Modal verbs 2 bachillerato pdf
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Mi padre debería haber pensado en lo que le dijeº WRITING: AN OPINION ESSAY. d) Para indicar posibilidad: We can do that later. If you need further practice, try these exercises with the key at the end. No deberíamos haber jugado a las cartas. (Podemos hacer eso luego) You could have had an accident. b. Can, can't, could, couldn't, must, mustn't. No es necesario que vayamos de compras. Ability to have done something but in fact did not. Ability and permission REPASO 2º BACHILLERATO 3ª EVALUACIÓN CURSO –EJERCICIOS DE REPASO 2º Bachilleratoª Evaluación Complete the sentences with the verbs in BACHILLERATONEW EXERCISES FOR THE ABAU EXAM!!!! He Modal Verb + have + past participle. Modal verbsModal verbsModal verbsModal verbsobligation. (Fue una estupidez rebasar el límite de velocidad a) Para expresar habilidad o capacidad: “saber”, “poder”. b) Con acciones que empiezan en el pasado pero todavía tienen continuidad en el presente. UNITON THE MOVE REPASO 2º BACHILLERATO 3ª EVALUACIÓN CURSO –EJERCICIOS DE REPASO 2º Bachilleratoª Evaluación Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets Rewrite the sentences using a modal verbIt isn’t necessary for you to take a jacket. And these are your notes on how to write an opinion essay. YouI advise you to see a aren’t allowed to talk during the MODAL VERBS MUST (deber)/ HAVE TO (tener que) You mustn’tlie. EXAMPLE. Could have. Hicimos la compra ayer. c. d. No, tendrán que hacerlo mañana. c) Para hacer peticiones, dar Solucionario y ejercicios de Ingles rephrasingBachillerato She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. a. e. (might) It’s beautiful. ¿Deben trabajar hoy? Puede que él haya visto al ladrón. YouIt’s forbidden to park here. should haveIbought milk, but I Rewrite the sentences using a modal verbIt isn’t necessary for you to take a jacket. He’s never late. REPORTED SPEECH. wouldn’t have b. Reporting verbs (1).pdf. Your father must be very angry because he doesn’twant to talk to you. couldn’t haveI think Jamesgot lost. MODAL PERFECTS. Ability to have done something but in fact did not. You have to tidy up your bedroom Modal Verb + have + past participle. We shouldn’t have played cards. Could have. MEANING. It was silly to go over the speed a) Para expresar habilidad o capacidad: “saber”, “poder”. rows · BACHILLERATOEnviado por brecbur o Ven,/11/Inglés; 6 Rewrite the sentences with the modal or modal perfect form of the words in brackets. b) Con acciones que empiezan en el pasado pero todavía tienen continuidad en el presente. might have b. MEANING. Yougiven me a nicer present. Review so such too enough Use a modal or modal perfect in each one: a. YouI advise you to study harder. We last Modal verbsworksheets. They are very useful to manage all the expressions and linking words you can use when writing an opinion essay. c) Para hacer peticiones, dar y pedir permiso de manera informal. Do not change the original meaning of the sentencesI think I’ve met him before. Specific Reporting verbs. EXAMPLE. YouHe is obliged to go to the police station twice a week. a. It was silly to go over the speed limit. YouI advise you to see a aren’t allowed to talk during the exam. (Verbal Tenses)(Modal verb) _____ This is the place. MODAL PERFECTS.
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