#12 Try using Jitsi for ambassador meetings
Opened 6 years ago by rathann. Modified 5 years ago

At today's ambassador meeting, it was suggested to try and have our next meeting over video conference. My proposed URL for the video meeting: https://meet.jit.si/FedoraAmbassadorsEMEA . Thoughts?

On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 8:33 PM Dominik Mierzejewski pagure@pagure.io

rathann reported a new issue against the project: tasks that you are
At today's ambassador meeting, it was suggested to try and have our next meeting over video conference. My proposed URL for the video meeting: https://meet.jit.si/FedoraAmbassadorsEMEA . Thoughts?

I=E2=80=99m all for meetings being held with the tools of choice of the gro=
holding them. Please note that the last Jitsi based council meeting did
not go well. I (and the Council) would be interested in hearing about your
experiences. We had frequent video and audio problems that didn=E2=80=99t =
seem to
be tied to a specific participant.

If you=E2=80=99d like a BlueJeans room to use, let me know. I am not pushi=
ng this
option, just alerting you that it exists.



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Brian (bex) Exelbierd | bexelbie@redhat.com | bex@pobox.com
Fedora Community Action & Impact Coordinator
@bexelbie | http://www.winglemeyer.org

Hi, Brian.
Thanks for your comment. I'm aware of BlueJeans. I use it when we have conference calls with Red Hat at work and it works pretty well. I didn't know we could have a room for Fedora purposes. That's useful to know, thanks.

On a side note, your comment seems to have Unicode apostrophe character encoded with Base64 instead of plain UTF-8. What did you use to enter it?

Hi, Brian.
Thanks for your comment. I'm aware of BlueJeans. I use it when we have conference calls with Red Hat at work and it works pretty well. I didn't know we could have a room for Fedora purposes. That's useful to know, thanks.

Cool. Since you have access, you can create a room to use for a meeting or I can if you'd prefer.

On a side note, your comment seems to have Unicode apostrophe character encoded with Base64 instead of plain UTF-8. What did you use to enter it?

At that moment I had a problem with auto-correct and I probably broke something not paying attention. I was on a bluetooth keyboard connected to a tablet using Gmail.

I've got basically two concerns:
someone would have to make notes and write meeting minutes, would there be volunteers for that?
it raises requirements for internet connection, that may actually exclude contributors from countries with slower connections. Even I living in a country with pretty fast internet connections happen to have 6/1 Mbps at home which is barely enough for video conference.

it raises requirements for internet connection, that may actually exclude contributors from countries with slower connections. Even I living in a country with pretty fast internet connections happen to have 6/1 Mbps at home which is barely enough for video conference.

+1, I have the same concern.

it raises requirements for internet connection, that may actually exclude contributors from countries with slower connections. Even I living in a country with pretty fast internet connections happen to have 6/1 Mbps at home which is barely enough for video conference.

+1, same concern here, too.

While I don't like IRC, I agree that Jitsi and Blue Jeans need fast stable connections that aren't available for everyone everywhere.

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