CentOS Stream 9 Hyperscale Spin KIWI descriptions

This contains the KIWI descriptions for building the CentOS Hyperscale spin for CentOS Stream 9.

Spin variants

  • Cloud (image type: oem, image profiles: OpenStack/AWSEC2/Azure/GCE)
  • Workstation GNOME (image type: iso, image profiles: GNOME-Live)
  • Workstation KDE (image type: iso, image profiles: KDE-Live)

Spin build quickstart


The instructions below will use the podman command. Docker may work, but it's not tested or supported.

First, pull down the container of the required environment (CentOS Stream 9).

$ sudo podman pull

Assuming you're in the root directory of the Git checkout, set up the container:

$ sudo podman run --privileged --rm -it -v $PWD:/code:z -w /code /bin/bash

Once in the container environment, set up your development environment and run the image build (substitute <image_type> and <image_profile> for the appropriate settings):

# Install kiwi
[]$ dnf --assumeyes install kiwi
# Run the image build
[]$ kiwi-ng --type=<image_type> --profile=<image_profile> --color-output system build --description ./ --target-dir ./outdir


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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see