
Uses motd, issue, and profile to show helper messages before/at login.

User manual

The following messages are shown:

  • [x] available ssh keys from /etc/ssh matching the regex ssh_host_*_key, before login as an issue
  • [x] ip addresses of network interfaces such as eth0, before login as an issue
  • [x] available system updates from rpm-ostree or dnf, at login as a motd
  • [x] failed systemd units, at login as a bash profile script

How to use:

Let x denote {motd,issue}.

  • xgen scripts source files from /etc/console-login-helper-messages/x.d, /run/console-login-helper-messages/x.d, and /usr/lib/console-login-helper-messages/x.d, and generate a file at /run/x.d/40_console-login-helper-messages.x
  • A symlink /etc/issue.d/console-login-helper-messages.issue -> /run/issue.d/console-login-helper-messages.issue is created as agetty will only look for files in /etc/issue.d as of today, so a symlink to the generated one is required
  • Users may continue to add their own xs by placing files in /etc/x.d/
  • Users may also drop files into /etc/console-login-helper-messages/x.d/ to have the xgen services append their files to the generated x. This is to preserve Container Linux functionality where appending messages to the overall generated message was available, not just placing a file into a public directory then searched by programs like PAM/sshd and agetty.