
[Build Status](

The purpose of this role is to reboot your system.

[Unit tests]( are done on every commit and periodically.

If you find issues, please register them in GitHub

To test this role locally please use Molecule:

pip install molecule
molecule test

There are many scenarios available, please have a look in the molecule/ directory.


This role is a part of many compatible roles. Have a look at the documentation of these roles for further information.

Here is an overview of related roles: dependencies


  • A system installed with required packages to run Ansible. Hint: bootstrap.
  • Access to a repository containing packages, likely on the internet.
  • A recent version of Ansible. (Tests run on the last 3 release of Ansible.)

Role Variables

reboot_delay: How long to wait in seconds before sending a reboot. [default: 4] reboot_up_delay: Number of seconds to wait before checking if the machine is up. [default: 8]


  • None known.


This role has been tested against the following distributions and Ansible version:

distribution ansible 2.4 ansible 2.5 ansible 2.6 ansible-2.7 ansible-devel
alpine-edge* yes yes yes yes yes*
alpine-latest yes yes yes yes yes*
archlinux yes yes yes yes yes*
centos-6 yes yes yes yes yes*
centos-latest yes yes yes yes yes*
debian-latest yes yes yes yes yes*
debian-stable yes yes yes yes yes*
debian-unstable* yes yes yes yes yes*
fedora-latest yes yes yes yes yes*
fedora-rawhide* yes yes yes yes yes*
gentoo yes yes yes yes yes*
opensuse-leap yes yes yes yes yes*
opensuse-tumbleweed yes yes yes yes yes*
ubuntu-artful yes yes yes yes yes*
ubuntu-devel* yes yes yes yes yes*
ubuntu-latest yes yes yes yes yes*

The star means the build may fail, it's marked as an experimental build.

Example Playbook

- name: reboot
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  become: yes

    - role: robertdebock.bootstrap
    - role: robertdebock.reboot

You can also include a role when something changed.

- name: reboot
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  become: yes

    - name: do something that requires a reboot.
        state: disabled
      register do_something

    - name: include reboot role
        name: robertdebock.reboot
        - do_something.changed

Normally a notify using handlers is perfect for changed tasks, but the module include_role can't be used in a handler.

Linting will suggest to move that include_role to a handler. To instruct ansible-lint to ignore this issue, use one of these two methods:

  1. Tag the task In your playbook.yml:
    - name: include reboot role
        name: robertdebock.reboot
        - do_something.changed
        - skip_ansible_lint
  1. Let molecule skip a test In molecule/*/molecule.yml:
  name: ansible
    name: ansible-lint
        - ANSIBLE0016

To install this role: - Install this role individually using `ansible-galaxy install robertdebock.reboot

Sample roles/requirements.yml: (install with `ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml

- name: robertdebock.bootstrap
- name: robertdebock.reboot


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

Robert de Bock