This is a first cut the Appliance Creation Tool (ACT) a tool to create Appliance Images from a kick start file. This tool will use the liveCD creator API as well as patches to create a multi partitioned disk. 

Directory structure:

patches   -> where patches to livecd creator will go
config    -> kickstart files that describe the appliance
tools     -> the tools
appcreate -> lib files

prebuilt installs:
rpms are available at
make sure you have patched version of livecd-tools
install appliance-tools rpm

Developer Install:

Check out the code. Assume this done in $TCHOME
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://

Patch livecd creator
cd $TCHOME/livecd
patch -p1 < $TCHOME/act/patches/0001-Make-use-of-python-logging-API-for-debug-messages.patch
patch -p1 < $TCHOME/act/patches/0002-Refactor-disk-mount-classes-to-allow-multi-partition.patch
patch -p1 < $TCHOME/act/patches/

cp $TCHOME/act/tools/appliance-creator tools/
cp $TCHOME/act/appcreate/*.py appcreate/

chmod a+x tools/appliance-creator

export PYTHONPATH=$TCHOME/livecd