Google reached out to tell us that they've discovered duplicate data in the CentOS 8 archive. There are packages at this location:
But then it seems the same packages also exist at this location:
I only checked one package between the two directories to see if the md5sum was the same and it is. Is it supposed to be this way?
Thank you,
FWIW, CentOS Stream 8 itself is EOL, and content was pushed / maintained by CentOS Stream team, exclusively using a different tracker. I don't think that having duplicate src.rpm packages on an archive mirror is a bad thing per se but if you want to report it to CentOS Stream, please file a ticket on https://issues.redhat.com (direct link for CentOS Stream 8 )
Metadata Update from @arrfab: - Issue close_status updated to: Wrong tracker - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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