#522 More CBS tag for the automotive SIG
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by pingou. Opened 2 years ago by pingou.

Please setup build tags for the Automotive SIG with:

$sig = automotive
$version = 9s
$project = packages
$version = {main-buildroot, experimental, experimental-buildroot}

leading to:
automotive9s-packages-{main-buildroot, experimental, experimental-buildroot}-{candidate,testing,release}

which would then publish to:
(no need to publish the -buildroot tags on the mirrors).

Could you also configure koji so that main-buildroot is available in the main tag and same thing for experimental-buildroot and experimental? (Basically so that build-only dependency can be built in the -buildroot tag, use in the "regular" tag and not land on the mirror)


Ah and same thing as last time: x86_64 and aarch64 only for the arches :)


Can you elaborate on your request ?
The buildroot for automotive9s-packages-main-{candidate,testing,release} exists and is named automotive9s-packages-main-el9s-build

Each time that a SIG request a specific tag, we create the buildroot and the three level candidate,testing,release

So wondering why specifying a buildroot again (which is never pushed out mirrors btw) :-)

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue assigned to arrfab

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Reporter (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: Business-As-Usual, cbs, low-gain, low-trouble, need-more-info

2 years ago

The goal is to have a repository with packages available to build against but separated from the final repository to prevent any possibility to have these packages included in the final image.

For example: we would build libFoo in -experimental-buildroot and Bar in -experimental when Bar needs to have libFoo available in its buildroot to build properly.
Then we'll build images with the experimental repo enabled and there is no risk to see libFoo land on the image (unless the -experimental-buildroot repo from cbs is added to the image building tool, but that's someone making a very conscious decision).

Does that make sense?

yes, so that's the reason why there is always by default the -buildroot tag created so that packages can be tagged there and no in {candidate,testing,release}, so they never go to mirrors network.

we can proceed but it's using a different path than all existing SIGs are using, so adding confusion for people who'll have to eventually create more tags just for automotive SIG.
Other remark : version can't have - as it's the separator used between fields for the signing+push process (and so automatically detect where to push)

Isn't the existing solution with automotive9s-packages-main-el9s-build tag/buildroot good enough ? just curious in case we're missing something obvious for other SIGs but not here, meaning we should document it better :)

Based on requested tags, that would mean just creating the experimental one

I think we'll be fine with just the experimental tag being added then.

One thing I was worried about was the accidental tagging of a buildroot package to -testing or -release, but we can simply avoid this by not adding that package to these tags, right?

Created :

* Checking distribution el9s configuration...
 -> Checking automotive config...
Using default options for automotive/packages
Creating tag  : automotive9s-packages-experimental-candidate
Creating tag  : automotive9s-packages-experimental-testing
Creating tag  : automotive9s-packages-experimental-release
 -> creating automotive9s-packages-experimental-el9s
Added external repo centos9s-baseos to tag automotive9s-packages-experimental-el9s-build (priority 5)
Added external repo centos9s-appstream to tag automotive9s-packages-experimental-el9s-build (priority 10)
Added external repo centos9s-crb to tag automotive9s-packages-experimental-el9s-build (priority 15)

If that works for you we can then close the request, once you'll have confirmed

PS : haven't so added any specific inheritance here but you can add-pkg to one or the other of the buildroots when/if needed.

Thanks, I'll close the ticket now and re-open if something doesn't work (otherwise I'm afraid I'll forget to close it later).

Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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