#253 lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels
Opened 7 years ago by jberkus. Modified 7 years ago

@yzhang pointed out on IRC that our use of Init Cap for Fedora-required labels in the Container Guidelines is confusing, since it creates one more class of capitalization for container labels. Externally:

  • docker suggests all labels be all-lower-case
  • OpenShift labels are all-lower-case
  • Atomic CLI labels are ALL-UPPER-CASE

We can conceivably change existing labels to all-lower-case, but if so we need to do it really soon while there's still only a small population of images to clean up.

Metadata Update from @jberkus:
- Issue assigned to maxamillion
- Issue tagged with: containers

7 years ago

i'm +1 for all lower case - but realize this is an arbitrary discussion

Metadata Update from @jberkus:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

For FLIBS labels:

@maxamillion to verify that we can use lower-case labels in koji/osbs. If not, to add backwards-compatibility code so that we can.

Rest of team to update Container Guidelines to use lower case.

For Atomic CLI labels:

Opening issue against Atomic CLI. For right now, do not change labels.

We should use all lowercase: https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic/issues/948

For the atomic command line, its case-insensitive, so both upper and lower case can work. I think its just the documentation/help file is a little confusing since it was in all caps for INSTALL/UNINSTALL/RUN

We can use all lowercase in-place substitutions except for BZComponent which would need to be substituted for com.redhat.component unless we patch various parts of OSBS and the koji plugin. This limitation as it stands comes from the koji plugin following the upsteam vendor labels guidelines. This brings up the questions of: "is this label appropriate for Fedora? Should it be org.fedoraproject.component or is the fact that Fedora's bug tracker is actually at buzilla.redhat.com make it more appropriate for the former? If we go the route of org.fedoraproject.org.component do we then make our own vendor document tree upstream?

Currently we have the ability to support lower case labels via the koji-containerbuild plugin but it has some limitations (as described above) at the moment as defined by a tuple LABEL_NAME_MAP. We can easily patch this, but there implications in both osbs-client and atomic-reactor (both critical parts of the build system) that we'll need to keep in mind. It's by no means a big issue and should not be a large unit of work to accomplish, but just know that it's not as simple as adding new values to the LABEL_NAME_MAP tuple.

I'm ok with com.redhat.component for long and short term. However if we decide we need a org.fedoraproject.component then can we just go with com.redhat.component in the short term so that we don't block?

I'm ok with com.redhat.component for long and short term. However if we decide we need a org.fedoraproject.component then can we just go with com.redhat.component in the short term so that we don't block?


Metadata Update from @dustymabe:
- Issue assigned to jasonbrooks (was: maxamillion)

7 years ago

assigning to @jasonbrooks. please close this ticket when you have added it to the tracker for notifications to maintainers about guidelines changes

Metadata Update from @dustymabe:
- Issue untagged with: meeting

7 years ago

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