#2 [infra] : only listing/pushing new images to mirror network
Opened 9 months ago by arrfab. Modified 9 days ago

Due to limited disk space on the sponsored mirror network, it would be good to either just keep latest image, or at least ensuring that not all images are still pushed to mirrors.
Simple way to do this is to just untag-build from the -release tag (-testingis also to be considered but machines behind have a little bit more space that we can increase)

We (infra) weren't expecting suddenly ~40GiB of .iso images that filed the staging area also where they are put in place, and CHECKSUM file concatenated and signed, so it blocked signing queue too (until I added another disk to that signing machine to expand the staging area)

We (The Alt Images SIG) were only thinking of keeping the latest, and N-1.
I think untagging from -release and -testing is a simple enough way to remove the older images.

Our scheduled build of all images will be every three months (beginning of each quarter).

Yeah. I think we could also just drop all the previous year's images once the first compose of the new year is done.

Just revisiting open ticket as I see more and more variants (good) but at least 3 versions of each variant : https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/9-stream/altimages/images/live/x86_64/

Is that possible to untag older one and just keep two versions of same image/variant ?

Yep, I untagged the oldest ones. There are now just two of each image.

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