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CentOS CI Infra
- Retire legacy OCP 3.6 and Jenkins CentOS CI infrastructure.
- Replace admin.centos.org infra repository with new node
- Prometheus + Grafana monitoring stack for Fedora CoreOS
- Clean up old cockpit OCP3 tenant after OCP4 migration
- Update CentOS CI Production Openshift cluster to latest 4.5.22
- Investigate/renew some TLS certs but with new LetsEncrypt CA
- Jenkins can not clone project on Fedora Pagure?
- Fedora Docs CI/CD
- https://jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ci.centos.org/ certificate expired
- reportportal operator
- CentOS CI: get ssh access to the Jenkins for debugging Gluster jobs
- OCP sending multiple requests per second on IdP server
- Add skunkerk to fedora-coreos project
- Upgrade CentOS Infra monitoring stack from Zabbix 4.0.x to 5.0.x
- koji CI migration from fedora
- jenkins centos-infra namespace
- Enable the `allowSecondFetch` git option in ci.centos.org
- automating the jenkins TLS certs exposed on jenkins node for the agent[s] =>...
- Issue in urltrigger based jobs after recent jenkins upgrade
- Issue pulling `fedora-infra/elections` in CI Job
- Can not log in to jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ocp.ci.centos.org
- Need OCP4 namespace for glusto-tests
- Update cico-workspace image
- Add vrutkovs to fedora-coreos project
- darkmuggle lost access to ocp.ci.centos.org
- auto read fo CICO yaml doesn't work
- Jenkins nodes are all offline https://jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ocp.ci.centos.org/
- Please give jlebon back access to his projects
- add fpokryvk rights to admin jenkins
- Submitting automated scratch builds to CBS
- Rebalance ppc64/ppc64le CI nodes and flavors
- Reinstall IBM Power 8 boxes with 8-stream for CI infra
- cannot import Dockerfile from Pagure repo on CI
- mirror3.ci.centos.org does not resolve
- Adding sumantrom to fedora-coreos namespace
- enable VMs in Hyperscale CentOS CI account
- https://jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ocp.ci.centos.org/ needs to be updated
- Issue with Centos-ci : Centos 8 provisioning
- can't reach vagrantcloud.com from CentOS CI infra
- rebooting jenkins should be predictable
- Grant access to Hyperscale SIG in CI
- Request for a Jenkins deployment for Storage SIG (build testing & promotion)
- Gluster: CI job failures due to java IOException
- foreman-ci-slave01 fails to run GitSCM plugin
- Issue in urltrigger based jobs after recent jenkins upgrade - june - 2021
- Create project for Cloud SIG in the CI openshift cluster
- CentOS CI OCP4 unscheduled outage: Storage Issue
- CentOS CI: DNS issue resolving time-c-g.nist.gov
- CentOS CI - OCP4 migration: Gluster project
- Add rdoubuilder user to cloud-ci project in CentOS OpenShift cluster
- Request jump host account for jcapitao
- Reconfigure NFS filer used for Openshift/OCP/CI
- Build the new CentOS Infra and Releng documentation system
- Update the ocp-admin role to automatically run an etcd backup
- Planned Outage: CentOS CI OCP4 09:00 - 10:00 UTC Monday 28th June
- Onboard Mark and document process
- please add our keys to centos nodes so we are able to log in
- Cannot log in to jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ocp.ci.centos.org
- Gluster: Rearranging directory structure on artifacts.ci.centos.org
- Please reset all PVC/PV for fedora-ci-board namespace at apps.ocp.ci.centos.org
- deploy 3 hypervisors for CI infra
- Reconfigure supermicro chassis for CI infra (hardware issue)
- Expand the cloud/opennebula infra for CI env
- Jenkins workers unavailable on https://jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ocp.ci.centos.org/
- walters lost access to some ocp.ci.centos.org projects
- OCP4 cluster for foreman
- Access for coreos-ci namespace
- Access for mbs CI
- CentOS CI OCP fails to create/delete pods
- [CentOS CI] Add tripleo-ruck-rover user to cloud-sig project in CentOS...
- Cannot resolve some domain names on .apps.ocp.ci.centos.org
- Providing CentOS Stream 9 as available release/version for CI tenants
- Converting existing CentOS Linux 8 nodes to Stream 8
- Grant the admin access to jenkins!
- Add saqali to fedora-coreos project
- Add gursewak to fedora-coreos project
- Announce maintenance window to update Jenkins LTS on ci.centos.org
- using cico client with Ansible on new OCP Jenkins
- fedora-kube-sig namespace
- Request for CI project for Fedora Websites&Apps
- OpenNebula Dev instance for "playing around" during duffy development
- Upgrading from ansible 2.9.x branch to $current ansible (probably 5.x using...
- Modernize the TLS ciphers through common settings on all https sites
- Provide python3 support on cico-workspace nodes for jenkins on openshift
- need another account for nfs-ganesha access to the CentOS CI
- migrate legacy nfs-ganesha CI to openshift
- CentOS Stream 9 and *.dusty nodes
- Add jmarrero to fedora-coreos project
- Add aaradhak to fedora-coreos project
- Request for CI project for Kmods SIG
- Migrate storage role from storage02 to different hardware for CI infra
- Requesting project namespace for Samba
- Unable to find cico-workspace template under cloud environment
- Incorrectly tagged machines in the Duffy pool
- tar up ganesha job directories in legacy centos CI
- please add "theforeman-bot" to OCP users of "foreman"
- Convert jenkins deploy for CI tenants SOP to ansible automation task
- cico agent pod fails to come up on OCP4 CI
- New openshift namespace: sp-augur
- Request: project namespace for RamenDR
- CI (OpenShift) self-signed certificate in certificate chain (koji.mbox.centos.org)
- isoredirect.centos.org not reachable from CI nodes
- Request to create base directory 'samba' on artifacts server for Samba...
- Add zzlotnik to the fedora-coreos project
- [spike] provide new artifacts storage solution for CI projects
- please add mberezny to CentOS CI
- unable to login to https://jenkins-fedora-coreos.apps.ocp.ci.centos.org/
- please add our keys to centos nodes so we are able to log in
- configure two IBM Power 9 systems
- Spike: Investigate Openshift Container Storage for use on CentOS CI clusters
- Request to create PVC for container registry in Samba project namespace
- Request for additions to admin list of Samba project namespace
- Hook OpenShift project access for SIGs to ACO
- New openshift namespace: pagure
- CentOS CI can't talk to github.com any more: Networking broken?
- Duffy fedora 35 mirror issue
- Renew/Create new/revoke some TLS certs in our infra (LetsEncrypt)
- vault.centos.org mirror for CentOS CI
- SIG Guide Updated Entry for Duffy & Openshift
- Modernize the sshd algorithms on sshd/CA
- Add a bot account to list of admins for Samba project namespace
- Grant access to Hyperscale SIG in CI to daandemeyer
- Delete the `coreos-ci` and `fedora-coreos-pipeline` projects on the CentOS...
- Jenkins fails to start cico-workspace pods in the ceph-csi namespace
- [spike] Duffy staging and prod environment automation
- Access needed!
- OCP Jenkins lost cloud integration
- CentOS CI - OCP4 migration: NFS-Ganesha
- Access needed!
- CentOS infra/ansible change to support deploying RHEL
- can't SSH into Duffy nodes anymore
- asaleh wants access to a duffy environment for prototyping integration with...
- Need access to Centos CI for nfs-ganesha CI management
- Need access to the Hyperscale SIG project in Openshift CI
- Unstable Duffy machines
- Hardware issue on openshift Staging cluster (etcd/control plane node)
- Renew/Create new/revoke some TLS certs in our infra (LetsEncrypt)
- artifacts.ci.centos.org is not accessible from the OCP nodes
- Substantial packetloss to the CentOS CI OCP instance
- Start moving some Infra git projects under gitlab.com/CentOS
- Performance of the aarch64 CentOS CI machines
- Unstable pufty nodes in the CentOS CI infra
- Create Openshift staging cluster in AWS
- Deploy/Configure new Duffy CI instance
- Inactive nodes in jenkins-fedora-infra
- Frequent jenkins pod restart since last rollout on 28th June 2022
- The C9S x86_64 pool in CentOS CI is in a questionable state
- Unstable-ish Duffy machines
- Access to Foreman's Jenkins instance
- Can't rsync to artifacts.ci.centos.org from EC2 metal nodes
- Automotive SIG package landing on the testing repository
- migrate artifacts.ci.centos.org to new host
- Create a Duffy tennant fo asaleh to run sig-core-t_functional suite in
- New Duffy API Request
- Preparing to support el9 hosts in CentOS Infra
- outage : openshift CI
- Fixing ansible-core update from 2.12 to 2.13
- CI infra move : decommission ci.centos.org
- CentOS CI's C8S ppc64le machine pool is empty
- Renew/Create new/revoke some TLS certs in our infra (LetsEncrypt)
- Decommission old Seamicro chassis (unused)
- Possible CPU time issues on the AWS EC2 T2 C8S machines in CentOS CI
- CentOS CI can't provision any node
- Deploy new Openshift cluster in AWS for CI infra refresh
- "Disappearing" CentOS CI machines
- Migrate "frontdoor" project to new OCP cluster
- Replace EC2 node in new OCP CI cluster in AWS
- duffy storage servers
- Renew some TLS certs in infra
- close legacy duffy metaclient app (tcp/8080)
- Investigate Zabbix infra upgrade
- add VM checkout capability to duffy
- Configure default quotas on CentOS CI Infra OCP4 projects
- Configure default LimitRange on CentOS CI Infra OCP4 projects
In Progress
- Starting a Job take more then 10 min and 8/10 fails on timeout
- Update the CentOS CI wiki page
- Create a demo/blog post about the CentOS CI Infra OCP4 bare metal install
- Migrate all existing CentOS CI tenants off legacy infra and move to new OCP4...
- vault.centos.org has been unstable for the past several days
- Migrate fedora-apps and Fedora-infra namespace
In Review
- very slow performance on https://osci-jenkins-2.ci.fedoraproject.org
- "Error syncing pod" on CentOS OpenShift cluster
- #101 Onboard Testing Farm Team to the new CentOS cluster
- CI On-boarding for Pulp Project
- NFS server slow on New Cluster
- kempty-n11.ci.centos.org and kempty-n9.ci.centos.org seeds pods with wrong umask
- Get access to ocp4
- Replace jump.ci c6 VM with new role and on c7/8
- bgoncalv - no permission to access privileged container on fedora-ci-jenkins-prod
- dev namespaces on OCP cluster for fedora coreos
- /dev/kvm access
- Extend storage space on storage02 node with new HDD
- High latency PV I/O in Jenkins OCP instance
- Update CentOS CI Openshift clusters to latest 4.6.4
- I need access to the Gluster project on ci.centos.org
- Changes to pod templates are not persistent across Jenkins pod restarts
- Update CentOS CI Openshift clusters to latest 4.5.16
- koji job rpm issue
- Enable local storage on centos openshift for more resilient monitoring stack POC
- Please allow Duffy bare-metal machines to pull from the OpenShift registry
- Update CentOS CI Openshift clusters to latest 4.5.14
- Grant access for Mark O'Brien to administer openshift via ansible
- jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ci.centos.org is down
- Modernize CI infra nodes (ansible)
- Access to fedora-coreos admins group
- Add Ben Howard to the fedora-coreos admins group
- cockpit project migration to OCP4
- broken vault integration after last upgrade
- Create SPIKE/SOP to document/understand graceful shutdown of OCP 4 cluster
- pipeline jobs on ci.centos.org fail with an java stacktrace
- Update CentOS CI Openshift clusters to latest 4.5.11
- Jobs in gerrit_trigger(review.gluster.org) are failing with traceback
- Jobs with GERRIT_TRIGGER in ci.centos Failing since 04th October with Traceback
- https://console.apps.ci.centos.org:8443/ is down
- Update CentOS CI Openshift clusters to latest 4.5.9
- Apply restic role on storage node for remote encrypted backup
- Create DNS records for ppc64le and aarch64 hypervisors in a new subnet
- Investigate and add CentOS 8-stream back in pool
- Create a system for documenting/automating CentOS CI Infra tenant customisations
- Update CentOS CI Openshift clusters to latest 4.5.7
- mbox-operator perms
- Please add another SSH key on jumphost for user jpena
- Add users to juimphost (tickets migration from bugs.c.o)
- Renewal of some TLS certs expiring soon and switching some to LetsEncrypt
- https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo 404 not FOUND
- old centos cluster: console.apps.ci.centos.org - missing intermediate CA?
- Count the number of failed slaves
- NetworkManager migration
- kempty-n12.ci.centos.org seeds pods with wrong umask
- Pagure migration
- Review ansible roles/playbooks for tasks with template/copy without mode: specified
- Need PVCs approved on new OCP4 cluster in fedora-coreos project
- rpkg jenkins agent
- Migration of Ceph-CSI from old OCP-3.6 cluster to new cluster
- Configure Zabbix to handle CentOS8 and CentOS8 stream architectures
- remove the internal EPEL mirror for CI
- Deploy a reverse proxy for ci.centos.org on supported distro
- Reconfigure "Too many processes on p8h1.ci.centos.org" notification
- Jenkins in a box for ACO or FAS Auth
- Can't create privileged container on...
- Update CentOS CI Openshift clusters to latest 4.5.4
- Create SOP to cover the installation and verification of the...
- SPIKE - Investigate the features of Kubevirt, document and demo
- update monitoring stack of duffy nodes
- POd on...
- Pods on centos 3.6 openshift cluster stuck in ContainerCreating
- old centos cluster: issues with storage
- Please push the latest CentOS container images to quay.io
- Have CentOS CI IRC bot properly authenticated with Freenode
- Have group membership for new 4.4 cluster live outside the cluster