#1583 Setup hyperscale 10 image build tags
Closed: Fixed 3 days ago by arrfab. Opened 16 days ago by ngompa.

I need hyperscale10s-images-(main|experimental) tags.

The -main tag needs to include all hyperscale package tags except experimental + base + epel

The -experimental tag needs to include everything.

The repo source inheritance order needs to be such that hyperscale content overshadows base + epel content.

It needs to be set up for kiwi builds to work.

Basically this is the same image build tags we have for hyperscale 9, except now for hyperscale 10 we have a new kernel repo to also include in the image build tags.

@ngompa : hey ..
As we're onboarding @gwmngilfen into centos infra, and that he'd need to shadow and understand koji tags request, would you mind give a detailed view of the inherited tags you want for each new tag you request ? That would help understanding in detail your request and so "visualize" the inheritance that is needed .. :) TIA

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue tagged with: cbs, high-gain, low-trouble

15 days ago

Sure. Let me write this out more explicitly.

Here's the main tag:

|- hyperscale10s-packages-main-release
|- hyperscale10s-packages-spin-release
|- hyperscale10s-packages-kernel-release
|- hyperscale10s-packages-gnome-release
|- extras10s-extras-common-release
 |- centos10s-baseos
 |- centos10s-appstream
 |- centos10s-crb
 |- epel10

The experimental tag:

|- hyperscale10s-packages-experimental-release
|- hyperscale10s-packages-main-release
|- hyperscale10s-packages-spin-release
|- hyperscale10s-packages-kernel-release
|- hyperscale10s-packages-gnome-release
|- extras10s-extras-common-release
 |- centos10s-baseos
 |- centos10s-appstream
 |- centos10s-crb
 |- epel10

Note that the structure is such that any content from the hyperscale tags should win out from anything from base CentOS 10 and EPEL. This is important since we override packages from the base in our tags.

The build tags for this need to be set up so that all comps groups from CentOS and EPEL are imported into them. Additionally, a kiwi-build group needs to be defined with the following packages included: kiwi-cli, kiwi-systemdeps, distribution-gpg-keys, btrfs-progs.

Builds for these tags need to be associated with the image channel, which runs builders that have a kernel with Btrfs support.

@ngompa : thanks a lot for the detailed view .. I'll worth with @gwmngilfen (when he'll be online) to create targets/tags together.
I hope we'll be able to do that next Monday

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue assigned to arrfab

13 days ago

Hi @ngompa .
Tags/Targets are created :

* Checking distribution el10s configuration...
 -> Checking hyperscale config...
Using default options for hyperscale/images
Creating tag  : hyperscale10s-images-main-candidate
Creating tag  : hyperscale10s-images-main-testing
Creating tag  : hyperscale10s-images-main-release
 -> creating hyperscale10s-images-main-el10s
Added external repo centos10s-baseos to tag hyperscale10s-images-main-el10s-build (priority 5)
Added external repo centos10s-appstream to tag hyperscale10s-images-main-el10s-build (priority 10)
Added external repo centos10s-crb to tag hyperscale10s-images-main-el10s-build (priority 15)
Added external repo epel10 to tag hyperscale10s-images-main-el10s-build (priority 20)
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-main-release inheritance
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-spin-release inheritance
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-kernel-release inheritance
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-gnome-release inheritance
Adding extras10s-extras-common-release inheritance

* Checking distribution el10s configuration...
 -> Checking hyperscale config...
Using default options for hyperscale/images
Creating tag  : hyperscale10s-images-experimental-candidate
Creating tag  : hyperscale10s-images-experimental-testing
Creating tag  : hyperscale10s-images-experimental-release
 -> creating hyperscale10s-images-experimental-el10s
Added external repo centos10s-baseos to tag hyperscale10s-images-experimental-el10s-build (priority 5)
Added external repo centos10s-appstream to tag hyperscale10s-images-experimental-el10s-build (priority 10)
Added external repo centos10s-crb to tag hyperscale10s-images-experimental-el10s-build (priority 15)
Added external repo epel10 to tag hyperscale10s-images-experimental-el10s-build (priority 20)
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-experimental-release inheritance
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-main-release inheritance
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-spin-release inheritance
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-kernel-release inheritance
Adding hyperscale10s-packages-gnome-release inheritance
Adding extras10s-extras-common-release inheritance

Both build tags have kiwi-build groups and also comps are imported (you can verify through cbs taginfo)
Normally it should be fine but we'll let you verify and confirm and either ask for some other changes, or close ticket if it's all working good

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Reporter (was: Needs Review)

13 days ago

I'm preparing to travel to Connect, so I'll check on this once I'm in Brussels.

@ngompa : great : see you there then and we can also debug there if there are small changes to do :D

Let's assume that it's working and reopen in case some small change is needed

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 days ago

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