#423 Sessions to improve Ambassadors skills
Closed: Closed 5 years ago Opened 6 years ago by x3mboy.

Since we talk in the FAD Latam 2017, we stablish an activity:

Do periodic activities aimed to improve ambassadors skills (starting with the creation of common used material like "The Fedora Community", "The 4F", etc).

This objective is too weak thinking about what we talk in the FAD, but it's a good starting point. Right now, with a lot of the points of the FAD being on going, I want to discuss about what topics we should take to do some video session (like a vFAD but simpler and smaller). Brian offer us a BlueJean account to do these sessions. The initial idea is to talk about 3 point:

  • The Fedora Community: What is? and How to contribute?: This sound silly, but we all have different POVs about this.
  • Th 4F: What those really means?: These should be our pillars, but what means each one?
  • How to be a good ambassador?: my POV in this is more technical, not in the philosophic way: Rules, budget, event creation, swag, reimbursement and our daily work as ambassadors.

After these 3 sessions, I would like to go deep into the new mission statement, even when it's not ready, we already should know and understand that the main points are innovation and new technologies, so hands-on:
- Cloud
- Virtualization
- Modularity
- Ansible
- Development

Another idea that comes to my mind is: Do we really know what is IN fedora?
- Applications included by default
- Other sub-projects work
- FXX Talking Points and ChangeSet
- Spins and Labs
- Blocking issues and non-blocking issues in each release

We can spent one hour per month talking in topics like these, and stay updated on what's going on with the Fedora Project.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue tagged with: Meeting

6 years ago

I remember that we need define the official format (md, latex, odp, etc) for the common material

This ticket was raised up during today's meeting. We decided to keep the meeting tag on it but we do need @x3mboy to discuss this ticket on a meeting.

We discussed this ticket in today's meeting. x3mboy will prepare a plan for this sessions in a wiki page.

We will keep the meeting tag here so we can keep discussing this ticket weekly, until these sessions start.

This was discussed in today's meeting. x3mboy is still working on this ticket. We will bring it up again next meeting.

This is an ongoing ticket, which we decided to keep open as "Meeting" so we can keep discussing it until the sessions start or sth like that

Metadata Update from @athoscr:
- Issue untagged with: Meeting

6 years ago

I will remove the meeting tag from this issue and let @x3mboy work on the ticket and re-tag it when he is ready :)

This ticket is on hold at least until FLISoL is over

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue assigned to x3mboy

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue tagged with: Discuss, Meeting

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja:
- Issue untagged with: Meeting

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Closed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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