Following the discussion at there seems to be an interest in having CBS support a flat dist-git layout.
So this ticket is to official ask if we can have flat dist-git layout supported in CBS.
In order to help making this happen, we have opened a pull-request at: which should allow the script to download for both a flat and an exploded layout, thus supporting both model and allowing SIGs to pick their preferences.
@bstinson : can you review and merge if that works for you ? From there, what I see is the following :
Opinions, thoughts ?
That PR is merged. We can handle centpkg-minimal tomorrow
Metadata Update from @zlopez: - Issue tagged with: cbs, medium-gain, medium-trouble
Metadata Update from @arrfab: - Issue assigned to arrfab
I've pushed updated centpkg-minimal to git : I have also done some tests in a instance (one kojihub and one kojid builder, and low specs) and was able to rebuild some packages, using the existing layout and the new layout
My proposal is so to just build+tag centpkg-minimal 2.0.0-4 in all buildsys tags in cbs, and so that will be available after for everybody
@bstinson : does that work for you ? We can still see for updated centpkg-minimal that would cover the other case with centpkg, different branch, and still not needed in cbs build env
All pushed live today on, and tested with @pingou for a --scratch build for kernel-auto.
Metadata Update from @arrfab: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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