#329 Move various centos irc bots/channels to libera.chat
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by arrfab. Opened 3 years ago by arrfab.

As announced on centos-devel (https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2021-May/076920.html)
This ticket is just to track the main move for :

  • channels
  • ACLs
  • irc bots

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue tagged with: centos-common-infra, high-gain, medium-trouble

3 years ago

@gerdesas already did an awesome jobs with the centos channels, so let's just put status updates about what's left to be done, and then also move bots like centbot and other QA/CI bots

Things are nowhere near being finished and won't be for some hours. Sleep and work ate into my time; I effectively ignored clients yesterday because of the drama and there are some things I can only put off so long.

The primary bots are my lowest priority at the moment; they'll be moved last.

Our primary admin channels (-ops/-bans/-quiets) are in place and set up. The shared acl issues from yesterday are resolved as the network loaded the necessary modules to enable the functionality so authority delegation is working. The -ops acl is populated as well as can be at the moment, I will swing back and validate against missing users later this AM and that is linked to the admin channels and main at the moment. I will, in a few moments after I wrap up a work issue, iterate over our channel lists start with main/-social and -devel and then alphabetically after and complete registering them to the project, running the necessary ns sets, populating acl and topics.

We've decided to start with a clean slate with regards to bans / quiets except for the ones that have been permanently PNG'd from the namespace; those will be added after the rest is done as some are not yet on the network so it's a waste of time at the moment.

With regards to the old channels... we discussed relaying networks for a bit. I VERY much want a clean break from freenode. The is only a single freenode staffer let and Tom's only present since it is presumed he is bound legally to provide continuity and an orderly transition (yes, I realize the irony). There are no other trusted staffers. The network is being pummeled by spam, much of it child porn. Andrew is lying through his teeth. We need to break away cleanly.

I want to close all channels, forward to #centos-has-moved and bot that channel pointing people to libera.

I then plan on removing my account and making as public of a statement regarding that as I can to let people know that any future use of my account or nicks is fraudulent and not to be trusted.

Additionally I own the two private channels, -board/-admin. I will relinquish to Jim when I am done setting things up including removing myself from the acl.

If there are other #centos channels that are private (and I mean set PRIVATE and cmode +s) I do not know of them and I no longer can trust any data I get back from current freenode "staff".

I will need whomever owns #centos-admin and #centos-board on freenode to give me +F on the channels on freenode so I can properly shut them down and forward to #centos-has-moved as I am doing with the rest of the namespace.

Registration of the project on libera was completely a short time ago. I asked someone to look into it for me just so I could know the status and they were nice enough to take the ticket and complete it for me then. Cloaks will be handled in a day or so; I've been calling in favors of staff and would like to keep a few banked for a rainy day. Staff remains very busy with all the projects moving.

huge thank you to @gerdesas for all the hard work around this (and not limited to centos community, but also helping/supporting libera.chat staff) !
Today I confirmed that the other following bots are already moved/registered:

  • centos_qa
  • centos_builder

status update : I think that all channels are now properly moved to libera.chat.
centbot is properly working (kudos to @gerdesas !)
the only (minor) thing to try to bring back is just the "irc cloaks" for centos community members (and also irc bots, like centos_qa and centos_builder ones)

https://pb.psychotic.ninja/view/b664d2e0 is a list of cloaks that were applied a few moments ago. There are a number of others that are pending accounts on Libera or require confirmation as they are already cloaked under a different project. These will be submitted as soon as I can talk to the people in question.

All channels were officially moved ~20 hours ago. Everything is setup on libera except a couple admin channels which will be dealt with soon.

I dropped a bunch of closed channels and private channels on freenode yesterday. The remaining channels that were public-facing had their MLOCKs set to +"sif #centos-has-moved" which translates to secret (won't appear on the list of channels), invite only and forward to the channel #centos-has-moved. This channel is botted and spams a message out every 15 seconds pointing people to libera. The other remaining channels are closed access admin channels. These had to be left in place else the namespace would just cease to operate in any coherent manner so there would be no forwarding and no bot spam.

I dropped various role accounts and I've removed my channels, nicks and accounts. I no longer have any access to any channels or access to the namespace on freenode.

I also, to quote Jim, did a thing...

I wrote a perl script that runs under irssi that is, for all intents, configuration management for irc channels. State tracked includes channel status (open, open/moderated, private, closed), ops-team managed status which manages the shared acl entries and default ban/quiet entries, centbot presence, centguard presence and the associated acls for 'em, whether the channel is using external bans channels and populated/depopulates the entries as necessary. Access list viewing is handled properly for open/private channels, MLOCKs and INVEX entries, including auto voice, are handled automatically for moderated / non-moderated channels, Closed channels can be forwarded to a specific target channel if desired.

Kudos to @gerdesas and I think we can now close this ticket (that was mainly used for tracking purposes).

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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