_package_name, generate_repo_url, \

      fix_protocol_for_frontend, fix_protocol_for_backend, pre_process_repo_url, \

      parse_repo_params, pagure_html_diff_changed, SubdirMatch, \

-     raw_commit_changes, WorkList, pluralize

+     raw_commit_changes, WorkList, pluralize, clone_sqlalchemy_instance


  from tests.coprs_test_case import CoprsTestCase

@@ -228,6 +228,39 @@

          assert pagure_html_diff_changed('some-dust-ajablůňka>isdf/#~<--') == set([])

          assert pagure_html_diff_changed(b'091213114151deadbeaf') == set([])


+     @pytest.mark.usefixtures("f_users", "f_coprs", "f_mock_chroots", "f_db")

+     def test_orm_object_clone(self):

+         """

+         Test here that we are able to clone several types of ORM objects we have

+         in Copr database.

+         """

+         # "fedora-17-x86_64" from "user2/foocopr"

+         original = self.models.CoprChroot.query.get(2)

+         # "user1/foocopr"

+         target_copr = self.models.Copr.query.get(1)


+         assert "fedora-17-x86_64" not in \

+                 [m.name for m in target_copr.mock_chroots]


+         # Check this is copied, even though it causes duplicity - caller needs

+         # to take care of unique keys for now.

+         copy = clone_sqlalchemy_instance(original)

+         assert copy.copr == original.copr

+         assert copy.mock_chroot == original.mock_chroot

+         # These are not copied.

+         assert copy.copr_id is None

+         assert copy.mock_chroot_id is None

+         # Array fields are not copied.

+         assert copy.build_chroots == []


+         # remove the duplicity, and commit (no traceback)

+         copy.copr = target_copr

+         self.db.session.commit()


+         target_copr = self.models.Copr.query.get(1)

+         assert "fedora-17-x86_64" in \

+                 [m.name for m in target_copr.mock_chroots]



  def test_worklist_class():

      """ test that all tasks are processed only once """

This brings in a little bit of experiment, a new function
clone_sqlalchemy_instance() that should be able to clone SQLAlchemy ORM
objects. This first implementation isn't able to clone list (1=>N)

Fixes: #1760

Build succeeded.

I think this has something to do with

This first implementation isn't able to clone list (1=>N) relations.

Can you please add some comment or TODO here into the code?

I guess this is transitively tested by test_rawhide_to_release.py but I think it would be worth it to add some simple tests directly for this new clone_sqlalchemy_instance helper function. It would help us catch potential issues without investigating what is wrong with rawhide_to_release command.

Otherwise, it looks good to me,
thank you.

rebased onto b2347a8102f0fd2151ee98b61e6a723ab379a659

3 years ago

Can you please add some comment or TODO here into the code?


I think it would be worth it to add some simple tests directly for this new clone_sqlalchemy_instance


Thank you for the review. I also fixed another rawhide-to-release bug
in a separate commit, and I made the command a bit more verbose.

Build succeeded.

1 new commit added

  • frontend: better test the branch-fedora command
3 years ago

Build succeeded.

rebased onto eb901d2

3 years ago

Build succeeded.

Pull-Request has been merged by praiskup

3 years ago