#158 CI On-boarding for Pulp Project
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by dkirwan. Opened 4 years ago by mikedep333.

=== CentOS CI - On-boarding

Please answer the following questions so that we understand your requirement.

  • How does your project relates to Fedora/CentOS?

Pulp creates/syncs/hosts package repos. RPM is our bread and butter, and we support other package types like container images (a registry) too.
Our sister project, Foreman (AKA Katello) is currently on CentOS CI as well.

  • Describe your workflow and if you need any special permissions (other than
    admin access to namespace), please tell us and provide a reason for them.

Our git repos are on GitHub. Most of our tests are done on GitHub Actions. Some tests require SELinux support and FIPS support, or virtualization to provide SELinux/FIPS support, and we wish to run those tests on CentOS CI.

In general, the instances need outbound access to the internet, for downloading & uploading misc types of packages/artifacts.

  • Do you need bare-metal/vms checkout capability? (we prefer your workflow

Right now, definitely. In the long-term, possibly. SELinux policies cannot be tested within a container, so containers will never work for our testing of our SELinux policies. Remember, all the tests we can run in a container, happen on Github Actions.

  • Resources required
  • PVs:

Currently, all we require is ephemeral storage. We upload our artifacts at the end of the build to PyPI, etc.

Project_name: Pulp
  - mikedep333@redhat.com
  - daviddavis@redhat.com
  - dkliban@redhat.com
  - fao89@redhat.com
  - mdellweg@redhat.com

Metadata Update from @dkirwan:
- Issue tagged with: centos-ci-infra, low-gain, low-trouble

4 years ago

Hi @mikedep333 I did a quick look and failed to find anything for Pulp in the fedora packages, nor could I find anything related to Fedora/CentOS on the projects website?

Can you share a little more information on how this project relates to Fedora/CentOS ?

Hi @dkirwan There are 2 ways Pulp relates:

  1. Pulp provides mirroring and many other features/workflows for managing Fedora/CentOS content (yum repos, rpm-ostree repos, container image registry). It meets the needs of many SysAdmins deploying/managing fleets of Fedora/CentOS systems, who would otherwise use tools like rsync or reposync with a webserver.

  2. Pulp also generates repos from uploaded content. There have been multiple talks of using it in the Fedora or CentOS infra, but this has not happened yet. Downstream (RHEL) uses it (in combination with a CDN) for content delivery.

Metadata Update from @dkirwan:
- Issue assigned to dkirwan

4 years ago

Hi @mikedep333,

I've emailed you with a further explanation, but due to constrained resources currently in CentOS CI infra we have decided not to onboard the Pulp project at this time.

Metadata Update from @dkirwan:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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Boards 1
CentOS CI Infra Status: Done