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The thing is when you build X with older version than in repos and then next package BuildRequires: X, the version from fedora repo is coming rather than that which you just built.
This is mostly useful for CI which is just trying to build arbitrary versions (might be older than repos have)
Does X in your example include version information? If not, then how do you expect it prefer an older version?
sure, it does... but this should not matter for COPR... I just want to configure priority parameter for repos and dnf will take care about which packages to pick from where.
Sorry for my silly questions but...you are saying that you e.g. BuildRequires: dnf-1.4 - an older version present in a COPR repo and instead dnf-1.5 is used, which is present in Fedora repos and newer...is that correct?
No, I say that I BuildRequires: dnf and it exists in COPR repo (1.8) and in Fedora repo (1.9) and now COPR picks 1.9 from fedora while I explicitly want to say for my repo to prefer packages from COPR repo.
BuildRequires: dnf
Well, I doubt even setting higher priority for a repo will help here. Always the latest versions should be preferred. You would need to completely disable Fedora repositories to do this, which means using custom chroots at the moment. There might be other way in DNF to do this that I am not aware of, then please, tell me.
just setting priority option for repo should do the trick (at least when I use libsolv directly it works that way)
My fault, this is valid request then.
Why epoch doesn't help you (if your usecase is really only about CI)?
okay, it is not only about CI, but also about CD. if we bump epoch -- users will have a lot of problems.
But for CD, you need to affect "run-time" copr repo priority, not only the "build-time" repo priority, right?
We have implemented this RFE in PR#198. The current syntax for specifying additional Copr repos is
however, now it is possible to specify the priority like this
copr://<owner>/<project>?priority=<num> copr://frostyx/foo?priority=10
Other parameters than ?priority are currently ignored, ...
I am closing this issue, please feel free to reopen it, or create a new issue if there is a problem with this feature.
Metadata Update from @frostyx: - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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