#85 Add command to print summary of compose contents
Merged 5 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 5 years ago by lsedlar.
lsedlar/compose-utils essentials  into  master

file modified
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ 

      copy parts of compose (filtering by variant or architecture) to another

      location via ``rsync``.


+ **compose-print-essentials**

+     print basic information about a compose



      identify rpm packages that moved between related variants between two

      composes. Useful for identification of packages which were moved from

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/env python

+ # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-


+ import os

+ import sys


+ here = sys.path[0]

+ if here != "/usr/bin":

+     sys.path[0] = os.path.dirname(here)


+ from compose_utils import essentials


+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     essentials.main()

@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ 

+ # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-


+ import argparse

+ import collections

+ import json

+ import os


+ import productmd.common

+ import productmd.compose



+ def get_package_version(compose, pkg):

+     """Find all SRPMs with given name."""

+     kernels = set()

+     for variant in compose.rpms.rpms:

+         for arch in compose.rpms.rpms[variant]:

+             for build in compose.rpms.rpms[variant][arch]:

+                 n, v, r = build.rsplit("-", 2)

+                 if n == pkg:

+                     kernels.add(build.replace(".src", ""))

+     if kernels:

+         return "%s: %s" % (pkg.capitalize(), ", ".join(sorted(kernels)))



+ def get_containers(compose):

+     """Get details about containers built in OSBS: the NVR, name label and

+     registry where it can be retrieved from.

+     """

+     metadata_uri = os.path.join(compose.compose_path, "metadata/osbs.json")

+     try:

+         # This should probably be exposed by productmd in some better way.

+         # Unlike regular open(), this will handle HTTP urls transaprently.

+         with productmd.common._open_file_obj(metadata_uri) as f:

+             metadata = json.load(f)

+     except IOError:

+         # Failed to open metadata, there are no containers.

+         return None

+     containers = collections.defaultdict(list)

+     for variant in metadata:

+         for arch in metadata[variant]:

+             for container in metadata[variant][arch]:

+                 containers[

+                     (

+                         container["nvr"],

+                         container["docker"]["config"]["config"]["Labels"]["name"],

+                     )

+                 ].append(container["docker"]["repositories"][0])

+     if containers:

+         return "Containers:\n" + "\n".join(

+             _format_container(c[0], c[1], r) for c, r in containers.items()

+         )



+ def _format_container(nvr, name, repos):

+     return " * %s (%s)\n%s" % (nvr, name, "\n".join("   - %s" % r for r in repos))



+ def get_images(compose, types=["qcow2"]):

+     """Get list of image filenames for given types."""

+     images = set()

+     for variant in compose.images.images:

+         for arch in compose.images.images[variant]:

+             for image in compose.images.images[variant][arch]:

+                 if image.type in types:

+                     images.add(os.path.basename(image.path))

+     if images:

+         return "Images:\n%s" % "\n".join(" * %s" % x for x in sorted(images))



+ def get_essentials(compose_path):

+     compose = productmd.compose.Compose(compose_path)

+     return filter(

+         None,

+         [

+             get_package_version(compose, "kernel"),

+             get_package_version(compose, "lorax"),

+             get_package_version(compose, "anaconda"),

+             get_containers(compose),

+             get_images(compose)

+         ],

+     )



+ def print_details(details):

+     for detail in details:

+         print(detail)



+ def main(args=None):

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

+     parser.add_argument("COMPOSE", help="compose to inspect")

+     opts = parser.parse_args(args)

+     details = get_essentials(opts.COMPOSE)

+     print_details(details)

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ 

+ .TH compose-print-essentials 1


+ compose-print-essentials \- print basic information about a compose


+ .B compose-print-essentials

+ [\fIOPTIONS\fR...]



+ .B compose-print-essentials

+ loads metadata from a compose and prints a summary of basic information: which

+ kernel version is used, what containers were built and to which registries they

+ were pushed, and a list of other images that were created in the compose.


+ .TP

+ .BR \-h ", " \-\-help

+ Print help and exit.


+ Exit code is always 0 on success and non-zero if there was a problem loading

+ the compose.


+ Please report bugs at

+ .br

+ https://pagure.io/compose-utils/issues

file modified
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ 




+         'bin/compose-print-essentials',



@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ 




+             'doc/compose-print-essentials.1',




@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ DP-1.0-20160315.t.0 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 


@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ 

+ {

+     "header": {

+         "version": "1.0"

+     }, 

+     "payload": {

+         "compose": {

+             "date": "20181012", 

+             "id": "DP-1.0-20181012.t.0", 

+             "respin": 0, 

+             "type": "test"

+         }, 

+         "release": {

+             "name": "Dummy Product", 

+             "short": "DP", 

+             "version": "1.0"

+         }, 

+         "variants": {

+             "Client": {

+                 "arches": [

+                     "i386", 

+                     "x86_64"

+                 ], 

+                 "id": "Client", 

+                 "name": "Client", 

+                 "paths": {

+                 }, 

+                 "type": "variant", 

+                 "uid": "Client", 

+                 "variants": []

+             }, 

+             "Server": {

+                 "arches": [

+                     "s390x", 

+                     "x86_64"

+                 ], 

+                 "id": "Server", 

+                 "name": "Server", 

+                 "paths": {

+                 }, 

+                 "type": "variant", 

+                 "uid": "Server", 

+                 "variants": []

+             }

+         }

+     }

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ 

+ {

+     "header": {

+         "version": "1.0"

+     }, 

+     "payload": {

+         "compose": {

+             "date": "20181012", 

+             "id": "DP-1.0-20181012.t.0", 

+             "respin": 0, 

+             "type": "test"

+         }, 

+         "images": {

+             "Client": {

+                 "i386": [

+                     {

+                         "arch": "i386", 

+                         "bootable": false, 

+                         "checksums": {

+                             "md5": "9b32efc55699d38638f3d083bcf198c7", 

+                             "sha1": "1261a10b716966264ff8aa3c4772d97226604235", 

+                             "sha256": "9ddfe8bb8fde9be0452d533bcd89b3682fe2a425629bafeab0e969d101b80a85"

+                         }, 

+                         "disc_count": 1, 

+                         "disc_number": 1, 

+                         "format": "qcow2", 

+                         "implant_md5": null, 

+                         "mtime": 1458031335, 

+                         "path": "Client/i386/images/DP-1.0-20181012.t.0-Client-i386.qcow2", 

+                         "size": 507904, 

+                         "type": "qcow2", 

+                         "volume_id": null,

+                         "subvariant": "Client"

+                     }

+                 ]

+             }, 

+             "Server": {

+                 "x86_64": [

+                     {

+                         "arch": "x86_64", 

+                         "bootable": false, 

+                         "checksums": {

+                             "md5": "1f6a0052212667abe02dedf5787269a3", 

+                             "sha1": "f361070b2b681f976863f7aa1ba52bbc1f6a8b53", 

+                             "sha256": "cb47ccafe3357a63bb14c066dcadc1e4621d7331d20f34c735b90ec620e747cc"

+                         }, 

+                         "disc_count": 1, 

+                         "disc_number": 1, 

+                         "format": "qcow2", 

+                         "implant_md5": null, 

+                         "mtime": 1458031335, 

+                         "path": "Server/x86_64/images/DP-1.0-20181012.t.0-Server-x86_64.qcow2", 

+                         "size": 577536, 

+                         "type": "qcow2", 

+                         "volume_id": null,

+                         "subvariant": "Server"

+                     }

+                 ]

+             }

+         }

+     }

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ 

+ {

+     "Server": {

+         "aarch64": [

+             {

+                 "nvr": "dp-1.0-1",

+                 "docker": {

+                     "config": {

+                         "config": {

+                             "Labels": {

+                                 "name": "base"

+                             }

+                         }

+                     },

+                     "repositories": [

+                         "registry.example.com/dp:latest-aarch64",

+                         "registry.example.com/dp:cafe"

+                     ]

+                 }

+             }

+         ],

+         "x86_64": [

+             {

+                 "nvr": "dp-1.0-1",

+                 "docker": {

+                     "config": {

+                         "config": {

+                             "Labels": {

+                                 "name": "base"

+                             }

+                         }

+                     },

+                     "repositories": [

+                         "registry.example.com/dp:latest-x86_64",

+                         "registry.example.com/dp:beef"

+                     ]

+                 }

+             }

+         ]

+     }

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ 

+ {

+     "header": {

+         "version": "1.0"

+     }, 

+     "payload": {

+         "compose": {

+             "date": "20181012", 

+             "id": "DP-1.0-20181012.t.0", 

+             "respin": 0, 

+             "type": "test"

+         }, 

+         "rpms": {

+             "Client": {

+                 "i386": {

+                     "Dummy-firefox-0:16.0.1-1.src": {

+                         "Dummy-firefox-0:16.0.1-1.i686": {

+                             "category": "binary", 

+                             "path": "Client/i386/os/Packages/d/Dummy-firefox-16.0.1-1.i686.rpm", 

+                             "sigkey": null

+                         }

+                     }, 

+                     "kernel-1.0-1.src": {

+                         "Dummy-xulrunner-0:16.0.1-1.i686": {

+                             "category": "binary", 

+                             "path": "Client/i386/os/Packages/d/Dummy-xulrunner-16.0.1-1.i686.rpm", 

+                             "sigkey": null

+                         }

+                     }

+                 }, 

+                 "x86_64": {

+                     "kernel-1.0-1.src": {

+                         "Dummy-firefox-0:16.0.1-1.src": {

+                             "category": "source", 

+                             "path": "Client/source/tree/Packages/d/Dummy-firefox-16.0.1-1.src.rpm", 

+                             "sigkey": null

+                         }

+                     }, 

+                     "dummy-filesystem-0:4.2.37-6.src": {

+                         "dummy-filesystem-0:4.2.37-6.x86_64": {

+                             "category": "binary", 

+                             "path": "Client/x86_64/os/Packages/d/dummy-filesystem-4.2.37-6.x86_64.rpm", 

+                             "sigkey": null

+                         }

+                     }

+                 }

+             }, 

+             "Server": {

+                 "s390x": {

+                     "kernel-special-2.0-1.src": {

+                         "dummy-basesystem-0:10.0-6.src": {

+                             "category": "source", 

+                             "path": "Server/source/tree/Packages/d/dummy-basesystem-10.0-6.src.rpm", 

+                             "sigkey": null

+                         }

+                     }

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+     }

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ 

+ # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-


+ from textwrap import dedent


+ try:

+     import unittest2 as unittest

+ except ImportError:

+     import unittest


+ import mock

+ from six import StringIO


+ from .helpers import get_compose, get_compose_path


+ from compose_utils import essentials



+ class GetPackageVersionTest(unittest.TestCase):

+     def test_no_match(self):

+         compose = get_compose("DP-1.0-20160315.t.0")

+         self.assertIsNone(essentials.get_package_version(compose, "kernel"))


+     def test_with_kernel(self):

+         compose = get_compose("DP-1.0-20181012.t.0")

+         self.assertEqual(

+             essentials.get_package_version(compose, "kernel"),

+             "Kernel: kernel-1.0-1",

+         )



+ class GetContainersTest(unittest.TestCase):

+     def test_no_metadata(self):

+         compose = get_compose("DP-1.0-20160315.t.0")

+         self.assertIsNone(essentials.get_containers(compose))


+     def test_with_containers(self):

+         compose = get_compose("DP-1.0-20181012.t.0")

+         self.maxDiff = None

+         self.assertEqual(

+             essentials.get_containers(compose),

+             dedent(

+                 """\

+                 Containers:

+                  * dp-1.0-1 (base)

+                    - registry.example.com/dp:latest-aarch64

+                    - registry.example.com/dp:latest-x86_64"""

+             ),

+         )



+ class GetImagesTest(unittest.TestCase):

+     def test_no_metadata(self):

+         compose = get_compose("DP-1.0-20160315.t.0")

+         self.assertIsNone(essentials.get_images(compose))


+     def test_with_images(self):

+         compose = get_compose("DP-1.0-20181012.t.0")

+         self.assertEqual(

+             essentials.get_images(compose),

+             dedent(

+                 """\

+                 Images:

+                  * DP-1.0-20181012.t.0-Client-i386.qcow2

+                  * DP-1.0-20181012.t.0-Server-x86_64.qcow2"""

+             ),

+         )



+ class GetEssentialsTest(unittest.TestCase):

+     def test_no_metadata(self):

+         compose_path = get_compose_path("DP-1.0-20160315.t.0")

+         self.assertEqual(essentials.get_essentials(compose_path), [])


+     def test_with_metadata(self):

+         compose_path = get_compose_path("DP-1.0-20181012.t.0")

+         self.assertEqual(len(essentials.get_essentials(compose_path)), 3)



+ class PrintDetailsTest(unittest.TestCase):

+     def test_printing(self):

+         with mock.patch("sys.stdout", new_callable=StringIO) as out:

+             essentials.print_details(["foo", "bar"])

+         self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), "foo\nbar\n")