
Runtime scripts, systemd unit files, tmpfiles, and installer scripts to provide an issue/motd mechanism for RHCOS/FCOS. To be distributed as an RPM, with some additional manual configuration required to work with software like PAM, agetty, ...


Let x denote {motd,issue}.

  • Symlinks from /etc/x to /run/x (see below) are set by systemd-tmpfiles.
  • issuegen and motdgen generate /run/x, from files in /etc/coreos/x.d, /run/coreos/x.d, /lib/usr/coreos/x.d.
  • Users may append to issue or motd by placing a file in /etc/coreos/x.d/.
  • PAM and agetty must be configured to search /etc/motd.d and /etc/issue.d respectively, for the messages in those directories to be shown at login. This is default for agetty, and default for PAM as long as the module is specified in the necessary /etc/pam.d configuration files.

Directory tree (unpacking the rpm)

[root@a5cba1b23420 view-rpm-tree-output]# ../


[root@a5cba1b23420 view-rpm-tree-output]# tree
|-- etc
|   `-- coreos
|       |-- issue.d
|       `-- motd.d
|-- run
|   `-- coreos
|       |-- issue.d
|       `-- motd.d
|-- usr
|   |-- lib
|   |   |-- coreos
|   |   |   |-- issue.d
|   |   |   |   `-- base.issue
|   |   |   |-- issuegen
|   |   |   |-- motd.d
|   |   |   `-- motdgen
|   |   |-- systemd
|   |   |   `-- system
|   |   |       |-- issuegen.path
|   |   |       |-- issuegen.service
|   |   |       |-- motdgen.path
|   |   |       `-- motdgen.service
|   |   |-- tmpfiles.d
|   |   |   |-- coreos-profile.conf
|   |   |   |-- issuegen.conf
|   |   |   `-- motdgen.conf
|   |   `-- udev
|   |       `-- rules.d
|   |           `-- 91-issuegen.rules
|   `-- share
|       |-- coreos
|       |   `--
|       |-- doc
|       |   `-- coreos-ux
|       |       `--
|       `-- licenses
|           `-- coreos-ux
|               `-- LICENSE
`-- view-rpm-tree-output

25 directories, 14 files

Next steps

  • [x] account for issue in (for testing)
  • [x] script to enable the systemd units and reboot (for testing)
  • [x] script to configure PAM (for testing)
    • no script; make it a responsibility of the user, not of the package installer. therefore PAM doesn't need to be a dependency
  • [x] make systemd-tmpfiles config to create symlinks
    • rpm installation can also set up symlinks, but it should be a responsibility of systemd to keep the symlinks maintained (user can easily override by placing config in /etc/*.conf acting on top of /usr/lib/*.conf)
  • [x] wrap everything up with rpm spec file (includes gen scripts, tmpfiles config, systemd units)
  • [x] show systemd failed units, or find out where this is currently being done
  • [ ] testing that the info we need shows in RHCOS
  • [ ] a "you should not be sshing into this OS" message in motd
  • [ ] a "dev info" message (motd and issue)
  • [ ] ssh keys in issue and motd
  • [ ] added users in issue and motd
  • [x] ip address in issue
  • [ ] some info on updates (booting, pending, etc) from rpm-ostree status --json? in motd
  • [x] failed units on login
  • [ ] check installation against RHCOS and FCOS

Issues to figure out right now

  • How to manage files existing at /etc/motd and /etc/issue before installing? If they exist, this causes problems when installing if they are included under %files as part of the coreos-ux package. The symlinks /etc/motd -> /etc/run and /etc/issue -> /run/issue do not get created if they exist.
  • After a system update, how do motd/issue source the updated info? Possibly add a PathChanged to the appropriate system/*.path unit file, so that motd and issue can update.
  • How to make sure issuegen. and motdgen. are enabled (i.e. run every boot, and whenever something is dropped into a motd.d/issue.d) after installing? Done in %post? WantedBy a .target required? Or is this done by preset config?

Enhancements for future

  • have upstream PAM include the "trying" functionality, use this config rather than symlinks
  • have upstream PAM search issue.d with (rather than agetty, go through one interface - PAM)