#1407 Ensuring debuginfod service will be able to fetch Stream 10 debug pkgs once released
Closed: Fixed 7 months ago by arrfab. Opened 8 months ago by arrfab.

Initially requested through different tracker but creating it here for awareness and linking with other c10s infra tasks

/cc: @fche

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue tagged with: blocked, centos-build-pipeline, centos-stream, feature-request

8 months ago

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue assigned to arrfab

7 months ago

debuginfod role checked and slightly modified and confirmed that now that we have pre-staged 10-stream pkgs, they are already landing on debuginfod backend machine

Metadata Update from @arrfab:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 months ago

Fabian, okay, I see the new files files starting to come down to under /srv/debuginfod_store/9-stream/10-stream, but the directory has too restrictive permissions for debuginfod to actually see them. Is that intentional?

yes, because it's "pre-staged", so once once Stream team will be ok for a real release, permissions will be updated and reflected everywhere on the mirror network, including then to debuginfod backend node

The data is starting to flow. One question: are the RPMs held at the debuginfod server the ones from the "100% signed" compose? I was expecting to see IMA per-file signatures on them also, but:

rpm -q --qf='[%{FILESIGNATURES}\n]' -p $RPMFILE

comes up empty.

I know that very few packages in the bootstrap phase were only signed with gpg but not IMA but almost all packages there were IMA signed.
Happy to discuss that "internally" if needed

Correction: interestingly, a bunch of the c10s rpms on the debuginfod server ARE IMA signed. It's just that the rhel8 version of rpm/librpm does not recognize them that way, so the server cannot extract those headers. The same files copied onto a modern Fedora host see the signatures just fine. So whatever the problem is, it's not a debuginfod server / file copying / ima signing one, it seems.

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