
Build Status

Provides updates for your system.

Unit tests are done on every commit and periodically.

If you find issues, please register them in GitHub

To test this role locally please use Molecule:

pip install molecule
molecule test --scenario-name fedora-latest

There are many scenarios available, please have a look in the molecule/ directory.


This role is a part of many compatible roles. Have a look at the documentation of these roles for further information.

Here is an overview of related roles: dependencies


Access to a repository containing packages, likely on the internet.

Role Variables

  • update_reboot_delay: Timing around rebooting.
  • update_up_delay: Timing around rebooting.
  • update_autoremove: Clean unused packages? (For APT distributions only)
  • update_upgrade_command: Type of upgrade: dist, yes, safe, or full. (For APT distributions only)
  • update_cache_valid_time: Update the cache if it's older than the cache valid time (For APT distributions only)
  • update_reboot: Control the desired reboot behaviour. Set to "yes" (default) or "no".


This role can be used to prepare your system:

Download the dependencies by issuing this command:

ansible-galaxy install --role-file requirements.yml


This role has been tested against the following distributions and Ansible version:

distribution ansible 2.4 ansible 2.5 ansible 2.6
alpine-edge yes yes yes
alpine-latest yes yes yes
archlinux yes yes yes
centos-6 yes yes yes
centos-latest yes yes yes
debian-latest yes yes yes
debian-stable yes yes yes
fedora-latest yes yes yes
fedora-rawhide yes yes yes
opensuse-leap yes yes yes
opensuse-tumbleweed yes yes yes
ubuntu-artful yes yes yes
ubuntu-latest yes yes yes

Example Playbook

The simplest way possible:

- hosts: servers

    - robertdebock.bootstrap
    - robertdebock.update

The role sets a variable so it's possible to understand if changes were made: - update_result

Here is an example of how to use that variable:

- hosts: servers

    - robertdebock.update

    - name: send email
        subject: "server {{ ansible_hostsname }} updated"
        - update_result.changed

Install this role using galaxy install robertdebock.update.


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

Robert de Bock