| |
@@ -101,6 +101,37 @@
| |
| |
# make sure no initial build was submitted
| |
assert self.models.Build.query.first() is None
| |
+ # one createrepo action generated
| |
+ actions = ActionsLogic.get_many().all()
| |
+ assert len(actions) == 2
| |
+ for action in actions:
| |
+ if action.action_type == ActionTypeEnum("createrepo"):
| |
+ assert json.loads(actions[0].data)["devel"] is False
| |
| |
+ @TransactionDecorator("u1")
| |
+ @pytest.mark.usefixtures("f_users", "f_mock_chroots", "f_db")
| |
+ def test_copr_new_ACR_OFF(self):
| |
+ r = self.test_client.post(
| |
+ "/coprs/{0}/new/".format(self.u1.name),
| |
+ data={
| |
+ "name": "foo",
| |
+ "chroots": ["fedora-rawhide-i386"],
| |
+ "arches": ["i386"],
| |
+ "disable_createrepo": True,
| |
+ },
| |
+ follow_redirects=True)
| |
| |
+ assert self.models.Copr.query\
| |
+ .order_by(desc(models.Copr.created_on))\
| |
+ .filter(self.models.Copr.name == "foo").first()
| |
+ assert self.success_string.encode("utf-8") in r.data
| |
| |
+ # make sure no initial build was submitted
| |
+ assert self.models.Build.query.first() is None
| |
| |
+ actions = ActionsLogic.get_many().filter_by(action_type=3).order_by('id').all()
| |
+ assert {True, False} == {json.loads(action.data)["devel"]
| |
+ for action in actions}
| |
| |
| |
def test_copr_new_exists_for_another_user(self, f_users, f_coprs,
| |
@@ -424,8 +455,8 @@
| |
assert len(mock_chroots) == 1
| |
| |
| |
- def test_re_enable_auto_createrepo_produce_action(
| |
- self, f_users, f_coprs, f_mock_chroots, f_db):
| |
+ @pytest.mark.usefixtures("f_users", "f_coprs", "f_mock_chroots", "f_db")
| |
+ def test_changed_ACR_produces_action(self):
| |
| |
| |
[self.u1, self.c1, self.mc1, self.mc2, self.mc3])
| |
@@ -434,13 +465,15 @@
| |
coprname = self.c1.name
| |
copr_id = self.c1.id
| |
chroot = self.mc1.name
| |
+ chroots = {self.mc1.name, self.mc2.name, self.mc3.name}
| |
| |
- # 1.ensure ACR enabled
| |
| |
+ # 1. Ensure ACR is enabled
| |
| |
c1_actual = CoprsLogic.get(self.u1.name, self.c1.name).one()
| |
assert c1_actual.auto_createrepo
| |
- # 1. disabling ACR
| |
+ assert len(ActionsLogic.get_many().all()) == 0
| |
| |
+ # 2. Disabling ACR (generates createrepo action in devel/
| |
| |
"/coprs/{0}/{1}/update/".format(username, coprname),
| |
data={"name": coprname, "chroots": [chroot], "id": copr_id,
| |
@@ -448,33 +481,52 @@
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
- # check current status
| |
c1_actual = CoprsLogic.get(username, coprname).one()
| |
assert not c1_actual.auto_createrepo
| |
- # no actions issued before
| |
- assert len(ActionsLogic.get_many().all()) == 0
| |
+ assert len(ActionsLogic.get_many().all()) == 1
| |
+ action = ActionsLogic.get_many().one()
| |
+ handled_ids = {action.id}
| |
| |
- # 2. enabling ACR
| |
+ expected_data = {
| |
+ "ownername": "user1",
| |
+ "projectname": "foocopr",
| |
+ "project_dirnames": ["foocopr"],
| |
+ "chroots": ["fedora-18-x86_64"],
| |
+ "appstream": True,
| |
+ "devel": True,
| |
+ }
| |
| |
+ assert json.loads(action.data) == expected_data
| |
| |
+ # 3. Re-enable ACR, and enable two new chroots
| |
| |
"/coprs/{0}/{1}/update/".format(username, coprname),
| |
- data={"name": coprname, "chroots": [chroot], "id": copr_id,
| |
+ data={"name": coprname, "chroots": list(chroots), "id": copr_id,
| |
"disable_createrepo": "false"},
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
c1_actual = CoprsLogic.get(username, coprname).one()
| |
| |
- # ACR enabled
| |
assert c1_actual.auto_createrepo
| |
- # added action
| |
- assert len(ActionsLogic.get_many().all()) > 0
| |
- action = ActionsLogic.get_many(action_type=ActionTypeEnum("createrepo")).one()
| |
| |
- data_dict = json.loads(action.data)
| |
- assert data_dict["ownername"] == username
| |
- assert data_dict["projectname"] == coprname
| |
+ actions = ActionsLogic.get_many().all()
| |
+ assert len(actions) == 3
| |
| |
+ expected_chroots = chroots
| |
| |
+ for action in ActionsLogic.get_many():
| |
+ if action.id in handled_ids:
| |
+ continue
| |
+ expected_data["devel"] = False
| |
+ # TODO: the form re-sets appstream to False for None value
| |
+ expected_data["appstream"] = False
| |
+ data = json.loads(action.data)
| |
+ expected_data["chroots"] = data["chroots"]
| |
+ for chroot in data["chroots"]:
| |
+ assert chroot in expected_chroots
| |
+ expected_chroots.remove(chroot)
| |
+ assert data == expected_data
| |
+ # createrepo was created in all the three chroots
| |
+ assert len(expected_chroots) == 0
| |
| |
| |
class TestCoprApplyForPermissions(CoprsTestCase):
| |
@@ -1101,6 +1153,7 @@
| |
"projectname": "test",
| |
"project_dirnames": ["test"],
| |
"appstream": True,
| |
+ "devel": False,
| |
| |
def _expected(action, chroots):
| |
template["chroots"] = chroots
| |
This PR exists only to easily build the Copr packages via Copr CI, so they can be installed on our devel instance - and beaker tested.
We usually merge other pull requests here (those that are expected to be merged before the upcoming release).