#6 PyCon US 2012, Mar 7-15, Santa Clara, CA
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by inode0.

[https://us.pycon.org/2012/ PyCon US 2012]

Toshio and a number of other Fedora/{{{Red Hat}}} people will be attending and we can arrange to get some Fedora promotional material to this event via Toshio.

Any ideas beyond normal swag/media? Perhaps flyers of some sort?

Hey Toshio,

Can you give us some idea of how much media you would like for this event? And an idea about how much swag you'd like to deal with would help us get this ready. Thanks!

I'll be in SJC area a few days prior, I am happy to drop media off at a hotel (i also have some shirts, stickers).

Robyn, I'm guessing well be shipping a box out anyway so let's see if we can get everything need in one reasonably small box so you don't need to go out of your way.

Event page has been created here


and added to the Events page on the wiki.

Toshio, if there is any other information we should include there feel free to add it.

Okay, I'm going to assume that nothing has been arranged for shipment yet, is that correct?

I can bring a small amount of stickers and a decent amount of media. Can you let me know how much (assuming there's nothing on the way already) you'd like me to bring?

Has anyone heard anything on the prospects of a flyer/pamphlet for PyCon?

Also: I saw that Luke is arriving on the 6th late, and I leave on the 7th from SJC, and I can totally stop by the Hyatt and drop stuff off for you guys, I'll be nearby as well as at the MTV office (it's a multi-tasking-trip, joy).

Toshio receieved shipment from Nick on March 5. So media/swag should be all set now.

Thanks everyone for helping to promote Fedora at {{{PyCon}}}. Please do include links on the events page on the wiki to any blogs you might publish about the event.

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