#69 [iceweasel] 110.0
Closed a year ago by grizzlyuser. Opened a year ago by grizzlyuser.

Remove docker-images repository
Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli • a year ago  
docker-images: Update status
Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli • a year ago  
docker-images: fix typo
Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli • a year ago  
[rush]: upgrade to v2.3
wael • a year ago  
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ 

- +--------------+

- | Introduction |

- +--------------+

- This repository is an attempt to produce various FSDG compliant docker

- images and see if it could integrate well into existing use

- cases/workflows:


- - Since PureOS and Trisquel are respectively based on Debian stable

-   and LTS versions of Ubuntu, and that Debian and Ubuntu are commonly

-   used in Dockerfiles, it might be possible to use existing

-   Dockerfiles with PureOS and Trisquel images instead.


- - Docker is available in most GNU/Linux distributions, and also works

-   on most FSDG compliant distributions[1].


- [1]https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Software/research/DistroExecutionEnvironments


- The docker images are produced as Parabola packages to give somewhat

- equivalent guarantees than with Parabola packages.


- This means that once we have packages, they will be signed, mirrored,

- and that you will be able use them offline with your own mirror,

- etc. Though there will be some differences mentioned in the "Policies"

- section below.


- +--------+

- | Status |

- +--------+

- Right now Parabola doesn't ship any of these packages, but if you have

- configured sudo to run without password, you can run makepkg and get

- packages of a docker images that are usable with docker import.


- One of the big limitation is that this image is not yet

- redistributalbe as-is as we still need to find a way to get the source

- code corresponding to the images.


- +----------+

- | Policies |

- +----------+

- To make these packages, we had to bend some rules that are in place in

- Parabola. So this repository should be considered unofficial because

- of that.


- Parabola also hosts other unofficial repositories like contributor

- repositories and also hosts repositories with extra requirements (like

- the nonprism repository).


- Here are some of the rules that had to be bent or broken:

- - The packages are not built from source in a PKGBUILD. Instead it's

-   up to the upstream distributions to choose to build packages from

-   source or not. In any case FSDG compliant distributions are expected

-   to be able to provide the source code corresponding to the package

-   binary, else the packages wound't be free software. Though most FSDG

-   compliant distributions either build software from source or reuse

-   packages built from source because it makes license compliance

-   easier.


- - Parabola is more strict than other FSDG distriubtion as it has free

-   culture requirements and generally always require free software

-   licenses. So license like CC-BY-ND are generally not allowed in

-   Parabola for non-functional game data for instance. Though there

-   seems to be an exception for the license of the licenses.


-   So in practice users installing packages from other FSDG compliant

-   distributions might end up with games that have artwork under

-   CC-BY-ND licenses.


- - The PKGBUILDs require network access as they use utilities like

-   debootstrap to download a given distribution. Though the image are

-   reproducible and we do check the checksums of the resulting image to

-   make sure they cannot be arbitrary modified by the network or the

-   mirrors being used.


- - In debian based distributions like Trisquel and Pureos,

-   debuerreotype is being used to produce reproducible images. The

-   issue is that debuerreotype requires root, and no one managed yet to

-   make it work with fakeroot or similar utilities or to fix

-   debuerreotype. So we used sudo in the PKGBUILDs. As sudo without

-   password is usually used with libremakepkg, this shound't be a big

-   issue.


- - The licensing information is not precise, as an image like that is

-   constituted by a lot of different licenses, but the images are FSDG

-   compliant.

@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@ 

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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ 

- # Copyright (C) 2023 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo@cyberdimension.org>

- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

- # it under the terms of the CC0 1.0 License.

- # Maintainer: Parabola Hackers <dev@lists.parabola.nu>


- _distro=trisquel

- _suite=etiona


- pkgname="${_distro}-${_suite}"

- pkgver=9.0

- pkgrel=1

- pkgdesc="Trisquel docker image(s)"

- arch=('x86_64')

- url='https://trisquel.info'

- license=('FSDG')

- depends=('debuerreotype'

-          'trisquel-keyring')

- # This docker image follows the Free System Distribution Guidelines (GNU FSDG)

- # The FSDG itself is under the CC-BY-ND-4.0

- source=('free-system-distribution-guidelines.html'

-         'CC-BY-ND-4.0.txt'

-         "${pkgname}.tar.xz.sha512")

- sha512sums=('SKIP'

-             'SKIP'

-             'SKIP')


- build(){

- 	install -d rootfs


- 	# debuerreotype really requires root, see the following bug report for

- 	# more details: 

- 	# https://github.com/debuerreotype/debuerreotype/issues/66

- 	sudo debuerreotype-init --non-debian rootfs "${_suite}" https://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel

- 	sudo debuerreotype-minimizing-config rootfs

- 	sudo debuerreotype-tar rootfs "${_distro}-${_suite}.tar"

- 	# docker import ${_distro}-${_suite}.tar.xz works, so it's better to

- 	# have the smallest file possible as xz compresses quite well and we

- 	# will at least have one docker image per FSDG distribution if

- 	# possible.

- 	sudo xz -9e --verbose -T 0 "${_distro}-${_suite}.tar"

- }


- package(){

- 	install                               -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/docker-images/${pkgname}/"

- 	install "${_distro}-${_suite}.tar.xz" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/docker-images/${pkgname}/"


- 	install                                          -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/"

- 	install free-system-distribution-guidelines.html -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/"

- 	install CC-BY-ND-4.0.txt                         -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/"

- }


- check(){

- 	sudo sha512sum -c "${_distro}-${_suite}.tar.xz.sha512"

- }


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- <h2>Free System Distribution Guidelines (GNU&nbsp;FSDG)</h2>

- <div class="thin"></div>


- <p id="introduction" class="introduction">

- The purpose of these guidelines is to explain what it means for an

- installable system distribution (such as a <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/Linux</a> distribution) to

- qualify as <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free</a> (libre), and

- help distribution developers make their distributions qualify.</p>


- <p>These guidelines are not complete.  We have mentioned the issues we

- are aware of now, but we're sure there are more.  We will add them

- when we come across them.</p>


- <p>We would like to thank the Fedora Project for help in focusing

- these policies, and allowing us to use its own distribution license

- guidelines as a basis for this document.</p>


- <div id="fsf-licensing" class="note" role="complementary">

- <p style="font-size: 80%">This page is maintained by the Free Software

- Foundation's Licensing and Compliance Lab. You can support our efforts by

- <a href="http://donate.fsf.org">making a donation</a> to the FSF. Have a

- question not answered here? Check out some of our other <a

- href="http://www.fsf.org/licensing">licensing resources</a> or contact the

- Compliance Lab at <a href="mailto:licensing@fsf.org">licensing@fsf.org</a>.</p>

- </div>



- <h3 id="complete-distros">Complete Distros</h3>


- <p>Our list of distributions is a guide for systems you can install in

- a computer.  Therefore, it only includes distributions that are

- complete in themselves and ready to use.  If a distribution is

- incomplete&mdash;if it requires further development, or presupposes

- installing other software as well&mdash;then it is not listed here,

- even if it is free software.</p>


- <p>In particular, a free system distribution should be self-hosting.

- This means that you must be able to develop and build the system with

- tools that the system provides you.  As a result, a free system

- distribution cannot include free software that can only be built by

- using nonfree software.</p>


- <p>We make an exception to this requirement for <em>small system

- distributions</em>, which are distros designed for devices with

- limited resources, like a wireless router for example. Free small

- system distributions do not need to be self-hosting or complete,

- because it is impractical to do development on such a system, but it

- must be developable and buildable on top of a free complete system

- distribution from our list of distributions, perhaps with the aid of

- free tools distributed alongside the small system distribution

- itself.</p>


- <h3 id="license-rules">License Rules</h3>


- <p>&ldquo;Information for practical use&rdquo;

- includes software, documentation, fonts, and other data that has

- direct functional applications.  It does not include artistic works

- that have an aesthetic (rather than functional) purpose, or statements

- of opinion or judgment.</p>


- <p>All information for practical use in a free distribution must be

- available in source form.  (&ldquo;Source&rdquo; means the form of the

- information that is preferred for making changes to it.)</p>


- <p>The information, and the source, must be provided under an

- appropriate <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free license</a>.  We

- evaluate specific licenses and list our determinations

- in <a href="/licenses/license-list.html">our license

- list</a>, with separate sections for licenses that are suitable for

- software, documentation, fonts, and other useful works.  If such a

- work is released under a disjunction of licenses, the work is free as

- long as at least one of its licenses is free; the system developers

- should follow the terms of the applicable free license(s) when they

- distribute and/or modify it.</p>


- <p>A free system distribution must not steer users towards obtaining

- any nonfree information for practical use, or encourage them to do so.

- The system should have no repositories for nonfree software and no

- specific recipes for installation of particular nonfree programs. Nor

- should the distribution refer to third-party repositories that are not

- committed to only including free software; even if they only have free

- software today, that may not be true tomorrow.  Programs in the system

- should not suggest installing nonfree plugins, documentation, and so

- on.</p>


- <p>For instance, a free system distribution must not contain browsers

- that implement EME, the browser functionality designed to load DRM

- modules.</p>


- <p>Some nonfree distros offer an installation option to exclude

- nonfree packages.  That option is a step forward, since it makes

- avoiding them much easier, provided the distro's implementation of the

- option is fully correct.  However, the nonfree packages are

- nonetheless included in the distro.  Moreover, we know that most users

- are not strongly committed to software freedom, and will not reject

- packages that seem handy just for being nonfree.  Practically

- speaking, to list one of these distros as free would mostly lead

- people to install nonfree software.  For these reasons, we do not list

- them.</p>


- <p>There's a lot of code in most free system distributions today; the

- amount of effort it would take to audit it all directly is impractical

- for most teams.  In the past, some nonfree code has accidentally been

- included in free system distributions.  We don't de-list distributions

- because of this; instead, we only ask that a distribution's developers

- make a good faith effort to avoid including nonfree software, and

- commit themselves to removing such programs if any are discovered.</p>


- <p>Certain kinds of license situations merit special attention for people

- creating or considering free software distributions; those are

- discussed in the sections below.</p>


- <h3 id="nonfree-firmware">Nonfree Firmware</h3>


- <p>Some applications and drivers require firmware to function, and

- sometimes that firmware is distributed only in object code form, under

- a nonfree license.  We call these firmware programs

- &ldquo;blobs.&rdquo; On most GNU/Linux systems, you'll typically find

- these accompanying some drivers in the kernel Linux.  Such firmware

- should be removed from a free system distribution.</p>


- <p>Blobs can take many forms.  Sometimes, they will be provided in

- separate files.  Other times, they may be incorporated into the source

- of the driver itself&mdash;for example, it could be encoded as a large

- array of numbers.  But no matter how it's encoded, any nonfree

- firmware needs to be removed from a free system.</p>


- <p>(To be clear, not every array of numbers in a driver is firmware.

- It's important to understand the purpose of the data before deciding

- whether or not it's appropriate for a free system.)</p>


- <p>Brian Brazil, Jeff Moe, and Alexandre Oliva have developed a series

- of <a

- href="https://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/">scripts

- to remove nonfree firmware</a> from a stock version of the Linux kernel.

- You may find them helpful if you would like to develop your own free

- GNU/Linux distribution&mdash;although we recommend joining development

- of an existing free distro rather than fragmenting effort by starting a

- new one.  The complete source for a blob-free version of the Linux

- kernel is also available; you can learn more about this project from the

- <a href="https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Linux-libre">Free

- Software Directory</a>.</p>


- <h3 id="non-functional-data">Non-functional Data</h3>


- <p>Data that isn't functional, that doesn't do a practical job, is

- more of an adornment to the system's software than a part of it.

- Thus, we don't insist on the free license criteria for non-functional

- data.  It can be included in a free system distribution as long as its

- license gives you permission to copy and redistribute, both for

- commercial and non-commercial purposes.  For example, some game

- engines released under the GNU GPL have accompanying game

- information&mdash;a fictional world map, game graphics, and so

- on&mdash;released under such a verbatim-distribution license.  This

- kind of data can be part of a free system distribution, even though

- its license does not qualify as free, because it is non-functional.</p>


- <h3 id="trademarks">Trademarks</h3>


- <p>Trademarks are associated with some software.  For example, the

- name of a program may be trademarked, or its interface may display a

- trademarked logo.  Often, the use of these marks will be controlled

- in some way; in particular, developers are commonly asked to remove

- references to the trademark from the software when they modify

- it.</p>


- <p>In extreme cases, these restrictions may effectively render the

- program nonfree.  It is unfair for someone to ask you to remove a

- trademark from modified code if that trademark is scattered all

- throughout the original source.  As long as the practical

- requirements are reasonable, however, free system distributions may

- include these programs, either with or without the trademarks.</p>


- <p>Similarly, the distribution itself may hold particular trademarks.

- It is not a problem if modification requires removal of these

- trademarks, as long as they can readily be removed without losing

- functionality.</p>


- <p>However, it is unacceptable to use trademarks to restrict verbatim

- copying and redistribution of the whole distribution, or any part.</p>


- <h3 id="documentation">Documentation</h3>


- <p>All the documentation in a free system distribution must be released

- under an appropriate free license.  Additionally, it must take care

- not to recommend nonfree software.</p>


- <p>In general, something that helps people who already use nonfree

- software to use the free software better with it is acceptable, but

- something that encourages users of the free software to install

- nonfree software is not.</p>


- <p>For example, a free system distribution may have documentation for

- users setting up dual boot systems.  It could explain how to access

- filesystems of the proprietary operating system, import settings

- from it, and so on.  That would be helping people install a free

- system distribution on a machine which already has proprietary

- software, which is good.</p>


- <p>What would be unacceptable is for the documentation to give people

- instructions for installing a nonfree program on the system, or

- mention conveniences they might gain by doing so.</p>


- <p>For a borderline case, a clear and serious exhortation not to use the

- nonfree program would move it to the acceptable side of the line.</p>


- <h3 id="patents">Patents</h3>


- <p>It is effectively impossible for free software developers and

- distributors to know whether or not a given piece of software

- infringes any patents: there are too many of them, they vary from

- country to country, they're often worded so as to make it hard to tell

- what they do or don't cover, and it isn't easy to tell which ones are

- valid.  Therefore, we don't generally ask free system distributions to

- exclude software because of possible threats from patents.  On the

- other hand, we also don't object if a distributor chooses to omit some

- software in order to avoid patent risk.</p>


- <h3 id="no-malware">No Malware</h3>


- <p>The distro must contain no DRM, no back doors, and no spyware.</p>


- <h3 id="mistakes">Commitment to Correct Mistakes</h3>


- <p>Most distribution development teams don't have the resources to

- exhaustively check that their distribution meet all these criteria.

- Neither do we.  So we expect distros to occasionally contain mistakes:

- nonfree software that slipped through, etc.  We don't reject a

- distribution over mistakes.  Our requirement is for the distribution

- developers to have a firm commitment to promptly correct any mistakes

- that are reported to them.</p>


- <h3 id="maintenance">Maintenance</h3>


- <p>To be listed, a distribution should be actively maintained,

- and should give the GNU Project a clear and specific way to report problems

- of nonfree software that we find out about.  It should also

- inform us when the problems we have reported are fixed.</p>


- <h3 id="name-confusion">Name Confusion</h3>


- <p>We will not list a distribution whose name makes confusion with

- nonfree distributions likely.  For example, if Foobar Light is a free

- distribution and Foobar is a nonfree distribution, we will not list

- Foobar Light.  This is because we expect that the distinction between

- the two would be lost in the process of communicating the message.</p>


- <p>In particular, the principal name of the free distribution

- (&ldquo;Foobar,&rdquo; in this example) should not be part of the name

- of any nonfree distribution.</p>


- <p>Some people have thought of adding the name &ldquo;GNU&rdquo; to a

- free distro name to distinguish it from a nonfree one.  This has two

- problems.  First, the two names would not be sufficiently different,

- since the principal word in both names would be the same.</p>


- <p>Second, this would promote a misunderstanding of what

- &ldquo;GNU&rdquo; means.  <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU is an

- operating system</a>, typically used with Linux as the kernel, and

- essentially all so-called &ldquo;Linux&rdquo; distributions are really

- GNU/Linux distributions.  In this scenario,

- <em>both</em> versions are GNU/Linux, and it would be misleading to

- omit &ldquo;GNU&rdquo; from the name of one of them.</p>


- <h3 id="upstream">Contacting Upstream If You're Downstream</h3>


- <p>For distro developers (or anyone else) who have sent an important bug

- report for a GNU package: if it has gone unheeded by the package

- maintainer after a reasonable time (please allow at least two weeks),

- you can escalate the bug by writing to &lt;maintainers@gnu.org&gt;.

- This is especially warranted if you can't find evidence of recent

- activity by the package maintainer.</p>


- <h3 id="teaching">Please Teach Users about Free Software</h3>


- <p>To establish lasting freedom, just giving users freedom isn't

- sufficient.  It is necessary also to teach them to understand what it

- means and to demand it.  Thus, we suggest and urge that free distros

- announce prominently on the screen, before login and on the default

- desktop after login, a prominent statement about freedom, such as

- &ldquo;This system is freedom-respecting free/libre software&rdquo; or

- something comparable, and to present a link or icon pointing at

- gnu.org or gnu.org/philosophy for further information about the

- issue.</p>


- <h3 id="words-to-avoid">Please Avoid Repeating Propaganda and Confusion</h3>


- <p>Please see our list

- of <a href="/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html">words to avoid</a>, which

- are either biased, misguided or misleading, and try to avoid them in

- your public statements and discussions with the public.</p>


- <h3 id="final-notes">Final Notes</h3>


- <p>We maintain a list of the <a href="/distros/free-distros.html">free

- GNU system distributions</a> we know about.  If you know about a free

- distribution that isn't listed there, please ask its developers write

- to &lt;<a

- href="mailto:webmasters@gnu.org">webmasters@gnu.org</a>&gt; with a description of

- their system and a link to their web page.</p>


- <p>We also list <a href="/distros/free-non-gnu-distros.html">free

- non-GNU system distributions</a> on the same ethical conditions.</p>


- <p>If you have questions or comments about these guidelines

- themselves, feel free to send those to &lt;<a

- href="mailto:licensing@fsf.org">licensing@fsf.org</a>&gt;.  We hope

- that they help everyone better understand the issues that are important

- for free system distributions, and we look forward to promoting more

- of them in the future.</p>

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@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@ 

- 27fc6d091d802323fa6f9895a1d48dadf3237c81bcfcf78624f22a3f534b26cfbd6eee8295bf3dd0487b51f29f47fe7d282013be97ce94aea2cb3eee66b40e79  trisquel-etiona.tar.xz

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ 

+ # Maintainer (arch): Muflone http://www.muflone.com/contacts/english/

+ # Maintainer (arch): Bruno Pagani <archange@archlinux.org>

+ # Contributor: Francois Boulogne <fboulogne@april.org>

+ # Contributor: TDY <tdy@gmx.com>

+ # Maintainer: Parabola Hackers <dev@lists.parabola.nu>



+ # parabola changes and rationale

+ #  - removed 'python-pyqt5-webengine' dependency



+ pkgname=spyder

+ pkgver=5.4.1

+ pkgrel=1

+ pkgrel+=.parabola1

+ pkgdesc="The Scientific Python Development Environment"

+ arch=(any)

+ url="https://www.spyder-ide.org/"

+ license=(MIT)

+ makedepends=(python-sphinx python-setuptools-scm python-wheel)

+ depends=(

+     python-atomicwrites

+     python-chardet

+     python-cloudpickle

+     python-cookiecutter

+     python-diff-match-patch

+     python-intervaltree

+     ipython

+     python-jedi

+     python-jellyfish

+     python-jsonschema

+     python-keyring

+     jupyter-nbconvert

+     python-numpydoc

+     python-parso

+     python-pexpect

+     python-pickleshare

+     python-psutil

+     python-pygments

+     python-pylint

+     python-pylint-venv

+     python-pyqt5

+     python-pyqt5-webengine

+     python-lsp-server

+     python-lsp-black

+     python-pyls-spyder

+     python-pyxdg

+     python-pyzmq

+     python-qdarkstyle

+     python-qstylizer

+     python-qtawesome

+     python-qtconsole

+     python-qtpy

+     python-rtree

+     python-setuptools

+     python-sphinx

+     python-spyder-kernels

+     python-textdistance

+     python-three-merge

+     python-watchdog

+     autopep8

+     flake8

+     python-pycodestyle

+     python-pydocstyle

+     python-pyflakes

+     python-rope

+     yapf

+     python-whatthepatch

+ )

+ depends=( ${depends[*]/python-pyqt5-webengine/} )

+ # Starting from autopep8, required optdeps of python-language-server

+ optdepends=(

+     'cython: run Cython files in the IPython Console'

+     'python-matplotlib: 2D/3D plotting in the IPython Console'

+     'python-numpy: support for N-dimensional arrays in the Variable Explorer'

+     'python-pandas: support for DataFrames and Series in the Variable Explorer'

+     'python-scipy: support for Matlab workspace in the Variable Explorer'

+     'python-sympy: symbolic mathematics in the IPython Console'

+ )

+ checkdepends=(

+     python-pytest

+     python-pytest-qt

+     python-pytest-mock

+     python-pytest-cov

+     python-pytest-order

+     python-pytest-lazy-fixture

+     python-pytest-timeout

+     python-flaky

+     python-pandas

+     python-scipy

+     python-sympy

+     python-pillow

+     python-matplotlib

+     cython

+     git

+     tk

+     xorg-server-xvfb

+ )

+ source=(https://github.com/spyder-ide/${pkgname}/archive/v${pkgver}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz)

+ source+=(no-webengine.patch)

+ sha512sums=('f8dc629552957d4ddcbe849388a6b5b53acd17248ea247fd3c27e0a6b93c411102b12f427f9f41824709bceda8687f09efa0310ae4ce798ae9ebc389bbb8253c')

+ sha512sums+=('acdb96f70df8362159d4997e01eff945bb902fe0391c45dcdbe1425ef1ace4c03405b01a317051a4d9acb0d942c946f958edcf720cd326743bd39ccd526fb69b')


+ prepare() {

+   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}

+   # Allow our python libraries versions

+   sed 's|IPYTHON_REQVER = ">=7.31.1;<9.0.0"|IPYTHON_REQVER = ">=7.31.1"|' -i spyder/dependencies.py

+   sed "s|JEDI_REQVER = '>=0.17.2;<0.19.0'|JEDI_REQVER = '>=0.17.2'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py

+   sed "s|PARSO_REQVER = '>=0.7.0;<0.9.0'|PARSO_REQVER = '>=0.7.0'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py

+   sed "s|PYLSP_REQVER = '>=1.7.0;<1.8.0'|PYLSP_REQVER = '>=1.7.0'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py

+   sed "s|QDARKSTYLE_REQVER = '>=3.0.2;<3.1.0'|QDARKSTYLE_REQVER = '>=3.0.2'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py

+   sed "s|QTCONSOLE_REQVER = '>=5.4.0;<5.5.0'|QTCONSOLE_REQVER = '>=5.4.0'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py

+   sed "s|ipython>=7.31.1,<9.0.0|ipython>=7.31.1|" -i setup.py

+   sed "s|jedi>=0.17.2,<0.19.0|jedi>=0.17.2|" -i setup.py

+   sed "s|parso>=0.7.0,<0.9.0|parso>=0.7.0|" -i setup.py

+   sed "s|python-lsp-server\[all\]>=1.7.0,<1.8.0|python-lsp-server\[all\]>=1.7.0|" -i setup.py

+   sed "s|qdarkstyle>=3.0.2,<3.1.0|qdarkstyle>=3.0.2|" -i setup.py

+   sed "s|qtconsole>=5.4.0,<5.5.0|qtconsole>=5.4.0|" -i setup.py

+   # Required change for ipython

+   sed "s|extra_extension|extra_extensions|" -i spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/tests/test_ipythonconsole.py


+   ## parabola changes ##


+   # delete CI litter

+   rm -rf .github/


+   # remove 'python-pyqt5-webengine' dependency

+   patch -Np1 < "${srcdir}"/no-webengine.patch

+   rm -v spyder/plugins/help/plugin.py

+   rm -v spyder/plugins/help/tests/test_plugin.py

+ }


+ build() {

+   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}

+   python setup.py build

+ }


+ check() {

+   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}

+   # Required per above patching

+   sed "s|ipython >=7.31.1,<9.0.0|ipython >=7.31.1|" -i binder/environment.yml

+   sed "s|jedi >=0.17.2,<0.19.0|jedi >=0.17.2|" -i binder/environment.yml

+   sed "s|parso >=0.7.0,<0.9.0|parso >=0.7.0|" -i binder/environment.yml

+   sed "s|python-lsp-server >=1.7.0,<1.8.0|python-lsp-server >=1.7.0|" -i binder/environment.yml

+   sed "s|qdarkstyle >=3.0.2,<3.1.0|qdarkstyle >=3.0.2|" -i binder/environment.yml

+   sed "s|qtconsole >=5.4.0,<5.5.0|qtconsole >=5.4.0|" -i binder/environment.yml

+   sed "s|ipython >=7.31.1,<9.0.0|ipython >=7.31.1|" -i requirements/main.yml

+   sed "s|jedi >=0.17.2,<0.19.0|jedi >=0.17.2|" -i requirements/main.yml

+   sed "s|parso >=0.7.0,<0.9.0|parso >=0.7.0|" -i requirements/main.yml

+   sed "s|python-lsp-server >=1.7.0,<1.8.0|python-lsp-server >=1.7.0|" -i requirements/main.yml

+   sed "s|qdarkstyle >=3.0.2,<3.1.0|qdarkstyle >=3.0.2|" -i requirements/main.yml

+   sed "s|qtconsole >=5.4.0,<5.5.0|qtconsole >=5.4.0|" -i requirements/main.yml

+   local disabled_tests=''

+   # Not working in headless env

+   disabled_tests+='not test_config_dialog'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_tab_copies_find_to_replace'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_toggle_off_show_all_files'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_select_all_shortcut'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_delete_line_shortcut'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_go_to_line_shortcut'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_transform_to_lowercase_shortcut'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_transform_to_uppercase_shortcut'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_ctrl_c_dbg'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_connection_dialog_remembers_input_with_ssh_passphrase'

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_connection_dialog_remembers_input_with_password' 

+   disabled_tests+=' and not test_store_user_credentials'

+   # Currently some tests failures in completion plugins, but no time to investigate

+   xvfb-run --auto-servernum python runtests.py --color=yes -k "${disabled_tests}" || echo "Tests failed"

+ }


+ package() {

+   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}

+   python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 --skip-build

+   # Install license file

+   install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt -t ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/

+   # Install icon file

+   install -Dm644 spyder/images/spyder.svg -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/

+   # Remove useless spyder_win_post_install script

+   rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/spyder_win_post_install.py

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ 

+ diff --git a/requirements/main.yml b/requirements/main.yml

+ index 6d0487a..2bf2355 100644

+ --- a/requirements/main.yml

+ +++ b/requirements/main.yml

+ @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ dependencies:

+    - pylint-venv >=2.1.1

+    - pyls-spyder >=0.4.0

+    - pyqt <5.16

+ -  - pyqtwebengine <5.16

+    - python-lsp-black >=1.2.0

+    - python-lsp-server >=1.7.0,<1.8.0

+    - pyzmq >=22.1.0

+ diff --git a/runtests.py b/runtests.py

+ index 8e94c09..38a5165 100644

+ --- a/runtests.py

+ +++ b/runtests.py

+ @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ os.environ['SPYDER_PYTEST'] = 'True'

+  # NOTE: This needs to be imported before any QApplication.

+  # Don't remove it or change it to a different location!

+  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

+ -from qtpy import QtWebEngineWidgets  # noqa

+  import pytest



+ diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py

+ index b064721..25e1391 100644

+ --- a/setup.py

+ +++ b/setup.py

+ @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ install_requires = [

+      'python-lsp-black>=1.2.0',

+      'pyls-spyder>=0.4.0',

+      'pyqt5<5.16',

+ -    'pyqtwebengine<5.16',

+ +     

+      'python-lsp-server[all]>=1.7.0',

+      'pyxdg>=0.26;platform_system=="Linux"',

+      'pyzmq>=22.1.0',

+ diff --git a/spyder/app/cli_options.py b/spyder/app/cli_options.py

+ index 3ae36f0..325d99e 100644

+ --- a/spyder/app/cli_options.py

+ +++ b/spyder/app/cli_options.py

+ @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def get_options(argv=None):

+          '--no-web-widgets',

+          dest="no_web_widgets",

+          action='store_true',

+ -        default=False,

+ +        default=True,

+          help="Disable the usage of web widgets in Spyder (e.g. the Help and "

+               "Online help panes)."

+      )

+ diff --git a/spyder/app/mainwindow.py b/spyder/app/mainwindow.py

+ index 0e0ab3e..cb8fb5c 100644

+ --- a/spyder/app/mainwindow.py

+ +++ b/spyder/app/mainwindow.py

+ @@ -52,9 +52,6 @@ from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QMainWindow, QMenu, QMessageBox,

+  # Avoid a "Cannot mix incompatible Qt library" error on Windows platforms

+  from qtpy import QtSvg  # analysis:ignore


+ -# Avoid a bug in Qt: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-46720

+ -from qtpy import QtWebEngineWidgets  # analysis:ignore

+ -

+  from qtawesome.iconic_font import FontError


+  #==============================================================================

+ diff --git a/spyder/app/tests/conftest.py b/spyder/app/tests/conftest.py

+ index eed1a5f..f8e5848 100755

+ --- a/spyder/app/tests/conftest.py

+ +++ b/spyder/app/tests/conftest.py

+ @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ from qtpy.QtCore import Qt

+  from qtpy.QtTest import QTest

+  from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFileDialog, QLineEdit, QTabBar

+  # This is required to run our tests in VSCode or Spyder-unittest

+ -from qtpy import QtWebEngineWidgets  # noqa

+  import psutil

+  import pytest


+ diff --git a/spyder/app/tests/test_mainwindow.py b/spyder/app/tests/test_mainwindow.py

+ index 94c5577..75790e9 100644

+ --- a/spyder/app/tests/test_mainwindow.py

+ +++ b/spyder/app/tests/test_mainwindow.py

+ @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ from qtpy import PYQT_VERSION, PYQT5

+  from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QTimer

+  from qtpy.QtGui import QImage, QTextCursor

+  from qtpy.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QInputDialog, QWidget

+ -from qtpy.QtWebEngineWidgets import WEBENGINE

+ +WEBENGINE = False


+  # Local imports

+  from spyder import __trouble_url__

+ diff --git a/spyder/plugins/help/tests/test_plugin.py b/spyder/plugins/help/tests/test_plugin.py

+ index dfdc35b..6f30a84 100644

+ --- a/spyder/plugins/help/tests/test_plugin.py

+ +++ b/spyder/plugins/help/tests/test_plugin.py

+ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from unittest.mock import Mock, MagicMock

+  # Third party imports

+  from qtpy import PYQT_VERSION

+  from qtpy.QtWidgets import QMainWindow

+ -from qtpy.QtWebEngineWidgets import WEBENGINE

+ +WEBENGINE = False

+  import pytest

+  from flaky import flaky


+ diff --git a/spyder/plugins/help/widgets.py b/spyder/plugins/help/widgets.py

+ index d5f5151..3400794 100644

+ --- a/spyder/plugins/help/widgets.py

+ +++ b/spyder/plugins/help/widgets.py

+ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import sys

+  from qtpy import PYQT5

+  from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QUrl, Signal, Slot, QPoint

+  from qtpy.QtGui import QColor

+ -from qtpy.QtWebEngineWidgets import WEBENGINE, QWebEnginePage

+ + 

+  from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QActionGroup, QComboBox, QLabel, QLineEdit,

+                              QMessageBox, QSizePolicy, QStackedLayout,

+                              QVBoxLayout, QWidget)

+ diff --git a/spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/tests/test_ipythonconsole.py b/spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/tests/test_ipythonconsole.py

+ index 73e50a4..8e304c5 100644

+ --- a/spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/tests/test_ipythonconsole.py

+ +++ b/spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/tests/test_ipythonconsole.py

+ @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from pygments.token import Name

+  import pytest

+  from qtpy import PYQT5

+  from qtpy.QtCore import Qt

+ -from qtpy.QtWebEngineWidgets import WEBENGINE

+ +WEBENGINE = False

+  from qtpy.QtWidgets import QMessageBox, QMainWindow

+  from spyder_kernels import __version__ as spyder_kernels_version

+  import sympy

+ diff --git a/spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/widgets/main_widget.py b/spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/widgets/main_widget.py

+ index a12c77a..2130017 100644

+ --- a/spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/widgets/main_widget.py

+ +++ b/spyder/plugins/ipythonconsole/widgets/main_widget.py

+ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import qstylizer.style

+  from qtconsole.client import QtKernelClient

+  from qtpy.QtCore import Signal, Slot

+  from qtpy.QtGui import QColor

+ -from qtpy.QtWebEngineWidgets import WEBENGINE

+ +WEBENGINE = False

+  from qtpy.QtWidgets import (

+      QApplication, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QMessageBox, QVBoxLayout, QWidget)

+  from traitlets.config.loader import Config, load_pyconfig_files

+ diff --git a/spyder/plugins/onlinehelp/widgets.py b/spyder/plugins/onlinehelp/widgets.py

+ index d97a9bb..e2896ad 100644

+ --- a/spyder/plugins/onlinehelp/widgets.py

+ +++ b/spyder/plugins/onlinehelp/widgets.py

+ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import sys

+  # Third party imports

+  from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QThread, QUrl, Signal, Slot

+  from qtpy.QtGui import QCursor

+ -from qtpy.QtWebEngineWidgets import WEBENGINE

+ +WEBENGINE = False

+  from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QVBoxLayout


+  # Local imports

+ diff --git a/spyder/widgets/browser.py b/spyder/widgets/browser.py

+ index fd85fcc..33b5d83 100644

+ --- a/spyder/widgets/browser.py

+ +++ b/spyder/widgets/browser.py

+ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import qstylizer.style

+  from qtpy import PYQT5

+  from qtpy.QtCore import QEvent, Qt, QUrl, Signal, Slot

+  from qtpy.QtGui import QFontInfo

+ -from qtpy.QtWebEngineWidgets import (WEBENGINE, QWebEnginePage,

+ -                                     QWebEngineSettings, QWebEngineView)

+ + 

+ +                                      

+  from qtpy.QtWidgets import QFrame, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QProgressBar, QWidget


+  # Local imports

libre/bombadillo/PKGBUILD pcr/bombadillo/PKGBUILD
file renamed
+5 -10
@@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ 


  # Parabola changes and rationale:

  #   - Add option for armv7h builds.

+ #   - in libre as blacklist replacement of 'gmni'




- pkgver=2.3.3

+ pkgver=2.4.0


  pkgdesc="A non-web client for the terminal, supporting Gopher, Gemini and much more."

  arch=('x86_64' 'i686' 'arm')
@@ -17,15 +18,9 @@ 




- source=("$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://tildegit.org/sloum/bombadillo/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz"

-         001-Makefile.patch)

- sha256sums=('2d4ec15cac6d3324f13a4039cca86fecf3141503f556a6fa48bdbafb86325f1c'

-             'a379b36f6ba85a689942f90f9f4f4d416678f34c1e99bdbb8eaeadaaf6f0b788')


- prepare() {

-   cd "$pkgname"

-   patch --forward --strip=1 --input="${srcdir}/001-Makefile.patch"

- }

+ replaces=('gmni')

+ source=("$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://tildegit.org/sloum/bombadillo/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz")

+ sha256sums=('e0daed1d9d0fe7cbea52bc3e6ecff327749b54e792774e6b985e0d64b7a36437')


  build() {


file modified
+79 -23
@@ -10,19 +10,20 @@ 

  # parabola changes and rationale:

  # libre:

  #   - removed support for non-free 'faac' codec

- #   - removed 'nvidia-utils' from optdepends

- #   - adapt pkgdesc variable substitutions in package() functions

- #   - disable 'svthevcenc' for 32-bit arches

+ #   - disabled tests which require networking

  # technical:

- #   - disable tests which require networking

- #   - FIXME: disable 'opencv' - package FTBS

+ #   - disabled 'svthevcenc' for 32-bit arches

+ #   - disabled 'msdk' for armv7h

+ #   - disabled 'qsv' for armv7h

+ #   - FIXME: disabled 'opencv' - package FTBS

  #     /usr/include/opencv4/opencv2/tracking/tracking_internals.hpp:18:10:

  #     fatal error: opencv2/video/detail/tracking.private.hpp: No such file or directory


  # NOTE: This PKGBUILD is kept in-sync, as closely as possible,

  #       with arch{,arm,32} (gstreamer), for the sake of documentation and cleaner diffs.

- #       However, only the small sub-set which require FSDG treatments are compiled.

  #       That also helps to identify which changes were made by Parabola vs upstream.

+ #       However, only the small sub-set of split-packages which require FSDG treatments

+ #       are compiled; and some noisy/irrelevant segments are deleted entirely.

  #       Therefore, this PKGBUILD may declare blacklisted dependencies, non-free sources,

  #       or include code for anti-features; but those will be filtered-out subsequently.

  #       Any code which implements an anti-feature should be commented-out;
@@ -38,6 +39,10 @@ 

  pkgname=( ${pkgname[*]/gst-plugin-opencv/} ) # FIXME: 'opencv' package FTBS - undefined reference to `cblas_{c,d,s,z}gemm'



+ _pkgver_i686=1.20.5 # NOTE: v1.20.5 fails to compile for i686 - after this moves ahead,

+ _pkgrel_i686=3.0    #       try to remove the LOCs with comment: # n/a in v1.20.5

+ [[ "${CARCH}" == i686 ]] && eval "pkgver=\$_pkgver_${CARCH}" # our different arches do not

+ [[ "${CARCH}" == i686 ]] && eval "pkgrel=\$_pkgrel_${CARCH}" # always roll at the same speed


  pkgdesc="Multimedia graph framework"

@@ -89,46 +94,64 @@ 

    local match_rx="$1"

    local replace_rx="$2"

    local target_file="$3"

+   local sed_cmd="/${match_rx}/{s//${replace_rx}/ ; h} ; \${x ; /./{x ; q0} ; x ; q1} ;"

+   local err_msg="\`sed\` replace failure in: ${FUNCNAME[1]}() at line: ${BASH_LINENO[1]}"

+   local err_loc="  > ${BASH_LINENO[1]}: $(tail -n +${BASH_LINENO[1]} ${BASH_SOURCE[1]} | head -n 1)"

    local exit_code


-   echo "\`sed\` replace - processing: '${target_file}'"

-   sed -i "/${match_rx}/{s//${replace_rx}/ ; h} ; \${x ; /./{x ; q0} ; x ; q1} ;" ${target_file}

+   echo -n "\`sed\` replace processing: '${target_file}' .... "

+   if   sed -i "${sed_cmd}" ${target_file}

+   then exit_code=$? ; echo DONE ;

+   else exit_code=$? ; echo FAIL ; echo -e "${err_msg}\n${err_loc}" ;

+   fi


+   return $exit_code





+   # NOTE: for some reason, the trick below works for armv7h, but not x86_64

+   #       the sed replace succeeds, but the disabled tests run anyways (and fail)

+ #   OTOH, dont think it works for armv7h either

+   [[ "${CARCH}" != x86_64 ]] || return 0


    cd gstreamer


    # disable tests which require networking

    local target_file=subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/tests/check/meson.build

-   _sed_fail "\(\[\['elements\/webrtcbin\.c'\], \)not libnice_dep\.found(),"    \

-             "\1false ," ${target_file}

    _sed_fail "\(\[\['elements\/rtpsrc\.c'\], \)get_option('rtp').disabled()],"  \

              "\1false]," ${target_file}

    _sed_fail "\(\[\['elements\/rtpsink\.c'\], \)get_option('rtp').disabled()]," \

              "\1false]," ${target_file}

+   [[ "${CARCH}" == i686 ]] || # srtp.c n/a in v1.20.5

    _sed_fail "\(\[\['elements\/srtp\.c'\], \)not srtp_dep.found(),"             \

              "\1false ," ${target_file}

+   _sed_fail "\(\[\['elements\/webrtcbin\.c'\], \)not libnice_dep\.found(),"    \

+             "\1false ," ${target_file}



  build() {

+   ## build configuration ##


    local meson_options=(

      # Superproject options

-     -D devtools=disabled

+     -D devtools=disabled                           # n/a (deleted below)

      -D doc=disabled

-     -D examples=disabled

+     -D examples=disabled                           # n/a (deleted below)

      -D gobject-cast-checks=disabled

      -D gpl=enabled

-     -D gst-examples=disabled

-     -D libnice=disabled

-     -D orc-source=system

-     -D package-origin="https://www.parabola.nu/"

-     -D vaapi=enabled

+     -D gst-examples=disabled                       # n/a (deleted below)

+     -D libnice=disabled                            # n/a (deleted below)

+     -D orc-source=system                           # n/a (deleted below)

+     -D package-origin="https://www.archlinux.org/"

+     -D vaapi=enabled                               # n/a (deleted below)


      # Package names

-     -D gst-plugins-bad:package-name="Parabola GNU/Linux-libre gst-plugins-bad $pkgver-$pkgrel"

+     # NOTE: we want only the 'gst-plugins-bad:' entries here

+     -D gst-plugins-bad:package-name="Arch Linux gst-plugins-bad $pkgver-$pkgrel"


      # Subproject options

+     # NOTE: we want only the 'gst-plugins-bad:' entries here

      -D gst-plugins-bad:amfcodec=disabled

      -D gst-plugins-bad:directfb=disabled

      -D gst-plugins-bad:directshow=disabled
@@ -151,22 +174,55 @@ 

      -D gst-plugins-bad:win32ipc=disabled



-   # parabola tweaks


+   ## parabola over-rides ##


    meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/gst-plugins-bad:/}" )


+   # over-rides to "Superproject options"

+   meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/devtools=disabled/faac=disabled}"     )

+   meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/gst-examples=disabled/faac=disabled}" )

+   meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/examples=disabled/faac=disabled}"     )

+   meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/libnice=disabled/faac=disabled}"      )

+   meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/orc-source=system/faac=disabled}"     )

+   meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/vaapi=enabled/faac=disabled}"         )

+   meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/archlinux.org/parabola.nu}"           )


+   # over-rides to "Package names"

+   meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/Arch Linux/Parabola GNU\/Linux-libre}" )


+   # over-rides to "Subproject options"

+   if   [[ "${CARCH}" == i686 ]]

+   then meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/amfcodec=disabled/faac=disabled}"   ) # n/a in v1.20.5

+        meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/directshow=disabled/faac=disabled}" ) # n/a in v1.20.5

+        meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/wic=disabled/faac=disabled}"        ) # n/a in v1.20.5

+        meson_options=( "${meson_options[@]/win32ipc=disabled/faac=disabled}"   ) # n/a in v1.20.5

+   fi


+   # libre options

+   meson_options+=( -D faac=disabled ) # non-free


+   # arch-specific options


-     -D faac=disabled # non-free

-     $( [[ "${CARCH}" == x86_64 ]] || echo '-D svthevcenc=disabled' ) # x86_64 only

+     $( case "${CARCH}" in armv7h) echo '-D msdk=disabled'          # x86_64 only

+                                   echo '-D qsv=disabled'           # x86 only

+                                   echo '-D svthevcenc=disabled' ;; # x86_64 only

+                           i686  ) echo '-D msdk=disabled'          # x86_64 only

+                                   echo '-D svthevcenc=disabled' ;; # x86_64 only

+        esac                                                        )


+   # emergency options :(

    meson_options+=(-D opencv=disabled) # FIXME: 'opencv' package FTBS - undefined reference to `cblas_{c,d,s,z}gemm'



+   ## build ##


    arch-meson gstreamer/subprojects/${pkgbase} build "${meson_options[@]}"

    meson configure build  # Print config

    meson compile -C build



  check() (

- #   (( _SHOULD_RUN_TESTS )) || return


    mkdir -p -m 700 "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:=$PWD/runtime-dir}"

    export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR


file modified
+203 -107
@@ -24,6 +24,34 @@ 



  # parabola changes and rationale

+ # libre:

+ # - none

+ # technical:

+ # - enable the 'sync' feature



+ # NOTE: icecat (60.7 < V <= current) are not complete upstream releases

+ #       upstream releases normally have $_upstream_ver ending in '-gnu<N>'

+ #       those builds were based on gnuzilla VCS development sources

+ #       with parabola patches applied (offered upstream, some accepted)

+ #         https://git.parabola.nu/~bill-auger/icecat.git/log/?h=parabola

+ # NOTE: since 102.4.0, the former icecat maintainer has publishing versioned source-balls

+ #       for some versions - like the upstream VCS, they are denoted as 'testing' and

+ #       are not signed; and although the current maintainer has published newer versions;

+ #       we should still prefer the versioned source-balls - besides the usually reason

+ #       (always prefer versioned source-balls to VCS builds), they are a significant

+ #       reduction in workload; because gnuzilla can not be compiled from VCS - we first

+ #       need to run the makeicecat.sh script to prepare the source-ball, then sign it and

+ #       publish it, which takes hours - ordinarily, this would not deserve mention

+ #       (ie: both this and the preceding NOTEs would not be necessary); but it not yet

+ #       obvious if this recent trend will continue (ie: we may need to build from VCS

+ #       again, which deserves a special note) - if the trend continues, these NOTEs can

+ #       be deleted, along with the LOCs commented with "(VCS builds)"

+ # NOTE: all of the important parabola patches are now upstreamed - the remaining patches

+ #       are now re-implemented in abslibre ('enable-sync.patch') -

+ #       those would need to be deleted, if building from VCS again (and 'dummy-sig')



  # NOTE: This PKGBUILD is kept in-sync, as closely as possible,

  #       with arch{,arm,32} (firefox), and parabola {iceweasel,icecat},

  #       for the sake of documentation and cleaner diffs.
@@ -37,85 +65,129 @@ 

  #       Without those over-rides, the resulting program may not be FSDG-fit.

  #       Do not circumvent those over-rides, if compiling for the Parabola repos.


- # NOTE: icecat (60.7 < V <= current) are not complete upstream releases

- #       upstream releases normally have $_upstream_ver ending in '-gnu<N>'

- #       this build is based on gnuzilla VCS developement sources

- #         rev: e77a1fa25ac66250e88d5d9901a2ba670edb94cc

- #       with parabola patches applied (offered upstream)

- #         https://git.parabola.nu/~bill-auger/icecat.git/log/?h=parabola




- _upstream_ver=102.2.0-gnu1

- _upstream_ver=${_upstream_ver/-gnu1/-gnu0-pre1} # parabola pre-release

+ _upstream_ver=102.5.0-gnu1

+ # _upstream_ver=${_upstream_ver/-gnu1/-gnu0-pre1} # (VCS builds)



  pkgdesc="the GNU web browser, based on Mozilla Firefox ESR"

- arch=(armv7h i686 x86_64)

- license=(MPL GPL LGPL)


- depends=(gtk3 libxt mime-types dbus-glib ffmpeg nss ttf-font libpulse)

- makedepends=(unzip zip diffutils yasm mesa imake inetutils xorg-server-xvfb

-              autoconf2.13 rust clang llvm jack nodejs cbindgen nasm python

-              lld dump_syms wasi-compiler-rt wasi-libc wasi-libc++ wasi-libc++abi

+ arch=(x86_64)

+ arch+=(

+   armv7h

+   i686)

+ license=(

+   GPL

+   LGPL

+   MPL

+ )

+ depends=(

+   dbus-glib

+   ffmpeg

+   gtk3

+   libpulse

+   libxt

+   mime-types

+   nss

+   ttf-font


- optdepends=('networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks'

-             'libnotify: Notification integration'

-             'pulseaudio: Audio support'

-             'speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech'

-             'hunspell-en_US: Spell checking, American English'

-             'xdg-desktop-portal: Screensharing with Wayland')

- options=(!emptydirs !makeflags !strip !lto !debug)

- source=(https://repo.parabola.nu/other/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${_upstream_ver}.tar.bz2{,.sig}

+ makedepends=(

+   cbindgen

+   clang

+   diffutils

+   dump_syms

+   imake

+   inetutils

+   jack

+   lld

+   llvm

+   mesa

+   nasm

+   nodejs

+   python

+   rust

+   unzip

+   wasi-compiler-rt

+   wasi-libc

+   wasi-libc++

+   wasi-libc++abi

+   xorg-server-xvfb

+   yasm

+   zip

+ )

+ optdepends=(

+   'hunspell-en_US: Spell checking, American English'

+   'libnotify: Notification integration'

+   'networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks'

+   'pulseaudio: Audio support'

+   'speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech'

+   'xdg-desktop-portal: Screensharing with Wayland'

+ )

+ options=(

+   !debug

+   !emptydirs

+   !lto

+   !makeflags

+   !strip

+ )

+ # source=(https://repo.parabola.nu/other/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${_upstream_ver}.tar.bz2{,.sig} # (VCS builds)

+ source=(https://icecat.trisquel.org/${_upstream_ver%%-*}/icecat-${_upstream_ver}.tar.bz2 dummy-sig

          icecat.desktop icecat-safe.desktop



-          arc4random.diff)

+          arc4random.diff

+          enable-sync.patch)


- source_i686=(avoid-libxul-OOM-python-check.patch

-              rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch

-              firefox-99.0.1-fdlibm-double.patch)

- sha256sums=('0a5edd6adcc3de32adfc9452d89e0144cfb9a7dceacef3202e716fb4d5a8fb9e'

+ source_i686=(

+   avoid-libxul-OOM-python-check.patch

+   rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch

+   firefox-99.0.1-fdlibm-double.patch

+ )

+ sha256sums=('4ce4257a14a70fa5237b3a3f2cb5759e32cd73e20cdd78fa0317cb296ef91d5c'






-              '714ca50b2ce0cac470dbd5a60e9a0101b28072f08a5e7a9bba94fef2058321c4')

+              '714ca50b2ce0cac470dbd5a60e9a0101b28072f08a5e7a9bba94fef2058321c4'

+              '7de7975a560c4964745e866d3b7d48fb28bc0eda0a27c895b1beb66a60da44e5')





- validpgpkeys+=('3954A7AB837D0EA9CFA9798925DB7D9B5A8D4B40') # bill-auger (VCS builds)

+ #validpgpkeys+=('3954A7AB837D0EA9CFA9798925DB7D9B5A8D4B40') # bill-auger (VCS builds)



- ## dependency tweaks ##

+ ## compiler and optimization tweaks ##


+ # disable PGO for 32-bit arches (always), x86_64 optionally

+ # normally enabled ('0') for x86_64 - try '1' if the build hangs indefinitely

+ readonly _SHOULD_SKIP_PGO=$(case "${CARCH}" in armv7h|i686) echo 1 ;; *) echo 0 ;; esac)


- # disable PGO for 32-bit arches

- _should_skip_pgo=0 # for x86_64 (try '1' if the build hangs indefinitely)

+ # use GCC vs LLVM for 32-bit arches

+ # normally not needed ('0') for x86_64

+ # for 32-bit arches, try one or the other, to resolve compiler/linker issues

+ readonly _SHOULD_USE_GCC==$(case "${CARCH}" in armv7h) echo 1 ;;

+                                                i686  ) echo 1 ;;

+                                                x86_64) echo 0 ;; esac)



- makedepends+=( python-setuptools python-zstandard )

- makedepends+=( python-psutil )

- makedepends+=(jq python-jsonschema)

- makedepends+=( ${makedepends[*]/python-zstandard/python-zstandard=0.17.0} ) # |  zstandard<=0.17.0,>=0.11.1: Installed with unexpected version "0.18.0"

- makedepends+=( ${makedepends[*]/python-psutil/python-psutil=5.8.0}        ) # |  psutil<=5.8.0,>=5.4.2: Installed with unexpected version "5.9.1"

+ ## dependency tweaks ##


  case "${CARCH}" in


-   _should_skip_pgo=1


-   depends+=( icu=71.1 ) # ld.lld: error: undefined hidden symbol: std::type_info::operator==(std::type_info const&) const

+   makedepends=( ${makedepends[*]/wasi-*/} ) # armv7h has no wasi compiler


-   makedepends=( ${makedepends[*]/wasi*/} ) # armv7h has no wasi compiler

+   depends+=( icu=72.1 ) # --with-system-icu



-   _should_skip_pgo=1

+   makedepends+=( llvm14 ) # rustup: error while loading shared libraries: libLLVM-14.so:


-   makedepends=( ${makedepends[*]/wasi-compiler-rt/wasi-compiler-rt=13.0.1-1.0} ) # dustbin

-   makedepends=( ${makedepends[*]/wasi-libc++*/}                                )

-   makedepends+=( wasi-libc++=13.0.1-1.0 wasi-libc++abi=13.0.1-1.0              ) # dustbin

-   makedepends+=( llvm13                                                        ) # rustup: error while loading shared libraries: libLLVM-13.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

+   makedepends=( ${makedepends[*]/wasi-*/}                     ) # wasm-ld: error: cannot open /usr/lib/clang/15.0.7/lib/wasi/libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32.a: No such file or directory

+   makedepends+=( 'wasi-libc++>=15'      'wasi-libc++<16'      ) # in [community-testing]

+   makedepends+=( 'wasi-libc++abi>=15'   'wasi-libc++abi<16'   ) # in [community-testing]

+   makedepends+=( 'wasi-compiler-rt>=15' 'wasi-compiler-rt<16' ) # in [community-testing]



@@ -184,10 +256,33 @@ 

    # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1773259

    sed -i '/const uint64_t ROOT_CLIP_CHAIN = ~0;/d' gfx/webrender_bindings/webrender_ffi.h


+   # arch-specific technical patching

    case ${CARCH} in


+     patch -p1 -i ../build-arm-libopus.patch

+     ;;

+   i686)

+     # Unbreak build with glibc 2.36

+     patch -Np1 -i ../arc4random.diff


+     # readelf: Error: Unable to seek to 0x801db328 for section headers

+     echo "applying avoid-libxul-OOM-python-check.patch"

+     patch -p1 -i ../avoid-libxul-OOM-python-check.patch


+     # test failure in rust code (complaining about network functions) when PGO is used,

+     # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1565757

+     echo "applying rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch"

+     patch -p1 -i ../rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch


+     # FIXME: this patch is probably temporary - it comes from mozilla

+     #          https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1729459

+     #        /build/iceweasel/src/firefox-96.0.1/modules/fdlibm/src/math_private.h:34:21:

+     #          error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef __double_t double_t’

+     #        /usr/include/math.h:156:21: note: previous declaration as ‘typedef long double double_t’

+     echo "applying firefox-99.0.1-fdlibm-double.patch"

+     patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/firefox-99.0.1-fdlibm-double.patch"


-   i686|x86_64)

+   x86_64)

      # Unbreak build with glibc 2.36

      patch -Np1 -i ../arc4random.diff

@@ -214,16 +309,15 @@ 

  ac_add_options --with-wasi-sysroot=/usr/share/wasi-sysroot


  # Branding

- ac_add_options --enable-official-branding         # branding (icecat)

+ ac_add_options --enable-official-branding

  ac_add_options --enable-update-channel=release

  ac_add_options --with-distribution-id=nu.parabola # branding over-ride

  ac_add_options --with-app-name=${pkgname}         # branding over-ride

  ac_add_options --with-app-basename=${pkgname}     # branding over-ride

  ac_add_options --with-unsigned-addon-scopes=app,system

  ac_add_options --allow-addon-sideload

- # export MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1                       # branding (icecat)

- export MOZ_APP_NAME=$pkgname # TODO: probably do not need this (per --with-app-name=)

- export MOZ_APP_REMOTINGNAME=${pkgname}

+ # export MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1                       # branding over-ride

+ export MOZ_APP_REMOTINGNAME=${pkgname//-/}



@@ -250,7 +344,9 @@ 


    case ${CARCH} in


-     # version-specific hacks

+     # experimental/version-specific hacks #


+     (( ! _SHOULD_USE_GCC )) ||

      cat >> ../mozconfig <<EOF

  export CC=gcc

  export CXX=g++
@@ -258,16 +354,12 @@ 

  export NM=gcc-nm

  export RANLIB=gcc-ranlib


-     echo 'ac_add_options --with-system-icu' >> ../mozconfig # ld.lld: error: undefined hidden symbol: std::type_info::operator==(std::type_info const&) const


-     # archarm has these differences in ## general configuration ## above

-     sed -i '

-       /--enable-hardening/d

-       /--enable-optimize/d

-       /--enable-rust-simd/d

-       s| --with-wasi-sysroot=.*| --without-wasm-sandboxed-libraries|

-       /--disable-eme/d

-     ' ../mozconfig

+     # ld.lld: error: undefined hidden symbol: std::type_info::operator==(std::type_info const&) const

+     echo 'ac_add_options --with-system-icu' >> ../mozconfig



+     # archarm configuration #


      if [[ $CARCH == "armv7h" ]]; then

        echo "ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack" >> .mozconfig
@@ -290,58 +382,69 @@ 


      # archarm `export` commands are under the '[ARCH-SPECIFIC BUILD ENV]' section


-     patch -p1 -i ../build-arm-libopus.patch

+     # archarm patching is under the 'technical patching' section


-     # At this point in the script, the arch, arch32, and parabola PKGBUILDs

-     # have prepared a temporary ${srcdir}/mozconfig; but the archarm PKGBUILD

+     # archarm has these differences in ## general configuration ## above

+     # NOTE: '--disable-eme' is currently an invalid option for armv7h.

+     #       It must be deleted in order to compile.

+     #       If ever it becomes valid, it should not be deleted below.

+     sed -i '

+       /--enable-hardening/d

+       /--enable-optimize/d

+       /--enable-rust-simd/d

+       s| --with-wasi-sysroot=.*| --without-wasm-sandboxed-libraries|

+       /--disable-eme/d

+     ' ../mozconfig


+     # At this point in the recipe (this `case` block), the arch, arch32, and parabola

+     # PKGBUILDs have prepared a temporary ${srcdir}/mozconfig; but the archarm PKGBUILD

      # writes directly to the final firefox-$pkgver/.mozconfig.

      # We allowed .mozconfig to be written above, only to minimize the diff against archarm.

-     # For consistency across arches, we move it to ${srcdir}/mozconfig now.

-     # ${srcdir}/mozconfig will clobber firefox-$pkgver/.mozconfig later, in build().

+     # For consistency across arches, we append those changes to ${srcdir}/mozconfig now.

+     # ${srcdir}/mozconfig will clobber firefox-$pkgver/.mozconfig later, during build().

      cat .mozconfig >> ../mozconfig




+     # experimental/version-specific hacks #


+     (( ! _SHOULD_USE_GCC )) ||

+     cat >>../mozconfig <<END

+ export CC=gcc

+ export CXX=g++

+ export AR=gcc-ar

+ export NM=gcc-nm

+ export RANLIB=gcc-ranlib




+     # arch32 configuration #


+     # arch32 `export` commands are under the '[ARCH-SPECIFIC BUILD ENV]' section


+     # NOTE: these diffs and the compiler flags above, were moved to mozconfig-i686.patch

+     #       they are more handy to tweak in-line though

      # disable LTO as it has little benefit and uses too many resources

      # don't compile with clang, use gcc toolchain (clang has issues on IA32)

      # disable SIMD (SSE2 for i686)

      # set correct compiler and toochain tools

      cat >>../mozconfig <<END

- ac_add_options --disable-linker=lld

- ac_add_options --enable-linker=bfd

+ #ac_add_options --disable-linker=lld

+ #ac_add_options --enable-linker=bfd

  ac_add_options --disable-lto

  ac_add_options --disable-rust-simd

- ac_add_options --enable-strip

  ac_add_options --disable-debug

  ac_add_options --disable-debug-symbols

- export CC=gcc

- export CXX=g++

- export AR=gcc-ar

- export NM=gcc-nm

- export RANLIB=gcc-ranlib

- export STRIP=strip



-     # readelf: Error: Unable to seek to 0x801db328 for section headers

-     echo "applying avoid-libxul-OOM-python-check.patch"

-     patch -p1 -i ../avoid-libxul-OOM-python-check.patch

+     # FIXME GCC: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/include/xmmintrin.h:208:1: error: inlining failed in call to ‘always_inline’ ‘__m128 _mm_sqrt_ps(__m128)’: target specific option mismatch

+     # FIXME LLVM: /build/iceweasel/src/firefox-106.0.1/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_processing/aec3/adaptive_fir_filter.cc:110:27: error: always_inline function '_mm_loadu_ps' requires target feature 'sse', but would be inlined into function 'ComputeFrequencyResponse_Sse2' that is compiled without support for 'sse'

+     echo "ac_add_options --disable-webrtc" >> ../mozconfig


-     # test failure in rust code (complaining about network functions) when PGO is used,

-     # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1565757

-     echo "applying rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch"

-     patch -p1 -i ../rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch

+     sed -i '/cargo_rustc_flags += -Clto/d' config/makefiles/rust.mk # FIXME: is this needed?


-     # FIXME: this patch is probably temporary - it comes from mozilla

-     #          https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1729459

-     #        /build/iceweasel/src/firefox-96.0.1/modules/fdlibm/src/math_private.h:34:21:

-     #          error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef __double_t double_t’

-     #        /usr/include/math.h:156:21: note: previous declaration as ‘typedef long double double_t’

-     echo "applying firefox-99.0.1-fdlibm-double.patch"

-     patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/firefox-99.0.1-fdlibm-double.patch"

+     # arch32 patching is under the 'technical patching' section



-     sed -i '/--enable-rust-simd/d' ../mozconfig


    *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC CONFIG] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;

@@ -359,7 +462,6 @@ 



    ## patching sanity checks ##




@@ -394,7 +496,8 @@ 


      # try hard to tell ld and rust not to use too much memory (no lto, no debug info, etc.)

      export RUSTFLAGS+=" -Cdebuginfo=0 -Clto=off"

-     export LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads"

+     export LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,--no-keep-memory " # -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads -Wl,--max-cache-size=16384000 "



      # libvpx has some hard-coded compiler flags for MMX, SSE, SSE2, use the correct one

      # per CARCH (75.0 uses an intrisic _mm_empty now, which required the corresponding
@@ -418,22 +521,19 @@ 




-     # /usr/bin/ld.bfd: error: libxul.so(.debug_info) is too large (0x54c5369a bytes)

-     options=( ${options[*]/\!strip/} )


      # avoid excessive debug symbols in rust leading to out-of-memory situations

      sed -i "s/debug_info = '\''2'\''/debug_info = '\''0'\''/" build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure




-     *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC BUILD CONFIG] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;

+   *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC BUILD CONFIG] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;





    ## PGO build ##


-   if (( $_should_skip_pgo ))

+   if (( _SHOULD_SKIP_PGO ))


      # skipping "3-tier PGO" "instrumented browser"; so the final .mozconfig is ready now

      cp ../mozconfig .mozconfig
@@ -462,13 +562,14 @@ 

      echo "Removing instrumented browser..."

      ./mach clobber


+     echo "Building optimized browser..."

      cat >.mozconfig ../mozconfig - <<END

  ac_add_options --enable-lto=cross

  ac_add_options --enable-profile-use=cross

  ac_add_options --with-pgo-profile-path=${PWD@Q}/merged.profdata

  ac_add_options --with-pgo-jarlog=${PWD@Q}/jarlog


-   fi # $_should_skip_pgo




    ## sanity checks ##
@@ -478,7 +579,7 @@ 


    ## main build ##


-   echo "Building optimized browser..."

+   (( ! _SHOULD_SKIP_PGO )) || echo "Building optimized browser..."

    ./mach build


    # echo "Building symbol archive..." # anti-feature
@@ -563,15 +664,10 @@ 

      # libxul.so cannot find it's libraries

      install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/etc/ld.so.conf.d"

      echo "/usr/lib/${pkgname}" > "${pkgdir}"/etc/ld.so.conf.d/${pkgname}.conf


-     # disable stripping in mozconfig.<arch> (insists to use llvm-strip which runs

-     # out of memory on libxul.so). Now 2.5 GB can be stripped to 166 MB, so we do

-     # that with the normal 'strip' from binutils after 'mach install'

-     strip "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/libxul.so"




-     *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC INSTALL] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;

+   *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC INSTALL] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;




empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ 

+ diff --git a/data/settings.js b/data/settings.js

+ index f66eccd..4b20bd5 100644

+ --- a/data/settings.js

+ +++ b/data/settings.js

+ @@ -186,8 +186,9 @@ pref("app.update.auto", false);

+  pref("media.eme.enabled", false);

+  pref("media.eme.apiVisible", false);


+ -// Firefox Accounts

+ -pref("identity.fxaccounts.enabled", false);

+ +// Firefox Sync

+ +pref("identity.fxaccounts.enabled", true);

+ +pref("webchannel.allowObject.urlWhitelist", "https://content.cdn.mozilla.net https://support.mozilla.org https://install.mozilla.org https://accounts.firefox.com");


+  // WebRTC

+  pref("media.peerconnection.enabled", true);

@@ -1,5948 +0,0 @@ 

- From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

- From: "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)" <heftig@archlinux.org>

- Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2022 17:43:52 +0200

- Subject: [PATCH] libwebrtc screen-cast sync


- Patch from Fedora, at

- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/firefox/blob/rawhide/f/libwebrtc-screen-cast-sync.patch


- Fixes: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/76231

- Fixes: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1790496

- ---

-  dom/media/webrtc/moz.build                    |    2 +

-  third_party/drm/README                        |    4 +

-  third_party/drm/drm/drm.h                     | 1193 ++++++++++++++

-  third_party/drm/drm/drm_fourcc.h              | 1377 +++++++++++++++++

-  third_party/drm/drm/drm_mode.h                | 1217 +++++++++++++++

-  third_party/drm/drm/xf86drm.h                 |  966 ++++++++++++

-  .../libpipewire => drm/libdrm}/moz.build      |    4 +-

-  third_party/drm/libdrm/mozdrm.cpp             |   66 +

-  third_party/gbm/README                        |    4 +

-  third_party/gbm/gbm/gbm.h                     |  452 ++++++

-  .../libpipewire => gbm/libgbm}/moz.build      |    4 +-

-  third_party/gbm/libgbm/mozgbm.cpp             |   66 +

-  .../desktop_capture_gn/moz.build              |   48 +-

-  .../desktop_capture_options.cc                |    4 +-

-  .../desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.h |    6 +-

-  .../linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc   |    2 +-

-  .../desktop_capture/screen_capturer_linux.cc  |    8 -

-  .../desktop_capture/window_capturer_linux.cc  |    8 -

-  third_party/moz.build                         |    6 +

-  .../pipewire/libpipewire/mozpipewire.cpp      |   49 +-

-  20 files changed, 5453 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

-  create mode 100644 third_party/drm/README

-  create mode 100644 third_party/drm/drm/drm.h

-  create mode 100644 third_party/drm/drm/drm_fourcc.h

-  create mode 100644 third_party/drm/drm/drm_mode.h

-  create mode 100644 third_party/drm/drm/xf86drm.h

-  copy third_party/{pipewire/libpipewire => drm/libdrm}/moz.build (86%)

-  create mode 100644 third_party/drm/libdrm/mozdrm.cpp

-  create mode 100644 third_party/gbm/README

-  create mode 100644 third_party/gbm/gbm/gbm.h

-  copy third_party/{pipewire/libpipewire => gbm/libgbm}/moz.build (86%)

-  create mode 100644 third_party/gbm/libgbm/mozgbm.cpp


- diff --git a/dom/media/webrtc/moz.build b/dom/media/webrtc/moz.build

- index b6e09dbb5c9a..ada0fcb4a5d9 100644

- --- a/dom/media/webrtc/moz.build

- +++ b/dom/media/webrtc/moz.build

- @@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ if CONFIG["MOZ_WEBRTC_SIGNALING"]:

-      ]


-      if CONFIG["MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT"] == "gtk":

- +        DIRS += ["/third_party/drm/libdrm"]

- +        DIRS += ["/third_party/gbm/libgbm"]

-          DIRS += ["/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire"]


-      # Avoid warnings from third-party code that we can not modify.

- diff --git a/third_party/drm/README b/third_party/drm/README

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..f68ed100bb77

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/drm/README

- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

- +Libdrm is a drm library wrapper needed to build and run Firefox with

- +Pipewire support on Linux (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm).

- +

- +libdrm directory stores headers of libdrm needed for build only.

- diff --git a/third_party/drm/drm/drm.h b/third_party/drm/drm/drm.h

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..5e54c3aa4c3a

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/drm/drm/drm.h

- @@ -0,0 +1,1193 @@

- +/*

- + * Header for the Direct Rendering Manager

- + *

- + * Author: Rickard E. (Rik) Faith <faith@valinux.com>

- + *

- + * Acknowledgments:

- + * Dec 1999, Richard Henderson <rth@twiddle.net>, move to generic cmpxchg.

- + */

- +

- +/*

- + * Copyright 1999 Precision Insight, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas.

- + * Copyright 2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, California.

- + * All rights reserved.

- + *

- + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

- + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),

- + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation

- + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,

- + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the

- + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

- + *

- + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next

- + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the

- + * Software.

- + *








- + */

- +

- +#ifndef _DRM_H_

- +#define _DRM_H_

- +

- +#if   defined(__linux__)

- +

- +#include <linux/types.h>

- +#include <asm/ioctl.h>

- +typedef unsigned int drm_handle_t;

- +

- +#else /* One of the BSDs */

- +

- +#include <stdint.h>

- +#include <sys/ioccom.h>

- +#include <sys/types.h>

- +typedef int8_t   __s8;

- +typedef uint8_t  __u8;

- +typedef int16_t  __s16;

- +typedef uint16_t __u16;

- +typedef int32_t  __s32;

- +typedef uint32_t __u32;

- +typedef int64_t  __s64;

- +typedef uint64_t __u64;

- +typedef size_t   __kernel_size_t;

- +typedef unsigned long drm_handle_t;

- +

- +#endif

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +extern "C" {

- +#endif

- +

- +#define DRM_NAME	"drm"	  /**< Name in kernel, /dev, and /proc */

- +#define DRM_MIN_ORDER	5	  /**< At least 2^5 bytes = 32 bytes */

- +#define DRM_MAX_ORDER	22	  /**< Up to 2^22 bytes = 4MB */

- +#define DRM_RAM_PERCENT 10	  /**< How much system ram can we lock? */

- +

- +#define _DRM_LOCK_HELD	0x80000000U /**< Hardware lock is held */

- +#define _DRM_LOCK_CONT	0x40000000U /**< Hardware lock is contended */

- +#define _DRM_LOCK_IS_HELD(lock)	   ((lock) & _DRM_LOCK_HELD)

- +#define _DRM_LOCK_IS_CONT(lock)	   ((lock) & _DRM_LOCK_CONT)

- +#define _DRM_LOCKING_CONTEXT(lock) ((lock) & ~(_DRM_LOCK_HELD|_DRM_LOCK_CONT))

- +

- +typedef unsigned int drm_context_t;

- +typedef unsigned int drm_drawable_t;

- +typedef unsigned int drm_magic_t;

- +

- +/*

- + * Cliprect.

- + *

- + * \warning: If you change this structure, make sure you change

- + * XF86DRIClipRectRec in the server as well

- + *

- + * \note KW: Actually it's illegal to change either for

- + * backwards-compatibility reasons.

- + */

- +struct drm_clip_rect {

- +	unsigned short x1;

- +	unsigned short y1;

- +	unsigned short x2;

- +	unsigned short y2;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * Drawable information.

- + */

- +struct drm_drawable_info {

- +	unsigned int num_rects;

- +	struct drm_clip_rect *rects;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * Texture region,

- + */

- +struct drm_tex_region {

- +	unsigned char next;

- +	unsigned char prev;

- +	unsigned char in_use;

- +	unsigned char padding;

- +	unsigned int age;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * Hardware lock.

- + *

- + * The lock structure is a simple cache-line aligned integer.  To avoid

- + * processor bus contention on a multiprocessor system, there should not be any

- + * other data stored in the same cache line.

- + */

- +struct drm_hw_lock {

- +	__volatile__ unsigned int lock;		/**< lock variable */

- +	char padding[60];			/**< Pad to cache line */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_VERSION ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmGetVersion().

- + */

- +struct drm_version {

- +	int version_major;	  /**< Major version */

- +	int version_minor;	  /**< Minor version */

- +	int version_patchlevel;	  /**< Patch level */

- +	__kernel_size_t name_len;	  /**< Length of name buffer */

- +	char *name;	  /**< Name of driver */

- +	__kernel_size_t date_len;	  /**< Length of date buffer */

- +	char *date;	  /**< User-space buffer to hold date */

- +	__kernel_size_t desc_len;	  /**< Length of desc buffer */

- +	char *desc;	  /**< User-space buffer to hold desc */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_GET_UNIQUE ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmGetBusid() and drmSetBusId().

- + */

- +struct drm_unique {

- +	__kernel_size_t unique_len;	  /**< Length of unique */

- +	char *unique;	  /**< Unique name for driver instantiation */

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_list {

- +	int count;		  /**< Length of user-space structures */

- +	struct drm_version *version;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_block {

- +	int unused;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_CONTROL ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmCtlInstHandler() and drmCtlUninstHandler().

- + */

- +struct drm_control {

- +	enum {





- +	} func;

- +	int irq;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * Type of memory to map.

- + */

- +enum drm_map_type {

- +	_DRM_FRAME_BUFFER = 0,	  /**< WC (no caching), no core dump */

- +	_DRM_REGISTERS = 1,	  /**< no caching, no core dump */

- +	_DRM_SHM = 2,		  /**< shared, cached */

- +	_DRM_AGP = 3,		  /**< AGP/GART */

- +	_DRM_SCATTER_GATHER = 4,  /**< Scatter/gather memory for PCI DMA */

- +	_DRM_CONSISTENT = 5	  /**< Consistent memory for PCI DMA */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * Memory mapping flags.

- + */

- +enum drm_map_flags {

- +	_DRM_RESTRICTED = 0x01,	     /**< Cannot be mapped to user-virtual */

- +	_DRM_READ_ONLY = 0x02,

- +	_DRM_LOCKED = 0x04,	     /**< shared, cached, locked */

- +	_DRM_KERNEL = 0x08,	     /**< kernel requires access */

- +	_DRM_WRITE_COMBINING = 0x10, /**< use write-combining if available */

- +	_DRM_CONTAINS_LOCK = 0x20,   /**< SHM page that contains lock */

- +	_DRM_REMOVABLE = 0x40,	     /**< Removable mapping */

- +	_DRM_DRIVER = 0x80	     /**< Managed by driver */

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_ctx_priv_map {

- +	unsigned int ctx_id;	 /**< Context requesting private mapping */

- +	void *handle;		 /**< Handle of map */

- +};

- +

- +/*


- + * argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmAddMap().

- + */

- +struct drm_map {

- +	unsigned long offset;	 /**< Requested physical address (0 for SAREA)*/

- +	unsigned long size;	 /**< Requested physical size (bytes) */

- +	enum drm_map_type type;	 /**< Type of memory to map */

- +	enum drm_map_flags flags;	 /**< Flags */

- +	void *handle;		 /**< User-space: "Handle" to pass to mmap() */

- +				 /**< Kernel-space: kernel-virtual address */

- +	int mtrr;		 /**< MTRR slot used */

- +	/*   Private data */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_GET_CLIENT ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_client {

- +	int idx;		/**< Which client desired? */

- +	int auth;		/**< Is client authenticated? */

- +	unsigned long pid;	/**< Process ID */

- +	unsigned long uid;	/**< User ID */

- +	unsigned long magic;	/**< Magic */

- +	unsigned long iocs;	/**< Ioctl count */

- +};

- +

- +enum drm_stat_type {







- +	_DRM_STAT_VALUE,	/**< Generic value */

- +	_DRM_STAT_BYTE,		/**< Generic byte counter (1024bytes/K) */

- +	_DRM_STAT_COUNT,	/**< Generic non-byte counter (1000/k) */

- +

- +	_DRM_STAT_IRQ,		/**< IRQ */

- +	_DRM_STAT_PRIMARY,	/**< Primary DMA bytes */

- +	_DRM_STAT_SECONDARY,	/**< Secondary DMA bytes */

- +	_DRM_STAT_DMA,		/**< DMA */

- +	_DRM_STAT_SPECIAL,	/**< Special DMA (e.g., priority or polled) */

- +	_DRM_STAT_MISSED	/**< Missed DMA opportunity */

- +	    /* Add to the *END* of the list */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_GET_STATS ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_stats {

- +	unsigned long count;

- +	struct {

- +		unsigned long value;

- +		enum drm_stat_type type;

- +	} data[15];

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * Hardware locking flags.

- + */

- +enum drm_lock_flags {

- +	_DRM_LOCK_READY = 0x01,	     /**< Wait until hardware is ready for DMA */

- +	_DRM_LOCK_QUIESCENT = 0x02,  /**< Wait until hardware quiescent */

- +	_DRM_LOCK_FLUSH = 0x04,	     /**< Flush this context's DMA queue first */

- +	_DRM_LOCK_FLUSH_ALL = 0x08,  /**< Flush all DMA queues first */

- +	/* These *HALT* flags aren't supported yet

- +	   -- they will be used to support the

- +	   full-screen DGA-like mode. */

- +	_DRM_HALT_ALL_QUEUES = 0x10, /**< Halt all current and future queues */

- +	_DRM_HALT_CUR_QUEUES = 0x20  /**< Halt all current queues */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_LOCK, DRM_IOCTL_UNLOCK and DRM_IOCTL_FINISH ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmGetLock() and drmUnlock().

- + */

- +struct drm_lock {

- +	int context;

- +	enum drm_lock_flags flags;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DMA flags

- + *

- + * \warning

- + * These values \e must match xf86drm.h.

- + *

- + * \sa drm_dma.

- + */

- +enum drm_dma_flags {

- +	/* Flags for DMA buffer dispatch */

- +	_DRM_DMA_BLOCK = 0x01,	      /**<

- +				       * Block until buffer dispatched.

- +				       *

- +				       * \note The buffer may not yet have

- +				       * been processed by the hardware --

- +				       * getting a hardware lock with the

- +				       * hardware quiescent will ensure

- +				       * that the buffer has been

- +				       * processed.

- +				       */

- +	_DRM_DMA_WHILE_LOCKED = 0x02, /**< Dispatch while lock held */

- +	_DRM_DMA_PRIORITY = 0x04,     /**< High priority dispatch */

- +

- +	/* Flags for DMA buffer request */

- +	_DRM_DMA_WAIT = 0x10,	      /**< Wait for free buffers */

- +	_DRM_DMA_SMALLER_OK = 0x20,   /**< Smaller-than-requested buffers OK */

- +	_DRM_DMA_LARGER_OK = 0x40     /**< Larger-than-requested buffers OK */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_ADD_BUFS and DRM_IOCTL_MARK_BUFS ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmAddBufs().

- + */

- +struct drm_buf_desc {

- +	int count;		 /**< Number of buffers of this size */

- +	int size;		 /**< Size in bytes */

- +	int low_mark;		 /**< Low water mark */

- +	int high_mark;		 /**< High water mark */

- +	enum {

- +		_DRM_PAGE_ALIGN = 0x01,	/**< Align on page boundaries for DMA */

- +		_DRM_AGP_BUFFER = 0x02,	/**< Buffer is in AGP space */

- +		_DRM_SG_BUFFER = 0x04,	/**< Scatter/gather memory buffer */

- +		_DRM_FB_BUFFER = 0x08,	/**< Buffer is in frame buffer */

- +		_DRM_PCI_BUFFER_RO = 0x10 /**< Map PCI DMA buffer read-only */

- +	} flags;

- +	unsigned long agp_start; /**<

- +				  * Start address of where the AGP buffers are

- +				  * in the AGP aperture

- +				  */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_INFO_BUFS ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_buf_info {

- +	int count;		/**< Entries in list */

- +	struct drm_buf_desc *list;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_FREE_BUFS ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_buf_free {

- +	int count;

- +	int *list;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * Buffer information

- + *

- + * \sa drm_buf_map.

- + */

- +struct drm_buf_pub {

- +	int idx;		       /**< Index into the master buffer list */

- +	int total;		       /**< Buffer size */

- +	int used;		       /**< Amount of buffer in use (for DMA) */

- +	void *address;	       /**< Address of buffer */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_MAP_BUFS ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_buf_map {

- +	int count;		/**< Length of the buffer list */

- +#ifdef __cplusplus

- +	void *virt;

- +#else

- +	void *virtual;		/**< Mmap'd area in user-virtual */

- +#endif

- +	struct drm_buf_pub *list;	/**< Buffer information */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_DMA ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * Indices here refer to the offset into the buffer list in drm_buf_get.

- + *

- + * \sa drmDMA().

- + */

- +struct drm_dma {

- +	int context;			  /**< Context handle */

- +	int send_count;			  /**< Number of buffers to send */

- +	int *send_indices;	  /**< List of handles to buffers */

- +	int *send_sizes;		  /**< Lengths of data to send */

- +	enum drm_dma_flags flags;	  /**< Flags */

- +	int request_count;		  /**< Number of buffers requested */

- +	int request_size;		  /**< Desired size for buffers */

- +	int *request_indices;	  /**< Buffer information */

- +	int *request_sizes;

- +	int granted_count;		  /**< Number of buffers granted */

- +};

- +

- +enum drm_ctx_flags {


- +	_DRM_CONTEXT_2DONLY = 0x02

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_ADD_CTX ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmCreateContext() and drmDestroyContext().

- + */

- +struct drm_ctx {

- +	drm_context_t handle;

- +	enum drm_ctx_flags flags;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_RES_CTX ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_ctx_res {

- +	int count;

- +	struct drm_ctx *contexts;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_ADD_DRAW and DRM_IOCTL_RM_DRAW ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_draw {

- +	drm_drawable_t handle;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_UPDATE_DRAW ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +typedef enum {


- +} drm_drawable_info_type_t;

- +

- +struct drm_update_draw {

- +	drm_drawable_t handle;

- +	unsigned int type;

- +	unsigned int num;

- +	unsigned long long data;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_GET_MAGIC and DRM_IOCTL_AUTH_MAGIC ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_auth {

- +	drm_magic_t magic;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_IRQ_BUSID ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmGetInterruptFromBusID().

- + */

- +struct drm_irq_busid {

- +	int irq;	/**< IRQ number */

- +	int busnum;	/**< bus number */

- +	int devnum;	/**< device number */

- +	int funcnum;	/**< function number */

- +};

- +

- +enum drm_vblank_seq_type {

- +	_DRM_VBLANK_ABSOLUTE = 0x0,	/**< Wait for specific vblank sequence number */

- +	_DRM_VBLANK_RELATIVE = 0x1,	/**< Wait for given number of vblanks */

- +	/* bits 1-6 are reserved for high crtcs */

- +	_DRM_VBLANK_HIGH_CRTC_MASK = 0x0000003e,

- +	_DRM_VBLANK_EVENT = 0x4000000,   /**< Send event instead of blocking */

- +	_DRM_VBLANK_FLIP = 0x8000000,   /**< Scheduled buffer swap should flip */

- +	_DRM_VBLANK_NEXTONMISS = 0x10000000,	/**< If missed, wait for next vblank */

- +	_DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY = 0x20000000,	/**< Secondary display controller */

- +	_DRM_VBLANK_SIGNAL = 0x40000000	/**< Send signal instead of blocking, unsupported */

- +};


- +




- +

- +struct drm_wait_vblank_request {

- +	enum drm_vblank_seq_type type;

- +	unsigned int sequence;

- +	unsigned long signal;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_wait_vblank_reply {

- +	enum drm_vblank_seq_type type;

- +	unsigned int sequence;

- +	long tval_sec;

- +	long tval_usec;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_WAIT_VBLANK ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmWaitVBlank().

- + */

- +union drm_wait_vblank {

- +	struct drm_wait_vblank_request request;

- +	struct drm_wait_vblank_reply reply;

- +};

- +

- +#define _DRM_PRE_MODESET 1

- +#define _DRM_POST_MODESET 2

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_MODESET_CTL ioctl argument type

- + *

- + * \sa drmModesetCtl().

- + */

- +struct drm_modeset_ctl {

- +	__u32 crtc;

- +	__u32 cmd;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_AGP_ENABLE ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmAgpEnable().

- + */

- +struct drm_agp_mode {

- +	unsigned long mode;	/**< AGP mode */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_AGP_ALLOC and DRM_IOCTL_AGP_FREE ioctls argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmAgpAlloc() and drmAgpFree().

- + */

- +struct drm_agp_buffer {

- +	unsigned long size;	/**< In bytes -- will round to page boundary */

- +	unsigned long handle;	/**< Used for binding / unbinding */

- +	unsigned long type;	/**< Type of memory to allocate */

- +	unsigned long physical;	/**< Physical used by i810 */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_AGP_BIND and DRM_IOCTL_AGP_UNBIND ioctls argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmAgpBind() and drmAgpUnbind().

- + */

- +struct drm_agp_binding {

- +	unsigned long handle;	/**< From drm_agp_buffer */

- +	unsigned long offset;	/**< In bytes -- will round to page boundary */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_AGP_INFO ioctl argument type.

- + *

- + * \sa drmAgpVersionMajor(), drmAgpVersionMinor(), drmAgpGetMode(),

- + * drmAgpBase(), drmAgpSize(), drmAgpMemoryUsed(), drmAgpMemoryAvail(),

- + * drmAgpVendorId() and drmAgpDeviceId().

- + */

- +struct drm_agp_info {

- +	int agp_version_major;

- +	int agp_version_minor;

- +	unsigned long mode;

- +	unsigned long aperture_base;	/* physical address */

- +	unsigned long aperture_size;	/* bytes */

- +	unsigned long memory_allowed;	/* bytes */

- +	unsigned long memory_used;

- +

- +	/* PCI information */

- +	unsigned short id_vendor;

- +	unsigned short id_device;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_SG_ALLOC ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_scatter_gather {

- +	unsigned long size;	/**< In bytes -- will round to page boundary */

- +	unsigned long handle;	/**< Used for mapping / unmapping */

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_IOCTL_SET_VERSION ioctl argument type.

- + */

- +struct drm_set_version {

- +	int drm_di_major;

- +	int drm_di_minor;

- +	int drm_dd_major;

- +	int drm_dd_minor;

- +};

- +

- +/* DRM_IOCTL_GEM_CLOSE ioctl argument type */

- +struct drm_gem_close {

- +	/** Handle of the object to be closed. */

- +	__u32 handle;

- +	__u32 pad;

- +};

- +

- +/* DRM_IOCTL_GEM_FLINK ioctl argument type */

- +struct drm_gem_flink {

- +	/** Handle for the object being named */

- +	__u32 handle;

- +

- +	/** Returned global name */

- +	__u32 name;

- +};

- +

- +/* DRM_IOCTL_GEM_OPEN ioctl argument type */

- +struct drm_gem_open {

- +	/** Name of object being opened */

- +	__u32 name;

- +

- +	/** Returned handle for the object */

- +	__u32 handle;

- +

- +	/** Returned size of the object */

- +	__u64 size;

- +};

- +

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the driver supports creating dumb buffers via the


- + */

- +#define DRM_CAP_DUMB_BUFFER		0x1

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the kernel supports specifying a :ref:`CRTC index<crtc_index>`

- + * in the high bits of &drm_wait_vblank_request.type.

- + *

- + * Starting kernel version 2.6.39, this capability is always set to 1.

- + */


- +/**


- + *

- + * The preferred bit depth for dumb buffers.

- + *

- + * The bit depth is the number of bits used to indicate the color of a single

- + * pixel excluding any padding. This is different from the number of bits per

- + * pixel. For instance, XRGB8888 has a bit depth of 24 but has 32 bits per

- + * pixel.

- + *

- + * Note that this preference only applies to dumb buffers, it's irrelevant for

- + * other types of buffers.

- + */


- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the driver prefers userspace to render to a shadow buffer

- + * instead of directly rendering to a dumb buffer. For best speed, userspace

- + * should do streaming ordered memory copies into the dumb buffer and never

- + * read from it.

- + *

- + * Note that this preference only applies to dumb buffers, it's irrelevant for

- + * other types of buffers.

- + */


- +/**


- + *

- + * Bitfield of supported PRIME sharing capabilities. See &DRM_PRIME_CAP_IMPORT


- + *

- + * PRIME buffers are exposed as dma-buf file descriptors. See

- + * Documentation/gpu/drm-mm.rst, section "PRIME Buffer Sharing".

- + */

- +#define DRM_CAP_PRIME			0x5

- +/**


- + *

- + * If this bit is set in &DRM_CAP_PRIME, the driver supports importing PRIME

- + * buffers via the &DRM_IOCTL_PRIME_FD_TO_HANDLE ioctl.

- + */

- +#define  DRM_PRIME_CAP_IMPORT		0x1

- +/**


- + *

- + * If this bit is set in &DRM_CAP_PRIME, the driver supports exporting PRIME

- + * buffers via the &DRM_IOCTL_PRIME_HANDLE_TO_FD ioctl.

- + */

- +#define  DRM_PRIME_CAP_EXPORT		0x2

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 0, the kernel will report timestamps with ``CLOCK_REALTIME`` in

- + * struct drm_event_vblank. If set to 1, the kernel will report timestamps with

- + * ``CLOCK_MONOTONIC``. See ``clock_gettime(2)`` for the definition of these

- + * clocks.

- + *

- + * Starting from kernel version 2.6.39, the default value for this capability

- + * is 1. Starting kernel version 4.15, this capability is always set to 1.

- + */


- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the driver supports &DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_ASYNC.

- + */

- +#define DRM_CAP_ASYNC_PAGE_FLIP		0x7

- +/**


- + *

- + * The ``CURSOR_WIDTH`` and ``CURSOR_HEIGHT`` capabilities return a valid

- + * width x height combination for the hardware cursor. The intention is that a

- + * hardware agnostic userspace can query a cursor plane size to use.

- + *

- + * Note that the cross-driver contract is to merely return a valid size;

- + * drivers are free to attach another meaning on top, eg. i915 returns the

- + * maximum plane size.

- + */

- +#define DRM_CAP_CURSOR_WIDTH		0x8

- +/**


- + *


- + */

- +#define DRM_CAP_CURSOR_HEIGHT		0x9

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the driver supports supplying modifiers in the

- + * &DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ADDFB2 ioctl.

- + */

- +#define DRM_CAP_ADDFB2_MODIFIERS	0x10

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the driver supports the &DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_TARGET_ABSOLUTE and


- + * &drm_mode_crtc_page_flip_target.flags for the &DRM_IOCTL_MODE_PAGE_FLIP

- + * ioctl.

- + */

- +#define DRM_CAP_PAGE_FLIP_TARGET	0x11

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the kernel supports reporting the CRTC ID in

- + * &drm_event_vblank.crtc_id for the &DRM_EVENT_VBLANK and


- + *

- + * Starting kernel version 4.12, this capability is always set to 1.

- + */


- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the driver supports sync objects. See

- + * Documentation/gpu/drm-mm.rst, section "DRM Sync Objects".

- + */

- +#define DRM_CAP_SYNCOBJ		0x13

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the driver supports timeline operations on sync objects. See

- + * Documentation/gpu/drm-mm.rst, section "DRM Sync Objects".

- + */


- +

- +/* DRM_IOCTL_GET_CAP ioctl argument type */

- +struct drm_get_cap {

- +	__u64 capability;

- +	__u64 value;

- +};

- +

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the DRM core will expose the stereo 3D capabilities of the

- + * monitor by advertising the supported 3D layouts in the flags of struct

- + * drm_mode_modeinfo. See ``DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_*``.

- + *

- + * This capability is always supported for all drivers starting from kernel

- + * version 3.13.

- + */


- +

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the DRM core will expose all planes (overlay, primary, and

- + * cursor) to userspace.

- + *

- + * This capability has been introduced in kernel version 3.15. Starting from

- + * kernel version 3.17, this capability is always supported for all drivers.

- + */


- +

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the DRM core will expose atomic properties to userspace. This

- + * implicitly enables &DRM_CLIENT_CAP_UNIVERSAL_PLANES and


- + *

- + * If the driver doesn't support atomic mode-setting, enabling this capability

- + * will fail with -EOPNOTSUPP.

- + *

- + * This capability has been introduced in kernel version 4.0. Starting from

- + * kernel version 4.2, this capability is always supported for atomic-capable

- + * drivers.

- + */


- +

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the DRM core will provide aspect ratio information in modes.

- + * See ``DRM_MODE_FLAG_PIC_AR_*``.

- + *

- + * This capability is always supported for all drivers starting from kernel

- + * version 4.18.

- + */


- +

- +/**


- + *

- + * If set to 1, the DRM core will expose special connectors to be used for

- + * writing back to memory the scene setup in the commit. The client must enable


- + *

- + * This capability is always supported for atomic-capable drivers starting from

- + * kernel version 4.19.

- + */


- +

- +/* DRM_IOCTL_SET_CLIENT_CAP ioctl argument type */

- +struct drm_set_client_cap {

- +	__u64 capability;

- +	__u64 value;

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_RDWR O_RDWR


- +struct drm_prime_handle {

- +	__u32 handle;

- +

- +	/** Flags.. only applicable for handle->fd */

- +	__u32 flags;

- +

- +	/** Returned dmabuf file descriptor */

- +	__s32 fd;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_syncobj_create {

- +	__u32 handle;


- +	__u32 flags;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_syncobj_destroy {

- +	__u32 handle;

- +	__u32 pad;

- +};

- +



- +struct drm_syncobj_handle {

- +	__u32 handle;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +

- +	__s32 fd;

- +	__u32 pad;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_syncobj_transfer {

- +	__u32 src_handle;

- +	__u32 dst_handle;

- +	__u64 src_point;

- +	__u64 dst_point;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 pad;

- +};

- +



- +#define DRM_SYNCOBJ_WAIT_FLAGS_WAIT_AVAILABLE (1 << 2) /* wait for time point to become available */

- +struct drm_syncobj_wait {

- +	__u64 handles;

- +	/* absolute timeout */

- +	__s64 timeout_nsec;

- +	__u32 count_handles;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 first_signaled; /* only valid when not waiting all */

- +	__u32 pad;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_syncobj_timeline_wait {

- +	__u64 handles;

- +	/* wait on specific timeline point for every handles*/

- +	__u64 points;

- +	/* absolute timeout */

- +	__s64 timeout_nsec;

- +	__u32 count_handles;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 first_signaled; /* only valid when not waiting all */

- +	__u32 pad;

- +};

- +

- +

- +struct drm_syncobj_array {

- +	__u64 handles;

- +	__u32 count_handles;

- +	__u32 pad;

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_SYNCOBJ_QUERY_FLAGS_LAST_SUBMITTED (1 << 0) /* last available point on timeline syncobj */

- +struct drm_syncobj_timeline_array {

- +	__u64 handles;

- +	__u64 points;

- +	__u32 count_handles;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +};

- +

- +

- +/* Query current scanout sequence number */

- +struct drm_crtc_get_sequence {

- +	__u32 crtc_id;		/* requested crtc_id */

- +	__u32 active;		/* return: crtc output is active */

- +	__u64 sequence;		/* return: most recent vblank sequence */

- +	__s64 sequence_ns;	/* return: most recent time of first pixel out */

- +};

- +

- +/* Queue event to be delivered at specified sequence. Time stamp marks

- + * when the first pixel of the refresh cycle leaves the display engine

- + * for the display

- + */

- +#define DRM_CRTC_SEQUENCE_RELATIVE		0x00000001	/* sequence is relative to current */

- +#define DRM_CRTC_SEQUENCE_NEXT_ON_MISS		0x00000002	/* Use next sequence if we've missed */

- +

- +struct drm_crtc_queue_sequence {

- +	__u32 crtc_id;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u64 sequence;		/* on input, target sequence. on output, actual sequence */

- +	__u64 user_data;	/* user data passed to event */

- +};

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +}

- +#endif

- +

- +#include "drm_mode.h"

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +extern "C" {

- +#endif

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_BASE			'd'

- +#define DRM_IO(nr)			_IO(DRM_IOCTL_BASE,nr)

- +#define DRM_IOR(nr,type)		_IOR(DRM_IOCTL_BASE,nr,type)

- +#define DRM_IOW(nr,type)		_IOW(DRM_IOCTL_BASE,nr,type)

- +#define DRM_IOWR(nr,type)		_IOWR(DRM_IOCTL_BASE,nr,type)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_VERSION		DRM_IOWR(0x00, struct drm_version)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GET_UNIQUE		DRM_IOWR(0x01, struct drm_unique)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GET_MAGIC		DRM_IOR( 0x02, struct drm_auth)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_IRQ_BUSID		DRM_IOWR(0x03, struct drm_irq_busid)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GET_MAP               DRM_IOWR(0x04, struct drm_map)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GET_CLIENT            DRM_IOWR(0x05, struct drm_client)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GET_STATS             DRM_IOR( 0x06, struct drm_stats)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SET_VERSION		DRM_IOWR(0x07, struct drm_set_version)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODESET_CTL           DRM_IOW(0x08, struct drm_modeset_ctl)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GEM_CLOSE		DRM_IOW (0x09, struct drm_gem_close)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GEM_FLINK		DRM_IOWR(0x0a, struct drm_gem_flink)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GEM_OPEN		DRM_IOWR(0x0b, struct drm_gem_open)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GET_CAP		DRM_IOWR(0x0c, struct drm_get_cap)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SET_CLIENT_CAP	DRM_IOW( 0x0d, struct drm_set_client_cap)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SET_UNIQUE		DRM_IOW( 0x10, struct drm_unique)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AUTH_MAGIC		DRM_IOW( 0x11, struct drm_auth)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_BLOCK			DRM_IOWR(0x12, struct drm_block)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_UNBLOCK		DRM_IOWR(0x13, struct drm_block)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_CONTROL		DRM_IOW( 0x14, struct drm_control)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_ADD_MAP		DRM_IOWR(0x15, struct drm_map)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_ADD_BUFS		DRM_IOWR(0x16, struct drm_buf_desc)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MARK_BUFS		DRM_IOW( 0x17, struct drm_buf_desc)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_INFO_BUFS		DRM_IOWR(0x18, struct drm_buf_info)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MAP_BUFS		DRM_IOWR(0x19, struct drm_buf_map)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_FREE_BUFS		DRM_IOW( 0x1a, struct drm_buf_free)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_RM_MAP		DRM_IOW( 0x1b, struct drm_map)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SET_SAREA_CTX		DRM_IOW( 0x1c, struct drm_ctx_priv_map)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GET_SAREA_CTX 	DRM_IOWR(0x1d, struct drm_ctx_priv_map)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SET_MASTER            DRM_IO(0x1e)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_DROP_MASTER           DRM_IO(0x1f)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_ADD_CTX		DRM_IOWR(0x20, struct drm_ctx)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_RM_CTX		DRM_IOWR(0x21, struct drm_ctx)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MOD_CTX		DRM_IOW( 0x22, struct drm_ctx)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_GET_CTX		DRM_IOWR(0x23, struct drm_ctx)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SWITCH_CTX		DRM_IOW( 0x24, struct drm_ctx)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_NEW_CTX		DRM_IOW( 0x25, struct drm_ctx)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_RES_CTX		DRM_IOWR(0x26, struct drm_ctx_res)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_ADD_DRAW		DRM_IOWR(0x27, struct drm_draw)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_RM_DRAW		DRM_IOWR(0x28, struct drm_draw)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_DMA			DRM_IOWR(0x29, struct drm_dma)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_LOCK			DRM_IOW( 0x2a, struct drm_lock)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_UNLOCK		DRM_IOW( 0x2b, struct drm_lock)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_FINISH		DRM_IOW( 0x2c, struct drm_lock)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_PRIME_HANDLE_TO_FD    DRM_IOWR(0x2d, struct drm_prime_handle)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_PRIME_FD_TO_HANDLE    DRM_IOWR(0x2e, struct drm_prime_handle)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AGP_ACQUIRE		DRM_IO(  0x30)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AGP_RELEASE		DRM_IO(  0x31)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AGP_ENABLE		DRM_IOW( 0x32, struct drm_agp_mode)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AGP_INFO		DRM_IOR( 0x33, struct drm_agp_info)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AGP_ALLOC		DRM_IOWR(0x34, struct drm_agp_buffer)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AGP_FREE		DRM_IOW( 0x35, struct drm_agp_buffer)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AGP_BIND		DRM_IOW( 0x36, struct drm_agp_binding)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_AGP_UNBIND		DRM_IOW( 0x37, struct drm_agp_binding)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SG_ALLOC		DRM_IOWR(0x38, struct drm_scatter_gather)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SG_FREE		DRM_IOW( 0x39, struct drm_scatter_gather)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_WAIT_VBLANK		DRM_IOWR(0x3a, union drm_wait_vblank)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_CRTC_GET_SEQUENCE	DRM_IOWR(0x3b, struct drm_crtc_get_sequence)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_CRTC_QUEUE_SEQUENCE	DRM_IOWR(0x3c, struct drm_crtc_queue_sequence)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_UPDATE_DRAW		DRM_IOW(0x3f, struct drm_update_draw)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETRESOURCES	DRM_IOWR(0xA0, struct drm_mode_card_res)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETCRTC		DRM_IOWR(0xA1, struct drm_mode_crtc)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETCRTC		DRM_IOWR(0xA2, struct drm_mode_crtc)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CURSOR		DRM_IOWR(0xA3, struct drm_mode_cursor)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETGAMMA		DRM_IOWR(0xA4, struct drm_mode_crtc_lut)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETGAMMA		DRM_IOWR(0xA5, struct drm_mode_crtc_lut)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETENCODER	DRM_IOWR(0xA6, struct drm_mode_get_encoder)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETCONNECTOR	DRM_IOWR(0xA7, struct drm_mode_get_connector)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ATTACHMODE	DRM_IOWR(0xA8, struct drm_mode_mode_cmd) /* deprecated (never worked) */

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_DETACHMODE	DRM_IOWR(0xA9, struct drm_mode_mode_cmd) /* deprecated (never worked) */

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETPROPERTY	DRM_IOWR(0xAA, struct drm_mode_get_property)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETPROPERTY	DRM_IOWR(0xAB, struct drm_mode_connector_set_property)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETPROPBLOB	DRM_IOWR(0xAC, struct drm_mode_get_blob)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETFB		DRM_IOWR(0xAD, struct drm_mode_fb_cmd)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ADDFB		DRM_IOWR(0xAE, struct drm_mode_fb_cmd)

- +/**

- + * DRM_IOCTL_MODE_RMFB - Remove a framebuffer.

- + *

- + * This removes a framebuffer previously added via ADDFB/ADDFB2. The IOCTL

- + * argument is a framebuffer object ID.

- + *

- + * Warning: removing a framebuffer currently in-use on an enabled plane will

- + * disable that plane. The CRTC the plane is linked to may also be disabled

- + * (depending on driver capabilities).

- + */

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_RMFB		DRM_IOWR(0xAF, unsigned int)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_PAGE_FLIP	DRM_IOWR(0xB0, struct drm_mode_crtc_page_flip)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_DIRTYFB		DRM_IOWR(0xB1, struct drm_mode_fb_dirty_cmd)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATE_DUMB DRM_IOWR(0xB2, struct drm_mode_create_dumb)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_MAP_DUMB    DRM_IOWR(0xB3, struct drm_mode_map_dumb)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_DESTROY_DUMB    DRM_IOWR(0xB4, struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETPLANERESOURCES DRM_IOWR(0xB5, struct drm_mode_get_plane_res)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETPLANE	DRM_IOWR(0xB6, struct drm_mode_get_plane)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETPLANE	DRM_IOWR(0xB7, struct drm_mode_set_plane)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ADDFB2		DRM_IOWR(0xB8, struct drm_mode_fb_cmd2)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_OBJ_GETPROPERTIES	DRM_IOWR(0xB9, struct drm_mode_obj_get_properties)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_OBJ_SETPROPERTY	DRM_IOWR(0xBA, struct drm_mode_obj_set_property)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CURSOR2		DRM_IOWR(0xBB, struct drm_mode_cursor2)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ATOMIC		DRM_IOWR(0xBC, struct drm_mode_atomic)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATEPROPBLOB	DRM_IOWR(0xBD, struct drm_mode_create_blob)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_DESTROYPROPBLOB	DRM_IOWR(0xBE, struct drm_mode_destroy_blob)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_CREATE	DRM_IOWR(0xBF, struct drm_syncobj_create)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_DESTROY	DRM_IOWR(0xC0, struct drm_syncobj_destroy)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_HANDLE_TO_FD	DRM_IOWR(0xC1, struct drm_syncobj_handle)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_FD_TO_HANDLE	DRM_IOWR(0xC2, struct drm_syncobj_handle)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_WAIT		DRM_IOWR(0xC3, struct drm_syncobj_wait)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_RESET		DRM_IOWR(0xC4, struct drm_syncobj_array)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_SIGNAL	DRM_IOWR(0xC5, struct drm_syncobj_array)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATE_LEASE	DRM_IOWR(0xC6, struct drm_mode_create_lease)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_LIST_LESSEES	DRM_IOWR(0xC7, struct drm_mode_list_lessees)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GET_LEASE	DRM_IOWR(0xC8, struct drm_mode_get_lease)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_REVOKE_LEASE	DRM_IOWR(0xC9, struct drm_mode_revoke_lease)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_TIMELINE_WAIT	DRM_IOWR(0xCA, struct drm_syncobj_timeline_wait)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_QUERY		DRM_IOWR(0xCB, struct drm_syncobj_timeline_array)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_TRANSFER	DRM_IOWR(0xCC, struct drm_syncobj_transfer)

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_SYNCOBJ_TIMELINE_SIGNAL	DRM_IOWR(0xCD, struct drm_syncobj_timeline_array)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETFB2		DRM_IOWR(0xCE, struct drm_mode_fb_cmd2)

- +

- +/*

- + * Device specific ioctls should only be in their respective headers

- + * The device specific ioctl range is from 0x40 to 0x9f.

- + * Generic IOCTLS restart at 0xA0.

- + *

- + * \sa drmCommandNone(), drmCommandRead(), drmCommandWrite(), and

- + * drmCommandReadWrite().

- + */

- +#define DRM_COMMAND_BASE                0x40

- +#define DRM_COMMAND_END			0xA0

- +

- +/*

- + * Header for events written back to userspace on the drm fd.  The

- + * type defines the type of event, the length specifies the total

- + * length of the event (including the header), and user_data is

- + * typically a 64 bit value passed with the ioctl that triggered the

- + * event.  A read on the drm fd will always only return complete

- + * events, that is, if for example the read buffer is 100 bytes, and

- + * there are two 64 byte events pending, only one will be returned.

- + *

- + * Event types 0 - 0x7fffffff are generic drm events, 0x80000000 and

- + * up are chipset specific.

- + */

- +struct drm_event {

- +	__u32 type;

- +	__u32 length;

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_EVENT_VBLANK 0x01



- +

- +struct drm_event_vblank {

- +	struct drm_event base;

- +	__u64 user_data;

- +	__u32 tv_sec;

- +	__u32 tv_usec;

- +	__u32 sequence;

- +	__u32 crtc_id; /* 0 on older kernels that do not support this */

- +};

- +

- +/* Event delivered at sequence. Time stamp marks when the first pixel

- + * of the refresh cycle leaves the display engine for the display

- + */

- +struct drm_event_crtc_sequence {

- +	struct drm_event	base;

- +	__u64			user_data;

- +	__s64			time_ns;

- +	__u64			sequence;

- +};

- +

- +/* typedef area */

- +typedef struct drm_clip_rect drm_clip_rect_t;

- +typedef struct drm_drawable_info drm_drawable_info_t;

- +typedef struct drm_tex_region drm_tex_region_t;

- +typedef struct drm_hw_lock drm_hw_lock_t;

- +typedef struct drm_version drm_version_t;

- +typedef struct drm_unique drm_unique_t;

- +typedef struct drm_list drm_list_t;

- +typedef struct drm_block drm_block_t;

- +typedef struct drm_control drm_control_t;

- +typedef enum drm_map_type drm_map_type_t;

- +typedef enum drm_map_flags drm_map_flags_t;

- +typedef struct drm_ctx_priv_map drm_ctx_priv_map_t;

- +typedef struct drm_map drm_map_t;

- +typedef struct drm_client drm_client_t;

- +typedef enum drm_stat_type drm_stat_type_t;

- +typedef struct drm_stats drm_stats_t;

- +typedef enum drm_lock_flags drm_lock_flags_t;

- +typedef struct drm_lock drm_lock_t;

- +typedef enum drm_dma_flags drm_dma_flags_t;

- +typedef struct drm_buf_desc drm_buf_desc_t;

- +typedef struct drm_buf_info drm_buf_info_t;

- +typedef struct drm_buf_free drm_buf_free_t;

- +typedef struct drm_buf_pub drm_buf_pub_t;

- +typedef struct drm_buf_map drm_buf_map_t;

- +typedef struct drm_dma drm_dma_t;

- +typedef union drm_wait_vblank drm_wait_vblank_t;

- +typedef struct drm_agp_mode drm_agp_mode_t;

- +typedef enum drm_ctx_flags drm_ctx_flags_t;

- +typedef struct drm_ctx drm_ctx_t;

- +typedef struct drm_ctx_res drm_ctx_res_t;

- +typedef struct drm_draw drm_draw_t;

- +typedef struct drm_update_draw drm_update_draw_t;

- +typedef struct drm_auth drm_auth_t;

- +typedef struct drm_irq_busid drm_irq_busid_t;

- +typedef enum drm_vblank_seq_type drm_vblank_seq_type_t;

- +

- +typedef struct drm_agp_buffer drm_agp_buffer_t;

- +typedef struct drm_agp_binding drm_agp_binding_t;

- +typedef struct drm_agp_info drm_agp_info_t;

- +typedef struct drm_scatter_gather drm_scatter_gather_t;

- +typedef struct drm_set_version drm_set_version_t;

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +}

- +#endif

- +

- +#endif

- diff --git a/third_party/drm/drm/drm_fourcc.h b/third_party/drm/drm/drm_fourcc.h

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..4ececa84baa6

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/drm/drm/drm_fourcc.h

- @@ -0,0 +1,1377 @@

- +/*

- + * Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation

- + *

- + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

- + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),

- + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation

- + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,

- + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the

- + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

- + *

- + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next

- + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the

- + * Software.

- + *








- + */

- +

- +#ifndef DRM_FOURCC_H

- +#define DRM_FOURCC_H

- +

- +#include "drm.h"

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +extern "C" {

- +#endif

- +

- +/**

- + * DOC: overview

- + *

- + * In the DRM subsystem, framebuffer pixel formats are described using the

- + * fourcc codes defined in `include/uapi/drm/drm_fourcc.h`. In addition to the

- + * fourcc code, a Format Modifier may optionally be provided, in order to

- + * further describe the buffer's format - for example tiling or compression.

- + *

- + * Format Modifiers

- + * ----------------

- + *

- + * Format modifiers are used in conjunction with a fourcc code, forming a

- + * unique fourcc:modifier pair. This format:modifier pair must fully define the

- + * format and data layout of the buffer, and should be the only way to describe

- + * that particular buffer.

- + *

- + * Having multiple fourcc:modifier pairs which describe the same layout should

- + * be avoided, as such aliases run the risk of different drivers exposing

- + * different names for the same data format, forcing userspace to understand

- + * that they are aliases.

- + *

- + * Format modifiers may change any property of the buffer, including the number

- + * of planes and/or the required allocation size. Format modifiers are

- + * vendor-namespaced, and as such the relationship between a fourcc code and a

- + * modifier is specific to the modifer being used. For example, some modifiers

- + * may preserve meaning - such as number of planes - from the fourcc code,

- + * whereas others may not.

- + *

- + * Modifiers must uniquely encode buffer layout. In other words, a buffer must

- + * match only a single modifier. A modifier must not be a subset of layouts of

- + * another modifier. For instance, it's incorrect to encode pitch alignment in

- + * a modifier: a buffer may match a 64-pixel aligned modifier and a 32-pixel

- + * aligned modifier. That said, modifiers can have implicit minimal

- + * requirements.

- + *

- + * For modifiers where the combination of fourcc code and modifier can alias,

- + * a canonical pair needs to be defined and used by all drivers. Preferred

- + * combinations are also encouraged where all combinations might lead to

- + * confusion and unnecessarily reduced interoperability. An example for the

- + * latter is AFBC, where the ABGR layouts are preferred over ARGB layouts.

- + *

- + * There are two kinds of modifier users:

- + *

- + * - Kernel and user-space drivers: for drivers it's important that modifiers

- + *   don't alias, otherwise two drivers might support the same format but use

- + *   different aliases, preventing them from sharing buffers in an efficient

- + *   format.

- + * - Higher-level programs interfacing with KMS/GBM/EGL/Vulkan/etc: these users

- + *   see modifiers as opaque tokens they can check for equality and intersect.

- + *   These users musn't need to know to reason about the modifier value

- + *   (i.e. they are not expected to extract information out of the modifier).

- + *

- + * Vendors should document their modifier usage in as much detail as

- + * possible, to ensure maximum compatibility across devices, drivers and

- + * applications.

- + *

- + * The authoritative list of format modifier codes is found in

- + * `include/uapi/drm/drm_fourcc.h`

- + */

- +

- +#define fourcc_code(a, b, c, d) ((__u32)(a) | ((__u32)(b) << 8) | \

- +				 ((__u32)(c) << 16) | ((__u32)(d) << 24))

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BIG_ENDIAN (1U<<31) /* format is big endian instead of little endian */

- +

- +/* Reserve 0 for the invalid format specifier */


- +

- +/* color index */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_C8		fourcc_code('C', '8', ' ', ' ') /* [7:0] C */

- +

- +/* 8 bpp Red */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_R8		fourcc_code('R', '8', ' ', ' ') /* [7:0] R */

- +

- +/* 10 bpp Red */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_R10		fourcc_code('R', '1', '0', ' ') /* [15:0] x:R 6:10 little endian */

- +

- +/* 12 bpp Red */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_R12		fourcc_code('R', '1', '2', ' ') /* [15:0] x:R 4:12 little endian */

- +

- +/* 16 bpp Red */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_R16		fourcc_code('R', '1', '6', ' ') /* [15:0] R little endian */

- +

- +/* 16 bpp RG */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RG88		fourcc_code('R', 'G', '8', '8') /* [15:0] R:G 8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_GR88		fourcc_code('G', 'R', '8', '8') /* [15:0] G:R 8:8 little endian */

- +

- +/* 32 bpp RG */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RG1616	fourcc_code('R', 'G', '3', '2') /* [31:0] R:G 16:16 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_GR1616	fourcc_code('G', 'R', '3', '2') /* [31:0] G:R 16:16 little endian */

- +

- +/* 8 bpp RGB */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGB332	fourcc_code('R', 'G', 'B', '8') /* [7:0] R:G:B 3:3:2 */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGR233	fourcc_code('B', 'G', 'R', '8') /* [7:0] B:G:R 2:3:3 */

- +

- +/* 16 bpp RGB */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB4444	fourcc_code('X', 'R', '1', '2') /* [15:0] x:R:G:B 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR4444	fourcc_code('X', 'B', '1', '2') /* [15:0] x:B:G:R 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX4444	fourcc_code('R', 'X', '1', '2') /* [15:0] R:G:B:x 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX4444	fourcc_code('B', 'X', '1', '2') /* [15:0] B:G:R:x 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB4444	fourcc_code('A', 'R', '1', '2') /* [15:0] A:R:G:B 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR4444	fourcc_code('A', 'B', '1', '2') /* [15:0] A:B:G:R 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBA4444	fourcc_code('R', 'A', '1', '2') /* [15:0] R:G:B:A 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRA4444	fourcc_code('B', 'A', '1', '2') /* [15:0] B:G:R:A 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB1555	fourcc_code('X', 'R', '1', '5') /* [15:0] x:R:G:B 1:5:5:5 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR1555	fourcc_code('X', 'B', '1', '5') /* [15:0] x:B:G:R 1:5:5:5 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX5551	fourcc_code('R', 'X', '1', '5') /* [15:0] R:G:B:x 5:5:5:1 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX5551	fourcc_code('B', 'X', '1', '5') /* [15:0] B:G:R:x 5:5:5:1 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB1555	fourcc_code('A', 'R', '1', '5') /* [15:0] A:R:G:B 1:5:5:5 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR1555	fourcc_code('A', 'B', '1', '5') /* [15:0] A:B:G:R 1:5:5:5 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBA5551	fourcc_code('R', 'A', '1', '5') /* [15:0] R:G:B:A 5:5:5:1 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRA5551	fourcc_code('B', 'A', '1', '5') /* [15:0] B:G:R:A 5:5:5:1 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGB565	fourcc_code('R', 'G', '1', '6') /* [15:0] R:G:B 5:6:5 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGR565	fourcc_code('B', 'G', '1', '6') /* [15:0] B:G:R 5:6:5 little endian */

- +

- +/* 24 bpp RGB */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGB888	fourcc_code('R', 'G', '2', '4') /* [23:0] R:G:B little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGR888	fourcc_code('B', 'G', '2', '4') /* [23:0] B:G:R little endian */

- +

- +/* 32 bpp RGB */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888	fourcc_code('X', 'R', '2', '4') /* [31:0] x:R:G:B 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888	fourcc_code('X', 'B', '2', '4') /* [31:0] x:B:G:R 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX8888	fourcc_code('R', 'X', '2', '4') /* [31:0] R:G:B:x 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX8888	fourcc_code('B', 'X', '2', '4') /* [31:0] B:G:R:x 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888	fourcc_code('A', 'R', '2', '4') /* [31:0] A:R:G:B 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR8888	fourcc_code('A', 'B', '2', '4') /* [31:0] A:B:G:R 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBA8888	fourcc_code('R', 'A', '2', '4') /* [31:0] R:G:B:A 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRA8888	fourcc_code('B', 'A', '2', '4') /* [31:0] B:G:R:A 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB2101010	fourcc_code('X', 'R', '3', '0') /* [31:0] x:R:G:B 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR2101010	fourcc_code('X', 'B', '3', '0') /* [31:0] x:B:G:R 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX1010102	fourcc_code('R', 'X', '3', '0') /* [31:0] R:G:B:x 10:10:10:2 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102	fourcc_code('B', 'X', '3', '0') /* [31:0] B:G:R:x 10:10:10:2 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB2101010	fourcc_code('A', 'R', '3', '0') /* [31:0] A:R:G:B 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR2101010	fourcc_code('A', 'B', '3', '0') /* [31:0] A:B:G:R 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBA1010102	fourcc_code('R', 'A', '3', '0') /* [31:0] R:G:B:A 10:10:10:2 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRA1010102	fourcc_code('B', 'A', '3', '0') /* [31:0] B:G:R:A 10:10:10:2 little endian */

- +

- +/* 64 bpp RGB */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB16161616	fourcc_code('X', 'R', '4', '8') /* [63:0] x:R:G:B 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR16161616	fourcc_code('X', 'B', '4', '8') /* [63:0] x:B:G:R 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB16161616	fourcc_code('A', 'R', '4', '8') /* [63:0] A:R:G:B 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616	fourcc_code('A', 'B', '4', '8') /* [63:0] A:B:G:R 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +

- +/*

- + * Floating point 64bpp RGB

- + * IEEE 754-2008 binary16 half-precision float

- + * [15:0] sign:exponent:mantissa 1:5:10

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB16161616F fourcc_code('X', 'R', '4', 'H') /* [63:0] x:R:G:B 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR16161616F fourcc_code('X', 'B', '4', 'H') /* [63:0] x:B:G:R 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ARGB16161616F fourcc_code('A', 'R', '4', 'H') /* [63:0] A:R:G:B 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616F fourcc_code('A', 'B', '4', 'H') /* [63:0] A:B:G:R 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +

- +/*

- + * RGBA format with 10-bit components packed in 64-bit per pixel, with 6 bits

- + * of unused padding per component:

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_AXBXGXRX106106106106 fourcc_code('A', 'B', '1', '0') /* [63:0] A:x:B:x:G:x:R:x 10:6:10:6:10:6:10:6 little endian */

- +

- +/* packed YCbCr */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YUYV		fourcc_code('Y', 'U', 'Y', 'V') /* [31:0] Cr0:Y1:Cb0:Y0 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YVYU		fourcc_code('Y', 'V', 'Y', 'U') /* [31:0] Cb0:Y1:Cr0:Y0 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_UYVY		fourcc_code('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y') /* [31:0] Y1:Cr0:Y0:Cb0 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_VYUY		fourcc_code('V', 'Y', 'U', 'Y') /* [31:0] Y1:Cb0:Y0:Cr0 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_AYUV		fourcc_code('A', 'Y', 'U', 'V') /* [31:0] A:Y:Cb:Cr 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XYUV8888	fourcc_code('X', 'Y', 'U', 'V') /* [31:0] X:Y:Cb:Cr 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_VUY888	fourcc_code('V', 'U', '2', '4') /* [23:0] Cr:Cb:Y 8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_VUY101010	fourcc_code('V', 'U', '3', '0') /* Y followed by U then V, 10:10:10. Non-linear modifier only */

- +

- +/*

- + * packed Y2xx indicate for each component, xx valid data occupy msb

- + * 16-xx padding occupy lsb

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y210         fourcc_code('Y', '2', '1', '0') /* [63:0] Cr0:0:Y1:0:Cb0:0:Y0:0 10:6:10:6:10:6:10:6 little endian per 2 Y pixels */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y212         fourcc_code('Y', '2', '1', '2') /* [63:0] Cr0:0:Y1:0:Cb0:0:Y0:0 12:4:12:4:12:4:12:4 little endian per 2 Y pixels */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y216         fourcc_code('Y', '2', '1', '6') /* [63:0] Cr0:Y1:Cb0:Y0 16:16:16:16 little endian per 2 Y pixels */

- +

- +/*

- + * packed Y4xx indicate for each component, xx valid data occupy msb

- + * 16-xx padding occupy lsb except Y410

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y410         fourcc_code('Y', '4', '1', '0') /* [31:0] A:Cr:Y:Cb 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y412         fourcc_code('Y', '4', '1', '2') /* [63:0] A:0:Cr:0:Y:0:Cb:0 12:4:12:4:12:4:12:4 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y416         fourcc_code('Y', '4', '1', '6') /* [63:0] A:Cr:Y:Cb 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XVYU2101010	fourcc_code('X', 'V', '3', '0') /* [31:0] X:Cr:Y:Cb 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XVYU12_16161616	fourcc_code('X', 'V', '3', '6') /* [63:0] X:0:Cr:0:Y:0:Cb:0 12:4:12:4:12:4:12:4 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XVYU16161616	fourcc_code('X', 'V', '4', '8') /* [63:0] X:Cr:Y:Cb 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +

- +/*

- + * packed YCbCr420 2x2 tiled formats

- + * first 64 bits will contain Y,Cb,Cr components for a 2x2 tile

- + */

- +/* [63:0]   A3:A2:Y3:0:Cr0:0:Y2:0:A1:A0:Y1:0:Cb0:0:Y0:0  1:1:8:2:8:2:8:2:1:1:8:2:8:2:8:2 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y0L0		fourcc_code('Y', '0', 'L', '0')

- +/* [63:0]   X3:X2:Y3:0:Cr0:0:Y2:0:X1:X0:Y1:0:Cb0:0:Y0:0  1:1:8:2:8:2:8:2:1:1:8:2:8:2:8:2 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_X0L0		fourcc_code('X', '0', 'L', '0')

- +

- +/* [63:0]   A3:A2:Y3:Cr0:Y2:A1:A0:Y1:Cb0:Y0  1:1:10:10:10:1:1:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Y0L2		fourcc_code('Y', '0', 'L', '2')

- +/* [63:0]   X3:X2:Y3:Cr0:Y2:X1:X0:Y1:Cb0:Y0  1:1:10:10:10:1:1:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_X0L2		fourcc_code('X', '0', 'L', '2')

- +

- +/*

- + * 1-plane YUV 4:2:0

- + * In these formats, the component ordering is specified (Y, followed by U

- + * then V), but the exact Linear layout is undefined.

- + * These formats can only be used with a non-Linear modifier.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YUV420_8BIT	fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '0', '8')

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YUV420_10BIT	fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '0')

- +

- +/*

- + * 2 plane RGB + A

- + * index 0 = RGB plane, same format as the corresponding non _A8 format has

- + * index 1 = A plane, [7:0] A

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888_A8	fourcc_code('X', 'R', 'A', '8')

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888_A8	fourcc_code('X', 'B', 'A', '8')

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGBX8888_A8	fourcc_code('R', 'X', 'A', '8')

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGRX8888_A8	fourcc_code('B', 'X', 'A', '8')

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGB888_A8	fourcc_code('R', '8', 'A', '8')

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGR888_A8	fourcc_code('B', '8', 'A', '8')

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RGB565_A8	fourcc_code('R', '5', 'A', '8')

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_BGR565_A8	fourcc_code('B', '5', 'A', '8')

- +

- +/*

- + * 2 plane YCbCr

- + * index 0 = Y plane, [7:0] Y

- + * index 1 = Cr:Cb plane, [15:0] Cr:Cb little endian

- + * or

- + * index 1 = Cb:Cr plane, [15:0] Cb:Cr little endian

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_NV12		fourcc_code('N', 'V', '1', '2') /* 2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_NV21		fourcc_code('N', 'V', '2', '1') /* 2x2 subsampled Cb:Cr plane */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_NV16		fourcc_code('N', 'V', '1', '6') /* 2x1 subsampled Cr:Cb plane */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_NV61		fourcc_code('N', 'V', '6', '1') /* 2x1 subsampled Cb:Cr plane */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_NV24		fourcc_code('N', 'V', '2', '4') /* non-subsampled Cr:Cb plane */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_NV42		fourcc_code('N', 'V', '4', '2') /* non-subsampled Cb:Cr plane */

- +/*

- + * 2 plane YCbCr

- + * index 0 = Y plane, [39:0] Y3:Y2:Y1:Y0 little endian

- + * index 1 = Cr:Cb plane, [39:0] Cr1:Cb1:Cr0:Cb0 little endian

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_NV15		fourcc_code('N', 'V', '1', '5') /* 2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane */

- +

- +/*

- + * 2 plane YCbCr MSB aligned

- + * index 0 = Y plane, [15:0] Y:x [10:6] little endian

- + * index 1 = Cr:Cb plane, [31:0] Cr:x:Cb:x [10:6:10:6] little endian

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_P210		fourcc_code('P', '2', '1', '0') /* 2x1 subsampled Cr:Cb plane, 10 bit per channel */

- +

- +/*

- + * 2 plane YCbCr MSB aligned

- + * index 0 = Y plane, [15:0] Y:x [10:6] little endian

- + * index 1 = Cr:Cb plane, [31:0] Cr:x:Cb:x [10:6:10:6] little endian

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_P010		fourcc_code('P', '0', '1', '0') /* 2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane 10 bits per channel */

- +

- +/*

- + * 2 plane YCbCr MSB aligned

- + * index 0 = Y plane, [15:0] Y:x [12:4] little endian

- + * index 1 = Cr:Cb plane, [31:0] Cr:x:Cb:x [12:4:12:4] little endian

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_P012		fourcc_code('P', '0', '1', '2') /* 2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane 12 bits per channel */

- +

- +/*

- + * 2 plane YCbCr MSB aligned

- + * index 0 = Y plane, [15:0] Y little endian

- + * index 1 = Cr:Cb plane, [31:0] Cr:Cb [16:16] little endian

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_P016		fourcc_code('P', '0', '1', '6') /* 2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane 16 bits per channel */

- +

- +/* 3 plane non-subsampled (444) YCbCr

- + * 16 bits per component, but only 10 bits are used and 6 bits are padded

- + * index 0: Y plane, [15:0] Y:x [10:6] little endian

- + * index 1: Cb plane, [15:0] Cb:x [10:6] little endian

- + * index 2: Cr plane, [15:0] Cr:x [10:6] little endian

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Q410		fourcc_code('Q', '4', '1', '0')

- +

- +/* 3 plane non-subsampled (444) YCrCb

- + * 16 bits per component, but only 10 bits are used and 6 bits are padded

- + * index 0: Y plane, [15:0] Y:x [10:6] little endian

- + * index 1: Cr plane, [15:0] Cr:x [10:6] little endian

- + * index 2: Cb plane, [15:0] Cb:x [10:6] little endian

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_Q401		fourcc_code('Q', '4', '0', '1')

- +

- +/*

- + * 3 plane YCbCr

- + * index 0: Y plane, [7:0] Y

- + * index 1: Cb plane, [7:0] Cb

- + * index 2: Cr plane, [7:0] Cr

- + * or

- + * index 1: Cr plane, [7:0] Cr

- + * index 2: Cb plane, [7:0] Cb

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YUV410	fourcc_code('Y', 'U', 'V', '9') /* 4x4 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YVU410	fourcc_code('Y', 'V', 'U', '9') /* 4x4 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YUV411	fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '1') /* 4x1 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YVU411	fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '1') /* 4x1 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YUV420	fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '2') /* 2x2 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YVU420	fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '2') /* 2x2 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YUV422	fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '6') /* 2x1 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YVU422	fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '6') /* 2x1 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YUV444	fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '2', '4') /* non-subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_YVU444	fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '2', '4') /* non-subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +

- +

- +/*

- + * Format Modifiers:

- + *

- + * Format modifiers describe, typically, a re-ordering or modification

- + * of the data in a plane of an FB.  This can be used to express tiled/

- + * swizzled formats, or compression, or a combination of the two.

- + *

- + * The upper 8 bits of the format modifier are a vendor-id as assigned

- + * below.  The lower 56 bits are assigned as vendor sees fit.

- + */

- +

- +/* Vendor Ids: */



- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VENDOR_AMD     0x02



- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VENDOR_QCOM    0x05



- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VENDOR_ARM     0x08



- +

- +/* add more to the end as needed */

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_RESERVED	      ((1ULL << 56) - 1)

- +

- +#define fourcc_mod_get_vendor(modifier) \

- +	(((modifier) >> 56) & 0xff)

- +

- +#define fourcc_mod_is_vendor(modifier, vendor) \

- +	(fourcc_mod_get_vendor(modifier) == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VENDOR_## vendor)

- +

- +#define fourcc_mod_code(vendor, val) \

- +	((((__u64)DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VENDOR_## vendor) << 56) | ((val) & 0x00ffffffffffffffULL))

- +

- +/*

- + * Format Modifier tokens:

- + *

- + * When adding a new token please document the layout with a code comment,

- + * similar to the fourcc codes above. drm_fourcc.h is considered the

- + * authoritative source for all of these.

- + *

- + * Generic modifier names:

- + *

- + * DRM_FORMAT_MOD_GENERIC_* definitions are used to provide vendor-neutral names

- + * for layouts which are common across multiple vendors. To preserve

- + * compatibility, in cases where a vendor-specific definition already exists and

- + * a generic name for it is desired, the common name is a purely symbolic alias

- + * and must use the same numerical value as the original definition.

- + *

- + * Note that generic names should only be used for modifiers which describe

- + * generic layouts (such as pixel re-ordering), which may have

- + * independently-developed support across multiple vendors.

- + *

- + * In future cases where a generic layout is identified before merging with a

- + * vendor-specific modifier, a new 'GENERIC' vendor or modifier using vendor

- + * 'NONE' could be considered. This should only be for obvious, exceptional

- + * cases to avoid polluting the 'GENERIC' namespace with modifiers which only

- + * apply to a single vendor.

- + *

- + * Generic names should not be used for cases where multiple hardware vendors

- + * have implementations of the same standardised compression scheme (such as

- + * AFBC). In those cases, all implementations should use the same format

- + * modifier(s), reflecting the vendor of the standard.

- + */

- +


- +

- +/*

- + * Invalid Modifier

- + *

- + * This modifier can be used as a sentinel to terminate the format modifiers

- + * list, or to initialize a variable with an invalid modifier. It might also be

- + * used to report an error back to userspace for certain APIs.

- + */


- +

- +/*

- + * Linear Layout

- + *

- + * Just plain linear layout. Note that this is different from no specifying any

- + * modifier (e.g. not setting DRM_MODE_FB_MODIFIERS in the DRM_ADDFB2 ioctl),

- + * which tells the driver to also take driver-internal information into account

- + * and so might actually result in a tiled framebuffer.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR	fourcc_mod_code(NONE, 0)

- +

- +/*

- + * Deprecated: use DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR instead

- + *

- + * The "none" format modifier doesn't actually mean that the modifier is

- + * implicit, instead it means that the layout is linear. Whether modifiers are

- + * used is out-of-band information carried in an API-specific way (e.g. in a

- + * flag for drm_mode_fb_cmd2).

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NONE	0

- +

- +/* Intel framebuffer modifiers */

- +

- +/*

- + * Intel X-tiling layout

- + *

- + * This is a tiled layout using 4Kb tiles (except on gen2 where the tiles 2Kb)

- + * in row-major layout. Within the tile bytes are laid out row-major, with

- + * a platform-dependent stride. On top of that the memory can apply

- + * platform-depending swizzling of some higher address bits into bit6.

- + *

- + * Note that this layout is only accurate on intel gen 8+ or valleyview chipsets.

- + * On earlier platforms the is highly platforms specific and not useful for

- + * cross-driver sharing. It exists since on a given platform it does uniquely

- + * identify the layout in a simple way for i915-specific userspace, which

- + * facilitated conversion of userspace to modifiers. Additionally the exact

- + * format on some really old platforms is not known.

- + */

- +#define I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED	fourcc_mod_code(INTEL, 1)

- +

- +/*

- + * Intel Y-tiling layout

- + *

- + * This is a tiled layout using 4Kb tiles (except on gen2 where the tiles 2Kb)

- + * in row-major layout. Within the tile bytes are laid out in OWORD (16 bytes)

- + * chunks column-major, with a platform-dependent height. On top of that the

- + * memory can apply platform-depending swizzling of some higher address bits

- + * into bit6.

- + *

- + * Note that this layout is only accurate on intel gen 8+ or valleyview chipsets.

- + * On earlier platforms the is highly platforms specific and not useful for

- + * cross-driver sharing. It exists since on a given platform it does uniquely

- + * identify the layout in a simple way for i915-specific userspace, which

- + * facilitated conversion of userspace to modifiers. Additionally the exact

- + * format on some really old platforms is not known.

- + */

- +#define I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED	fourcc_mod_code(INTEL, 2)

- +

- +/*

- + * Intel Yf-tiling layout

- + *

- + * This is a tiled layout using 4Kb tiles in row-major layout.

- + * Within the tile pixels are laid out in 16 256 byte units / sub-tiles which

- + * are arranged in four groups (two wide, two high) with column-major layout.

- + * Each group therefore consits out of four 256 byte units, which are also laid

- + * out as 2x2 column-major.

- + * 256 byte units are made out of four 64 byte blocks of pixels, producing

- + * either a square block or a 2:1 unit.

- + * 64 byte blocks of pixels contain four pixel rows of 16 bytes, where the width

- + * in pixel depends on the pixel depth.

- + */

- +#define I915_FORMAT_MOD_Yf_TILED fourcc_mod_code(INTEL, 3)

- +

- +/*

- + * Intel color control surface (CCS) for render compression

- + *

- + * The framebuffer format must be one of the 8:8:8:8 RGB formats.

- + * The main surface will be plane index 0 and must be Y/Yf-tiled,

- + * the CCS will be plane index 1.

- + *

- + * Each CCS tile matches a 1024x512 pixel area of the main surface.

- + * To match certain aspects of the 3D hardware the CCS is

- + * considered to be made up of normal 128Bx32 Y tiles, Thus

- + * the CCS pitch must be specified in multiples of 128 bytes.

- + *

- + * In reality the CCS tile appears to be a 64Bx64 Y tile, composed

- + * of QWORD (8 bytes) chunks instead of OWORD (16 bytes) chunks.

- + * But that fact is not relevant unless the memory is accessed

- + * directly.

- + */

- +#define I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED_CCS	fourcc_mod_code(INTEL, 4)

- +#define I915_FORMAT_MOD_Yf_TILED_CCS	fourcc_mod_code(INTEL, 5)

- +

- +/*

- + * Intel color control surfaces (CCS) for Gen-12 render compression.

- + *

- + * The main surface is Y-tiled and at plane index 0, the CCS is linear and

- + * at index 1. A 64B CCS cache line corresponds to an area of 4x1 tiles in

- + * main surface. In other words, 4 bits in CCS map to a main surface cache

- + * line pair. The main surface pitch is required to be a multiple of four

- + * Y-tile widths.

- + */

- +#define I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS fourcc_mod_code(INTEL, 6)

- +

- +/*

- + * Intel color control surfaces (CCS) for Gen-12 media compression

- + *

- + * The main surface is Y-tiled and at plane index 0, the CCS is linear and

- + * at index 1. A 64B CCS cache line corresponds to an area of 4x1 tiles in

- + * main surface. In other words, 4 bits in CCS map to a main surface cache

- + * line pair. The main surface pitch is required to be a multiple of four

- + * Y-tile widths. For semi-planar formats like NV12, CCS planes follow the

- + * Y and UV planes i.e., planes 0 and 1 are used for Y and UV surfaces,

- + * planes 2 and 3 for the respective CCS.

- + */

- +#define I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS fourcc_mod_code(INTEL, 7)

- +

- +/*

- + * Intel Color Control Surface with Clear Color (CCS) for Gen-12 render

- + * compression.

- + *

- + * The main surface is Y-tiled and is at plane index 0 whereas CCS is linear

- + * and at index 1. The clear color is stored at index 2, and the pitch should

- + * be ignored. The clear color structure is 256 bits. The first 128 bits

- + * represents Raw Clear Color Red, Green, Blue and Alpha color each represented

- + * by 32 bits. The raw clear color is consumed by the 3d engine and generates

- + * the converted clear color of size 64 bits. The first 32 bits store the Lower

- + * Converted Clear Color value and the next 32 bits store the Higher Converted

- + * Clear Color value when applicable. The Converted Clear Color values are

- + * consumed by the DE. The last 64 bits are used to store Color Discard Enable

- + * and Depth Clear Value Valid which are ignored by the DE. A CCS cache line

- + * corresponds to an area of 4x1 tiles in the main surface. The main surface

- + * pitch is required to be a multiple of 4 tile widths.

- + */

- +#define I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC fourcc_mod_code(INTEL, 8)

- +

- +/*

- + * Tiled, NV12MT, grouped in 64 (pixels) x 32 (lines) -sized macroblocks

- + *

- + * Macroblocks are laid in a Z-shape, and each pixel data is following the

- + * standard NV12 style.

- + * As for NV12, an image is the result of two frame buffers: one for Y,

- + * one for the interleaved Cb/Cr components (1/2 the height of the Y buffer).

- + * Alignment requirements are (for each buffer):

- + * - multiple of 128 pixels for the width

- + * - multiple of  32 pixels for the height

- + *

- + * For more information: see https://linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis/re32.html

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_SAMSUNG_64_32_TILE	fourcc_mod_code(SAMSUNG, 1)

- +

- +/*

- + * Tiled, 16 (pixels) x 16 (lines) - sized macroblocks

- + *

- + * This is a simple tiled layout using tiles of 16x16 pixels in a row-major

- + * layout. For YCbCr formats Cb/Cr components are taken in such a way that

- + * they correspond to their 16x16 luma block.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_SAMSUNG_16_16_TILE	fourcc_mod_code(SAMSUNG, 2)

- +

- +/*

- + * Qualcomm Compressed Format

- + *

- + * Refers to a compressed variant of the base format that is compressed.

- + * Implementation may be platform and base-format specific.

- + *

- + * Each macrotile consists of m x n (mostly 4 x 4) tiles.

- + * Pixel data pitch/stride is aligned with macrotile width.

- + * Pixel data height is aligned with macrotile height.

- + * Entire pixel data buffer is aligned with 4k(bytes).

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED	fourcc_mod_code(QCOM, 1)

- +

- +/* Vivante framebuffer modifiers */

- +

- +/*

- + * Vivante 4x4 tiling layout

- + *

- + * This is a simple tiled layout using tiles of 4x4 pixels in a row-major

- + * layout.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VIVANTE_TILED		fourcc_mod_code(VIVANTE, 1)

- +

- +/*

- + * Vivante 64x64 super-tiling layout

- + *

- + * This is a tiled layout using 64x64 pixel super-tiles, where each super-tile

- + * contains 8x4 groups of 2x4 tiles of 4x4 pixels (like above) each, all in row-

- + * major layout.

- + *

- + * For more information: see

- + * https://github.com/etnaviv/etna_viv/blob/master/doc/hardware.md#texture-tiling

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VIVANTE_SUPER_TILED	fourcc_mod_code(VIVANTE, 2)

- +

- +/*

- + * Vivante 4x4 tiling layout for dual-pipe

- + *

- + * Same as the 4x4 tiling layout, except every second 4x4 pixel tile starts at a

- + * different base address. Offsets from the base addresses are therefore halved

- + * compared to the non-split tiled layout.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VIVANTE_SPLIT_TILED	fourcc_mod_code(VIVANTE, 3)

- +

- +/*

- + * Vivante 64x64 super-tiling layout for dual-pipe

- + *

- + * Same as the 64x64 super-tiling layout, except every second 4x4 pixel tile

- + * starts at a different base address. Offsets from the base addresses are

- + * therefore halved compared to the non-split super-tiled layout.

- + */


- +

- +/* NVIDIA frame buffer modifiers */

- +

- +/*

- + * Tegra Tiled Layout, used by Tegra 2, 3 and 4.

- + *

- + * Pixels are arranged in simple tiles of 16 x 16 bytes.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NVIDIA_TEGRA_TILED fourcc_mod_code(NVIDIA, 1)

- +

- +/*

- + * Generalized Block Linear layout, used by desktop GPUs starting with NV50/G80,

- + * and Tegra GPUs starting with Tegra K1.

- + *

- + * Pixels are arranged in Groups of Bytes (GOBs).  GOB size and layout varies

- + * based on the architecture generation.  GOBs themselves are then arranged in

- + * 3D blocks, with the block dimensions (in terms of GOBs) always being a power

- + * of two, and hence expressible as their log2 equivalent (E.g., "2" represents

- + * a block depth or height of "4").

- + *

- + * Chapter 20 "Pixel Memory Formats" of the Tegra X1 TRM describes this format

- + * in full detail.

- + *

- + *       Macro

- + * Bits  Param Description

- + * ----  ----- -----------------------------------------------------------------

- + *

- + *  3:0  h     log2(height) of each block, in GOBs.  Placed here for

- + *             compatibility with the existing

- + *             DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NVIDIA_16BX2_BLOCK()-based modifiers.

- + *

- + *  4:4  -     Must be 1, to indicate block-linear layout.  Necessary for

- + *             compatibility with the existing

- + *             DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NVIDIA_16BX2_BLOCK()-based modifiers.

- + *

- + *  8:5  -     Reserved (To support 3D-surfaces with variable log2(depth) block

- + *             size).  Must be zero.

- + *

- + *             Note there is no log2(width) parameter.  Some portions of the

- + *             hardware support a block width of two gobs, but it is impractical

- + *             to use due to lack of support elsewhere, and has no known

- + *             benefits.

- + *

- + * 11:9  -     Reserved (To support 2D-array textures with variable array stride

- + *             in blocks, specified via log2(tile width in blocks)).  Must be

- + *             zero.

- + *

- + * 19:12 k     Page Kind.  This value directly maps to a field in the page

- + *             tables of all GPUs >= NV50.  It affects the exact layout of bits

- + *             in memory and can be derived from the tuple

- + *

- + *               (format, GPU model, compression type, samples per pixel)

- + *

- + *             Where compression type is defined below.  If GPU model were

- + *             implied by the format modifier, format, or memory buffer, page

- + *             kind would not need to be included in the modifier itself, but

- + *             since the modifier should define the layout of the associated

- + *             memory buffer independent from any device or other context, it

- + *             must be included here.

- + *

- + * 21:20 g     GOB Height and Page Kind Generation.  The height of a GOB changed

- + *             starting with Fermi GPUs.  Additionally, the mapping between page

- + *             kind and bit layout has changed at various points.

- + *

- + *               0 = Gob Height 8, Fermi - Volta, Tegra K1+ Page Kind mapping

- + *               1 = Gob Height 4, G80 - GT2XX Page Kind mapping

- + *               2 = Gob Height 8, Turing+ Page Kind mapping

- + *               3 = Reserved for future use.

- + *

- + * 22:22 s     Sector layout.  On Tegra GPUs prior to Xavier, there is a further

- + *             bit remapping step that occurs at an even lower level than the

- + *             page kind and block linear swizzles.  This causes the layout of

- + *             surfaces mapped in those SOC's GPUs to be incompatible with the

- + *             equivalent mapping on other GPUs in the same system.

- + *

- + *               0 = Tegra K1 - Tegra Parker/TX2 Layout.

- + *               1 = Desktop GPU and Tegra Xavier+ Layout

- + *

- + * 25:23 c     Lossless Framebuffer Compression type.

- + *

- + *               0 = none

- + *               1 = ROP/3D, layout 1, exact compression format implied by Page

- + *                   Kind field

- + *               2 = ROP/3D, layout 2, exact compression format implied by Page

- + *                   Kind field

- + *               3 = CDE horizontal

- + *               4 = CDE vertical

- + *               5 = Reserved for future use

- + *               6 = Reserved for future use

- + *               7 = Reserved for future use

- + *

- + * 55:25 -     Reserved for future use.  Must be zero.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NVIDIA_BLOCK_LINEAR_2D(c, s, g, k, h) \

- +	fourcc_mod_code(NVIDIA, (0x10 | \

- +				 ((h) & 0xf) | \

- +				 (((k) & 0xff) << 12) | \

- +				 (((g) & 0x3) << 20) | \

- +				 (((s) & 0x1) << 22) | \

- +				 (((c) & 0x7) << 23)))

- +

- +/* To grandfather in prior block linear format modifiers to the above layout,

- + * the page kind "0", which corresponds to "pitch/linear" and hence is unusable

- + * with block-linear layouts, is remapped within drivers to the value 0xfe,

- + * which corresponds to the "generic" kind used for simple single-sample

- + * uncompressed color formats on Fermi - Volta GPUs.

- + */

- +static __inline__ __u64

- +drm_fourcc_canonicalize_nvidia_format_mod(__u64 modifier)

- +{

- +	if (!(modifier & 0x10) || (modifier & (0xff << 12)))

- +		return modifier;

- +	else

- +		return modifier | (0xfe << 12);

- +}

- +

- +/*

- + * 16Bx2 Block Linear layout, used by Tegra K1 and later

- + *

- + * Pixels are arranged in 64x8 Groups Of Bytes (GOBs). GOBs are then stacked

- + * vertically by a power of 2 (1 to 32 GOBs) to form a block.

- + *

- + * Within a GOB, data is ordered as 16B x 2 lines sectors laid in Z-shape.

- + *

- + * Parameter 'v' is the log2 encoding of the number of GOBs stacked vertically.

- + * Valid values are:

- + *

- + * 0 == ONE_GOB

- + * 1 == TWO_GOBS

- + * 2 == FOUR_GOBS

- + * 3 == EIGHT_GOBS

- + * 4 == SIXTEEN_GOBS


- + *

- + * Chapter 20 "Pixel Memory Formats" of the Tegra X1 TRM describes this format

- + * in full detail.

- + */



- +













- +

- +/*

- + * Some Broadcom modifiers take parameters, for example the number of

- + * vertical lines in the image. Reserve the lower 32 bits for modifier

- + * type, and the next 24 bits for parameters. Top 8 bits are the

- + * vendor code.

- + */

- +#define __fourcc_mod_broadcom_param_shift 8

- +#define __fourcc_mod_broadcom_param_bits 48

- +#define fourcc_mod_broadcom_code(val, params) \

- +	fourcc_mod_code(BROADCOM, ((((__u64)params) << __fourcc_mod_broadcom_param_shift) | val))

- +#define fourcc_mod_broadcom_param(m) \

- +	((int)(((m) >> __fourcc_mod_broadcom_param_shift) &	\

- +	       ((1ULL << __fourcc_mod_broadcom_param_bits) - 1)))

- +#define fourcc_mod_broadcom_mod(m) \

- +	((m) & ~(((1ULL << __fourcc_mod_broadcom_param_bits) - 1) <<	\

- +		 __fourcc_mod_broadcom_param_shift))

- +

- +/*

- + * Broadcom VC4 "T" format

- + *

- + * This is the primary layout that the V3D GPU can texture from (it

- + * can't do linear).  The T format has:

- + *

- + * - 64b utiles of pixels in a raster-order grid according to cpp.  It's 4x4

- + *   pixels at 32 bit depth.

- + *

- + * - 1k subtiles made of a 4x4 raster-order grid of 64b utiles (so usually

- + *   16x16 pixels).

- + *

- + * - 4k tiles made of a 2x2 grid of 1k subtiles (so usually 32x32 pixels).  On

- + *   even 4k tile rows, they're arranged as (BL, TL, TR, BR), and on odd rows

- + *   they're (TR, BR, BL, TL), where bottom left is start of memory.

- + *

- + * - an image made of 4k tiles in rows either left-to-right (even rows of 4k

- + *   tiles) or right-to-left (odd rows of 4k tiles).

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_BROADCOM_VC4_T_TILED fourcc_mod_code(BROADCOM, 1)

- +

- +/*

- + * Broadcom SAND format

- + *

- + * This is the native format that the H.264 codec block uses.  For VC4

- + * HVS, it is only valid for H.264 (NV12/21) and RGBA modes.

- + *

- + * The image can be considered to be split into columns, and the

- + * columns are placed consecutively into memory.  The width of those

- + * columns can be either 32, 64, 128, or 256 pixels, but in practice

- + * only 128 pixel columns are used.

- + *

- + * The pitch between the start of each column is set to optimally

- + * switch between SDRAM banks. This is passed as the number of lines

- + * of column width in the modifier (we can't use the stride value due

- + * to various core checks that look at it , so you should set the

- + * stride to width*cpp).

- + *

- + * Note that the column height for this format modifier is the same

- + * for all of the planes, assuming that each column contains both Y

- + * and UV.  Some SAND-using hardware stores UV in a separate tiled

- + * image from Y to reduce the column height, which is not supported

- + * with these modifiers.

- + */

- +


- +	fourcc_mod_broadcom_code(2, v)


- +	fourcc_mod_broadcom_code(3, v)


- +	fourcc_mod_broadcom_code(4, v)


- +	fourcc_mod_broadcom_code(5, v)

- +









- +

- +/* Broadcom UIF format

- + *

- + * This is the common format for the current Broadcom multimedia

- + * blocks, including V3D 3.x and newer, newer video codecs, and

- + * displays.

- + *

- + * The image consists of utiles (64b blocks), UIF blocks (2x2 utiles),

- + * and macroblocks (4x4 UIF blocks).  Those 4x4 UIF block groups are

- + * stored in columns, with padding between the columns to ensure that

- + * moving from one column to the next doesn't hit the same SDRAM page

- + * bank.

- + *

- + * To calculate the padding, it is assumed that each hardware block

- + * and the software driving it knows the platform's SDRAM page size,

- + * number of banks, and XOR address, and that it's identical between

- + * all blocks using the format.  This tiling modifier will use XOR as

- + * necessary to reduce the padding.  If a hardware block can't do XOR,

- + * the assumption is that a no-XOR tiling modifier will be created.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_BROADCOM_UIF fourcc_mod_code(BROADCOM, 6)

- +

- +/*

- + * Arm Framebuffer Compression (AFBC) modifiers

- + *

- + * AFBC is a proprietary lossless image compression protocol and format.

- + * It provides fine-grained random access and minimizes the amount of data

- + * transferred between IP blocks.

- + *

- + * AFBC has several features which may be supported and/or used, which are

- + * represented using bits in the modifier. Not all combinations are valid,

- + * and different devices or use-cases may support different combinations.

- + *

- + * Further information on the use of AFBC modifiers can be found in

- + * Documentation/gpu/afbc.rst

- + */

- +

- +/*

- + * The top 4 bits (out of the 56 bits alloted for specifying vendor specific

- + * modifiers) denote the category for modifiers. Currently we have three

- + * categories of modifiers ie AFBC, MISC and AFRC. We can have a maximum of

- + * sixteen different categories.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_ARM_CODE(__type, __val) \

- +	fourcc_mod_code(ARM, ((__u64)(__type) << 52) | ((__val) & 0x000fffffffffffffULL))

- +



- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_ARM_AFBC(__afbc_mode) \


- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC superblock size

- + *

- + * Indicates the superblock size(s) used for the AFBC buffer. The buffer

- + * size (in pixels) must be aligned to a multiple of the superblock size.

- + * Four lowest significant bits(LSBs) are reserved for block size.

- + *

- + * Where one superblock size is specified, it applies to all planes of the

- + * buffer (e.g. 16x16, 32x8). When multiple superblock sizes are specified,

- + * the first applies to the Luma plane and the second applies to the Chroma

- + * plane(s). e.g. (32x8_64x4 means 32x8 Luma, with 64x4 Chroma).

- + * Multiple superblock sizes are only valid for multi-plane YCbCr formats.

- + */


- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_BLOCK_SIZE_16x16     (1ULL)

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_BLOCK_SIZE_32x8      (2ULL)

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_BLOCK_SIZE_64x4      (3ULL)

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_BLOCK_SIZE_32x8_64x4 (4ULL)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC lossless colorspace transform

- + *

- + * Indicates that the buffer makes use of the AFBC lossless colorspace

- + * transform.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_YTR     (1ULL <<  4)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC block-split

- + *

- + * Indicates that the payload of each superblock is split. The second

- + * half of the payload is positioned at a predefined offset from the start

- + * of the superblock payload.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_SPLIT   (1ULL <<  5)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC sparse layout

- + *

- + * This flag indicates that the payload of each superblock must be stored at a

- + * predefined position relative to the other superblocks in the same AFBC

- + * buffer. This order is the same order used by the header buffer. In this mode

- + * each superblock is given the same amount of space as an uncompressed

- + * superblock of the particular format would require, rounding up to the next

- + * multiple of 128 bytes in size.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_SPARSE  (1ULL <<  6)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC copy-block restrict

- + *

- + * Buffers with this flag must obey the copy-block restriction. The restriction

- + * is such that there are no copy-blocks referring across the border of 8x8

- + * blocks. For the subsampled data the 8x8 limitation is also subsampled.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_CBR     (1ULL <<  7)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC tiled layout

- + *

- + * The tiled layout groups superblocks in 8x8 or 4x4 tiles, where all

- + * superblocks inside a tile are stored together in memory. 8x8 tiles are used

- + * for pixel formats up to and including 32 bpp while 4x4 tiles are used for

- + * larger bpp formats. The order between the tiles is scan line.

- + * When the tiled layout is used, the buffer size (in pixels) must be aligned

- + * to the tile size.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_TILED   (1ULL <<  8)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC solid color blocks

- + *

- + * Indicates that the buffer makes use of solid-color blocks, whereby bandwidth

- + * can be reduced if a whole superblock is a single color.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_SC      (1ULL <<  9)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC double-buffer

- + *

- + * Indicates that the buffer is allocated in a layout safe for front-buffer

- + * rendering.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_DB      (1ULL << 10)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFBC buffer content hints

- + *

- + * Indicates that the buffer includes per-superblock content hints.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_BCH     (1ULL << 11)

- +

- +/* AFBC uncompressed storage mode

- + *

- + * Indicates that the buffer is using AFBC uncompressed storage mode.

- + * In this mode all superblock payloads in the buffer use the uncompressed

- + * storage mode, which is usually only used for data which cannot be compressed.

- + * The buffer layout is the same as for AFBC buffers without USM set, this only

- + * affects the storage mode of the individual superblocks. Note that even a

- + * buffer without USM set may use uncompressed storage mode for some or all

- + * superblocks, USM just guarantees it for all.

- + */

- +#define AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_USM	(1ULL << 12)

- +

- +/*

- + * Arm Fixed-Rate Compression (AFRC) modifiers

- + *

- + * AFRC is a proprietary fixed rate image compression protocol and format,

- + * designed to provide guaranteed bandwidth and memory footprint

- + * reductions in graphics and media use-cases.

- + *

- + * AFRC buffers consist of one or more planes, with the same components

- + * and meaning as an uncompressed buffer using the same pixel format.

- + *

- + * Within each plane, the pixel/luma/chroma values are grouped into

- + * "coding unit" blocks which are individually compressed to a

- + * fixed size (in bytes). All coding units within a given plane of a buffer

- + * store the same number of values, and have the same compressed size.

- + *

- + * The coding unit size is configurable, allowing different rates of compression.

- + *

- + * The start of each AFRC buffer plane must be aligned to an alignment granule which

- + * depends on the coding unit size.

- + *

- + * Coding Unit Size   Plane Alignment

- + * ----------------   ---------------

- + * 16 bytes           1024 bytes

- + * 24 bytes           512  bytes

- + * 32 bytes           2048 bytes

- + *

- + * Coding units are grouped into paging tiles. AFRC buffer dimensions must be aligned

- + * to a multiple of the paging tile dimensions.

- + * The dimensions of each paging tile depend on whether the buffer is optimised for

- + * scanline (SCAN layout) or rotated (ROT layout) access.

- + *

- + * Layout   Paging Tile Width   Paging Tile Height

- + * ------   -----------------   ------------------

- + * SCAN     16 coding units     4 coding units

- + * ROT      8  coding units     8 coding units

- + *

- + * The dimensions of each coding unit depend on the number of components

- + * in the compressed plane and whether the buffer is optimised for

- + * scanline (SCAN layout) or rotated (ROT layout) access.

- + *

- + * Number of Components in Plane   Layout      Coding Unit Width   Coding Unit Height

- + * -----------------------------   ---------   -----------------   ------------------

- + * 1                               SCAN        16 samples          4 samples

- + * Example: 16x4 luma samples in a 'Y' plane

- + *          16x4 chroma 'V' values, in the 'V' plane of a fully-planar YUV buffer

- + * -----------------------------   ---------   -----------------   ------------------

- + * 1                               ROT         8 samples           8 samples

- + * Example: 8x8 luma samples in a 'Y' plane

- + *          8x8 chroma 'V' values, in the 'V' plane of a fully-planar YUV buffer

- + * -----------------------------   ---------   -----------------   ------------------

- + * 2                               DONT CARE   8 samples           4 samples

- + * Example: 8x4 chroma pairs in the 'UV' plane of a semi-planar YUV buffer

- + * -----------------------------   ---------   -----------------   ------------------

- + * 3                               DONT CARE   4 samples           4 samples

- + * Example: 4x4 pixels in an RGB buffer without alpha

- + * -----------------------------   ---------   -----------------   ------------------

- + * 4                               DONT CARE   4 samples           4 samples

- + * Example: 4x4 pixels in an RGB buffer with alpha

- + */

- +


- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_ARM_AFRC(__afrc_mode) \


- +

- +/*

- + * AFRC coding unit size modifier.

- + *

- + * Indicates the number of bytes used to store each compressed coding unit for

- + * one or more planes in an AFRC encoded buffer. The coding unit size for chrominance

- + * is the same for both Cb and Cr, which may be stored in separate planes.

- + *

- + * AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_P0 indicates the number of bytes used to store

- + * each compressed coding unit in the first plane of the buffer. For RGBA buffers

- + * this is the only plane, while for semi-planar and fully-planar YUV buffers,

- + * this corresponds to the luma plane.

- + *

- + * AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_P12 indicates the number of bytes used to store

- + * each compressed coding unit in the second and third planes in the buffer.

- + * For semi-planar and fully-planar YUV buffers, this corresponds to the chroma plane(s).

- + *

- + * For single-plane buffers, AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_P0 must be specified

- + * and AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_P12 must be zero.

- + * For semi-planar and fully-planar buffers, both AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_P0 and

- + * AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_P12 must be specified.

- + */


- +#define AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_16 (1ULL)

- +#define AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_24 (2ULL)

- +#define AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_32 (3ULL)

- +

- +#define AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_P0(__afrc_cu_size) (__afrc_cu_size)

- +#define AFRC_FORMAT_MOD_CU_SIZE_P12(__afrc_cu_size) ((__afrc_cu_size) << 4)

- +

- +/*

- + * AFRC scanline memory layout.

- + *

- + * Indicates if the buffer uses the scanline-optimised layout

- + * for an AFRC encoded buffer, otherwise, it uses the rotation-optimised layout.

- + * The memory layout is the same for all planes.

- + */


- +

- +/*

- + * Arm 16x16 Block U-Interleaved modifier

- + *

- + * This is used by Arm Mali Utgard and Midgard GPUs. It divides the image

- + * into 16x16 pixel blocks. Blocks are stored linearly in order, but pixels

- + * in the block are reordered.

- + */



- +

- +/*

- + * Allwinner tiled modifier

- + *

- + * This tiling mode is implemented by the VPU found on all Allwinner platforms,

- + * codenamed sunxi. It is associated with a YUV format that uses either 2 or 3

- + * planes.

- + *

- + * With this tiling, the luminance samples are disposed in tiles representing

- + * 32x32 pixels and the chrominance samples in tiles representing 32x64 pixels.

- + * The pixel order in each tile is linear and the tiles are disposed linearly,

- + * both in row-major order.

- + */

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_ALLWINNER_TILED fourcc_mod_code(ALLWINNER, 1)

- +

- +/*

- + * Amlogic Video Framebuffer Compression modifiers

- + *

- + * Amlogic uses a proprietary lossless image compression protocol and format

- + * for their hardware video codec accelerators, either video decoders or

- + * video input encoders.

- + *

- + * It considerably reduces memory bandwidth while writing and reading

- + * frames in memory.

- + *

- + * The underlying storage is considered to be 3 components, 8bit or 10-bit

- + * per component YCbCr 420, single plane :

- + * - DRM_FORMAT_YUV420_8BIT

- + * - DRM_FORMAT_YUV420_10BIT

- + *

- + * The first 8 bits of the mode defines the layout, then the following 8 bits

- + * defines the options changing the layout.

- + *

- + * Not all combinations are valid, and different SoCs may support different

- + * combinations of layout and options.

- + */

- +#define __fourcc_mod_amlogic_layout_mask 0xff

- +#define __fourcc_mod_amlogic_options_shift 8

- +#define __fourcc_mod_amlogic_options_mask 0xff

- +

- +#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_AMLOGIC_FBC(__layout, __options) \

- +	fourcc_mod_code(AMLOGIC, \

- +			((__layout) & __fourcc_mod_amlogic_layout_mask) | \

- +			(((__options) & __fourcc_mod_amlogic_options_mask) \

- +			 << __fourcc_mod_amlogic_options_shift))

- +

- +/* Amlogic FBC Layouts */

- +

- +/*

- + * Amlogic FBC Basic Layout

- + *

- + * The basic layout is composed of:

- + * - a body content organized in 64x32 superblocks with 4096 bytes per

- + *   superblock in default mode.

- + * - a 32 bytes per 128x64 header block

- + *

- + * This layout is transferrable between Amlogic SoCs supporting this modifier.

- + */


- +

- +/*

- + * Amlogic FBC Scatter Memory layout

- + *

- + * Indicates the header contains IOMMU references to the compressed

- + * frames content to optimize memory access and layout.

- + *

- + * In this mode, only the header memory address is needed, thus the

- + * content memory organization is tied to the current producer

- + * execution and cannot be saved/dumped neither transferrable between

- + * Amlogic SoCs supporting this modifier.

- + *

- + * Due to the nature of the layout, these buffers are not expected to

- + * be accessible by the user-space clients, but only accessible by the

- + * hardware producers and consumers.

- + *

- + * The user-space clients should expect a failure while trying to mmap

- + * the DMA-BUF handle returned by the producer.

- + */


- +

- +/* Amlogic FBC Layout Options Bit Mask */

- +

- +/*

- + * Amlogic FBC Memory Saving mode

- + *

- + * Indicates the storage is packed when pixel size is multiple of word

- + * boudaries, i.e. 8bit should be stored in this mode to save allocation

- + * memory.

- + *

- + * This mode reduces body layout to 3072 bytes per 64x32 superblock with

- + * the basic layout and 3200 bytes per 64x32 superblock combined with

- + * the scatter layout.

- + */


- +

- +/*

- + * AMD modifiers

- + *

- + * Memory layout:

- + *

- + * without DCC:

- + *   - main surface

- + *

- + * with DCC & without DCC_RETILE:

- + *   - main surface in plane 0

- + *   - DCC surface in plane 1 (RB-aligned, pipe-aligned if DCC_PIPE_ALIGN is set)

- + *

- + * with DCC & DCC_RETILE:

- + *   - main surface in plane 0

- + *   - displayable DCC surface in plane 1 (not RB-aligned & not pipe-aligned)

- + *   - pipe-aligned DCC surface in plane 2 (RB-aligned & pipe-aligned)

- + *

- + * For multi-plane formats the above surfaces get merged into one plane for

- + * each format plane, based on the required alignment only.

- + *

- + * Bits  Parameter                Notes

- + * ----- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------

- + *

- + *   7:0 TILE_VERSION             Values are AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_VER_*

- + *  12:8 TILE                     Values are AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_<version>_*

- + *    13 DCC

- + *    14 DCC_RETILE

- + *    15 DCC_PIPE_ALIGN

- + *    16 DCC_INDEPENDENT_64B

- + *    17 DCC_INDEPENDENT_128B



- + * 23:21 PIPE_XOR_BITS            Only for some chips

- + * 26:24 BANK_XOR_BITS            Only for some chips

- + * 29:27 PACKERS                  Only for some chips

- + * 32:30 RB                       Only for some chips

- + * 35:33 PIPE                     Only for some chips

- + * 55:36 -                        Reserved for future use, must be zero

- + */

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD fourcc_mod_code(AMD, 0)

- +

- +#define IS_AMD_FMT_MOD(val) (((val) >> 56) == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_VENDOR_AMD)

- +

- +/* Reserve 0 for GFX8 and older */

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_VER_GFX9 1

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_VER_GFX10 2


- +

- +/*

- + * 64K_S is the same for GFX9/GFX10/GFX10_RBPLUS and hence has GFX9 as canonical

- + * version.

- + */

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_GFX9_64K_S 9

- +

- +/*

- + * 64K_D for non-32 bpp is the same for GFX9/GFX10/GFX10_RBPLUS and hence has

- + * GFX9 as canonical version.

- + */

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_GFX9_64K_D 10

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_GFX9_64K_S_X 25

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_GFX9_64K_D_X 26

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_GFX9_64K_R_X 27

- +

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_DCC_BLOCK_64B 0

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_DCC_BLOCK_128B 1

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_DCC_BLOCK_256B 2

- +




- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_TILE_MASK 0x1F

- +

- +/* Whether DCC compression is enabled. */

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_DCC_SHIFT 13

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_DCC_MASK 0x1

- +

- +/*

- + * Whether to include two DCC surfaces, one which is rb & pipe aligned, and

- + * one which is not-aligned.

- + */



- +

- +/* Only set if DCC_RETILE = false */



- +







- +

- +/*

- + * DCC supports embedding some clear colors directly in the DCC surface.

- + * However, on older GPUs the rendering HW ignores the embedded clear color

- + * and prefers the driver provided color. This necessitates doing a fastclear

- + * eliminate operation before a process transfers control.

- + *

- + * If this bit is set that means the fastclear eliminate is not needed for these

- + * embeddable colors.

- + */



- +

- +/*

- + * The below fields are for accounting for per GPU differences. These are only

- + * relevant for GFX9 and later and if the tile field is *_X/_T.

- + *

- + * PIPE_XOR_BITS = always needed

- + * BANK_XOR_BITS = only for TILE_VER_GFX9

- + * PACKERS = only for TILE_VER_GFX10_RBPLUS

- + * RB = only for TILE_VER_GFX9 & DCC


- + */







- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_RB_SHIFT 30

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_RB_MASK 0x7

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_PIPE_SHIFT 33

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_PIPE_MASK 0x7

- +

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_SET(field, value) \

- +	((uint64_t)(value) << AMD_FMT_MOD_##field##_SHIFT)

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_GET(field, value) \

- +	(((value) >> AMD_FMT_MOD_##field##_SHIFT) & AMD_FMT_MOD_##field##_MASK)

- +#define AMD_FMT_MOD_CLEAR(field) \

- +	(~((uint64_t)AMD_FMT_MOD_##field##_MASK << AMD_FMT_MOD_##field##_SHIFT))

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +}

- +#endif

- +

- +#endif /* DRM_FOURCC_H */

- diff --git a/third_party/drm/drm/drm_mode.h b/third_party/drm/drm/drm_mode.h

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..e1e351682872

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/drm/drm/drm_mode.h

- @@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@

- +/*

- + * Copyright (c) 2007 Dave Airlie <airlied@linux.ie>

- + * Copyright (c) 2007 Jakob Bornecrantz <wallbraker@gmail.com>

- + * Copyright (c) 2008 Red Hat Inc.

- + * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Tungsten Graphics, Inc., Cedar Park, TX., USA

- + * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Intel Corporation

- + *

- + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

- + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),

- + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation

- + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,

- + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the

- + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

- + *

- + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in

- + * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

- + *








- + */

- +

- +#ifndef _DRM_MODE_H

- +#define _DRM_MODE_H

- +

- +#include "drm.h"

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +extern "C" {

- +#endif

- +

- +/**

- + * DOC: overview

- + *

- + * DRM exposes many UAPI and structure definition to have a consistent

- + * and standardized interface with user.

- + * Userspace can refer to these structure definitions and UAPI formats

- + * to communicate to driver

- + */

- +


- +#define DRM_DISPLAY_MODE_LEN	32

- +#define DRM_PROP_NAME_LEN	32

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_TYPE_BUILTIN	(1<<0) /* deprecated */

- +#define DRM_MODE_TYPE_CLOCK_C	((1<<1) | DRM_MODE_TYPE_BUILTIN) /* deprecated */

- +#define DRM_MODE_TYPE_CRTC_C	((1<<2) | DRM_MODE_TYPE_BUILTIN) /* deprecated */

- +#define DRM_MODE_TYPE_PREFERRED	(1<<3)

- +#define DRM_MODE_TYPE_DEFAULT	(1<<4) /* deprecated */

- +#define DRM_MODE_TYPE_USERDEF	(1<<5)

- +#define DRM_MODE_TYPE_DRIVER	(1<<6)

- +




- +

- +/* Video mode flags */

- +/* bit compatible with the xrandr RR_ definitions (bits 0-13)

- + *

- + * ABI warning: Existing userspace really expects

- + * the mode flags to match the xrandr definitions. Any

- + * changes that don't match the xrandr definitions will

- + * likely need a new client cap or some other mechanism

- + * to avoid breaking existing userspace. This includes

- + * allocating new flags in the previously unused bits!

- + */

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_PHSYNC			(1<<0)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_NHSYNC			(1<<1)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_PVSYNC			(1<<2)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_NVSYNC			(1<<3)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_INTERLACE			(1<<4)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_DBLSCAN			(1<<5)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_CSYNC			(1<<6)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_PCSYNC			(1<<7)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_NCSYNC			(1<<8)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_HSKEW			(1<<9) /* hskew provided */

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_BCAST			(1<<10) /* deprecated */

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_PIXMUX			(1<<11) /* deprecated */

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_DBLCLK			(1<<12)

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_CLKDIV2			(1<<13)

- + /*

- +  * When adding a new stereo mode don't forget to adjust DRM_MODE_FLAGS_3D_MAX

- +  * (define not exposed to user space).

- +  */

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_MASK			(0x1f<<14)

- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_NONE		(0<<14)

- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_FRAME_PACKING		(1<<14)



- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_SIDE_BY_SIDE_FULL	(4<<14)

- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_L_DEPTH		(5<<14)

- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_L_DEPTH_GFX_GFX_DEPTH	(6<<14)

- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_TOP_AND_BOTTOM	(7<<14)

- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_SIDE_BY_SIDE_HALF	(8<<14)

- +

- +/* Picture aspect ratio options */


- +#define DRM_MODE_PICTURE_ASPECT_4_3		1

- +#define DRM_MODE_PICTURE_ASPECT_16_9		2

- +#define DRM_MODE_PICTURE_ASPECT_64_27		3

- +#define DRM_MODE_PICTURE_ASPECT_256_135		4

- +

- +/* Content type options */






- +

- +/* Aspect ratio flag bitmask (4 bits 22:19) */

- +#define DRM_MODE_FLAG_PIC_AR_MASK		(0x0F<<19)



- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_PIC_AR_4_3 \


- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_PIC_AR_16_9 \

- +			(DRM_MODE_PICTURE_ASPECT_16_9<<19)

- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_PIC_AR_64_27 \

- +			(DRM_MODE_PICTURE_ASPECT_64_27<<19)

- +#define  DRM_MODE_FLAG_PIC_AR_256_135 \

- +			(DRM_MODE_PICTURE_ASPECT_256_135<<19)

- +







- +				 DRM_MODE_FLAG_CSYNC |		\



- +				 DRM_MODE_FLAG_HSKEW |		\




- +

- +/* DPMS flags */

- +/* bit compatible with the xorg definitions. */

- +#define DRM_MODE_DPMS_ON	0



- +#define DRM_MODE_DPMS_OFF	3

- +

- +/* Scaling mode options */

- +#define DRM_MODE_SCALE_NONE		0 /* Unmodified timing (display or

- +					     software can still scale) */

- +#define DRM_MODE_SCALE_FULLSCREEN	1 /* Full screen, ignore aspect */

- +#define DRM_MODE_SCALE_CENTER		2 /* Centered, no scaling */

- +#define DRM_MODE_SCALE_ASPECT		3 /* Full screen, preserve aspect */

- +

- +/* Dithering mode options */




- +

- +/* Dirty info options */

- +#define DRM_MODE_DIRTY_OFF      0

- +#define DRM_MODE_DIRTY_ON       1


- +

- +/* Link Status options */



- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_MODE_ROTATE_<degrees>

- + *

- + * Signals that a drm plane is been rotated <degrees> degrees in counter

- + * clockwise direction.

- + *

- + * This define is provided as a convenience, looking up the property id

- + * using the name->prop id lookup is the preferred method.

- + */

- +#define DRM_MODE_ROTATE_0       (1<<0)

- +#define DRM_MODE_ROTATE_90      (1<<1)

- +#define DRM_MODE_ROTATE_180     (1<<2)

- +#define DRM_MODE_ROTATE_270     (1<<3)

- +

- +/*


- + *

- + * Bitmask used to look for drm plane rotations.

- + */

- +#define DRM_MODE_ROTATE_MASK (\

- +		DRM_MODE_ROTATE_0  | \

- +		DRM_MODE_ROTATE_90  | \

- +		DRM_MODE_ROTATE_180 | \


- +

- +/*

- + * DRM_MODE_REFLECT_<axis>

- + *

- + * Signals that the contents of a drm plane is reflected along the <axis> axis,

- + * in the same way as mirroring.

- + * See kerneldoc chapter "Plane Composition Properties" for more details.

- + *

- + * This define is provided as a convenience, looking up the property id

- + * using the name->prop id lookup is the preferred method.

- + */

- +#define DRM_MODE_REFLECT_X      (1<<4)

- +#define DRM_MODE_REFLECT_Y      (1<<5)

- +

- +/*


- + *

- + * Bitmask used to look for drm plane reflections.

- + */




- +

- +/* Content Protection Flags */




- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_modeinfo - Display mode information.

- + * @clock: pixel clock in kHz

- + * @hdisplay: horizontal display size

- + * @hsync_start: horizontal sync start

- + * @hsync_end: horizontal sync end

- + * @htotal: horizontal total size

- + * @hskew: horizontal skew

- + * @vdisplay: vertical display size

- + * @vsync_start: vertical sync start

- + * @vsync_end: vertical sync end

- + * @vtotal: vertical total size

- + * @vscan: vertical scan

- + * @vrefresh: approximate vertical refresh rate in Hz

- + * @flags: bitmask of misc. flags, see DRM_MODE_FLAG_* defines

- + * @type: bitmask of type flags, see DRM_MODE_TYPE_* defines

- + * @name: string describing the mode resolution

- + *

- + * This is the user-space API display mode information structure. For the

- + * kernel version see struct drm_display_mode.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_modeinfo {

- +	__u32 clock;

- +	__u16 hdisplay;

- +	__u16 hsync_start;

- +	__u16 hsync_end;

- +	__u16 htotal;

- +	__u16 hskew;

- +	__u16 vdisplay;

- +	__u16 vsync_start;

- +	__u16 vsync_end;

- +	__u16 vtotal;

- +	__u16 vscan;

- +

- +	__u32 vrefresh;

- +

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 type;

- +	char name[DRM_DISPLAY_MODE_LEN];

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_card_res {

- +	__u64 fb_id_ptr;

- +	__u64 crtc_id_ptr;

- +	__u64 connector_id_ptr;

- +	__u64 encoder_id_ptr;

- +	__u32 count_fbs;

- +	__u32 count_crtcs;

- +	__u32 count_connectors;

- +	__u32 count_encoders;

- +	__u32 min_width;

- +	__u32 max_width;

- +	__u32 min_height;

- +	__u32 max_height;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_crtc {

- +	__u64 set_connectors_ptr;

- +	__u32 count_connectors;

- +

- +	__u32 crtc_id; /**< Id */

- +	__u32 fb_id; /**< Id of framebuffer */

- +

- +	__u32 x; /**< x Position on the framebuffer */

- +	__u32 y; /**< y Position on the framebuffer */

- +

- +	__u32 gamma_size;

- +	__u32 mode_valid;

- +	struct drm_mode_modeinfo mode;

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_PRESENT_TOP_FIELD	(1<<0)


- +

- +/* Planes blend with or override other bits on the CRTC */

- +struct drm_mode_set_plane {

- +	__u32 plane_id;

- +	__u32 crtc_id;

- +	__u32 fb_id; /* fb object contains surface format type */

- +	__u32 flags; /* see above flags */

- +

- +	/* Signed dest location allows it to be partially off screen */

- +	__s32 crtc_x;

- +	__s32 crtc_y;

- +	__u32 crtc_w;

- +	__u32 crtc_h;

- +

- +	/* Source values are 16.16 fixed point */

- +	__u32 src_x;

- +	__u32 src_y;

- +	__u32 src_h;

- +	__u32 src_w;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_get_plane - Get plane metadata.

- + *

- + * Userspace can perform a GETPLANE ioctl to retrieve information about a

- + * plane.

- + *

- + * To retrieve the number of formats supported, set @count_format_types to zero

- + * and call the ioctl. @count_format_types will be updated with the value.

- + *

- + * To retrieve these formats, allocate an array with the memory needed to store

- + * @count_format_types formats. Point @format_type_ptr to this array and call

- + * the ioctl again (with @count_format_types still set to the value returned in

- + * the first ioctl call).

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_get_plane {

- +	/**

- +	 * @plane_id: Object ID of the plane whose information should be

- +	 * retrieved. Set by caller.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 plane_id;

- +

- +	/** @crtc_id: Object ID of the current CRTC. */

- +	__u32 crtc_id;

- +	/** @fb_id: Object ID of the current fb. */

- +	__u32 fb_id;

- +

- +	/**

- +	 * @possible_crtcs: Bitmask of CRTC's compatible with the plane. CRTC's

- +	 * are created and they receive an index, which corresponds to their

- +	 * position in the bitmask. Bit N corresponds to

- +	 * :ref:`CRTC index<crtc_index>` N.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 possible_crtcs;

- +	/** @gamma_size: Never used. */

- +	__u32 gamma_size;

- +

- +	/** @count_format_types: Number of formats. */

- +	__u32 count_format_types;

- +	/**

- +	 * @format_type_ptr: Pointer to ``__u32`` array of formats that are

- +	 * supported by the plane. These formats do not require modifiers.

- +	 */

- +	__u64 format_type_ptr;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_get_plane_res {

- +	__u64 plane_id_ptr;

- +	__u32 count_planes;

- +};

- +










- +

- +struct drm_mode_get_encoder {

- +	__u32 encoder_id;

- +	__u32 encoder_type;

- +

- +	__u32 crtc_id; /**< Id of crtc */

- +

- +	__u32 possible_crtcs;

- +	__u32 possible_clones;

- +};

- +

- +/* This is for connectors with multiple signal types. */

- +/* Try to match DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_X as closely as possible. */

- +enum drm_mode_subconnector {

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_Automatic   = 0,  /* DVI-I, TV     */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_Unknown     = 0,  /* DVI-I, TV, DP */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_VGA	  = 1,  /*            DP */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_DVID	  = 3,  /* DVI-I      DP */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_DVIA	  = 4,  /* DVI-I         */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_Composite   = 5,  /*        TV     */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_SVIDEO	  = 6,  /*        TV     */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_Component   = 8,  /*        TV     */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_SCART	  = 9,  /*        TV     */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_DisplayPort = 10, /*            DP */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_HDMIA       = 11, /*            DP */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_Native      = 15, /*            DP */

- +	DRM_MODE_SUBCONNECTOR_Wireless    = 18, /*            DP */

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_Unknown	0





- +#define DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_Composite	5



- +#define DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_Component	8


- +#define DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_DisplayPort	10



- +#define DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_TV		13

- +#define DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_eDP		14







- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_get_connector - Get connector metadata.

- + *

- + * User-space can perform a GETCONNECTOR ioctl to retrieve information about a

- + * connector. User-space is expected to retrieve encoders, modes and properties

- + * by performing this ioctl at least twice: the first time to retrieve the

- + * number of elements, the second time to retrieve the elements themselves.

- + *

- + * To retrieve the number of elements, set @count_props and @count_encoders to

- + * zero, set @count_modes to 1, and set @modes_ptr to a temporary struct

- + * drm_mode_modeinfo element.

- + *

- + * To retrieve the elements, allocate arrays for @encoders_ptr, @modes_ptr,

- + * @props_ptr and @prop_values_ptr, then set @count_modes, @count_props and

- + * @count_encoders to their capacity.

- + *

- + * Performing the ioctl only twice may be racy: the number of elements may have

- + * changed with a hotplug event in-between the two ioctls. User-space is

- + * expected to retry the last ioctl until the number of elements stabilizes.

- + * The kernel won't fill any array which doesn't have the expected length.

- + *

- + * **Force-probing a connector**

- + *

- + * If the @count_modes field is set to zero and the DRM client is the current

- + * DRM master, the kernel will perform a forced probe on the connector to

- + * refresh the connector status, modes and EDID. A forced-probe can be slow,

- + * might cause flickering and the ioctl will block.

- + *

- + * User-space needs to force-probe connectors to ensure their metadata is

- + * up-to-date at startup and after receiving a hot-plug event. User-space

- + * may perform a forced-probe when the user explicitly requests it. User-space

- + * shouldn't perform a forced-probe in other situations.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_get_connector {

- +	/** @encoders_ptr: Pointer to ``__u32`` array of object IDs. */

- +	__u64 encoders_ptr;

- +	/** @modes_ptr: Pointer to struct drm_mode_modeinfo array. */

- +	__u64 modes_ptr;

- +	/** @props_ptr: Pointer to ``__u32`` array of property IDs. */

- +	__u64 props_ptr;

- +	/** @prop_values_ptr: Pointer to ``__u64`` array of property values. */

- +	__u64 prop_values_ptr;

- +

- +	/** @count_modes: Number of modes. */

- +	__u32 count_modes;

- +	/** @count_props: Number of properties. */

- +	__u32 count_props;

- +	/** @count_encoders: Number of encoders. */

- +	__u32 count_encoders;

- +

- +	/** @encoder_id: Object ID of the current encoder. */

- +	__u32 encoder_id;

- +	/** @connector_id: Object ID of the connector. */

- +	__u32 connector_id;

- +	/**

- +	 * @connector_type: Type of the connector.

- +	 *

- +	 * See DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_* defines.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 connector_type;

- +	/**

- +	 * @connector_type_id: Type-specific connector number.

- +	 *

- +	 * This is not an object ID. This is a per-type connector number. Each

- +	 * (type, type_id) combination is unique across all connectors of a DRM

- +	 * device.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 connector_type_id;

- +

- +	/**

- +	 * @connection: Status of the connector.

- +	 *

- +	 * See enum drm_connector_status.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 connection;

- +	/** @mm_width: Width of the connected sink in millimeters. */

- +	__u32 mm_width;

- +	/** @mm_height: Height of the connected sink in millimeters. */

- +	__u32 mm_height;

- +	/**

- +	 * @subpixel: Subpixel order of the connected sink.

- +	 *

- +	 * See enum subpixel_order.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 subpixel;

- +

- +	/** @pad: Padding, must be zero. */

- +	__u32 pad;

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_PENDING	(1<<0) /* deprecated, do not use */

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_RANGE	(1<<1)

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_IMMUTABLE	(1<<2)

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_ENUM	(1<<3) /* enumerated type with text strings */

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_BLOB	(1<<4)

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_BITMASK	(1<<5) /* bitmask of enumerated types */

- +

- +/* non-extended types: legacy bitmask, one bit per type: */






- +

- +/* extended-types: rather than continue to consume a bit per type,

- + * grab a chunk of the bits to use as integer type id.

- + */

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_EXTENDED_TYPE	0x0000ffc0

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_TYPE(n)		((n) << 6)



- +

- +/* the PROP_ATOMIC flag is used to hide properties from userspace that

- + * is not aware of atomic properties.  This is mostly to work around

- + * older userspace (DDX drivers) that read/write each prop they find,

- + * witout being aware that this could be triggering a lengthy modeset.

- + */

- +#define DRM_MODE_PROP_ATOMIC        0x80000000

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_property_enum - Description for an enum/bitfield entry.

- + * @value: numeric value for this enum entry.

- + * @name: symbolic name for this enum entry.

- + *

- + * See struct drm_property_enum for details.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_property_enum {

- +	__u64 value;

- +	char name[DRM_PROP_NAME_LEN];

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_get_property - Get property metadata.

- + *

- + * User-space can perform a GETPROPERTY ioctl to retrieve information about a

- + * property. The same property may be attached to multiple objects, see

- + * "Modeset Base Object Abstraction".

- + *

- + * The meaning of the @values_ptr field changes depending on the property type.

- + * See &drm_property.flags for more details.

- + *

- + * The @enum_blob_ptr and @count_enum_blobs fields are only meaningful when the

- + * property has the type &DRM_MODE_PROP_ENUM or &DRM_MODE_PROP_BITMASK. For

- + * backwards compatibility, the kernel will always set @count_enum_blobs to

- + * zero when the property has the type &DRM_MODE_PROP_BLOB. User-space must

- + * ignore these two fields if the property has a different type.

- + *

- + * User-space is expected to retrieve values and enums by performing this ioctl

- + * at least twice: the first time to retrieve the number of elements, the

- + * second time to retrieve the elements themselves.

- + *

- + * To retrieve the number of elements, set @count_values and @count_enum_blobs

- + * to zero, then call the ioctl. @count_values will be updated with the number

- + * of elements. If the property has the type &DRM_MODE_PROP_ENUM or

- + * &DRM_MODE_PROP_BITMASK, @count_enum_blobs will be updated as well.

- + *

- + * To retrieve the elements themselves, allocate an array for @values_ptr and

- + * set @count_values to its capacity. If the property has the type

- + * &DRM_MODE_PROP_ENUM or &DRM_MODE_PROP_BITMASK, allocate an array for

- + * @enum_blob_ptr and set @count_enum_blobs to its capacity. Calling the ioctl

- + * again will fill the arrays.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_get_property {

- +	/** @values_ptr: Pointer to a ``__u64`` array. */

- +	__u64 values_ptr;

- +	/** @enum_blob_ptr: Pointer to a struct drm_mode_property_enum array. */

- +	__u64 enum_blob_ptr;

- +

- +	/**

- +	 * @prop_id: Object ID of the property which should be retrieved. Set

- +	 * by the caller.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 prop_id;

- +	/**

- +	 * @flags: ``DRM_MODE_PROP_*`` bitfield. See &drm_property.flags for

- +	 * a definition of the flags.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	/**

- +	 * @name: Symbolic property name. User-space should use this field to

- +	 * recognize properties.

- +	 */

- +	char name[DRM_PROP_NAME_LEN];

- +

- +	/** @count_values: Number of elements in @values_ptr. */

- +	__u32 count_values;

- +	/** @count_enum_blobs: Number of elements in @enum_blob_ptr. */

- +	__u32 count_enum_blobs;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_connector_set_property {

- +	__u64 value;

- +	__u32 prop_id;

- +	__u32 connector_id;

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_CRTC 0xcccccccc

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_CONNECTOR 0xc0c0c0c0

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_ENCODER 0xe0e0e0e0

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_MODE 0xdededede

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_PROPERTY 0xb0b0b0b0

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_FB 0xfbfbfbfb

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_BLOB 0xbbbbbbbb

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_PLANE 0xeeeeeeee

- +#define DRM_MODE_OBJECT_ANY 0

- +

- +struct drm_mode_obj_get_properties {

- +	__u64 props_ptr;

- +	__u64 prop_values_ptr;

- +	__u32 count_props;

- +	__u32 obj_id;

- +	__u32 obj_type;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_obj_set_property {

- +	__u64 value;

- +	__u32 prop_id;

- +	__u32 obj_id;

- +	__u32 obj_type;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_get_blob {

- +	__u32 blob_id;

- +	__u32 length;

- +	__u64 data;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_fb_cmd {

- +	__u32 fb_id;

- +	__u32 width;

- +	__u32 height;

- +	__u32 pitch;

- +	__u32 bpp;

- +	__u32 depth;

- +	/* driver specific handle */

- +	__u32 handle;

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_FB_INTERLACED	(1<<0) /* for interlaced framebuffers */

- +#define DRM_MODE_FB_MODIFIERS	(1<<1) /* enables ->modifer[] */

- +

- +struct drm_mode_fb_cmd2 {

- +	__u32 fb_id;

- +	__u32 width;

- +	__u32 height;

- +	__u32 pixel_format; /* fourcc code from drm_fourcc.h */

- +	__u32 flags; /* see above flags */

- +

- +	/*

- +	 * In case of planar formats, this ioctl allows up to 4

- +	 * buffer objects with offsets and pitches per plane.

- +	 * The pitch and offset order is dictated by the fourcc,

- +	 * e.g. NV12 (https://fourcc.org/yuv.php#NV12) is described as:

- +	 *

- +	 *   YUV 4:2:0 image with a plane of 8 bit Y samples

- +	 *   followed by an interleaved U/V plane containing

- +	 *   8 bit 2x2 subsampled colour difference samples.

- +	 *

- +	 * So it would consist of Y as offsets[0] and UV as

- +	 * offsets[1].  Note that offsets[0] will generally

- +	 * be 0 (but this is not required).

- +	 *

- +	 * To accommodate tiled, compressed, etc formats, a

- +	 * modifier can be specified.  The default value of zero

- +	 * indicates "native" format as specified by the fourcc.

- +	 * Vendor specific modifier token.  Note that even though

- +	 * it looks like we have a modifier per-plane, we in fact

- +	 * do not. The modifier for each plane must be identical.

- +	 * Thus all combinations of different data layouts for

- +	 * multi plane formats must be enumerated as separate

- +	 * modifiers.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 handles[4];

- +	__u32 pitches[4]; /* pitch for each plane */

- +	__u32 offsets[4]; /* offset of each plane */

- +	__u64 modifier[4]; /* ie, tiling, compress */

- +};

- +



- +#define DRM_MODE_FB_DIRTY_FLAGS         0x03

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_FB_DIRTY_MAX_CLIPS     256

- +

- +/*

- + * Mark a region of a framebuffer as dirty.

- + *

- + * Some hardware does not automatically update display contents

- + * as a hardware or software draw to a framebuffer. This ioctl

- + * allows userspace to tell the kernel and the hardware what

- + * regions of the framebuffer have changed.

- + *

- + * The kernel or hardware is free to update more then just the

- + * region specified by the clip rects. The kernel or hardware

- + * may also delay and/or coalesce several calls to dirty into a

- + * single update.

- + *

- + * Userspace may annotate the updates, the annotates are a

- + * promise made by the caller that the change is either a copy

- + * of pixels or a fill of a single color in the region specified.

- + *

- + * If the DRM_MODE_FB_DIRTY_ANNOTATE_COPY flag is given then

- + * the number of updated regions are half of num_clips given,

- + * where the clip rects are paired in src and dst. The width and

- + * height of each one of the pairs must match.

- + *

- + * If the DRM_MODE_FB_DIRTY_ANNOTATE_FILL flag is given the caller

- + * promises that the region specified of the clip rects is filled

- + * completely with a single color as given in the color argument.

- + */

- +

- +struct drm_mode_fb_dirty_cmd {

- +	__u32 fb_id;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 color;

- +	__u32 num_clips;

- +	__u64 clips_ptr;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_mode_cmd {

- +	__u32 connector_id;

- +	struct drm_mode_modeinfo mode;

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_CURSOR_BO	0x01

- +#define DRM_MODE_CURSOR_MOVE	0x02

- +#define DRM_MODE_CURSOR_FLAGS	0x03

- +

- +/*

- + * depending on the value in flags different members are used.

- + *

- + * CURSOR_BO uses

- + *    crtc_id

- + *    width

- + *    height

- + *    handle - if 0 turns the cursor off

- + *

- + * CURSOR_MOVE uses

- + *    crtc_id

- + *    x

- + *    y

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_cursor {

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 crtc_id;

- +	__s32 x;

- +	__s32 y;

- +	__u32 width;

- +	__u32 height;

- +	/* driver specific handle */

- +	__u32 handle;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_cursor2 {

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 crtc_id;

- +	__s32 x;

- +	__s32 y;

- +	__u32 width;

- +	__u32 height;

- +	/* driver specific handle */

- +	__u32 handle;

- +	__s32 hot_x;

- +	__s32 hot_y;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_crtc_lut {

- +	__u32 crtc_id;

- +	__u32 gamma_size;

- +

- +	/* pointers to arrays */

- +	__u64 red;

- +	__u64 green;

- +	__u64 blue;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_color_ctm {

- +	/*

- +	 * Conversion matrix in S31.32 sign-magnitude

- +	 * (not two's complement!) format.

- +	 */

- +	__u64 matrix[9];

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_color_lut {

- +	/*

- +	 * Values are mapped linearly to 0.0 - 1.0 range, with 0x0 == 0.0 and

- +	 * 0xffff == 1.0.

- +	 */

- +	__u16 red;

- +	__u16 green;

- +	__u16 blue;

- +	__u16 reserved;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct hdr_metadata_infoframe - HDR Metadata Infoframe Data.

- + *

- + * HDR Metadata Infoframe as per CTA 861.G spec. This is expected

- + * to match exactly with the spec.

- + *

- + * Userspace is expected to pass the metadata information as per

- + * the format described in this structure.

- + */

- +struct hdr_metadata_infoframe {

- +	/**

- +	 * @eotf: Electro-Optical Transfer Function (EOTF)

- +	 * used in the stream.

- +	 */

- +	__u8 eotf;

- +	/**

- +	 * @metadata_type: Static_Metadata_Descriptor_ID.

- +	 */

- +	__u8 metadata_type;

- +	/**

- +	 * @display_primaries: Color Primaries of the Data.

- +	 * These are coded as unsigned 16-bit values in units of

- +	 * 0.00002, where 0x0000 represents zero and 0xC350

- +	 * represents 1.0000.

- +	 * @display_primaries.x: X cordinate of color primary.

- +	 * @display_primaries.y: Y cordinate of color primary.

- +	 */

- +	struct {

- +		__u16 x, y;

- +		} display_primaries[3];

- +	/**

- +	 * @white_point: White Point of Colorspace Data.

- +	 * These are coded as unsigned 16-bit values in units of

- +	 * 0.00002, where 0x0000 represents zero and 0xC350

- +	 * represents 1.0000.

- +	 * @white_point.x: X cordinate of whitepoint of color primary.

- +	 * @white_point.y: Y cordinate of whitepoint of color primary.

- +	 */

- +	struct {

- +		__u16 x, y;

- +		} white_point;

- +	/**

- +	 * @max_display_mastering_luminance: Max Mastering Display Luminance.

- +	 * This value is coded as an unsigned 16-bit value in units of 1 cd/m2,

- +	 * where 0x0001 represents 1 cd/m2 and 0xFFFF represents 65535 cd/m2.

- +	 */

- +	__u16 max_display_mastering_luminance;

- +	/**

- +	 * @min_display_mastering_luminance: Min Mastering Display Luminance.

- +	 * This value is coded as an unsigned 16-bit value in units of

- +	 * 0.0001 cd/m2, where 0x0001 represents 0.0001 cd/m2 and 0xFFFF

- +	 * represents 6.5535 cd/m2.

- +	 */

- +	__u16 min_display_mastering_luminance;

- +	/**

- +	 * @max_cll: Max Content Light Level.

- +	 * This value is coded as an unsigned 16-bit value in units of 1 cd/m2,

- +	 * where 0x0001 represents 1 cd/m2 and 0xFFFF represents 65535 cd/m2.

- +	 */

- +	__u16 max_cll;

- +	/**

- +	 * @max_fall: Max Frame Average Light Level.

- +	 * This value is coded as an unsigned 16-bit value in units of 1 cd/m2,

- +	 * where 0x0001 represents 1 cd/m2 and 0xFFFF represents 65535 cd/m2.

- +	 */

- +	__u16 max_fall;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct hdr_output_metadata - HDR output metadata

- + *

- + * Metadata Information to be passed from userspace

- + */

- +struct hdr_output_metadata {

- +	/**

- +	 * @metadata_type: Static_Metadata_Descriptor_ID.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 metadata_type;

- +	/**

- +	 * @hdmi_metadata_type1: HDR Metadata Infoframe.

- +	 */

- +	union {

- +		struct hdr_metadata_infoframe hdmi_metadata_type1;

- +	};

- +};

- +

- +#define DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_EVENT 0x01

- +#define DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_ASYNC 0x02








- +

- +/*

- + * Request a page flip on the specified crtc.

- + *

- + * This ioctl will ask KMS to schedule a page flip for the specified

- + * crtc.  Once any pending rendering targeting the specified fb (as of

- + * ioctl time) has completed, the crtc will be reprogrammed to display

- + * that fb after the next vertical refresh.  The ioctl returns

- + * immediately, but subsequent rendering to the current fb will block

- + * in the execbuffer ioctl until the page flip happens.  If a page

- + * flip is already pending as the ioctl is called, EBUSY will be

- + * returned.

- + *

- + * Flag DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_EVENT requests that drm sends back a vblank

- + * event (see drm.h: struct drm_event_vblank) when the page flip is

- + * done.  The user_data field passed in with this ioctl will be

- + * returned as the user_data field in the vblank event struct.

- + *

- + * Flag DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_ASYNC requests that the flip happen

- + * 'as soon as possible', meaning that it not delay waiting for vblank.

- + * This may cause tearing on the screen.

- + *

- + * The reserved field must be zero.

- + */

- +

- +struct drm_mode_crtc_page_flip {

- +	__u32 crtc_id;

- +	__u32 fb_id;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 reserved;

- +	__u64 user_data;

- +};

- +

- +/*

- + * Request a page flip on the specified crtc.

- + *

- + * Same as struct drm_mode_crtc_page_flip, but supports new flags and

- + * re-purposes the reserved field:

- + *

- + * The sequence field must be zero unless either of the


- + * the ABSOLUTE flag is specified, the sequence field denotes the absolute

- + * vblank sequence when the flip should take effect. When the RELATIVE

- + * flag is specified, the sequence field denotes the relative (to the

- + * current one when the ioctl is called) vblank sequence when the flip

- + * should take effect. NOTE: DRM_IOCTL_WAIT_VBLANK must still be used to

- + * make sure the vblank sequence before the target one has passed before

- + * calling this ioctl. The purpose of the

- + * DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_TARGET_ABSOLUTE/RELATIVE flags is merely to clarify

- + * the target for when code dealing with a page flip runs during a

- + * vertical blank period.

- + */

- +

- +struct drm_mode_crtc_page_flip_target {

- +	__u32 crtc_id;

- +	__u32 fb_id;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 sequence;

- +	__u64 user_data;

- +};

- +

- +/* create a dumb scanout buffer */

- +struct drm_mode_create_dumb {

- +	__u32 height;

- +	__u32 width;

- +	__u32 bpp;

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	/* handle, pitch, size will be returned */

- +	__u32 handle;

- +	__u32 pitch;

- +	__u64 size;

- +};

- +

- +/* set up for mmap of a dumb scanout buffer */

- +struct drm_mode_map_dumb {

- +	/** Handle for the object being mapped. */

- +	__u32 handle;

- +	__u32 pad;

- +	/**

- +	 * Fake offset to use for subsequent mmap call

- +	 *

- +	 * This is a fixed-size type for 32/64 compatibility.

- +	 */

- +	__u64 offset;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb {

- +	__u32 handle;

- +};

- +

- +/* page-flip flags are valid, plus: */

- +#define DRM_MODE_ATOMIC_TEST_ONLY 0x0100

- +#define DRM_MODE_ATOMIC_NONBLOCK  0x0200


- +







- +

- +struct drm_mode_atomic {

- +	__u32 flags;

- +	__u32 count_objs;

- +	__u64 objs_ptr;

- +	__u64 count_props_ptr;

- +	__u64 props_ptr;

- +	__u64 prop_values_ptr;

- +	__u64 reserved;

- +	__u64 user_data;

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_format_modifier_blob {


- +	/* Version of this blob format */

- +	__u32 version;

- +

- +	/* Flags */

- +	__u32 flags;

- +

- +	/* Number of fourcc formats supported */

- +	__u32 count_formats;

- +

- +	/* Where in this blob the formats exist (in bytes) */

- +	__u32 formats_offset;

- +

- +	/* Number of drm_format_modifiers */

- +	__u32 count_modifiers;

- +

- +	/* Where in this blob the modifiers exist (in bytes) */

- +	__u32 modifiers_offset;

- +

- +	/* __u32 formats[] */

- +	/* struct drm_format_modifier modifiers[] */

- +};

- +

- +struct drm_format_modifier {

- +	/* Bitmask of formats in get_plane format list this info applies to. The

- +	 * offset allows a sliding window of which 64 formats (bits).

- +	 *

- +	 * Some examples:

- +	 * In today's world with < 65 formats, and formats 0, and 2 are

- +	 * supported

- +	 * 0x0000000000000005

- +	 *		  ^-offset = 0, formats = 5

- +	 *

- +	 * If the number formats grew to 128, and formats 98-102 are

- +	 * supported with the modifier:

- +	 *

- +	 * 0x0000007c00000000 0000000000000000

- +	 *		  ^

- +	 *		  |__offset = 64, formats = 0x7c00000000

- +	 *

- +	 */

- +	__u64 formats;

- +	__u32 offset;

- +	__u32 pad;

- +

- +	/* The modifier that applies to the >get_plane format list bitmask. */

- +	__u64 modifier;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_create_blob - Create New blob property

- + *

- + * Create a new 'blob' data property, copying length bytes from data pointer,

- + * and returning new blob ID.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_create_blob {

- +	/** @data: Pointer to data to copy. */

- +	__u64 data;

- +	/** @length: Length of data to copy. */

- +	__u32 length;

- +	/** @blob_id: Return: new property ID. */

- +	__u32 blob_id;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_destroy_blob - Destroy user blob

- + * @blob_id: blob_id to destroy

- + *

- + * Destroy a user-created blob property.

- + *

- + * User-space can release blobs as soon as they do not need to refer to them by

- + * their blob object ID.  For instance, if you are using a MODE_ID blob in an

- + * atomic commit and you will not make another commit re-using the same ID, you

- + * can destroy the blob as soon as the commit has been issued, without waiting

- + * for it to complete.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_destroy_blob {

- +	__u32 blob_id;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_create_lease - Create lease

- + *

- + * Lease mode resources, creating another drm_master.

- + *

- + * The @object_ids array must reference at least one CRTC, one connector and

- + * one plane if &DRM_CLIENT_CAP_UNIVERSAL_PLANES is enabled. Alternatively,

- + * the lease can be completely empty.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_create_lease {

- +	/** @object_ids: Pointer to array of object ids (__u32) */

- +	__u64 object_ids;

- +	/** @object_count: Number of object ids */

- +	__u32 object_count;

- +	/** @flags: flags for new FD (O_CLOEXEC, etc) */

- +	__u32 flags;

- +

- +	/** @lessee_id: Return: unique identifier for lessee. */

- +	__u32 lessee_id;

- +	/** @fd: Return: file descriptor to new drm_master file */

- +	__u32 fd;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_list_lessees - List lessees

- + *

- + * List lesses from a drm_master.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_list_lessees {

- +	/**

- +	 * @count_lessees: Number of lessees.

- +	 *

- +	 * On input, provides length of the array.

- +	 * On output, provides total number. No

- +	 * more than the input number will be written

- +	 * back, so two calls can be used to get

- +	 * the size and then the data.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 count_lessees;

- +	/** @pad: Padding. */

- +	__u32 pad;

- +

- +	/**

- +	 * @lessees_ptr: Pointer to lessees.

- +	 *

- +	 * Pointer to __u64 array of lessee ids

- +	 */

- +	__u64 lessees_ptr;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_get_lease - Get Lease

- + *

- + * Get leased objects.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_get_lease {

- +	/**

- +	 * @count_objects: Number of leased objects.

- +	 *

- +	 * On input, provides length of the array.

- +	 * On output, provides total number. No

- +	 * more than the input number will be written

- +	 * back, so two calls can be used to get

- +	 * the size and then the data.

- +	 */

- +	__u32 count_objects;

- +	/** @pad: Padding. */

- +	__u32 pad;

- +

- +	/**

- +	 * @objects_ptr: Pointer to objects.

- +	 *

- +	 * Pointer to __u32 array of object ids.

- +	 */

- +	__u64 objects_ptr;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_revoke_lease - Revoke lease

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_revoke_lease {

- +	/** @lessee_id: Unique ID of lessee */

- +	__u32 lessee_id;

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * struct drm_mode_rect - Two dimensional rectangle.

- + * @x1: Horizontal starting coordinate (inclusive).

- + * @y1: Vertical starting coordinate (inclusive).

- + * @x2: Horizontal ending coordinate (exclusive).

- + * @y2: Vertical ending coordinate (exclusive).

- + *

- + * With drm subsystem using struct drm_rect to manage rectangular area this

- + * export it to user-space.

- + *

- + * Currently used by drm_mode_atomic blob property FB_DAMAGE_CLIPS.

- + */

- +struct drm_mode_rect {

- +	__s32 x1;

- +	__s32 y1;

- +	__s32 x2;

- +	__s32 y2;

- +};

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +}

- +#endif

- +

- +#endif

- diff --git a/third_party/drm/drm/xf86drm.h b/third_party/drm/drm/xf86drm.h

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..501ab9e9d36d

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/drm/drm/xf86drm.h

- @@ -0,0 +1,966 @@

- +/**

- + * \file xf86drm.h

- + * OS-independent header for DRM user-level library interface.

- + *

- + * \author Rickard E. (Rik) Faith <faith@valinux.com>

- + */

- +

- +/*

- + * Copyright 1999, 2000 Precision Insight, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas.

- + * Copyright 2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, California.

- + * All Rights Reserved.

- + *

- + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

- + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),

- + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation

- + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,

- + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the

- + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

- + *

- + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next

- + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the

- + * Software.

- + *








- + *

- + */

- +

- +#ifndef _XF86DRM_H_

- +#define _XF86DRM_H_

- +

- +#include <stdarg.h>

- +#include <sys/types.h>

- +#include <stdint.h>

- +#include <drm/drm.h>

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +extern "C" {

- +#endif

- +

- +#ifndef DRM_MAX_MINOR

- +#define DRM_MAX_MINOR   16

- +#endif

- +

- +#if defined(__linux__)

- +

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_NR(n)		_IOC_NR(n)

- +#define DRM_IOC_VOID		_IOC_NONE

- +#define DRM_IOC_READ		_IOC_READ



- +#define DRM_IOC(dir, group, nr, size) _IOC(dir, group, nr, size)

- +

- +#else /* One of the *BSDs */

- +

- +#include <sys/ioccom.h>

- +#define DRM_IOCTL_NR(n)         ((n) & 0xff)

- +#define DRM_IOC_VOID            IOC_VOID

- +#define DRM_IOC_READ            IOC_OUT

- +#define DRM_IOC_WRITE           IOC_IN


- +#define DRM_IOC(dir, group, nr, size) _IOC(dir, group, nr, size)

- +

- +#endif

- +

- +				/* Defaults, if nothing set in xf86config */

- +#define DRM_DEV_UID	 0

- +#define DRM_DEV_GID	 0

- +/* Default /dev/dri directory permissions 0755 */

- +#define DRM_DEV_DIRMODE	 	\



- +

- +#ifdef __OpenBSD__

- +#define DRM_DIR_NAME  "/dev"

- +#define DRM_PRIMARY_MINOR_NAME  "drm"

- +#define DRM_CONTROL_MINOR_NAME  "drmC"

- +#define DRM_RENDER_MINOR_NAME   "drmR"

- +#else

- +#define DRM_DIR_NAME  "/dev/dri"

- +#define DRM_PRIMARY_MINOR_NAME  "card"

- +#define DRM_CONTROL_MINOR_NAME  "controlD"

- +#define DRM_RENDER_MINOR_NAME   "renderD"

- +#define DRM_PROC_NAME "/proc/dri/" /* For backward Linux compatibility */

- +#endif

- +

- +#define DRM_DEV_NAME          "%s/" DRM_PRIMARY_MINOR_NAME "%d"



- +

- +#define DRM_NODE_NAME_MAX \

- +    (sizeof(DRM_DIR_NAME) + 1 /* slash */ \

- +     + MAX3(sizeof(DRM_PRIMARY_MINOR_NAME), \

- +            sizeof(DRM_CONTROL_MINOR_NAME), \

- +            sizeof(DRM_RENDER_MINOR_NAME)) \

- +     + sizeof("144") /* highest possible node number */ \

- +     + 1) /* NULL-terminator */

- +

- +#define DRM_ERR_NO_DEVICE  (-1001)

- +#define DRM_ERR_NO_ACCESS  (-1002)

- +#define DRM_ERR_NOT_ROOT   (-1003)

- +#define DRM_ERR_INVALID    (-1004)

- +#define DRM_ERR_NO_FD      (-1005)

- +

- +#define DRM_AGP_NO_HANDLE 0

- +

- +typedef unsigned int  drmSize,     *drmSizePtr;	    /**< For mapped regions */

- +typedef void          *drmAddress, **drmAddressPtr; /**< For mapped regions */

- +

- +#if (__GNUC__ >= 3)

- +#define DRM_PRINTFLIKE(f, a) __attribute__ ((format(__printf__, f, a)))

- +#else

- +#define DRM_PRINTFLIKE(f, a)

- +#endif

- +

- +typedef struct _drmServerInfo {

- +  int (*debug_print)(const char *format, va_list ap) DRM_PRINTFLIKE(1,0);

- +  int (*load_module)(const char *name);

- +  void (*get_perms)(gid_t *, mode_t *);

- +} drmServerInfo, *drmServerInfoPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct drmHashEntry {

- +    int      fd;

- +    void     (*f)(int, void *, void *);

- +    void     *tagTable;

- +} drmHashEntry;

- +

- +extern int drmIoctl(int fd, unsigned long request, void *arg);

- +extern void *drmGetHashTable(void);

- +extern drmHashEntry *drmGetEntry(int fd);

- +

- +/**

- + * Driver version information.

- + *

- + * \sa drmGetVersion() and drmSetVersion().

- + */

- +typedef struct _drmVersion {

- +    int     version_major;        /**< Major version */

- +    int     version_minor;        /**< Minor version */

- +    int     version_patchlevel;   /**< Patch level */

- +    int     name_len; 	          /**< Length of name buffer */

- +    char    *name;	          /**< Name of driver */

- +    int     date_len;             /**< Length of date buffer */

- +    char    *date;                /**< User-space buffer to hold date */

- +    int     desc_len;	          /**< Length of desc buffer */

- +    char    *desc;                /**< User-space buffer to hold desc */

- +} drmVersion, *drmVersionPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmStats {

- +    unsigned long count;	     /**< Number of data */

- +    struct {

- +	unsigned long value;	     /**< Value from kernel */

- +	const char    *long_format;  /**< Suggested format for long_name */

- +	const char    *long_name;    /**< Long name for value */

- +	const char    *rate_format;  /**< Suggested format for rate_name */

- +	const char    *rate_name;    /**< Short name for value per second */

- +	int           isvalue;       /**< True if value (vs. counter) */

- +	const char    *mult_names;   /**< Multiplier names (e.g., "KGM") */

- +	int           mult;          /**< Multiplier value (e.g., 1024) */

- +	int           verbose;       /**< Suggest only in verbose output */

- +    } data[15];

- +} drmStatsT;

- +

- +

- +				/* All of these enums *MUST* match with the

- +                                   kernel implementation -- so do *NOT*

- +                                   change them!  (The drmlib implementation

- +                                   will just copy the flags instead of

- +                                   translating them.) */

- +typedef enum {

- +    DRM_FRAME_BUFFER    = 0,      /**< WC, no caching, no core dump */

- +    DRM_REGISTERS       = 1,      /**< no caching, no core dump */

- +    DRM_SHM             = 2,      /**< shared, cached */

- +    DRM_AGP             = 3,	  /**< AGP/GART */

- +    DRM_SCATTER_GATHER  = 4,	  /**< PCI scatter/gather */

- +    DRM_CONSISTENT      = 5	  /**< PCI consistent */

- +} drmMapType;

- +

- +typedef enum {

- +    DRM_RESTRICTED      = 0x0001, /**< Cannot be mapped to client-virtual */

- +    DRM_READ_ONLY       = 0x0002, /**< Read-only in client-virtual */

- +    DRM_LOCKED          = 0x0004, /**< Physical pages locked */

- +    DRM_KERNEL          = 0x0008, /**< Kernel requires access */

- +    DRM_WRITE_COMBINING = 0x0010, /**< Use write-combining, if available */

- +    DRM_CONTAINS_LOCK   = 0x0020, /**< SHM page that contains lock */

- +    DRM_REMOVABLE	= 0x0040  /**< Removable mapping */

- +} drmMapFlags;

- +

- +/**

- + * \warning These values *MUST* match drm.h

- + */

- +typedef enum {

- +    /** \name Flags for DMA buffer dispatch */

- +    /*@{*/

- +    DRM_DMA_BLOCK        = 0x01, /**<

- +				  * Block until buffer dispatched.

- +				  *

- +				  * \note the buffer may not yet have been

- +				  * processed by the hardware -- getting a

- +				  * hardware lock with the hardware quiescent

- +				  * will ensure that the buffer has been

- +				  * processed.

- +				  */

- +    DRM_DMA_WHILE_LOCKED = 0x02, /**< Dispatch while lock held */

- +    DRM_DMA_PRIORITY     = 0x04, /**< High priority dispatch */

- +    /*@}*/

- +

- +    /** \name Flags for DMA buffer request */

- +    /*@{*/

- +    DRM_DMA_WAIT         = 0x10, /**< Wait for free buffers */

- +    DRM_DMA_SMALLER_OK   = 0x20, /**< Smaller-than-requested buffers OK */

- +    DRM_DMA_LARGER_OK    = 0x40  /**< Larger-than-requested buffers OK */

- +    /*@}*/

- +} drmDMAFlags;

- +

- +typedef enum {

- +    DRM_PAGE_ALIGN       = 0x01,

- +    DRM_AGP_BUFFER       = 0x02,

- +    DRM_SG_BUFFER        = 0x04,

- +    DRM_FB_BUFFER        = 0x08,

- +    DRM_PCI_BUFFER_RO    = 0x10

- +} drmBufDescFlags;

- +

- +typedef enum {

- +    DRM_LOCK_READY      = 0x01, /**< Wait until hardware is ready for DMA */

- +    DRM_LOCK_QUIESCENT  = 0x02, /**< Wait until hardware quiescent */

- +    DRM_LOCK_FLUSH      = 0x04, /**< Flush this context's DMA queue first */

- +    DRM_LOCK_FLUSH_ALL  = 0x08, /**< Flush all DMA queues first */

- +				/* These *HALT* flags aren't supported yet

- +                                   -- they will be used to support the

- +                                   full-screen DGA-like mode. */

- +    DRM_HALT_ALL_QUEUES = 0x10, /**< Halt all current and future queues */

- +    DRM_HALT_CUR_QUEUES = 0x20  /**< Halt all current queues */

- +} drmLockFlags;

- +

- +typedef enum {

- +    DRM_CONTEXT_PRESERVED = 0x01, /**< This context is preserved and

- +				     never swapped. */

- +    DRM_CONTEXT_2DONLY    = 0x02  /**< This context is for 2D rendering only. */

- +} drm_context_tFlags, *drm_context_tFlagsPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmBufDesc {

- +    int              count;	  /**< Number of buffers of this size */

- +    int              size;	  /**< Size in bytes */

- +    int              low_mark;	  /**< Low water mark */

- +    int              high_mark;	  /**< High water mark */

- +} drmBufDesc, *drmBufDescPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmBufInfo {

- +    int              count;	  /**< Number of buffers described in list */

- +    drmBufDescPtr    list;	  /**< List of buffer descriptions */

- +} drmBufInfo, *drmBufInfoPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmBuf {

- +    int              idx;	  /**< Index into the master buffer list */

- +    int              total;	  /**< Buffer size */

- +    int              used;	  /**< Amount of buffer in use (for DMA) */

- +    drmAddress       address;	  /**< Address */

- +} drmBuf, *drmBufPtr;

- +

- +/**

- + * Buffer mapping information.

- + *

- + * Used by drmMapBufs() and drmUnmapBufs() to store information about the

- + * mapped buffers.

- + */

- +typedef struct _drmBufMap {

- +    int              count;	  /**< Number of buffers mapped */

- +    drmBufPtr        list;	  /**< Buffers */

- +} drmBufMap, *drmBufMapPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmLock {

- +    volatile unsigned int lock;

- +    char                      padding[60];

- +    /* This is big enough for most current (and future?) architectures:

- +       DEC Alpha:              32 bytes

- +       Intel Merced:           ?

- +       Intel P5/PPro/PII/PIII: 32 bytes

- +       Intel StrongARM:        32 bytes

- +       Intel i386/i486:        16 bytes

- +       MIPS:                   32 bytes (?)

- +       Motorola 68k:           16 bytes

- +       Motorola PowerPC:       32 bytes

- +       Sun SPARC:              32 bytes

- +    */

- +} drmLock, *drmLockPtr;

- +

- +/**

- + * Indices here refer to the offset into

- + * list in drmBufInfo

- + */

- +typedef struct _drmDMAReq {

- +    drm_context_t    context;  	  /**< Context handle */

- +    int           send_count;     /**< Number of buffers to send */

- +    int           *send_list;     /**< List of handles to buffers */

- +    int           *send_sizes;    /**< Lengths of data to send, in bytes */

- +    drmDMAFlags   flags;          /**< Flags */

- +    int           request_count;  /**< Number of buffers requested */

- +    int           request_size;	  /**< Desired size of buffers requested */

- +    int           *request_list;  /**< Buffer information */

- +    int           *request_sizes; /**< Minimum acceptable sizes */

- +    int           granted_count;  /**< Number of buffers granted at this size */

- +} drmDMAReq, *drmDMAReqPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmRegion {

- +    drm_handle_t     handle;

- +    unsigned int  offset;

- +    drmSize       size;

- +    drmAddress    map;

- +} drmRegion, *drmRegionPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmTextureRegion {

- +    unsigned char next;

- +    unsigned char prev;

- +    unsigned char in_use;

- +    unsigned char padding;	/**< Explicitly pad this out */

- +    unsigned int  age;

- +} drmTextureRegion, *drmTextureRegionPtr;

- +

- +

- +typedef enum {

- +    DRM_VBLANK_ABSOLUTE = 0x0,	/**< Wait for specific vblank sequence number */

- +    DRM_VBLANK_RELATIVE = 0x1,	/**< Wait for given number of vblanks */

- +    /* bits 1-6 are reserved for high crtcs */

- +    DRM_VBLANK_HIGH_CRTC_MASK = 0x0000003e,

- +    DRM_VBLANK_EVENT = 0x4000000,	/**< Send event instead of blocking */

- +    DRM_VBLANK_FLIP = 0x8000000,	/**< Scheduled buffer swap should flip */

- +    DRM_VBLANK_NEXTONMISS = 0x10000000,	/**< If missed, wait for next vblank */

- +    DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY = 0x20000000,	/**< Secondary display controller */

- +    DRM_VBLANK_SIGNAL   = 0x40000000	/* Send signal instead of blocking */

- +} drmVBlankSeqType;


- +

- +typedef struct _drmVBlankReq {

- +	drmVBlankSeqType type;

- +	unsigned int sequence;

- +	unsigned long signal;

- +} drmVBlankReq, *drmVBlankReqPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmVBlankReply {

- +	drmVBlankSeqType type;

- +	unsigned int sequence;

- +	long tval_sec;

- +	long tval_usec;

- +} drmVBlankReply, *drmVBlankReplyPtr;

- +

- +typedef union _drmVBlank {

- +	drmVBlankReq request;

- +	drmVBlankReply reply;

- +} drmVBlank, *drmVBlankPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmSetVersion {

- +	int drm_di_major;

- +	int drm_di_minor;

- +	int drm_dd_major;

- +	int drm_dd_minor;

- +} drmSetVersion, *drmSetVersionPtr;

- +

- +#define __drm_dummy_lock(lock) (*(__volatile__ unsigned int *)lock)

- +

- +#define DRM_LOCK_HELD  0x80000000U /**< Hardware lock is held */

- +#define DRM_LOCK_CONT  0x40000000U /**< Hardware lock is contended */

- +

- +#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 2)

- +# if defined(__i386) || defined(__AMD64__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__amd64__)

- +				/* Reflect changes here to drmP.h */

- +#define DRM_CAS(lock,old,new,__ret)                                    \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +                int __dummy;	/* Can't mark eax as clobbered */      \

- +		__asm__ __volatile__(                                  \

- +			"lock ; cmpxchg %4,%1\n\t"                     \

- +                        "setnz %0"                                     \

- +			: "=d" (__ret),                                \

- +			  "=m" (__drm_dummy_lock(lock)),               \

- +                          "=a" (__dummy)                               \

- +			: "2" (old),                                   \

- +			  "r" (new));                                  \

- +	} while (0)

- +

- +#elif defined(__alpha__)

- +

- +#define	DRM_CAS(lock, old, new, ret)		\

- +	do {					\

- +		int tmp, old32;			\

- +		__asm__ __volatile__(		\

- +		"	addl	$31, %5, %3\n"	\

- +		"1:	ldl_l	%0, %2\n"	\

- +		"	cmpeq	%0, %3, %1\n"	\

- +		"	beq	%1, 2f\n"	\

- +		"	mov	%4, %0\n"	\

- +		"	stl_c	%0, %2\n"	\

- +		"	beq	%0, 3f\n"	\

- +		"	mb\n"			\

- +		"2:	cmpeq	%1, 0, %1\n"	\

- +		".subsection 2\n"		\

- +		"3:	br	1b\n"		\

- +		".previous"			\

- +		: "=&r"(tmp), "=&r"(ret),	\

- +		  "=m"(__drm_dummy_lock(lock)),	\

- +		  "=&r"(old32)			\

- +		: "r"(new), "r"(old)		\

- +		: "memory");			\

- +	} while (0)

- +

- +#elif defined(__sparc__)

- +

- +#define DRM_CAS(lock,old,new,__ret)				\

- +do {	register unsigned int __old __asm("o0");		\

- +	register unsigned int __new __asm("o1");		\

- +	register volatile unsigned int *__lock __asm("o2");	\

- +	__old = old;						\

- +	__new = new;						\

- +	__lock = (volatile unsigned int *)lock;			\

- +	__asm__ __volatile__(					\

- +		/*"cas [%2], %3, %0"*/				\

- +		".word 0xd3e29008\n\t"				\

- +		/*"membar #StoreStore | #StoreLoad"*/		\

- +		".word 0x8143e00a"				\

- +		: "=&r" (__new)					\

- +		: "0" (__new),					\

- +		  "r" (__lock),					\

- +		  "r" (__old)					\

- +		: "memory");					\

- +	__ret = (__new != __old);				\

- +} while(0)

- +

- +#elif defined(__ia64__)

- +

- +#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER

- +/* this currently generates bad code (missing stop bits)... */

- +#include <ia64intrin.h>

- +

- +#define DRM_CAS(lock,old,new,__ret)					      \

- +	do {								      \

- +		unsigned long __result, __old = (old) & 0xffffffff;		\

- +		__mf();							      	\

- +		__result = _InterlockedCompareExchange_acq(&__drm_dummy_lock(lock), (new), __old);\

- +		__ret = (__result) != (__old);					\

- +/*		__ret = (__sync_val_compare_and_swap(&__drm_dummy_lock(lock), \

- +						     (old), (new))	      \

- +			 != (old));					      */\

- +	} while (0)

- +

- +#else

- +#define DRM_CAS(lock,old,new,__ret)					  \

- +	do {								  \

- +		unsigned int __result, __old = (old);			  \

- +		__asm__ __volatile__(					  \

- +			"mf\n"						  \

- +			"mov ar.ccv=%2\n"				  \

- +			";;\n"						  \

- +			"cmpxchg4.acq %0=%1,%3,ar.ccv"			  \

- +			: "=r" (__result), "=m" (__drm_dummy_lock(lock))  \

- +			: "r" ((unsigned long)__old), "r" (new)			  \

- +			: "memory");					  \

- +		__ret = (__result) != (__old);				  \

- +	} while (0)

- +

- +#endif

- +

- +#elif defined(__powerpc__)

- +

- +#define DRM_CAS(lock,old,new,__ret)			\

- +	do {						\

- +		__asm__ __volatile__(			\

- +			"sync;"				\

- +			"0:    lwarx %0,0,%1;"		\

- +			"      xor. %0,%3,%0;"		\

- +			"      bne 1f;"			\

- +			"      stwcx. %2,0,%1;"		\

- +			"      bne- 0b;"		\

- +			"1:    "			\

- +			"sync;"				\

- +		: "=&r"(__ret)				\

- +		: "r"(lock), "r"(new), "r"(old)		\

- +		: "cr0", "memory");			\

- +	} while (0)

- +

- +# elif defined (__ARM_ARCH_6__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) \

- +	|| defined (__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__) \

- +	|| defined (__ARM_ARCH_6K__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6T2__) \

- +	|| defined (__ARM_ARCH_7__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__) \

- +	|| defined(__ARM_ARCH_7R__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7M__) \

- +	|| defined(__ARM_ARCH_7EM__)

- +       /* excluding ARMv4/ARMv5 and lower (lacking ldrex/strex support) */

- +       #undef DRM_DEV_MODE


- +

- +       #define DRM_CAS(lock,old,new,__ret)             \

- +       do {                                            \

- +               __asm__ __volatile__ (                  \

- +                       "1: ldrex %0, [%1]\n"           \

- +                       "   teq %0, %2\n"               \

- +                       "   ite eq\n"                   \

- +                       "   strexeq %0, %3, [%1]\n"     \

- +                       "   movne   %0, #1\n"           \

- +               : "=&r" (__ret)                         \

- +               : "r" (lock), "r" (old), "r" (new)      \

- +               : "cc","memory");                       \

- +       } while (0)

- +

- +#endif /* architecture */

- +#endif /* __GNUC__ >= 2 */

- +

- +#ifndef DRM_CAS

- +#define DRM_CAS(lock,old,new,ret) do { ret=1; } while (0) /* FAST LOCK FAILS */

- +#endif

- +

- +#if defined(__alpha__)

- +#define DRM_CAS_RESULT(_result)		long _result

- +#elif defined(__powerpc__)

- +#define DRM_CAS_RESULT(_result)		int _result

- +#else

- +#define DRM_CAS_RESULT(_result)		char _result

- +#endif

- +

- +#define DRM_LIGHT_LOCK(fd,lock,context)                                \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +                DRM_CAS_RESULT(__ret);                                 \

- +		DRM_CAS(lock,context,DRM_LOCK_HELD|context,__ret);     \

- +                if (__ret) drmGetLock(fd,context,0);                   \

- +        } while(0)

- +

- +				/* This one counts fast locks -- for

- +                                   benchmarking only. */

- +#define DRM_LIGHT_LOCK_COUNT(fd,lock,context,count)                    \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +                DRM_CAS_RESULT(__ret);                                 \

- +		DRM_CAS(lock,context,DRM_LOCK_HELD|context,__ret);     \

- +                if (__ret) drmGetLock(fd,context,0);                   \

- +                else       ++count;                                    \

- +        } while(0)

- +

- +#define DRM_LOCK(fd,lock,context,flags)                                \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +		if (flags) drmGetLock(fd,context,flags);               \

- +		else       DRM_LIGHT_LOCK(fd,lock,context);            \

- +	} while(0)

- +

- +#define DRM_UNLOCK(fd,lock,context)                                    \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +                DRM_CAS_RESULT(__ret);                                 \

- +		DRM_CAS(lock,DRM_LOCK_HELD|context,context,__ret);     \

- +                if (__ret) drmUnlock(fd,context);                      \

- +        } while(0)

- +

- +				/* Simple spin locks */

- +#define DRM_SPINLOCK(spin,val)                                         \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +            DRM_CAS_RESULT(__ret);                                     \

- +	    do {                                                       \

- +		DRM_CAS(spin,0,val,__ret);                             \

- +		if (__ret) while ((spin)->lock);                       \

- +	    } while (__ret);                                           \

- +	} while(0)

- +

- +#define DRM_SPINLOCK_TAKE(spin,val)                                    \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +            DRM_CAS_RESULT(__ret);                                     \

- +            int  cur;                                                  \

- +	    do {                                                       \

- +                cur = (*spin).lock;                                    \

- +		DRM_CAS(spin,cur,val,__ret);                           \

- +	    } while (__ret);                                           \

- +	} while(0)

- +

- +#define DRM_SPINLOCK_COUNT(spin,val,count,__ret)                       \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +            int  __i;                                                  \

- +            __ret = 1;                                                 \

- +            for (__i = 0; __ret && __i < count; __i++) {               \

- +		DRM_CAS(spin,0,val,__ret);                             \

- +		if (__ret) for (;__i < count && (spin)->lock; __i++);  \

- +	    }                                                          \

- +	} while(0)

- +

- +#define DRM_SPINUNLOCK(spin,val)                                       \

- +	do {                                                           \

- +            DRM_CAS_RESULT(__ret);                                     \

- +            if ((*spin).lock == val) { /* else server stole lock */    \

- +	        do {                                                   \

- +		    DRM_CAS(spin,val,0,__ret);                         \

- +	        } while (__ret);                                       \

- +            }                                                          \

- +	} while(0)

- +

- +

- +

- +/* General user-level programmer's API: unprivileged */

- +extern int           drmAvailable(void);

- +extern int           drmOpen(const char *name, const char *busid);

- +

- +#define DRM_NODE_PRIMARY 0

- +#define DRM_NODE_CONTROL 1

- +#define DRM_NODE_RENDER  2

- +#define DRM_NODE_MAX     3

- +

- +extern int           drmOpenWithType(const char *name, const char *busid,

- +                                     int type);

- +

- +extern int           drmOpenControl(int minor);

- +extern int           drmOpenRender(int minor);

- +extern int           drmClose(int fd);

- +extern drmVersionPtr drmGetVersion(int fd);

- +extern drmVersionPtr drmGetLibVersion(int fd);

- +extern int           drmGetCap(int fd, uint64_t capability, uint64_t *value);

- +extern void          drmFreeVersion(drmVersionPtr);

- +extern int           drmGetMagic(int fd, drm_magic_t * magic);

- +extern char          *drmGetBusid(int fd);

- +extern int           drmGetInterruptFromBusID(int fd, int busnum, int devnum,

- +					      int funcnum);

- +extern int           drmGetMap(int fd, int idx, drm_handle_t *offset,

- +			       drmSize *size, drmMapType *type,

- +			       drmMapFlags *flags, drm_handle_t *handle,

- +			       int *mtrr);

- +extern int           drmGetClient(int fd, int idx, int *auth, int *pid,

- +				  int *uid, unsigned long *magic,

- +				  unsigned long *iocs);

- +extern int           drmGetStats(int fd, drmStatsT *stats);

- +extern int           drmSetInterfaceVersion(int fd, drmSetVersion *version);

- +extern int           drmCommandNone(int fd, unsigned long drmCommandIndex);

- +extern int           drmCommandRead(int fd, unsigned long drmCommandIndex,

- +                                    void *data, unsigned long size);

- +extern int           drmCommandWrite(int fd, unsigned long drmCommandIndex,

- +                                     void *data, unsigned long size);

- +extern int           drmCommandWriteRead(int fd, unsigned long drmCommandIndex,

- +                                         void *data, unsigned long size);

- +

- +/* General user-level programmer's API: X server (root) only  */

- +extern void          drmFreeBusid(const char *busid);

- +extern int           drmSetBusid(int fd, const char *busid);

- +extern int           drmAuthMagic(int fd, drm_magic_t magic);

- +extern int           drmAddMap(int fd,

- +			       drm_handle_t offset,

- +			       drmSize size,

- +			       drmMapType type,

- +			       drmMapFlags flags,

- +			       drm_handle_t * handle);

- +extern int	     drmRmMap(int fd, drm_handle_t handle);

- +extern int	     drmAddContextPrivateMapping(int fd, drm_context_t ctx_id,

- +						 drm_handle_t handle);

- +

- +extern int           drmAddBufs(int fd, int count, int size,

- +				drmBufDescFlags flags,

- +				int agp_offset);

- +extern int           drmMarkBufs(int fd, double low, double high);

- +extern int           drmCreateContext(int fd, drm_context_t * handle);

- +extern int           drmSetContextFlags(int fd, drm_context_t context,

- +					drm_context_tFlags flags);

- +extern int           drmGetContextFlags(int fd, drm_context_t context,

- +					drm_context_tFlagsPtr flags);

- +extern int           drmAddContextTag(int fd, drm_context_t context, void *tag);

- +extern int           drmDelContextTag(int fd, drm_context_t context);

- +extern void          *drmGetContextTag(int fd, drm_context_t context);

- +extern drm_context_t * drmGetReservedContextList(int fd, int *count);

- +extern void          drmFreeReservedContextList(drm_context_t *);

- +extern int           drmSwitchToContext(int fd, drm_context_t context);

- +extern int           drmDestroyContext(int fd, drm_context_t handle);

- +extern int           drmCreateDrawable(int fd, drm_drawable_t * handle);

- +extern int           drmDestroyDrawable(int fd, drm_drawable_t handle);

- +extern int           drmUpdateDrawableInfo(int fd, drm_drawable_t handle,

- +					   drm_drawable_info_type_t type,

- +					   unsigned int num, void *data);

- +extern int           drmCtlInstHandler(int fd, int irq);

- +extern int           drmCtlUninstHandler(int fd);

- +extern int           drmSetClientCap(int fd, uint64_t capability,

- +				     uint64_t value);

- +

- +extern int           drmCrtcGetSequence(int fd, uint32_t crtcId,

- +					uint64_t *sequence, uint64_t *ns);

- +extern int           drmCrtcQueueSequence(int fd, uint32_t crtcId,

- +					  uint32_t flags, uint64_t sequence,

- +					  uint64_t *sequence_queued,

- +					  uint64_t user_data);

- +/* General user-level programmer's API: authenticated client and/or X */

- +extern int           drmMap(int fd,

- +			    drm_handle_t handle,

- +			    drmSize size,

- +			    drmAddressPtr address);

- +extern int           drmUnmap(drmAddress address, drmSize size);

- +extern drmBufInfoPtr drmGetBufInfo(int fd);

- +extern drmBufMapPtr  drmMapBufs(int fd);

- +extern int           drmUnmapBufs(drmBufMapPtr bufs);

- +extern int           drmDMA(int fd, drmDMAReqPtr request);

- +extern int           drmFreeBufs(int fd, int count, int *list);

- +extern int           drmGetLock(int fd,

- +			        drm_context_t context,

- +			        drmLockFlags flags);

- +extern int           drmUnlock(int fd, drm_context_t context);

- +extern int           drmFinish(int fd, int context, drmLockFlags flags);

- +extern int	     drmGetContextPrivateMapping(int fd, drm_context_t ctx_id,

- +						 drm_handle_t * handle);

- +

- +/* AGP/GART support: X server (root) only */

- +extern int           drmAgpAcquire(int fd);

- +extern int           drmAgpRelease(int fd);

- +extern int           drmAgpEnable(int fd, unsigned long mode);

- +extern int           drmAgpAlloc(int fd, unsigned long size,

- +				 unsigned long type, unsigned long *address,

- +				 drm_handle_t *handle);

- +extern int           drmAgpFree(int fd, drm_handle_t handle);

- +extern int 	     drmAgpBind(int fd, drm_handle_t handle,

- +				unsigned long offset);

- +extern int           drmAgpUnbind(int fd, drm_handle_t handle);

- +

- +/* AGP/GART info: authenticated client and/or X */

- +extern int           drmAgpVersionMajor(int fd);

- +extern int           drmAgpVersionMinor(int fd);

- +extern unsigned long drmAgpGetMode(int fd);

- +extern unsigned long drmAgpBase(int fd); /* Physical location */

- +extern unsigned long drmAgpSize(int fd); /* Bytes */

- +extern unsigned long drmAgpMemoryUsed(int fd);

- +extern unsigned long drmAgpMemoryAvail(int fd);

- +extern unsigned int  drmAgpVendorId(int fd);

- +extern unsigned int  drmAgpDeviceId(int fd);

- +

- +/* PCI scatter/gather support: X server (root) only */

- +extern int           drmScatterGatherAlloc(int fd, unsigned long size,

- +					   drm_handle_t *handle);

- +extern int           drmScatterGatherFree(int fd, drm_handle_t handle);

- +

- +extern int           drmWaitVBlank(int fd, drmVBlankPtr vbl);

- +

- +/* Support routines */

- +extern void          drmSetServerInfo(drmServerInfoPtr info);

- +extern int           drmError(int err, const char *label);

- +extern void          *drmMalloc(int size);

- +extern void          drmFree(void *pt);

- +

- +/* Hash table routines */

- +extern void *drmHashCreate(void);

- +extern int  drmHashDestroy(void *t);

- +extern int  drmHashLookup(void *t, unsigned long key, void **value);

- +extern int  drmHashInsert(void *t, unsigned long key, void *value);

- +extern int  drmHashDelete(void *t, unsigned long key);

- +extern int  drmHashFirst(void *t, unsigned long *key, void **value);

- +extern int  drmHashNext(void *t, unsigned long *key, void **value);

- +

- +/* PRNG routines */

- +extern void          *drmRandomCreate(unsigned long seed);

- +extern int           drmRandomDestroy(void *state);

- +extern unsigned long drmRandom(void *state);

- +extern double        drmRandomDouble(void *state);

- +

- +/* Skip list routines */

- +

- +extern void *drmSLCreate(void);

- +extern int  drmSLDestroy(void *l);

- +extern int  drmSLLookup(void *l, unsigned long key, void **value);

- +extern int  drmSLInsert(void *l, unsigned long key, void *value);

- +extern int  drmSLDelete(void *l, unsigned long key);

- +extern int  drmSLNext(void *l, unsigned long *key, void **value);

- +extern int  drmSLFirst(void *l, unsigned long *key, void **value);

- +extern void drmSLDump(void *l);

- +extern int  drmSLLookupNeighbors(void *l, unsigned long key,

- +				 unsigned long *prev_key, void **prev_value,

- +				 unsigned long *next_key, void **next_value);

- +

- +extern int drmOpenOnce(void *unused, const char *BusID, int *newlyopened);

- +extern int drmOpenOnceWithType(const char *BusID, int *newlyopened, int type);

- +extern void drmCloseOnce(int fd);

- +extern void drmMsg(const char *format, ...) DRM_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2);

- +

- +extern int drmSetMaster(int fd);

- +extern int drmDropMaster(int fd);

- +extern int drmIsMaster(int fd);

- +


- +

- +typedef struct _drmEventContext {

- +

- +	/* This struct is versioned so we can add more pointers if we

- +	 * add more events. */

- +	int version;

- +

- +	void (*vblank_handler)(int fd,

- +			       unsigned int sequence,

- +			       unsigned int tv_sec,

- +			       unsigned int tv_usec,

- +			       void *user_data);

- +

- +	void (*page_flip_handler)(int fd,

- +				  unsigned int sequence,

- +				  unsigned int tv_sec,

- +				  unsigned int tv_usec,

- +				  void *user_data);

- +

- +	void (*page_flip_handler2)(int fd,

- +				   unsigned int sequence,

- +				   unsigned int tv_sec,

- +				   unsigned int tv_usec,

- +				   unsigned int crtc_id,

- +				   void *user_data);

- +

- +	void (*sequence_handler)(int fd,

- +				 uint64_t sequence,

- +				 uint64_t ns,

- +				 uint64_t user_data);

- +} drmEventContext, *drmEventContextPtr;

- +

- +extern int drmHandleEvent(int fd, drmEventContextPtr evctx);

- +

- +extern char *drmGetDeviceNameFromFd(int fd);

- +

- +/* Improved version of drmGetDeviceNameFromFd which attributes for any type of

- + * device/node - card, control or renderD.

- + */

- +extern char *drmGetDeviceNameFromFd2(int fd);

- +extern int drmGetNodeTypeFromFd(int fd);

- +

- +/* Convert between GEM handles and DMA-BUF file descriptors.

- + *

- + * Warning: since GEM handles are not reference-counted and are unique per

- + * DRM file description, the caller is expected to perform its own reference

- + * counting. drmPrimeFDToHandle is guaranteed to return the same handle for

- + * different FDs if they reference the same underlying buffer object. This

- + * could even be a buffer object originally created on the same DRM FD.

- + *

- + * When sharing a DRM FD with an API such as EGL or GBM, the caller must not

- + * use drmPrimeHandleToFD nor drmPrimeFDToHandle. A single user-space

- + * reference-counting implementation is necessary to avoid double-closing GEM

- + * handles.

- + *

- + * Two processes can't share the same DRM FD and both use it to create or

- + * import GEM handles, even when using a single user-space reference-counting

- + * implementation like GBM, because GBM doesn't share its state between

- + * processes.

- + */

- +extern int drmPrimeHandleToFD(int fd, uint32_t handle, uint32_t flags, int *prime_fd);

- +extern int drmPrimeFDToHandle(int fd, int prime_fd, uint32_t *handle);

- +

- +extern int drmCloseBufferHandle(int fd, uint32_t handle);

- +

- +extern char *drmGetPrimaryDeviceNameFromFd(int fd);

- +extern char *drmGetRenderDeviceNameFromFd(int fd);

- +

- +#define DRM_BUS_PCI       0

- +#define DRM_BUS_USB       1

- +#define DRM_BUS_PLATFORM  2

- +#define DRM_BUS_HOST1X    3

- +

- +typedef struct _drmPciBusInfo {

- +    uint16_t domain;

- +    uint8_t bus;

- +    uint8_t dev;

- +    uint8_t func;

- +} drmPciBusInfo, *drmPciBusInfoPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmPciDeviceInfo {

- +    uint16_t vendor_id;

- +    uint16_t device_id;

- +    uint16_t subvendor_id;

- +    uint16_t subdevice_id;

- +    uint8_t revision_id;

- +} drmPciDeviceInfo, *drmPciDeviceInfoPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmUsbBusInfo {

- +    uint8_t bus;

- +    uint8_t dev;

- +} drmUsbBusInfo, *drmUsbBusInfoPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmUsbDeviceInfo {

- +    uint16_t vendor;

- +    uint16_t product;

- +} drmUsbDeviceInfo, *drmUsbDeviceInfoPtr;

- +


- +

- +typedef struct _drmPlatformBusInfo {

- +    char fullname[DRM_PLATFORM_DEVICE_NAME_LEN];

- +} drmPlatformBusInfo, *drmPlatformBusInfoPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmPlatformDeviceInfo {

- +    char **compatible; /* NULL terminated list of compatible strings */

- +} drmPlatformDeviceInfo, *drmPlatformDeviceInfoPtr;

- +


- +

- +typedef struct _drmHost1xBusInfo {

- +    char fullname[DRM_HOST1X_DEVICE_NAME_LEN];

- +} drmHost1xBusInfo, *drmHost1xBusInfoPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmHost1xDeviceInfo {

- +    char **compatible; /* NULL terminated list of compatible strings */

- +} drmHost1xDeviceInfo, *drmHost1xDeviceInfoPtr;

- +

- +typedef struct _drmDevice {

- +    char **nodes; /* DRM_NODE_MAX sized array */

- +    int available_nodes; /* DRM_NODE_* bitmask */

- +    int bustype;

- +    union {

- +        drmPciBusInfoPtr pci;

- +        drmUsbBusInfoPtr usb;

- +        drmPlatformBusInfoPtr platform;

- +        drmHost1xBusInfoPtr host1x;

- +    } businfo;

- +    union {

- +        drmPciDeviceInfoPtr pci;

- +        drmUsbDeviceInfoPtr usb;

- +        drmPlatformDeviceInfoPtr platform;

- +        drmHost1xDeviceInfoPtr host1x;

- +    } deviceinfo;

- +} drmDevice, *drmDevicePtr;

- +

- +extern int drmGetDevice(int fd, drmDevicePtr *device);

- +extern void drmFreeDevice(drmDevicePtr *device);

- +

- +extern int drmGetDevices(drmDevicePtr devices[], int max_devices);

- +extern void drmFreeDevices(drmDevicePtr devices[], int count);

- +

- +#define DRM_DEVICE_GET_PCI_REVISION (1 << 0)

- +extern int drmGetDevice2(int fd, uint32_t flags, drmDevicePtr *device);

- +extern int drmGetDevices2(uint32_t flags, drmDevicePtr devices[], int max_devices);

- +

- +extern int drmGetDeviceFromDevId(dev_t dev_id, uint32_t flags, drmDevicePtr *device);

- +

- +extern int drmDevicesEqual(drmDevicePtr a, drmDevicePtr b);

- +

- +extern int drmSyncobjCreate(int fd, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *handle);

- +extern int drmSyncobjDestroy(int fd, uint32_t handle);

- +extern int drmSyncobjHandleToFD(int fd, uint32_t handle, int *obj_fd);

- +extern int drmSyncobjFDToHandle(int fd, int obj_fd, uint32_t *handle);

- +

- +extern int drmSyncobjImportSyncFile(int fd, uint32_t handle, int sync_file_fd);

- +extern int drmSyncobjExportSyncFile(int fd, uint32_t handle, int *sync_file_fd);

- +extern int drmSyncobjWait(int fd, uint32_t *handles, unsigned num_handles,

- +			  int64_t timeout_nsec, unsigned flags,

- +			  uint32_t *first_signaled);

- +extern int drmSyncobjReset(int fd, const uint32_t *handles, uint32_t handle_count);

- +extern int drmSyncobjSignal(int fd, const uint32_t *handles, uint32_t handle_count);

- +extern int drmSyncobjTimelineSignal(int fd, const uint32_t *handles,

- +				    uint64_t *points, uint32_t handle_count);

- +extern int drmSyncobjTimelineWait(int fd, uint32_t *handles, uint64_t *points,

- +				  unsigned num_handles,

- +				  int64_t timeout_nsec, unsigned flags,

- +				  uint32_t *first_signaled);

- +extern int drmSyncobjQuery(int fd, uint32_t *handles, uint64_t *points,

- +			   uint32_t handle_count);

- +extern int drmSyncobjQuery2(int fd, uint32_t *handles, uint64_t *points,

- +			    uint32_t handle_count, uint32_t flags);

- +extern int drmSyncobjTransfer(int fd,

- +			      uint32_t dst_handle, uint64_t dst_point,

- +			      uint32_t src_handle, uint64_t src_point,

- +			      uint32_t flags);

- +

- +extern char *

- +drmGetFormatModifierVendor(uint64_t modifier);

- +

- +extern char *

- +drmGetFormatModifierName(uint64_t modifier);

- +

- +#ifndef fourcc_mod_get_vendor

- +#define fourcc_mod_get_vendor(modifier) \

- +       (((modifier) >> 56) & 0xff)

- +#endif

- +

- +#if defined(__cplusplus)

- +}

- +#endif

- +

- +#endif

- diff --git a/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/moz.build b/third_party/drm/libdrm/moz.build

- similarity index 86%

- copy from third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/moz.build

- copy to third_party/drm/libdrm/moz.build

- index 3102b3cb69b7..3b37b913e8b2 100644

- --- a/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/moz.build

- +++ b/third_party/drm/libdrm/moz.build

- @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@

-  # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


-  SOURCES += [

- -    'mozpipewire.cpp',

- +    'mozdrm.cpp',

-  ]


-  if CONFIG["MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT"] == "gtk":



- -LOCAL_INCLUDES += ['/third_party/pipewire']

- +LOCAL_INCLUDES += ['/third_party/drm']


-  FINAL_LIBRARY = 'xul'

- diff --git a/third_party/drm/libdrm/mozdrm.cpp b/third_party/drm/libdrm/mozdrm.cpp

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..b2fb59be64a2

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/drm/libdrm/mozdrm.cpp

- @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@

- +/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */

- +/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:

- + */

- +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public

- + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this

- + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

- +

- +#include "mozilla/Types.h"

- +#include "prlink.h"

- +

- +#include <drm/xf86drm.h>

- +

- +#define GET_FUNC(func, lib)                                  \

- +    func##_fn =                                              \

- +      (decltype(func##_fn))PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, #func) \

- +

- +#define IS_FUNC_LOADED(func)                                          \

- +    (func != nullptr)                                                 \

- +

- +static int (*drmGetDevices2_fn)(uint32_t flags, drmDevicePtr devices[], int max_devices);

- +static void (*drmFreeDevices_fn)(drmDevicePtr devices[], int count);

- +

- +bool IsDRMLibraryLoaded() {

- +  static bool isLoaded =

- +         (IS_FUNC_LOADED(drmGetDevices2_fn) &&

- +          IS_FUNC_LOADED(drmFreeDevices_fn));

- +

- +  return isLoaded;

- +}

- +

- +bool LoadDRMLibrary() {

- +  static PRLibrary* drmLib = nullptr;

- +  static bool drmInitialized = false;

- +

- +  //TODO Thread safe

- +  if (!drmInitialized) {

- +    drmInitialized = true;

- +    drmLib = PR_LoadLibrary("libdrm.so.2");

- +    if (!drmLib) {

- +      return false;

- +    }

- +

- +    GET_FUNC(drmGetDevices2, drmLib);

- +    GET_FUNC(drmFreeDevices, drmLib);

- +  }

- +

- +  return IsDRMLibraryLoaded();

- +}

- +

- +int

- +drmGetDevices2(uint32_t flags, drmDevicePtr devices[], int max_devices)

- +{

- +  if (!LoadDRMLibrary()) {

- +    return 0;

- +  }

- +  return drmGetDevices2_fn(flags, devices, max_devices);

- +}

- +

- +void

- +drmFreeDevices(drmDevicePtr devices[], int count)

- +{

- +  if (!LoadDRMLibrary()) {

- +    return;

- +  }

- +  return drmFreeDevices_fn(devices, count);

- +}

- diff --git a/third_party/gbm/README b/third_party/gbm/README

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..4b6e2e8e02b2

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/gbm/README

- @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

- +Libgbm is a gbm library wrapper needed to build and run Firefox with

- +Pipewire support on Linux (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/gbm).

- +

- +libgbm directory stores headers of libgbm needed for build only.

- diff --git a/third_party/gbm/gbm/gbm.h b/third_party/gbm/gbm/gbm.h

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..e28fa04aaed8

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/gbm/gbm/gbm.h

- @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@

- +/*

- + * Copyright © 2011 Intel Corporation

- + *

- + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

- + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),

- + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation

- + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,

- + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the

- + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

- + *

- + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next

- + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the

- + * Software.

- + *









- + *

- + * Authors:

- + *    Benjamin Franzke <benjaminfranzke@googlemail.com>

- + */

- +

- +#ifndef _GBM_H_

- +#define _GBM_H_

- +

- +#define __GBM__ 1

- +

- +#include <stddef.h>

- +#include <stdint.h>

- +

- +#ifdef __cplusplus

- +extern "C" {

- +#endif

- +

- +

- +/**

- + * \file gbm.h

- + * \brief Generic Buffer Manager

- + */

- +

- +struct gbm_device;

- +struct gbm_bo;

- +struct gbm_surface;

- +

- +/**

- + * \mainpage The Generic Buffer Manager

- + *

- + * This module provides an abstraction that the caller can use to request a

- + * buffer from the underlying memory management system for the platform.

- + *

- + * This allows the creation of portable code whilst still allowing access to

- + * the underlying memory manager.

- + */

- +

- +/**

- + * Abstraction representing the handle to a buffer allocated by the

- + * manager

- + */

- +union gbm_bo_handle {

- +   void *ptr;

- +   int32_t s32;

- +   uint32_t u32;

- +   int64_t s64;

- +   uint64_t u64;

- +};

- +

- +/** Format of the allocated buffer */

- +enum gbm_bo_format {

- +   /** RGB with 8 bits per channel in a 32 bit value */


- +   /** ARGB with 8 bits per channel in a 32 bit value */


- +};

- +

- +

- +/**

- + * The FourCC format codes are taken from the drm_fourcc.h definition, and

- + * re-namespaced. New GBM formats must not be added, unless they are

- + * identical ports from drm_fourcc.

- + */

- +#define __gbm_fourcc_code(a,b,c,d) ((uint32_t)(a) | ((uint32_t)(b) << 8) | \

- +			      ((uint32_t)(c) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(d) << 24))

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BIG_ENDIAN (1<<31) /* format is big endian instead of little endian */

- +

- +/* color index */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_C8		__gbm_fourcc_code('C', '8', ' ', ' ') /* [7:0] C */

- +

- +/* 8 bpp Red */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_R8		__gbm_fourcc_code('R', '8', ' ', ' ') /* [7:0] R */

- +

- +/* 16 bpp Red */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_R16          __gbm_fourcc_code('R', '1', '6', ' ') /* [15:0] R little endian */

- +

- +/* 16 bpp RG */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_GR88		__gbm_fourcc_code('G', 'R', '8', '8') /* [15:0] G:R 8:8 little endian */

- +

- +/* 8 bpp RGB */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGB332	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'G', 'B', '8') /* [7:0] R:G:B 3:3:2 */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGR233	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'G', 'R', '8') /* [7:0] B:G:R 2:3:3 */

- +

- +/* 16 bpp RGB */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XRGB4444	__gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'R', '1', '2') /* [15:0] x:R:G:B 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XBGR4444	__gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'B', '1', '2') /* [15:0] x:B:G:R 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGBX4444	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'X', '1', '2') /* [15:0] R:G:B:x 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGRX4444	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'X', '1', '2') /* [15:0] B:G:R:x 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ARGB4444	__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'R', '1', '2') /* [15:0] A:R:G:B 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ABGR4444	__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'B', '1', '2') /* [15:0] A:B:G:R 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGBA4444	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'A', '1', '2') /* [15:0] R:G:B:A 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGRA4444	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'A', '1', '2') /* [15:0] B:G:R:A 4:4:4:4 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XRGB1555	__gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'R', '1', '5') /* [15:0] x:R:G:B 1:5:5:5 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XBGR1555	__gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'B', '1', '5') /* [15:0] x:B:G:R 1:5:5:5 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGBX5551	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'X', '1', '5') /* [15:0] R:G:B:x 5:5:5:1 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGRX5551	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'X', '1', '5') /* [15:0] B:G:R:x 5:5:5:1 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ARGB1555	__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'R', '1', '5') /* [15:0] A:R:G:B 1:5:5:5 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ABGR1555	__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'B', '1', '5') /* [15:0] A:B:G:R 1:5:5:5 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGBA5551	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'A', '1', '5') /* [15:0] R:G:B:A 5:5:5:1 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGRA5551	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'A', '1', '5') /* [15:0] B:G:R:A 5:5:5:1 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGB565	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'G', '1', '6') /* [15:0] R:G:B 5:6:5 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGR565	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'G', '1', '6') /* [15:0] B:G:R 5:6:5 little endian */

- +

- +/* 24 bpp RGB */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGB888	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'G', '2', '4') /* [23:0] R:G:B little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGR888	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'G', '2', '4') /* [23:0] B:G:R little endian */

- +

- +/* 32 bpp RGB */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888	__gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'R', '2', '4') /* [31:0] x:R:G:B 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888	__gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'B', '2', '4') /* [31:0] x:B:G:R 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGBX8888	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'X', '2', '4') /* [31:0] R:G:B:x 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGRX8888	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'X', '2', '4') /* [31:0] B:G:R:x 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888	__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'R', '2', '4') /* [31:0] A:R:G:B 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ABGR8888	__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'B', '2', '4') /* [31:0] A:B:G:R 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGBA8888	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'A', '2', '4') /* [31:0] R:G:B:A 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGRA8888	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'A', '2', '4') /* [31:0] B:G:R:A 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XRGB2101010	__gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'R', '3', '0') /* [31:0] x:R:G:B 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XBGR2101010	__gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'B', '3', '0') /* [31:0] x:B:G:R 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGBX1010102	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'X', '3', '0') /* [31:0] R:G:B:x 10:10:10:2 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'X', '3', '0') /* [31:0] B:G:R:x 10:10:10:2 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ARGB2101010	__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'R', '3', '0') /* [31:0] A:R:G:B 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ABGR2101010	__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'B', '3', '0') /* [31:0] A:B:G:R 2:10:10:10 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_RGBA1010102	__gbm_fourcc_code('R', 'A', '3', '0') /* [31:0] R:G:B:A 10:10:10:2 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_BGRA1010102	__gbm_fourcc_code('B', 'A', '3', '0') /* [31:0] B:G:R:A 10:10:10:2 little endian */

- +

- +/*

- + * Floating point 64bpp RGB

- + * IEEE 754-2008 binary16 half-precision float

- + * [15:0] sign:exponent:mantissa 1:5:10

- + */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_XBGR16161616F __gbm_fourcc_code('X', 'B', '4', 'H') /* [63:0] x:B:G:R 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616F __gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'B', '4', 'H') /* [63:0] A:B:G:R 16:16:16:16 little endian */

- +

- +/* packed YCbCr */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YUYV		__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'U', 'Y', 'V') /* [31:0] Cr0:Y1:Cb0:Y0 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YVYU		__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'V', 'Y', 'U') /* [31:0] Cb0:Y1:Cr0:Y0 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_UYVY		__gbm_fourcc_code('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y') /* [31:0] Y1:Cr0:Y0:Cb0 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_VYUY		__gbm_fourcc_code('V', 'Y', 'U', 'Y') /* [31:0] Y1:Cb0:Y0:Cr0 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_AYUV		__gbm_fourcc_code('A', 'Y', 'U', 'V') /* [31:0] A:Y:Cb:Cr 8:8:8:8 little endian */

- +

- +/*

- + * 2 plane YCbCr

- + * index 0 = Y plane, [7:0] Y

- + * index 1 = Cr:Cb plane, [15:0] Cr:Cb little endian

- + * or

- + * index 1 = Cb:Cr plane, [15:0] Cb:Cr little endian

- + */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_NV12		__gbm_fourcc_code('N', 'V', '1', '2') /* 2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_NV21		__gbm_fourcc_code('N', 'V', '2', '1') /* 2x2 subsampled Cb:Cr plane */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_NV16		__gbm_fourcc_code('N', 'V', '1', '6') /* 2x1 subsampled Cr:Cb plane */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_NV61		__gbm_fourcc_code('N', 'V', '6', '1') /* 2x1 subsampled Cb:Cr plane */

- +

- +/*

- + * 3 plane YCbCr

- + * index 0: Y plane, [7:0] Y

- + * index 1: Cb plane, [7:0] Cb

- + * index 2: Cr plane, [7:0] Cr

- + * or

- + * index 1: Cr plane, [7:0] Cr

- + * index 2: Cb plane, [7:0] Cb

- + */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YUV410	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'U', 'V', '9') /* 4x4 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YVU410	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'V', 'U', '9') /* 4x4 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YUV411	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '1') /* 4x1 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YVU411	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '1') /* 4x1 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YUV420	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '2') /* 2x2 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YVU420	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '2') /* 2x2 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YUV422	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '1', '6') /* 2x1 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YVU422	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '1', '6') /* 2x1 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YUV444	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'U', '2', '4') /* non-subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes */

- +#define GBM_FORMAT_YVU444	__gbm_fourcc_code('Y', 'V', '2', '4') /* non-subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes */

- +

- +struct gbm_format_name_desc {

- +   char name[5];

- +};

- +

- +/**

- + * Flags to indicate the intended use for the buffer - these are passed into

- + * gbm_bo_create(). The caller must set the union of all the flags that are

- + * appropriate

- + *

- + * \sa Use gbm_device_is_format_supported() to check if the combination of format

- + * and use flags are supported

- + */

- +enum gbm_bo_flags {

- +   /**

- +    * Buffer is going to be presented to the screen using an API such as KMS

- +    */

- +   GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT      = (1 << 0),

- +   /**

- +    * Buffer is going to be used as cursor

- +    */

- +   GBM_BO_USE_CURSOR       = (1 << 1),

- +   /**

- +    * Deprecated

- +    */


- +   /**

- +    * Buffer is to be used for rendering - for example it is going to be used

- +    * as the storage for a color buffer

- +    */

- +   GBM_BO_USE_RENDERING    = (1 << 2),

- +   /**

- +    * Buffer can be used for gbm_bo_write.  This is guaranteed to work

- +    * with GBM_BO_USE_CURSOR, but may not work for other combinations.

- +    */

- +   GBM_BO_USE_WRITE    = (1 << 3),

- +   /**

- +    * Buffer is linear, i.e. not tiled.

- +    */

- +   GBM_BO_USE_LINEAR = (1 << 4),

- +   /**

- +    * Buffer is protected, i.e. encrypted and not readable by CPU or any

- +    * other non-secure / non-trusted components nor by non-trusted OpenGL,

- +    * OpenCL, and Vulkan applications.

- +    */

- +   GBM_BO_USE_PROTECTED = (1 << 5),

- +};

- +

- +int

- +gbm_device_get_fd(struct gbm_device *gbm);

- +

- +const char *

- +gbm_device_get_backend_name(struct gbm_device *gbm);

- +

- +int

- +gbm_device_is_format_supported(struct gbm_device *gbm,

- +                               uint32_t format, uint32_t flags);

- +

- +int

- +gbm_device_get_format_modifier_plane_count(struct gbm_device *gbm,

- +                                           uint32_t format,

- +                                           uint64_t modifier);

- +

- +void

- +gbm_device_destroy(struct gbm_device *gbm);

- +

- +struct gbm_device *

- +gbm_create_device(int fd);

- +

- +struct gbm_bo *

- +gbm_bo_create(struct gbm_device *gbm,

- +              uint32_t width, uint32_t height,

- +              uint32_t format, uint32_t flags);

- +

- +struct gbm_bo *

- +gbm_bo_create_with_modifiers(struct gbm_device *gbm,

- +                             uint32_t width, uint32_t height,

- +                             uint32_t format,

- +                             const uint64_t *modifiers,

- +                             const unsigned int count);

- +

- +struct gbm_bo *

- +gbm_bo_create_with_modifiers2(struct gbm_device *gbm,

- +                              uint32_t width, uint32_t height,

- +                              uint32_t format,

- +                              const uint64_t *modifiers,

- +                              const unsigned int count,

- +                              uint32_t flags);

- +

- +#define GBM_BO_IMPORT_WL_BUFFER         0x5501

- +#define GBM_BO_IMPORT_EGL_IMAGE         0x5502

- +#define GBM_BO_IMPORT_FD                0x5503

- +#define GBM_BO_IMPORT_FD_MODIFIER       0x5504

- +

- +struct gbm_import_fd_data {

- +   int fd;

- +   uint32_t width;

- +   uint32_t height;

- +   uint32_t stride;

- +   uint32_t format;

- +};

- +

- +#define GBM_MAX_PLANES 4

- +

- +struct gbm_import_fd_modifier_data {

- +   uint32_t width;

- +   uint32_t height;

- +   uint32_t format;

- +   uint32_t num_fds;

- +   int fds[GBM_MAX_PLANES];

- +   int strides[GBM_MAX_PLANES];

- +   int offsets[GBM_MAX_PLANES];

- +   uint64_t modifier;

- +};

- +

- +struct gbm_bo *

- +gbm_bo_import(struct gbm_device *gbm, uint32_t type,

- +              void *buffer, uint32_t flags);

- +

- +/**

- + * Flags to indicate the type of mapping for the buffer - these are

- + * passed into gbm_bo_map(). The caller must set the union of all the

- + * flags that are appropriate.

- + *

- + * These flags are independent of the GBM_BO_USE_* creation flags. However,

- + * mapping the buffer may require copying to/from a staging buffer.

- + *

- + * See also: pipe_map_flags

- + */

- +enum gbm_bo_transfer_flags {

- +   /**

- +    * Buffer contents read back (or accessed directly) at transfer

- +    * create time.

- +    */

- +   GBM_BO_TRANSFER_READ       = (1 << 0),

- +   /**

- +    * Buffer contents will be written back at unmap time

- +    * (or modified as a result of being accessed directly).

- +    */

- +   GBM_BO_TRANSFER_WRITE      = (1 << 1),

- +   /**

- +    * Read/modify/write

- +    */


- +};

- +

- +void *

- +gbm_bo_map(struct gbm_bo *bo,

- +           uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,

- +           uint32_t flags, uint32_t *stride, void **map_data);

- +

- +void

- +gbm_bo_unmap(struct gbm_bo *bo, void *map_data);

- +

- +uint32_t

- +gbm_bo_get_width(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +uint32_t

- +gbm_bo_get_height(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +uint32_t

- +gbm_bo_get_stride(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +uint32_t

- +gbm_bo_get_stride_for_plane(struct gbm_bo *bo, int plane);

- +

- +uint32_t

- +gbm_bo_get_format(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +uint32_t

- +gbm_bo_get_bpp(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +uint32_t

- +gbm_bo_get_offset(struct gbm_bo *bo, int plane);

- +

- +struct gbm_device *

- +gbm_bo_get_device(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +union gbm_bo_handle

- +gbm_bo_get_handle(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +int

- +gbm_bo_get_fd(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +uint64_t

- +gbm_bo_get_modifier(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +int

- +gbm_bo_get_plane_count(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +union gbm_bo_handle

- +gbm_bo_get_handle_for_plane(struct gbm_bo *bo, int plane);

- +

- +int

- +gbm_bo_get_fd_for_plane(struct gbm_bo *bo, int plane);

- +

- +int

- +gbm_bo_write(struct gbm_bo *bo, const void *buf, size_t count);

- +

- +void

- +gbm_bo_set_user_data(struct gbm_bo *bo, void *data,

- +		     void (*destroy_user_data)(struct gbm_bo *, void *));

- +

- +void *

- +gbm_bo_get_user_data(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +void

- +gbm_bo_destroy(struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +struct gbm_surface *

- +gbm_surface_create(struct gbm_device *gbm,

- +                   uint32_t width, uint32_t height,

- +		   uint32_t format, uint32_t flags);

- +

- +struct gbm_surface *

- +gbm_surface_create_with_modifiers(struct gbm_device *gbm,

- +                                  uint32_t width, uint32_t height,

- +                                  uint32_t format,

- +                                  const uint64_t *modifiers,

- +                                  const unsigned int count);

- +

- +struct gbm_surface *

- +gbm_surface_create_with_modifiers2(struct gbm_device *gbm,

- +                                   uint32_t width, uint32_t height,

- +                                   uint32_t format,

- +                                   const uint64_t *modifiers,

- +                                   const unsigned int count,

- +                                   uint32_t flags);

- +

- +struct gbm_bo *

- +gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer(struct gbm_surface *surface);

- +

- +void

- +gbm_surface_release_buffer(struct gbm_surface *surface, struct gbm_bo *bo);

- +

- +int

- +gbm_surface_has_free_buffers(struct gbm_surface *surface);

- +

- +void

- +gbm_surface_destroy(struct gbm_surface *surface);

- +

- +char *

- +gbm_format_get_name(uint32_t gbm_format, struct gbm_format_name_desc *desc);

- +

- +#ifdef __cplusplus

- +}

- +#endif

- +

- +#endif

- diff --git a/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/moz.build b/third_party/gbm/libgbm/moz.build

- similarity index 86%

- copy from third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/moz.build

- copy to third_party/gbm/libgbm/moz.build

- index 3102b3cb69b7..0953d2f17a54 100644

- --- a/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/moz.build

- +++ b/third_party/gbm/libgbm/moz.build

- @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@

-  # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


-  SOURCES += [

- -    'mozpipewire.cpp',

- +    'mozgbm.cpp',

-  ]


-  if CONFIG["MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT"] == "gtk":



- -LOCAL_INCLUDES += ['/third_party/pipewire']

- +LOCAL_INCLUDES += ['/third_party/gbm']


-  FINAL_LIBRARY = 'xul'

- diff --git a/third_party/gbm/libgbm/mozgbm.cpp b/third_party/gbm/libgbm/mozgbm.cpp

- new file mode 100644

- index 000000000000..bc024a11c0b7

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/third_party/gbm/libgbm/mozgbm.cpp

- @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@

- +/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */

- +/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:

- + */

- +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public

- + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this

- + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

- +

- +#include "mozilla/Types.h"

- +#include "prlink.h"

- +

- +#include <gbm/gbm.h>

- +

- +#define GET_FUNC(func, lib)                                  \

- +    func##_fn =                                              \

- +      (decltype(func##_fn))PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, #func) \

- +

- +#define IS_FUNC_LOADED(func)                                          \

- +    (func != nullptr)                                                 \

- +

- +static struct gbm_device * (*gbm_create_device_fn)(int fd);

- +static void (*gbm_device_destroy_fn)(struct gbm_device* gbm);

- +

- +bool IsGBMLibraryLoaded() {

- +  static bool isLoaded =

- +         (IS_FUNC_LOADED(gbm_create_device_fn) &&

- +          IS_FUNC_LOADED(gbm_device_destroy_fn));

- +

- +  return isLoaded;

- +}

- +

- +bool LoadGBMLibrary() {

- +  static PRLibrary* gbmLib = nullptr;

- +  static bool gbmInitialized = false;

- +

- +  //TODO Thread safe

- +  if (!gbmInitialized) {

- +    gbmInitialized = true;

- +    gbmLib = PR_LoadLibrary("libgbm.so.1");

- +    if (!gbmLib) {

- +      return false;

- +    }

- +

- +    GET_FUNC(gbm_create_device, gbmLib);

- +    GET_FUNC(gbm_device_destroy, gbmLib);

- +  }

- +

- +  return IsGBMLibraryLoaded();

- +}

- +

- +struct gbm_device *

- +gbm_create_device(int fd)

- +{

- +  if (!LoadGBMLibrary()) {

- +    return nullptr;

- +  }

- +  return gbm_create_device_fn(fd);

- +}

- +

- +void

- +gbm_device_destroy(struct gbm_device* gbm)

- +{

- +  if (!LoadGBMLibrary()) {

- +    return;

- +  }

- +  return gbm_device_destroy_fn(gbm);

- +}

- diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_gn/moz.build b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_gn/moz.build

- index 8631744ab1bf..366ea67aa9ab 100644

- --- a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_gn/moz.build

- +++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_gn/moz.build

- @@ -8,25 +8,28 @@

-  if CONFIG["MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT"] == "gtk":




- +# FIXME: No idea why it doesn't pick libdrm from /third_party/drm

- +COMPILE_FLAGS["OS_INCLUDES"] = [ "-I/usr/include/libdrm" ]

-  AllowCompilerWarnings()










-  FINAL_LIBRARY = "webrtc"




-      "!/ipc/ipdl/_ipdlheaders",

-      "/ipc/chromium/src",

-      "/media/libyuv/",

-      "/media/libyuv/libyuv/include/",

- +    "/third_party/drm/",

- +    "/third_party/gbm/",

-      "/third_party/libwebrtc/",

-      "/third_party/libwebrtc/third_party/abseil-cpp/",

-      "/third_party/pipewire/",

- @@ -242,7 +245,16 @@ if CONFIG["CPU_ARCH"] == "arm":

-      DEFINES["_GNU_SOURCE"] = True


-      SOURCES += [

- -        "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/moz_base_capturer_pipewire.cc"

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/egl_dmabuf.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/mouse_cursor_monitor_pipewire.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/restore_token_manager.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/scoped_glib.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screen_capture_portal_interface.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screencast_portal.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screencast_stream_utils.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/shared_screencast_stream.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/xdg_desktop_portal_utils.cc"

-      ]


-  if CONFIG["CPU_ARCH"] == "ppc64":

- @@ -297,27 +309,53 @@ if CONFIG["CPU_ARCH"] == "aarch64" and CONFIG["OS_TARGET"] == "Linux":

-      DEFINES["_GNU_SOURCE"] = True


-      SOURCES += [

- -        "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/moz_base_capturer_pipewire.cc"

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/egl_dmabuf.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/mouse_cursor_monitor_pipewire.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/restore_token_manager.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screen_capture_portal_interface.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screencast_portal.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screencast_stream_utils.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/shared_screencast_stream.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/xdg_desktop_portal_utils.cc"

-      ]


-  if CONFIG["CPU_ARCH"] == "x86" and CONFIG["OS_TARGET"] == "Linux":




-      DEFINES["_GNU_SOURCE"] = True


-      SOURCES += [

- -        "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/moz_base_capturer_pipewire.cc"

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/egl_dmabuf.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/mouse_cursor_monitor_pipewire.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/restore_token_manager.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/scoped_glib.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screen_capture_portal_interface.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screencast_portal.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screencast_stream_utils.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/shared_screencast_stream.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/xdg_desktop_portal_utils.cc"

-      ]


-  if CONFIG["CPU_ARCH"] == "x86_64" and CONFIG["OS_TARGET"] == "Linux":




-      DEFINES["_GNU_SOURCE"] = True


-      SOURCES += [

- -        "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/moz_base_capturer_pipewire.cc"

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/egl_dmabuf.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/mouse_cursor_monitor_pipewire.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/restore_token_manager.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/scoped_glib.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screen_capture_portal_interface.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screencast_portal.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/screencast_stream_utils.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/shared_screencast_stream.cc",

- +      "/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/xdg_desktop_portal_utils.cc"

-      ]


-  if CONFIG["CPU_ARCH"] == "aarch64" and CONFIG["MOZ_X11"] == "1" and CONFIG["OS_TARGET"] == "Linux":

- diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.cc b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.cc

- index 767dbfefa543..22c59ef4cccd 100644

- --- a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.cc

- +++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.cc

- @@ -17,31 +17,31 @@

-  #elif defined(WEBRTC_WIN)

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/win/full_screen_win_application_handler.h"

-  #endif


- +#if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/shared_screencast_stream.h"

-  #endif


-  namespace webrtc {


-  DesktopCaptureOptions::DesktopCaptureOptions() {}

-  DesktopCaptureOptions::DesktopCaptureOptions(

-      const DesktopCaptureOptions& options) = default;

-  DesktopCaptureOptions::DesktopCaptureOptions(DesktopCaptureOptions&& options) =

-      default;

-  DesktopCaptureOptions::~DesktopCaptureOptions() {}


-  DesktopCaptureOptions& DesktopCaptureOptions::operator=(

-      const DesktopCaptureOptions& options) = default;

-  DesktopCaptureOptions& DesktopCaptureOptions::operator=(

-      DesktopCaptureOptions&& options) = default;


-  // static

-  DesktopCaptureOptions DesktopCaptureOptions::CreateDefault() {

-    DesktopCaptureOptions result;

-  #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_X11)

-    result.set_x_display(SharedXDisplay::CreateDefault());

-  #endif


- +#if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)

-    result.set_screencast_stream(SharedScreenCastStream::CreateDefault());

-  #endif

-  #if defined(WEBRTC_MAC) && !defined(WEBRTC_IOS)

- diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.h b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.h

- index 4d2a8da334da..bab39ccf5661 100644

- --- a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.h

- +++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capture_options.h

- @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/x11/shared_x_display.h"

-  #endif



- +#if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/shared_screencast_stream.h"

-  #endif


- @@ -181,28 +181,26 @@ class RTC_EXPORT DesktopCaptureOptions {

-    bool allow_pipewire() const { return allow_pipewire_; }

-    void set_allow_pipewire(bool allow) { allow_pipewire_ = allow; }


- -#if !defined(WEBRTC_MOZILLA_BUILD)

-    const rtc::scoped_refptr<SharedScreenCastStream>& screencast_stream() const {

-      return screencast_stream_;

-    }

-    void set_screencast_stream(

-        rtc::scoped_refptr<SharedScreenCastStream> stream) {

-      screencast_stream_ = stream;

-    }


-    void set_width(uint32_t width) { width_ = width; }

-    uint32_t get_width() const { return width_; }


-    void set_height(uint32_t height) { height_ = height; }

-    uint32_t get_height() const { return height_; }

- -#endif

-  #endif


-   private:

-  #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_X11)

-    rtc::scoped_refptr<SharedXDisplay> x_display_;

-  #endif


- +#if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)

-    // An instance of shared PipeWire ScreenCast stream we share between

-    // BaseCapturerPipeWire and MouseCursorMonitorPipeWire as cursor information

-    // is sent together with screen content.

- diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc

- index e9158bf0cccf..655ec50ce9d7 100644

- --- a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc

- +++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.cc

- @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ bool BaseCapturerPipeWire::GetSourceList(SourceList* sources) {

-    // is often treated as a null/placeholder id, so we shouldn't use that.

-    // TODO(https://crbug.com/1297671): Reconsider type of ID when plumbing

-    // token that will enable stream re-use.

- -  sources->push_back({source_id_});

- +  sources->push_back({PIPEWIRE_ID, 0, PIPEWIRE_NAME});

-    return true;

-  }


- diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/screen_capturer_linux.cc b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/screen_capturer_linux.cc

- index d9f27951302d..18840cc6d7ef 100644

- --- a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/screen_capturer_linux.cc

- +++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/screen_capturer_linux.cc

- @@ -14,29 +14,21 @@

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capturer.h"


-  #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)

- -#if defined(WEBRTC_MOZILLA_BUILD)

- -#include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/moz_base_capturer_pipewire.h"

- -#else

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.h"

- -#endif

-  #endif  // defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)


-  #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_X11)

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/x11/screen_capturer_x11.h"

-  #endif  // defined(WEBRTC_USE_X11)


-  namespace webrtc {


-  // static

-  std::unique_ptr<DesktopCapturer> DesktopCapturer::CreateRawScreenCapturer(

-      const DesktopCaptureOptions& options) {

-  #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)

-    if (options.allow_pipewire() && DesktopCapturer::IsRunningUnderWayland()) {

- -#if defined(WEBRTC_MOZILLA_BUILD)

- -    return BaseCapturerPipeWire::CreateRawCapturer(options);

- -#else

-      return std::make_unique<BaseCapturerPipeWire>(options);

- -#endif

-    }

-  #endif  // defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)


- diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/window_capturer_linux.cc b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/window_capturer_linux.cc

- index b2b1e376ada5..638c42ae3963 100644

- --- a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/window_capturer_linux.cc

- +++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/desktop_capture/window_capturer_linux.cc

- @@ -14,29 +14,21 @@

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capturer.h"


-  #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)

- -#if defined(WEBRTC_MOZILLA_BUILD)

- -#include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/moz_base_capturer_pipewire.h"

- -#else

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/wayland/base_capturer_pipewire.h"

- -#endif

-  #endif  // defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)


-  #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_X11)

-  #include "modules/desktop_capture/linux/x11/window_capturer_x11.h"

-  #endif  // defined(WEBRTC_USE_X11)


-  namespace webrtc {


-  // static

-  std::unique_ptr<DesktopCapturer> DesktopCapturer::CreateRawWindowCapturer(

-      const DesktopCaptureOptions& options) {

-  #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)

-    if (options.allow_pipewire() && DesktopCapturer::IsRunningUnderWayland()) {

- -#if defined(WEBRTC_MOZILLA_BUILD)

- -    return BaseCapturerPipeWire::CreateRawCapturer(options);

- -#else

-      return std::make_unique<BaseCapturerPipeWire>(options);

- -#endif

-    }

-  #endif  // defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)


- diff --git a/third_party/moz.build b/third_party/moz.build

- index 19ee0224b041..fab8f23c624f 100644

- --- a/third_party/moz.build

- +++ b/third_party/moz.build

- @@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ with Files("libwebrtc/**"):

-  with Files("pipewire/**"):

-      BUG_COMPONENT = ("Core", "WebRTC")


- +with Files("drm/**"):

- +    BUG_COMPONENT = ("Core", "WebRTC")

- +

- +with Files("gbm/**"):

- +    BUG_COMPONENT = ("Core", "WebRTC")

- +

-  with Files('rlbox_wasm2c_sandbox/**'):

-      BUG_COMPONENT = ('Firefox Build System', 'General')


- diff --git a/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/mozpipewire.cpp b/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/mozpipewire.cpp

- index 1ecfc3196af1..380c5b2c8582 100644

- --- a/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/mozpipewire.cpp

- +++ b/third_party/pipewire/libpipewire/mozpipewire.cpp

- @@ -69,86 +69,99 @@ static int (*pw_stream_connect_fn)(struct pw_stream *stream,

-                                  enum pw_stream_flags flags,

-                                  const struct spa_pod **params,

-                                  uint32_t n_params);

- +static int (*pw_stream_disconnect_fn)(struct pw_stream *stream);

-  static struct pw_buffer* (*pw_stream_dequeue_buffer_fn)(struct pw_stream *stream);

-  static void (*pw_stream_destroy_fn)(struct pw_stream *stream);

-  static struct pw_stream* (*pw_stream_new_fn)(struct pw_core *core,

-                                            const char *name,

-                                            struct pw_properties *props);

- +

-  static int (*pw_stream_queue_buffer_fn)(struct pw_stream *stream,

-                                       struct pw_buffer *buffer);

-  static int (*pw_stream_update_params_fn)(struct pw_stream *stream,

-                                        const struct spa_pod **params,

-                                        uint32_t n_params);

-  static void (*pw_thread_loop_destroy_fn)(struct pw_thread_loop *loop);

-  static struct pw_loop* (*pw_thread_loop_get_loop_fn)(struct pw_thread_loop *loop);

-  static struct pw_thread_loop* (*pw_thread_loop_new_fn)(const char *name,

-                                                  const struct spa_dict *props);

-  static int (*pw_thread_loop_start_fn)(struct pw_thread_loop *loop);

-  static void (*pw_thread_loop_stop_fn)(struct pw_thread_loop *loop);

-  static void (*pw_thread_loop_lock_fn)(struct pw_thread_loop *loop);

-  static void (*pw_thread_loop_unlock_fn)(struct pw_thread_loop *loop);

- +static void (*pw_thread_loop_wait_fn)(struct pw_thread_loop *loop);

- +static void (*pw_thread_loop_signal_fn)(struct pw_thread_loop *loop, bool wait_for_accept);

-  static struct pw_properties* (*pw_properties_new_string_fn)(const char *str);

- +static const char* (*pw_get_library_version_fn)();


-  bool IsPwLibraryLoaded() {

-    static bool isLoaded =

-           (IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_context_connect_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_context_connect_fd_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_context_destroy_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_context_new_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_core_disconnect_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_init_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_stream_add_listener_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_stream_connect_fn) &&

- +          IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_stream_disconnect_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_stream_dequeue_buffer_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_stream_destroy_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_stream_new_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_stream_queue_buffer_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_stream_update_params_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_destroy_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_get_loop_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_new_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_start_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_stop_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_lock_fn) &&

-            IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_unlock_fn) &&

- -          IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_properties_new_string_fn));

- +          IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_signal_fn) &&

- +          IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_thread_loop_wait_fn) &&

- +          IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_properties_new_string_fn) &&

- +          IS_FUNC_LOADED(pw_get_library_version_fn));


-    return isLoaded;

-  }


-  bool LoadPWLibrary() {

-    static PRLibrary* pwLib = nullptr;

-    static bool pwInitialized = false;


-    //TODO Thread safe

-    if (!pwInitialized) {

-      pwInitialized = true;

-      pwLib = PR_LoadLibrary("libpipewire-0.3.so.0");

-      if (!pwLib) {

-        return false;

-      }


-      GET_FUNC(pw_context_connect, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_context_connect_fd, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_context_destroy, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_context_new, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_core_disconnect, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_init, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_stream_add_listener, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_stream_connect, pwLib);

- +    GET_FUNC(pw_stream_disconnect, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_stream_dequeue_buffer, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_stream_destroy, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_stream_new, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_stream_queue_buffer, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_stream_update_params, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_destroy, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_get_loop, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_new, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_start, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_stop, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_lock, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_unlock, pwLib);

- +    GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_signal, pwLib);

- +    GET_FUNC(pw_thread_loop_wait, pwLib);

-      GET_FUNC(pw_properties_new_string, pwLib);

- +    GET_FUNC(pw_get_library_version, pwLib);

-    }


-    return IsPwLibraryLoaded();

- @@ -242,6 +255,15 @@ pw_stream_connect(struct pw_stream *stream,

-                                params, n_params);

-  }


- +int

- +pw_stream_disconnect(struct pw_stream *stream)

- +{

- +  if (!LoadPWLibrary()) {

- +    return 0;

- +  }

- +  return pw_stream_disconnect_fn(stream);

- +}

- +

-  struct pw_buffer *

-  pw_stream_dequeue_buffer(struct pw_stream *stream)

-  {

- @@ -356,13 +378,38 @@ pw_thread_loop_unlock(struct pw_thread_loop *loop)

-    return pw_thread_loop_unlock_fn(loop);

-  }


- +void

- +pw_thread_loop_signal(struct pw_thread_loop *loop, bool wait_for_accept)

- +{

- +  if (!LoadPWLibrary()) {

- +    return;

- +  }

- +  return pw_thread_loop_signal_fn(loop, wait_for_accept);

- +}

- +

- +void

- +pw_thread_loop_wait(struct pw_thread_loop *loop)

- +{

- +  if (!LoadPWLibrary()) {

- +    return;

- +  }

- +  return pw_thread_loop_wait_fn(loop);

- +}


-  struct pw_properties *

-  pw_properties_new_string(const char *str)

-  {

-    if (!LoadPWLibrary()) {

-      return nullptr;

-    }

-    return pw_properties_new_string_fn(str);

-  }


- +const char*

- +pw_get_library_version()

- +{

- +  if (!LoadPWLibrary()) {

- +    return nullptr;

- +  }

- +  return pw_get_library_version_fn();

- +}

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ 

- From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

- From: stransky <stransky@redhat.com>

- Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2022 08:09:22 +0000

- Subject: [PATCH] Bug 1804973 [Wayland] Check size for valid EGLWindows only

-  r=emilio


- Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D164651

- ---

-  widget/gtk/MozContainerWayland.cpp | 3 +++

-  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)


- diff --git a/widget/gtk/MozContainerWayland.cpp b/widget/gtk/MozContainerWayland.cpp

- index 954c650af533..2a4a492077c3 100644

- --- a/widget/gtk/MozContainerWayland.cpp

- +++ b/widget/gtk/MozContainerWayland.cpp

- @@ -704,6 +704,9 @@ bool moz_container_wayland_egl_window_needs_size_update(MozContainer* container,

-                                                          nsIntSize aSize,

-                                                          int aScale) {

-    MozContainerWayland* wl_container = &container->wl_container;

- +  if (!wl_container->eglwindow) {

- +    return false;

- +  }

-    if (wl_container->buffer_scale != aScale) {

-      return true;

-    }

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ 

+ From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From: stransky <stransky@redhat.com>

+ Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 13:16:19 +0000

+ Subject: [PATCH] Bug 1820416 Use correct FFVPX headers from ffmpeg 6.0

+  r=padenot


+ Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D172116

+ ---

+  dom/media/platforms/ffmpeg/ffvpx/moz.build | 2 +-

+  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)


+ diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/ffmpeg/ffvpx/moz.build b/dom/media/platforms/ffmpeg/ffvpx/moz.build

+ index 188b866fc9de..cda0960787a5 100644

+ --- a/dom/media/platforms/ffmpeg/ffvpx/moz.build

+ +++ b/dom/media/platforms/ffmpeg/ffvpx/moz.build

+ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SOURCES += [

+  ]


+      "..",

+ -    "../ffmpeg59/include",

+ +    "../ffmpeg60/include",

+      "/media/mozva",

+  ]


@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 

- From 7d313f93cebc14b7eb6fc1654b60a143b5cd7f52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From 5ebd63727f5981043f872ca90f4b274e4b201e27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:20:39 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Point to local omni.ja files, not remote server
@@ -26,19 +26,20 @@ 

   .../newtab/data/content/activity-stream.bundle.js         | 2 +-

   services/settings/Utils.jsm                               | 2 +-

   .../periodic-updates/scripts/periodic_file_updates.sh     | 2 +-

+  .../components/antitracking/docs/query-stripping/index.md | 2 +-

   .../backgroundtasks/BackgroundTask_message.sys.mjs        | 4 ++--

   toolkit/components/search/SearchUtils.sys.mjs             | 8 ++++----

   toolkit/components/search/docs/DefaultSearchEngines.rst   | 2 +-

   .../components/search/docs/SearchEngineConfiguration.rst  | 2 +-

   toolkit/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs                      | 4 ++--

   toolkit/mozapps/defaultagent/RemoteSettings.cpp           | 2 +-

-  10 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

+  11 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/browser/components/newtab/content-src/components/ASRouterAdmin/ASRouterAdmin.jsx b/browser/components/newtab/content-src/components/ASRouterAdmin/ASRouterAdmin.jsx

- index 17155bb4ba..859560e25b 100644

+ index c4aa6a03e9..345abc1e71 100644

  --- a/browser/components/newtab/content-src/components/ASRouterAdmin/ASRouterAdmin.jsx

  +++ b/browser/components/newtab/content-src/components/ASRouterAdmin/ASRouterAdmin.jsx

- @@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ export class ASRouterAdminInner extends React.PureComponent {

+ @@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ export class ASRouterAdminInner extends React.PureComponent {



@@ -48,10 +49,10 @@ 



  diff --git a/browser/components/newtab/data/content/activity-stream.bundle.js b/browser/components/newtab/data/content/activity-stream.bundle.js

- index 159e948352..5cbe5ac2c2 100644

+ index 3e3b7d7db3..17d27d0e47 100644

  --- a/browser/components/newtab/data/content/activity-stream.bundle.js

  +++ b/browser/components/newtab/data/content/activity-stream.bundle.js

- @@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ class ASRouterAdminInner extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent {

+ @@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@ class ASRouterAdminInner extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent {

           label = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, "remote settings (", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", {

             className: "providerUrl",

             target: "_blank",
@@ -61,10 +62,10 @@ 

           }, "nimbus-desktop-experiments"), ")");


  diff --git a/services/settings/Utils.jsm b/services/settings/Utils.jsm

- index 50114dfbbc..9d957283da 100644

+ index 94f4713380..3a8165f878 100644

  --- a/services/settings/Utils.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/Utils.jsm

- @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ var Utils = {

+ @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ var Utils = {

         : AppConstants.REMOTE_SETTINGS_SERVER_URL;


@@ -86,6 +87,19 @@ 


     # 1. List remote settings collections from server.

     echo "INFO: fetch remote settings list from server"

+ diff --git a/toolkit/components/antitracking/docs/query-stripping/index.md b/toolkit/components/antitracking/docs/query-stripping/index.md

+ index e49d8513ba..c1c6ae5deb 100644

+ --- a/toolkit/components/antitracking/docs/query-stripping/index.md

+ +++ b/toolkit/components/antitracking/docs/query-stripping/index.md

+ @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ of query params:

+  It is enabled in Nightly by default in all modes with an extended

+  strip-list. You can find the current list of parameters that are

+  stripped

+ -[here](https://firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com/v1/buckets/main/collections/query-stripping/records).

+ +[here](resource://app/defaults/settings/main/collections/query-stripping/records).

+  Note that some records have a *filter\_expression* that limits where

+  they apply.


  diff --git a/toolkit/components/backgroundtasks/BackgroundTask_message.sys.mjs b/toolkit/components/backgroundtasks/BackgroundTask_message.sys.mjs

  index dbbfa53d39..11b93b07f2 100644

  --- a/toolkit/components/backgroundtasks/BackgroundTask_message.sys.mjs
@@ -102,7 +116,7 @@ 

   // --preview: enable Remote Settings and Experiment previews.


  diff --git a/toolkit/components/search/SearchUtils.sys.mjs b/toolkit/components/search/SearchUtils.sys.mjs

- index 65581754e8..4e7ccf48e4 100644

+ index d519793560..94657f6828 100644

  --- a/toolkit/components/search/SearchUtils.sys.mjs

  +++ b/toolkit/components/search/SearchUtils.sys.mjs

  @@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ export var SearchUtils = {
@@ -145,10 +159,10 @@ 

  +.. _viewed live: resource://app/defaults/settings/main/search-config.json

   .. _Normandy: /toolkit/components/normandy/normandy/services.html

  diff --git a/toolkit/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs b/toolkit/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs

- index 59ba540c6d..2b9ff5796b 100644

+ index b430666f68..0f640980ae 100644

  --- a/toolkit/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs

  +++ b/toolkit/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs

- @@ -416,9 +416,9 @@ export var AppConstants = Object.freeze({

+ @@ -409,9 +409,9 @@ export var AppConstants = Object.freeze({



@@ -174,10 +188,10 @@ 

   #define PROD_CID "windows-default-browser-agent"

   #define PROD_ID "state"


- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From 233227d0f2da317fe71a643b1c54d623f56f5d84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From 32fdc1f6e70188788165d1b11bbf8d4793c17fc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:34:08 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 02/13] Remove polling triggered by push broadcasts
@@ -218,10 +232,10 @@ 

      * Call the listeners of the specified broadcasts.


  diff --git a/services/settings/remote-settings.js b/services/settings/remote-settings.js

- index c479de2a17..f797df533a 100644

+ index 1ecadd51d3..da820a2de8 100644

  --- a/services/settings/remote-settings.js

  +++ b/services/settings/remote-settings.js

- @@ -582,11 +582,7 @@ function remoteSettingsFunction() {

+ @@ -586,11 +586,7 @@ function remoteSettingsFunction() {

         moduleURI: __URI__,

         symbolName: "remoteSettingsBroadcastHandler",

@@ -234,7 +248,7 @@ 



     return remoteSettings;

- @@ -606,9 +602,6 @@ var remoteSettingsBroadcastHandler = {

+ @@ -610,9 +606,6 @@ var remoteSettingsBroadcastHandler = {

         `Push notification received (version=${version} phase=${phase})`


@@ -246,10 +260,10 @@ 




- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From c4bd08fa8614bcf212975f4c0b3555437e8a8d59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From b02cc5ac855b3111ed99c9838af2a0664b79e186 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:41:54 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 03/13] Remove timer that triggers polling for changes
@@ -290,10 +304,10 @@ 

  -# see syntax https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/cc280c4be94ff8cf64a27cc9b3d6831ffa49fa45/toolkit/components/timermanager/UpdateTimerManager.jsm#155

  -category update-timer RemoteSettingsComponents @mozilla.org/services/settings;1,getService,services-settings-poll-changes,services.settings.poll_interval,86400,259200


- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From b106c8b4e919e1d6c42f66bb07461c63848ebb2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From 2e784bb89094a5bdbecf559eb16e4843dca7a72c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:47:41 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 04/13] Utils: fetch timestamps of each collection locally
@@ -324,10 +338,10 @@ 


   ; Warning: changing the path to channel-prefs.js can cause bugs (Bug 756325)

  diff --git a/services/settings/Utils.jsm b/services/settings/Utils.jsm

- index 9d957283da..abdd0a53fa 100644

+ index 3a8165f878..90922cc6ff 100644

  --- a/services/settings/Utils.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/Utils.jsm

- @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ var Utils = {

+ @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ var Utils = {

     async fetchLatestChanges(serverUrl, options = {}) {

       const { expectedTimestamp, lastEtag = "", filters = {} } = options;

@@ -336,7 +350,7 @@ 

       const params = {


         _expected: expectedTimestamp ?? 0,

- @@ -385,7 +385,21 @@ var Utils = {

+ @@ -392,7 +392,21 @@ var Utils = {

             .map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`)


@@ -359,7 +373,7 @@ 


       if (response.status >= 500) {

         throw new Error(`Server error ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);

- @@ -420,7 +434,15 @@ var Utils = {

+ @@ -427,7 +441,15 @@ var Utils = {



@@ -378,7 +392,7 @@ 

       // Since the response is served via a CDN, the Date header value could have been cached.

  diff --git a/services/settings/dumps/monitor/moz.build b/services/settings/dumps/monitor/moz.build

  new file mode 100644

- index 0000000000..d3d017fda5

+ index 0000000000..25c53a2eeb

  --- /dev/null

  +++ b/services/settings/dumps/monitor/moz.build

  @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@@ -403,10 +417,10 @@ 




- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From bd6216d755e4d1c1c8ebba4123732b0b2358101c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From b9f19c6068861e2fb4fac86bc6551354826594c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:52:10 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Utils: disable offline checking
@@ -418,10 +432,10 @@ 

   1 file changed, 10 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/services/settings/Utils.jsm b/services/settings/Utils.jsm

- index abdd0a53fa..2cc3ba917b 100644

+ index 90922cc6ff..a4a578a73a 100644

  --- a/services/settings/Utils.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/Utils.jsm

- @@ -184,16 +184,6 @@ var Utils = {

+ @@ -191,16 +191,6 @@ var Utils = {

      * @return {bool} Whether network is down or not.


     get isOffline() {
@@ -439,10 +453,10 @@ 




- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From 237ecd7acdd299b2f89787e4f5f50bb5cc4d970c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From 04c53d514c8a2016091d12043735be7be8ca13db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:56:02 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 06/13] Refactor hashing logic to a separate function
@@ -455,10 +469,10 @@ 

   2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsWorker.jsm b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsWorker.jsm

- index 57754f0a2b..0ae0c8762a 100644

+ index b47ceff9d0..44560fd461 100644

  --- a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsWorker.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsWorker.jsm

- @@ -191,6 +191,10 @@ class Worker {

+ @@ -189,6 +189,10 @@ class Worker {

       // task on the current thread instead of the worker thread.

       return lazy.SharedUtils.checkContentHash(buffer, size, hash);

@@ -493,10 +507,10 @@ 




- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From afc7c3a747931dbd1ed02b5bc2af2fd29b607875 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From c36cecafd243aa049c0cff10b33af62aae29225e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 18:05:02 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 07/13] Client: Fetch and hash records from local dump
@@ -531,10 +545,10 @@ 

   1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

- index 1d42fc98ff..c8a0898367 100644

+ index 82b16c8a24..7ab9debe73 100644

  --- a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

- @@ -692,11 +692,9 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -711,11 +711,9 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {


             // If the data is up-to-date but don't have metadata (records loaded from dump),

             // we fetch them and validate the signature immediately.
@@ -548,7 +562,7 @@ 

               await this.db.importChanges(metadata);

               // We don't bother validating the signature if the dump was just loaded. We do

               // if the dump was loaded at some other point (eg. from .get()).

- @@ -959,38 +957,28 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -992,38 +990,28 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

      * @returns {Promise}


     async _validateCollectionSignature(records, timestamp, metadata) {
@@ -595,7 +609,7 @@ 




- @@ -1160,24 +1148,26 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -1193,24 +1181,26 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

      * @param since timestamp of last sync (optional)


     async _fetchChangeset(expectedTimestamp, since) {
@@ -639,10 +653,10 @@ 




- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From 3f0d975225fb9d786eb8b4ae303f49f96f8d91e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From c516024e544579c33f6df9008a4f7bd29bc6f6b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 18:42:56 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 08/13] Client: start deferred sync on get() or on()
@@ -664,7 +678,7 @@ 

   1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


  diff --git a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

- index c8a0898367..4b35ad0eef 100644

+ index 7ab9debe73..39108bca89 100644

  --- a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

  @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, {
@@ -683,7 +697,7 @@ 


   XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "console", () => lazy.Utils.log);


- @@ -324,6 +326,11 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -343,6 +345,11 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

       this._lastCheckTimePref = lastCheckTimePref;

       this._verifier = null;

       this._syncRunning = false;
@@ -695,7 +709,7 @@ 


       // This attribute allows signature verification to be disabled, when running tests

       // or when pulling data from a dev server.

- @@ -353,6 +360,11 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -372,6 +379,11 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

       this.db.identifier = this.identifier;


@@ -707,7 +721,7 @@ 

     get identifier() {

       return `${this.bucketName}/${this.collectionName}`;


- @@ -426,6 +438,10 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -445,6 +457,10 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

         let lastModified = forceSync ? null : await this.db.getLastModified();

         let hasLocalData = lastModified !== null;

@@ -718,7 +732,7 @@ 

         if (forceSync) {

           if (!this._importingPromise) {

             this._importingPromise = (async () => {

- @@ -541,7 +557,10 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -560,7 +576,10 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

         // No need to verify signature on JSON dumps.

         // If local DB cannot be read, then we don't even try to do anything,

         // we return results early.
@@ -730,7 +744,7 @@ 




- @@ -581,6 +600,12 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -600,6 +619,12 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

       return final;


@@ -744,10 +758,10 @@ 

      * Synchronize the local database with the remote server.



- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From 137f0c81f37356fb97e7037ee64c2fa65ed242ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From a7b8fa4c2ef5500996ba8f7f923a16735759a86c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 18:53:51 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Client: deep compare records if timestamps match
@@ -769,7 +783,7 @@ 

   1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


  diff --git a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

- index 4b35ad0eef..a8ce913d8e 100644

+ index 39108bca89..6edb78f58e 100644

  --- a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

  @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ const { Downloader } = ChromeUtils.import(
@@ -780,7 +794,7 @@ 



     Database: "resource://services-settings/Database.jsm",

- @@ -1148,7 +1149,10 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -1181,7 +1182,10 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

           const old = oldById.get(r.id);

           if (old) {

@@ -793,10 +807,10 @@ 


           } else {


- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From 3e1e4c19780fd84fd0fdeaaa222239b4572fb251 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From be54cdb2360f09fe6695ba96b878b7a863828b45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 19:01:39 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 10/13] Client: delete more data on cleanup
@@ -814,10 +828,10 @@ 

   1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

- index a8ce913d8e..19883607f2 100644

+ index 6edb78f58e..110ab320cb 100644

  --- a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

- @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class AttachmentDownloader extends Downloader {

+ @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class AttachmentDownloader extends Downloader {


           .filter(r => !!r.attachment)

           .map(r =>
@@ -826,7 +840,7 @@ 




- @@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

             // Signature failed, clear local DB because it contains

             // bad data (local + remote changes).

             lazy.console.debug(`${this.identifier} clear local data`);
@@ -835,7 +849,7 @@ 

             // Local data was tampered, throw and it will retry from empty DB.

             lazy.console.error(`${this.identifier} local data was corrupted`);

             throw new CorruptedDataError(this.identifier);

- @@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

               // _importJSONDump() only clears DB if dump is available,

               // therefore do it here!

               if (imported < 0) {
@@ -844,7 +858,7 @@ 




- @@ -1170,6 +1170,12 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -1203,6 +1203,12 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

       return syncResult;


@@ -858,10 +872,10 @@ 

      * Fetch information from changeset endpoint.



- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From 8da7335ac9baa4f524293ec810af7b360009ec19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From 1d03a18d5165a4a69f99e08560a2f6a329b553ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 19:07:56 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 11/13] Client: remove comparison of collection timestamps
@@ -876,10 +890,10 @@ 

   1 file changed, 5 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

- index 19883607f2..8b4420943f 100644

+ index 110ab320cb..60bf3dcde3 100644

  --- a/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm

- @@ -1050,14 +1050,9 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

+ @@ -1083,14 +1083,9 @@ class RemoteSettingsClient extends EventEmitter {

         updated: [],

         deleted: [],

@@ -895,10 +909,10 @@ 

       await this.db.importChanges(metadata, remoteTimestamp, remoteRecords, {

         clear: retry,


- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From 5b40750eb05b0eb230ec44f0f5640ecc8d5e3b47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From 2fb08d4166e324c9caeb26ff47039da45f2061f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 19:15:44 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 12/13] Attachments: load only from dump and drop cached
@@ -908,10 +922,10 @@ 

   1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/services/settings/Attachments.jsm b/services/settings/Attachments.jsm

- index 67a1f32261..6ff0a3b7c6 100644

+ index d8fc0a211d..bf9d72012f 100644

  --- a/services/settings/Attachments.jsm

  +++ b/services/settings/Attachments.jsm

- @@ -151,9 +151,10 @@ class Downloader {

+ @@ -150,9 +150,10 @@ class Downloader {



         attachmentId = record?.id,
@@ -923,7 +937,7 @@ 

       if (!attachmentId) {

         // Check for pre-condition. This should not happen, but it is explicitly

         // checked to avoid mixing up attachments, which could be dangerous.

- @@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ class Downloader {

+ @@ -203,6 +204,7 @@ class Downloader {

           const newBuffer = await this.downloadAsBytes(record, {


@@ -931,7 +945,7 @@ 


           const blob = new Blob([newBuffer]);

           // Store in cache but don't wait for it before returning.

- @@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ class Downloader {

+ @@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ class Downloader {



         try {
@@ -940,7 +954,7 @@ 

         } catch (e) {

           // Failed to read from cache, e.g. IndexedDB unusable.


- @@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ class Downloader {

+ @@ -308,7 +310,7 @@ class Downloader {

      * @returns {String} the absolute file path to the downloaded attachment.


     async downloadToDisk(record, options = {}) {
@@ -949,7 +963,7 @@ 

       const {

         attachment: { filename, size, hash },

       } = record;

- @@ -359,33 +361,10 @@ class Downloader {

+ @@ -363,33 +365,10 @@ class Downloader {


     async downloadAsBytes(record, options = {}) {

       const {
@@ -987,10 +1001,10 @@ 




- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2



- From cac0e35f9b818570f37681ee7cd12071e8e5d747 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From 53632cb8587284498e10a10d4fe936a7953fef2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

  Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 19:22:20 +0200

  Subject: [PATCH 13/13] Disable CRLite entirely for now
@@ -1015,10 +1029,10 @@ 

   2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


  diff --git a/modules/libpref/init/StaticPrefList.yaml b/modules/libpref/init/StaticPrefList.yaml

- index fca74af174..d05d118e58 100644

+ index fdb61eaf0c..f6a356b92b 100644

  --- a/modules/libpref/init/StaticPrefList.yaml

  +++ b/modules/libpref/init/StaticPrefList.yaml

- @@ -13250,7 +13250,7 @@

+ @@ -13579,7 +13579,7 @@

   # 3: Consult CRLite and enforce "Not Revoked" results, but defer to OCSP for "Revoked".

   - name: security.pki.crlite_mode

     type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
@@ -1040,5 +1054,5 @@ 

       case CRLiteMode::Disabled:

       case CRLiteMode::TelemetryOnly:


- 2.39.0

+ 2.39.2


@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ 

   1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/browser/base/content/default-bookmarks.html b/browser/base/content/default-bookmarks.html

- index b2d18d3098..e2e643bcf2 100644

+ index c42e81ac23..e2e643bcf2 100644

  --- a/browser/base/content/default-bookmarks.html

  +++ b/browser/base/content/default-bookmarks.html

  @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
@@ -35,26 +35,36 @@ 

   <!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public

      - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this

      - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->

- @@ -29,31 +29,23 @@

+ @@ -29,41 +29,23 @@


       <dt><h3 personal_toolbar_folder="true" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-toolbarfolder">default-bookmarks-toolbarfolder</h3></dt>

       <dd data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-toolbarfolder-description">default-bookmarks-toolbarfolder-description</dd>

  -#ifndef NIGHTLY_BUILD



  -            <dt><a href="https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/central/" icon="@firefox_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-getting-started">default-bookmarks-getting-started</a></dt>

  +            <dt><a href="https://www.parabola.nu/" icon="@parabola_icon@">Parabola GNU/Linux-libre</a></dt>


- -    <dt><h3 data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-heading">default-bookmarks-firefox-heading</h3></dt>

+ -#else

  +    <dt><h3>Parabola GNU/Linux-libre</h3></dt>


+ -            <dt><a href="https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/?utm_medium=firefox-desktop&utm_source=bookmarks-toolbar&utm_campaign=new-users&utm_content=-global" icon="@firefox_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-getting-started">default-bookmarks-getting-started</a></dt>

+ -        </dl><p>

+ -#endif

+ -    <dt><h3 data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-heading">default-bookmarks-firefox-heading</h3></dt>

+ -        <dl><p>

  -            <dt><a href="https://support.mozilla.org/products/firefox" icon="@firefox_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-get-help">default-bookmarks-firefox-get-help</a></dt>

  -            <dt><a href="https://support.mozilla.org/kb/customize-firefox-controls-buttons-and-toolbars?utm_source=firefox-browser&utm_medium=default-bookmarks&utm_campaign=customize" icon="@firefox_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-customize">default-bookmarks-firefox-customize</a></dt>


+ -            <dt><a href="https://www.mozilla.org/contribute/?utm_medium=firefox-desktop&utm_source=bookmarks-toolbar&utm_campaign=new-users-beta&utm_content=-global" icon="@mozilla_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-community">default-bookmarks-firefox-community</a></dt>

+ -#else

  -            <dt><a href="https://www.mozilla.org/contribute/" icon="@mozilla_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-community">default-bookmarks-firefox-community</a></dt>

+ -#endif

  -            <dt><a href="https://www.mozilla.org/about/" icon="@mozilla_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-about">default-bookmarks-firefox-about</a></dt>

  -        </dl><p>


  -        <dl><p>

- -            <dt><a href="https://www.mozilla.org/contribute/" icon="@mozilla_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-community">default-bookmarks-firefox-community</a></dt>

+ -            <dt><a href="https://www.mozilla.org/contribute/?utm_medium=firefox-desktop&utm_source=bookmarks-toolbar&utm_campaign=new-users-nightly&utm_content=-global" icon="@mozilla_icon@" data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-firefox-community">default-bookmarks-firefox-community</a></dt>

  -        </dl><p>

  -    <dt><h3 data-l10n-id="default-bookmarks-nightly-heading">default-bookmarks-nightly-heading</h3></dt>

  +            <dt><a href="https://www.parabola.nu/" icon="@parabola_icon@">Parabola GNU/Linux-libre</a>
@@ -689,7 +699,7 @@ 

  -            },

  -            dismiss_button: {

  -              action: {

- -                navigate: true,

+ -                dismiss: true,

  -              },

  -            },

  -            ios: {
@@ -1054,6 +1064,68 @@ 




+ From a985a80d5df1226f4d7f84a72dd6c03b51fc68e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>

+ Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2023 21:57:14 +0100

+ Subject: [PATCH] FSDG: Change DuckDuckGo URL to DuckDuckGo HTML URL


+ Some of JavaScript files from the regular DDG URL lack license info, and

+ I couldn't find their freely licensed sources, so they can be considered

+ nonfree.


+ Replace the regular DDG URL with DDG HTML URL and rename the search

+ engine accordingly. Currently, it looks like HTML version does not have

+ any JS.


+ Also:

+ 1. Change search method from GET to POST, because with GET, DDG HTML

+    will mangle URLs in search results, so that [1] becomes [2]. Not sure

+ why that is done. Probably to avoid leaking search terms to visited

+ sites (via Referer header?) at the cost of leaking clicked URLs to DDG,

+ so this can still be a privacy concern.  BTW, POST is the default search

+ method when searching directly from DDG HTML home page.


+ 2. Remove suspicious t=ffab URL parameter, because it can tell DDG that

+    this particular search extension is the origin of the search.`


+ Private search engine that doesn't track its users, huh?


+ [1] https://www.gnu.org/

+ [2] https://duckduckgo.com/l/?uddg=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gnu.org%2F&rut=b1ab1ab1a...

+ ---

+  .../components/search/extensions/ddg/manifest.json    | 11 +++++------

+  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)


+ diff --git a/browser/components/search/extensions/ddg/manifest.json b/browser/components/search/extensions/ddg/manifest.json

+ index 56295197aa..475133c208 100644

+ --- a/browser/components/search/extensions/ddg/manifest.json

+ +++ b/browser/components/search/extensions/ddg/manifest.json

+ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

+  {

+ -  "name": "DuckDuckGo",

+ -  "description": "Search DuckDuckGo",

+ +  "name": "DuckDuckGo HTML",

+ +  "description": "Search DuckDuckGo HTML",

+    "manifest_version": 2,

+    "version": "1.3",

+    "browser_specific_settings": {

+ @@ -18,10 +18,9 @@

+    "chrome_settings_overrides": {

+      "search_provider": {

+        "keyword": ["@duckduckgo", "@ddg"],

+ -      "name": "DuckDuckGo",

+ -      "search_url": "https://duckduckgo.com/",

+ -      "search_form": "https://duckduckgo.com/?q={searchTerms}",

+ -      "search_url_get_params": "t=ffab&q={searchTerms}",

+ +      "name": "DuckDuckGo HTML",

+ +      "search_url": "https://html.duckduckgo.com/html/",

+ +      "search_url_post_params": "q={searchTerms}",

+        "suggest_url": "https://ac.duckduckgo.com/ac/",

+        "suggest_url_get_params": "q={searchTerms}&type=list"

+      }

+ -- 

+ 2.39.2


  diff --git a/browser/app/permissions b/browser/app/permissions

  index 5bc1d66fcd..a8252ab784 100644

  --- a/browser/app/permissions
@@ -1101,7 +1173,7 @@ 


     <vbox id="hasFxaAccount">

  diff --git a/browser/locales/en-US/browser/branding/brandings.ftl b/browser/locales/en-US/browser/branding/brandings.ftl

- index efba683d66..9fe12b80fa 100644

+ index a52cde5532..251acad0f8 100644

  --- a/browser/locales/en-US/browser/branding/brandings.ftl

  +++ b/browser/locales/en-US/browser/branding/brandings.ftl

  @@ -15,28 +15,28 @@
@@ -1122,12 +1194,13 @@ 

   -mozilla-vpn-brand-name = Mozilla VPN

  --profiler-brand-name = Firefox Profiler

  --translations-brand-name = Firefox Translations

+ --focus-brand-name = Firefox Focus

+ --relay-brand-name = Firefox Relay

  +-profiler-brand-name = Iceweasel Profiler

  +-translations-brand-name = Iceweasel Translations

-  -rally-brand-name = Mozilla Rally

-  -rally-short-name = Rally

- --focus-brand-name = Firefox Focus

  +-focus-brand-name = Iceweasel Focus

+ +-relay-brand-name = Iceweasel Relay

+  -relay-brand-short-name = Relay


  -# “Suggest” can be localized, “Firefox” must be treated as a brand

  +# “Suggest” can be localized, “Iceweasel” must be treated as a brand
@@ -1146,6 +1219,7 @@ 

   # and kept in English.

  --firefoxview-brand-name = Firefox View

  +-firefoxview-brand-name = Iceweasel View


  diff --git a/browser/locales/en-US/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl b/browser/locales/en-US/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl

  index 1b29e8d..6f7566c 100644

  --- a/browser/locales/en-US/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl

file modified
+42 -47
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ 




- pkgver=109.0

+ pkgver=111.0



@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ 

    'speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech'

    'xdg-desktop-portal: Screensharing with Wayland'


- # install=(${pkgname}.install) # TODO: redmine #2164

- # provides=('firefox')         # TODO: redmine #2164 - currently conflicts with 'your-freedom'

+ # install=${pkgname}.install # TODO: redmine #2164

+ # provides=('firefox')       # TODO: redmine #2164 - currently conflicts with 'your-freedom'



@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ 




-   0001-libwebrtc-screen-cast-sync.patch

-   0002-Bug-1804973-Wayland-Check-size-for-valid-EGLWindows-.patch

+   0001-Bug-1819374-Squashed-ffmpeg-6.0-update.patch

+   0002-Bug-1820416-Use-correct-FFVPX-headers-from-ffmpeg-6..patch


- source=(${source[*]/identity-icons-brand.svg/})

+ source=(${source[*]/identity-icons-brand.svg/}) # branding over-ride



@@ -179,36 +179,36 @@ 

    'BFA8008A8265677063B11BF47171986E4B745536' # Andreas Grapentin

    '3954A7AB837D0EA9CFA9798925DB7D9B5A8D4B40' # bill-auger


- sha256sums=('0678a03b572b5992fb85f0923a25b236acf81e5ea2c08e549b63a56076a69351'

+ sha256sums=('e1006c0872aa7eb30fb5a689413957f1e5fc8d2048b1637bf6f6fafdbd4ea55f'



-             'b1ce6936749ab1614bbce4fddc87058341ed207dde77af609fdc5ac83538517a'

-             '34439dfb17371520e5e99444096ded97325ab2559b9039ae16055975d015ac51')

+             '802f9271a5f7c0ab581baae8c46fd5b29598025ee93bb2dac6b456f8e0ae6acc'

+             'be9ba079a931d5e881ce38430d418cc834e8c6b157af6c79ea267998caece806')



-              '58f6cdb31df0da4c8bf599d033ceb8f97c3e19b21c72b5b4cb70f13e1dfa5139'  # 9001-FSDG-sync-remote-settings-with-local-dump.patch

+              'f073e5280845fe3197ab956a53041b06c81dd6e1d0d5f1de5f5947e409c8bfba'  # 9001-FSDG-sync-remote-settings-with-local-dump.patch

               '1e4d28bd87688334b20cce9213490111e004ea6bcf1654f550da8ebe6bdbf3ef'  # 9002-FSDG-preference-defaults.patch

               '13b701372b6fb35b96a1d58853db64643feb9be061ebc461b41ceca5de8eea62'  # 9003-FSDG-urihandlers.patch

-              '18a71507cabd1d02f9d1e2b78bc29f157833b2a6b3fed20457524821fed555a1'  # 9004-FSDG-misc.patch

-              '591b07d4a23bf978329420b7d7f53e16824dfbbf30ef0ffe8efd73a6cd836624'  # process-json-files.py

+              '53e168ccce9077fa36e2dd128b38ff807177f1c0109525c2cd79986ab41df8a9'  # 9004-FSDG-misc.patch

+              '00cb44a91b42942f17258ad165810866ff123777b667a5691ea0745ba72f4332'  # process-json-files.py

               '8e113fd2730be3fd11b2a24918dd62e8741513cf4dce9819d8eae358c5411adc') # vendor.js.in






- b2sums=('56ec8c49f0dd1cb4ba29afb5d68fd724614b993b2a1a59b9c03bf6349bae980d558ef18dbe2170af59f3e690308b753a88619e2abe48db58af5b7fcbecfa03f5'

+ b2sums=('5262557c7e3460c5d4013040b653b5ed357a6ee3fa196a8b862ac4e884a8be64bb06896a6ef468fe702f6ab09fc2af7088de4e4c14cf832d2a3d47a18ac68f0e'



-         '3a7de17f0a56c4ccbbd4754a63a8798f787e87acc947b0fc0c1e5086c99337979b7f66a741fdc5475b34085eaf80dbc99d742c22a95d6ed412e38012794a44c9'

-         'ad4618e6c0e6ac8cca387579f26e8f9a0eaab8e6f8ac8f9e2ad179bce09f5247848a9ce78d4042f3e400771f9c0914e8d6504f792d002481529e755f5eaf8916')

+         'bf6796cb3815bc97d938a2cb18754fdc6b35e40a2c6ee34fc1e9878ba9e9c83c26c79ae61e779dc6540b9ec5126a385aff65e00e56aa19841f0846fc030e1d0a'

+         'be47c370c1b765921a6ffbb0eeaceaabc26483629b2ebd73c38f36b3ac418d1746fa021b5d444264641ff7c0c13e688a752758bd75c84e0297aceeaec0062ff2')



-          '553f96ab709cfc60324829b7225f89081b0aae06fd6d52699e83ee8483dc23ff227caec68949cf62caaffad09a26e817287508000dae5df60d3062de2e6a8bce'  # 9001-FSDG-sync-remote-settings-with-local-dump.patch

+          'ebf0355bebde4d994a3c771d69de05290722df19dba181852c46e84ba9b68992c6beed3dfb38ecbf8de904ac01ec303ba364a523c3476c48c4c42055deb816b3'  # 9001-FSDG-sync-remote-settings-with-local-dump.patch

           'bdb08d681f6f17ae9f8e0bb37e23087a0401d4be26c91ead3eda4654362ad37c3b1cddf69596e2b2278f77e0fd45714b7dbb7a97aca35aae5417e916079d24bf'  # 9002-FSDG-preference-defaults.patch

           '9e4ccfb8850d9f9a5222f5186b35f2ae7986b6c6d435de024b109a6fa01e65a1362664cfb6ea81621387cf33364cc8d3d466fae1bee24ab5fc7e23c4cb17bf2c'  # 9003-FSDG-urihandlers.patch

-          'd63a2a7514f305a6c42bdf8fe228cbf905f1217431c3dbac6093426b04898cd2e5b49dfb592c56179495fbd71f7d7e074b759a5b5b181dcb4f3da86cb1272236'  # 9004-FSDG-misc.patch

-          'f53c0bdd1b1e09f3e4e4e376f6ada654fc6f5a02a248c87daad1f644fc8cf9bdb1009802f352b59d76b17c6d6a81745da1e7c59a5e2421fd2b8475bb9ba34798'  # process-json-files.py

+          'd5648b9e625ed68bfa3a531b5a8878df80c798da924e4d17370ef235bb61290593320318c1351e3b4a2ad77784dc505ef2411cb2f647b1119ca1554620f551d4'  # 9004-FSDG-misc.patch

+          '085c4631ec8cfdf5842068d882185c783e976b1fde74167bb71ef4d7db8c70c12844177b17e76f858ba3ce2a402848ac8fc19910dcbefd29887abfaf5faac5e4'  # process-json-files.py

           '5302b6abcfec3155c578e0664e6a0ac921234c5912d74c4a9b0feb3a051ed4ef5f11b93ee37739a3a92fc6693683374f92ac9c3f560780f879c4249d0718157a') # vendor.js.in


@@ -246,6 +246,9 @@ 


  ## dependency tweaks ##


+ makedepends+=( python-pydantic=1.9.2   ) # dustbin - configure error: pydantic 1.10.4 has requirement typing-extensions>=4.2.0, but you have typing-extensions

+ makedepends+=( python-zstandard=0.19.0 ) # dustbin - configure error: zstandard<=0.19.0,>=0.11.1: Installed with unexpected version "0.20.0"


  case "${CARCH}" in


    makedepends=( ${makedepends[*]/wasi-*/} ) # armv7h has no wasi compiler
@@ -345,13 +348,12 @@ 


    ## technical patching ##


-   # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/76231

-   # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1790496

-   # https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/firefox/blob/rawhide/f/libwebrtc-screen-cast-sync.patch

-   patch -Np1 -i ../0001-libwebrtc-screen-cast-sync.patch

+   # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1819374

+   patch -Np1 -i ../0001-Bug-1819374-Squashed-ffmpeg-6.0-update.patch


-   # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1804973

-   patch -Np1 -i ../0002-Bug-1804973-Wayland-Check-size-for-valid-EGLWindows-.patch

+   # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/77796

+   # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1820416

+   patch -Np1 -i ../0002-Bug-1820416-Use-correct-FFVPX-headers-from-ffmpeg-6..patch


    # arch-specific technical patching

    case ${CARCH} in
@@ -463,15 +465,6 @@ 


      # archarm configuration #


-     # archarm has these differences in ## general configuration ## above

-     sed -i '

-       /--enable-hardening/d

-       /--enable-optimize/d

-       /--enable-rust-simd/d

-       s| --with-wasi-sysroot=.*| --without-wasm-sandboxed-libraries|

-       /--disable-eme/d

-     ' ../mozconfig


      if [[ $CARCH == "armv7h" ]]; then

        echo "ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack" >> .mozconfig

        # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641623
@@ -495,12 +488,24 @@ 


      # archarm patching is under the 'technical patching' section


-     # At this point in the script, the arch, arch32, and parabola PKGBUILDs

-     # have prepared a temporary ${srcdir}/mozconfig; but the archarm PKGBUILD

+     # archarm has these differences in ## general configuration ## above

+     # NOTE: '--disable-eme' is currently an invalid option for armv7h.

+     #       It must be deleted in order to compile.

+     #       If ever it becomes valid, it should not be deleted below.

+     sed -i '

+       /--enable-hardening/d

+       /--enable-optimize/d

+       /--enable-rust-simd/d

+       s| --with-wasi-sysroot=.*| --without-wasm-sandboxed-libraries|

+       /--disable-eme/d

+     ' ../mozconfig


+     # At this point in the recipe (this `case` block), the arch, arch32, and parabola

+     # PKGBUILDs have prepared a temporary ${srcdir}/mozconfig; but the archarm PKGBUILD

      # writes directly to the final firefox-$pkgver/.mozconfig.

      # We allowed .mozconfig to be written above, only to minimize the diff against archarm.

-     # For consistency across arches, we move it to ${srcdir}/mozconfig now.

-     # ${srcdir}/mozconfig will clobber firefox-$pkgver/.mozconfig later, in build().

+     # For consistency across arches, we append those changes to ${srcdir}/mozconfig now.

+     # ${srcdir}/mozconfig will clobber firefox-$pkgver/.mozconfig later, during build().

      cat .mozconfig >> ../mozconfig


@@ -628,16 +633,6 @@ 


    pushd browser/components/search/extensions > /dev/null


-   # Patch search-engines configs

-   sed -i 's|https://duckduckgo.com/|https://html.duckduckgo.com/html/|' ddg/manifest.json


-   # Removing URL parameters that let DuckDuckGo know the place in UI

-   # the search was ran from (like address bar, context menu, etc.)

-   local jq_cmd='del(.chrome_settings_overrides.search_provider.params)'

-   jq "${jq_cmd}"           ddg/manifest.json > manifest.json.tmp

-   ! diff manifest.json.tmp ddg/manifest.json > /dev/null

-   mv manifest.json.tmp     ddg/manifest.json


    # Delete unused search engine configs

    find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \

         -not -name ddg          \

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ 

+ share_extensions()

+ {

+   mkdir -p usr/lib/firefox/browser/extensions


+   if   [[ -d usr/lib/iceweasel/browser/extensions ]]

+   then mv usr/lib/iceweasel/browser/extensions/* usr/lib/firefox/browser/extensions/

+        rmdir usr/lib/iceweasel/browser/extensions

+        ln -s ../../firefox/browser/extensions usr/lib/iceweasel/browser/extensions

+   fi

+ }


+ pre_install()  { share_extensions ; }

+ post_install() { share_extensions ; }

@@ -173,10 +173,8 @@ 

          general_specifier = {}

          for specifier in search_engine['appliesTo'].copy():

              if 'application' in specifier:

-                 if 'distributions' in specifier['application']:

-                     search_engine['appliesTo'].remove(specifier)

-                     continue

-                 specifier['application'].pop('extraParams', None)

+                 search_engine['appliesTo'].remove(specifier)

+                 continue


              if 'included' in specifier and 'everywhere' in specifier[

                      'included'] and specifier['included']['everywhere']:
@@ -185,8 +183,10 @@ 

          if not general_specifier:

              general_specifier = {'included': {'everywhere': True}}

              search_engine['appliesTo'].insert(0, general_specifier)


          if search_engine['webExtension']['id'] == cls._DUCKDUCKGO_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID:

              general_specifier['default'] = 'yes'

+             search_engine.pop('params')


          return search_engine


@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ 

  _replacesoldmodules=() # '%' gets replaced with kernel suffix



- pkgver=6.1.6

- pkgrel=2

+ pkgver=6.2.1

+ pkgrel=1

  pkgdesc='Linux-libre without additional patches'


  arch=(i686 x86_64 armv7h)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ 

  makedepends=( ${makedepends[*]/git/} )

  makedepends_armv7h=(uboot-tools vboot-utils dtc) # required by linux-libre-chromebook


- _srcname=linux-6.1

+ _srcname=linux-$(sed 's|\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*|\1|' <<<${pkgver}) # eg: 6.1



@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ 

    '474402C8C582DAFBE389C427BCB7CF877E7D47A7' # Alexandre Oliva

    '6DB9C4B4F0D8C0DC432CF6E4227CA7C556B2BA78' # David P.


- sha512sums=('1791227e4eef3be119fcbdbf3c8d441ae77badb6565c4b918130328fa24711b09128d4aabb26cd2adf453726bcb4b30b8c5199794114050835e3875bea169224'

+ sha512sums=('b67c0a622e42a8c31d3e057ce60983ebb415a4b59be2a95400ea8ca99b7594dbcbd51bf8a0e33de87af45be734f5bc081784979bd18e1963b789be2c0f8d1ee3'


-             'd1663ffa50064e98ea2685acfb81d76eae7331c6eb86621fc81ab8f31df4f3d9941c722485dd2d3a707c2a30d831c01829e127937a691bf5be458f1cbec1287c'

+             '7d97c0f9dd590f6b0f4346402739fb68d64af9904eae367d453595c6de7ec7993660f336e25725206baae15be66949ba829ca459750ce0e0e8e21abb0be40a72'




file modified
+65 -16
@@ -4,30 +4,44 @@ 

  # Contributor: Gustavo Alvarez <sl1pkn07@gmail.com>

  # Contributor: Balló György <ballogyor+arch at gmail dot com>

  # Contributor: bill-auger <bill-auger@programmer.net>

+ # Maintainer: Parabola Hackers <dev@lists.parabola.nu>



  # parabola changes and rationale:

- #  - replaced qt5-webengine dependency with qt5-webkit

+ #  - replaced 'qt5-webengine' dependency with 'qt5-webkit'

+ #  - pin to 'marble-*' binaries to 'marble-common'

+ #    Note: This is done to prevent breakage.

+ #    Only 'marble-common' requires the change;

+ #    but then 'marble-common' would need to be pinned

+ #    to (require) it's clients, which is weird.

+ #    For that reason, we build all split-packages.




- pkgname=(marble-common)

- pkgver=20.12.1

- pkgrel=2

+ pkgname=(marble-common marble-qt marble-maps marble)

+ pkgver=22.12.2

+ pkgrel=1


- pkgdesc="Desktop Globe"

+ pkgdesc='Desktop Globe'


  arch+=(armv7h i686)

- url="https://www.kde.org/applications/system/marble"

+ url='https://apps.kde.org/marble/'


- makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules gpsd kdoctools knewstuff kparts krunner libwlocate phonon-qt5

+ makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules gpsd kdoctools kparts krunner libwlocate phonon-qt5

               plasma-workspace qt5-serialport qt5-tools qt5-webengine shapelib protobuf)

- makedepends=(${makedepends[@]/qt5-webengine/qt5-webkit})

- source=("https://download.kde.org/stable/release-service/$pkgver/src/$pkgbase-$pkgver.tar.xz"{,.sig})

- sha256sums=('65c936ceefdd368494778e55a921f9d111e6fabab718b948f3f59ede5f446970'

-             'SKIP')

+ makedepends=( ${makedepends[@]/qt5-webengine/qt5-webkit} )

+ source=(https://download.kde.org/stable/release-service/$pkgver/src/$pkgbase-$pkgver.tar.xz{,.sig}

+         no-knewstuff.patch)

+ sha256sums=('ed9a6aed3c5c5057cce25e28ac0e9eaf377d79d866375fa62a5ac072d4edda3a'

+             'SKIP'

+             '4718d89d5f0dc79969196ea7afc71bfd37ed9570c3e2718f0c54549bbb0991a1')

  validpgpkeys=(CA262C6C83DE4D2FB28A332A3A6A4DB839EAA6D7  # Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org>

-               F23275E4BF10AFC1DF6914A6DBD2CE893E2D1C87) # Christoph Feck <cfeck@kde.org>

+               F23275E4BF10AFC1DF6914A6DBD2CE893E2D1C87  # Christoph Feck <cfeck@kde.org>

+               D81C0CB38EB725EF6691C385BB463350D6EF31EF) # Heiko Becker <heiko.becker@kde.org>


+ prepare() {

+   patch -d $pkgbase-$pkgver -p1 < no-knewstuff.patch # Drop unused dependency

+ }


  build() {

    cmake -B build -S $pkgbase-$pkgver \
@@ -35,6 +49,7 @@ 


      -DQT_PLUGINS_DIR=lib/qt/plugins \





@@ -44,7 +59,7 @@ 

  package_marble-common() {

    pkgdesc='Common libraries and plugins for Marble'

    depends=(qt5-svg qt5-webengine phonon-qt5 protobuf)

-   depends=(${depends[@]/qt5-webengine/qt5-webkit})

+   depends=( ${depends[@]/qt5-webengine/qt5-webkit} )

    optdepends=('gpsd: GPS based geolocation'

                'libwlocate: WLAN based geolocation'

                'qt5-serialport: APRS plugin'
@@ -53,9 +68,43 @@ 

    DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build

    rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{config.kcfg,kxmlgui5,metainfo,plasma} \

          "$pkgdir"/usr/bin \

-         "$pkgdir"/usr/share/knsrcfiles \

-         "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/qt/{qml,plugins/*.so} \

+         "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/qt/{qml,plugins/*.so,plugins/kf5} \

          "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/{marble_geo.desktop,marble_worldwind.desktop,org.kde.marble*.desktop} \

-         "$pkgdir"/usr/share/kservices5/{marble_part.desktop,plasma*} \

+         "$pkgdir"/usr/share/kservices5/{plasma-*,marble_part.desktop} \




+ package_marble-qt() {

+   pkgdesc+=' (Qt version)'

+   depends=(marble-common)


+   # pin to 'marble-common'

+   depends=( ${depends[*]/marble-common/marble-common=$pkgver} )


+   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build/src/apps/marble-qt

+ }


+ package_marble() {

+   depends=(marble-common kparts)

+   optdepends=('krunner: Krunner plugin')

+   groups=(kde-applications kde-education)


+   # pin to 'marble-common'

+   depends=( ${depends[*]/marble-common/marble-common=$pkgver} )


+   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build/src/apps/marble-kde

+   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build/src/plasma

+   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build/src/plasmarunner

+   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build/src/thumbnailer

+   rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{icons,doc}

+ }


+ package_marble-maps() {

+   pkgdesc='OpenStreetMap Navigation'

+   depends=(marble-common kirigami2)


+   # pin to 'marble-common'

+   depends=( ${depends[*]/marble-common/marble-common=$pkgver} )


+   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build/src/apps/marble-maps

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ 

+ diff --git a/src/apps/marble-kde/CMakeLists.txt b/src/apps/marble-kde/CMakeLists.txt

+ index 8548aac73..e764163ee 100644

+ --- a/src/apps/marble-kde/CMakeLists.txt

+ +++ b/src/apps/marble-kde/CMakeLists.txt

+ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ if(NOT ECM_FOUND)

+      return()

+  endif()


+ -macro_optional_find_package(KF5 ${REQUIRED_KF5_MIN_VERSION} QUIET COMPONENTS Crash NewStuff Parts CoreAddons I18n)

+ +macro_optional_find_package(KF5 ${REQUIRED_KF5_MIN_VERSION} QUIET COMPONENTS Crash Parts CoreAddons I18n)


+  if(NOT KF5_FOUND)

+      return()

+ @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ set_target_properties(marble_part PROPERTIES PREFIX "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREF

+  target_link_libraries(marble_part

+      marbleui

+      marblewidget

+ -    KF5::NewStuff

+      KF5::Parts

+      KF5::CoreAddons

+      KF5::I18n

+ @@ -31,11 +30,6 @@ target_link_libraries(marble_part


+  install(FILES marble_part.desktop DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICES5DIR})

+  install(FILES marble_part.rc marbleui.rc DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KXMLGUI5DIR}/marble)

+ -if(KF5NewStuff_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "5.56.0")

+ -    install(FILES marble.knsrc DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KNSRCDIR})

+ -else()

+ -    install(FILES marble.knsrc DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_CONFDIR})

+ -endif()


+  ki18n_wrap_ui(marble_kde_SRCS ${marble_UI})

+  kconfig_add_kcfg_files(marble_kde_SRCS settings.kcfgc)

+ @@ -55,7 +49,6 @@ target_link_libraries (

+      marbleui

+      marblewidget

+      astro

+ -    KF5::NewStuff

+      KF5::Parts

+      KF5::Crash

+      KF5::CoreAddons

+ diff --git a/src/apps/marble-kde/marble.knsrc b/src/apps/marble-kde/marble.knsrc

+ deleted file mode 100644

+ index b695f4521..000000000

+ --- a/src/apps/marble-kde/marble.knsrc

+ +++ /dev/null

+ @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@

+ -[KNewStuff3]

+ -ProvidersUrl=http://edu.kde.org/marble/newstuff/providers-4.5.xml

+ -Categories=Marble Map

+ -XdgTargetDir=marble/maps

+ -Uncompress=archive

file modified
+12 -11
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ 

  # - Removed nonfree parts



- pkgver=10.73.36

- pkgrel=1

+ pkgver=10.73.42

+ pkgrel=2


  pkgdesc="A toolkit for manipulation of graphic images"

  pkgdesc+=", without nonfree parts"
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ 

  license=('custom' 'BSD' 'GPL' 'LGPL')


  depends=('perl' 'libpng' 'libtiff' 'libxml2')

- makedepends=('python2' 'jbigkit' 'subversion')

+ makedepends=('jbigkit' 'subversion')


  # Get docs with: wget --recursive --relative -nH http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/



          netpbm-CAN-2005-2471.patch netpbm-security-code.patch netpbm-security-scripts.patch

          reproducible-man-gzip.patch use-source-date-epoch.patch)

- sha256sums=('93b31b11b003082d5fd4037ae5c768b91ea7330b10247a25086c10b5dd71e445'

+ sha256sums=('f1ddaa753d189aa7760a75265b6f7ab96eeedac3e2493ef57227824d058d528c'




-             '83d75a80ce999d8b69572e54f04c4d220c60b0d09f9e52d3236264535c3bf216'

+             '343a72eb67edb338bc593d823ced770a0fe44c4c1fa4f4ac1934b84da4431579'



@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ 

    patch -p1 < ../netpbm-security-scripts.patch

    patch -p1 < ../reproducible-man-gzip.patch

    patch -p1 < ../use-source-date-epoch.patch

-   sed -i 's|#!/usr/bin/python|#!/usr/bin/python2|' buildtools/makeman

-   sed -i 's|@python|@python2|' buildtools/manpage.mk

+   # sed -i 's|#!/usr/bin/python|#!/usr/bin/python2|' buildtools/makeman

+   # sed -i 's|@python|@python2|' buildtools/manpage.mk


    cp config.mk.in  config.mk

    [ "${CARCH}" = 'x86_64' ] && echo 'CFLAGS_SHLIB = -fPIC' >> config.mk
@@ -115,8 +115,9 @@ 

    cd $pkgname-$pkgver


    # Generating useful man pages with html doc

-   make MAKEMAN="${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver/buildtools/makeman" USERGUIDE=. \

-     -C ../doc -f "${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver/buildtools/manpage.mk" manpages

+   # TODO: Enable when we have it updated

+   # make MAKEMAN="${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver/buildtools/makeman" USERGUIDE="-v ." \

+   #   -C ../doc -f "${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver/buildtools/manpage.mk" manpages



  package() {
@@ -126,8 +127,8 @@ 

  # Removing dummy man pages

    rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man{1,3,5}/*


-   make MAKEMAN="${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver/buildtools/makeman" MANDIR="${pkgdir}/usr/share/man" \

-     -C ../doc -f "${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver/buildtools/manpage.mk" installman

+   # make MAKEMAN="${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver/buildtools/makeman" MANDIR="${pkgdir}/usr/share/man" \

+   #   -C ../doc -f "${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver/buildtools/manpage.mk" installman


  # Replace obsolete utility

    echo -e '#!/bin/sh\npamditherbw $@ | pamtopnm\n' > "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pgmtopbm"

@@ -232,14 +232,14 @@ 

  --- a/converter/pbm/mgrtopbm.c

  +++ b/converter/pbm/mgrtopbm.c

  @@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ readMgrHeader(FILE *          const ifP,

-      if (head.h_high < ' ' || head.l_high < ' ')

-          pm_error("Invalid width field in MGR header");


+          pad = 0;  /* should never reach here */

+      }


  +    overflow_add(*colsP, pad);


-      *colsP = (((int)head.h_wide - ' ') << 6) + ((int)head.l_wide - ' ');

-      *rowsP = (((int)head.h_high - ' ') << 6) + ((int) head.l_high - ' ');

-      *padrightP = ( ( *colsP + pad - 1 ) / pad ) * pad - *colsP;

+      interpHdrWidth (head, colsP);

+      interpHdrHeight(head, rowsP);


  diff --git a/converter/pbm/pbmto4425.c b/converter/pbm/pbmto4425.c

  index 1d97ac6..c4c8cbb 100644

  --- a/converter/pbm/pbmto4425.c

@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ 




- pkgver=20221105

- _gitver=374d9b5b110ddfe715419b10caa4de2972aed162

+ pkgver=20230305

+ _gitver=d81cb92a9b111bf2207036578487b09ea965d562


  pkgdesc="Parabola GNU/Linux-libre PGP keyring"


file modified
+2 -5
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ 



  # parabola changes and rationale:

- #   - restore support for qt5-webkit dependents

+ #   - restore support for 'qt5-webkit' dependents

  #   - pin to strongly-coupled dependency versions


@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ 

  pkgdesc="A set of Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit"



- pkgrel+=.parabola2

+ pkgrel+=.parabola3


  arch+=('armv7h' 'i686')

@@ -95,9 +95,6 @@ 




-   [[ "${CARCH}" == i686 ]]                          &&

-   depends+=( $(_version_constraint python   2)    \

-              'qt5-base>=5.15.7' 'qt5-base<5.15.8' ) ||

    depends+=( $(_version_constraint python   2) \

               $(_version_constraint qt5-base  ) )


file modified
+1 -3
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ 




- pkgrel+=.parabola2

+ pkgrel+=.parabola3


  arch+=(armv7h i686)

@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ 



  package() {

-   [[ "${CARCH}" == i686 ]]                          &&

-   depends+=( 'qt5-base>=5.15.7' 'qt5-base<5.15.8' ) ||

    depends+=( $(_version_constraint qt5-base) )


    DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build

file modified
+2 -6
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ 



  # parabola changes and rationale:

- #   - removed qt5-webengine dependency

+ #   - removed 'qt5-webengine' dependency

  #   - set webkit backend as default

  #   - condensed the excessive webkit rant on the welcome screen

  #   - pin to strongly-coupled dependency versions
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ 




- pkgrel+=.parabola1

+ pkgrel+=.parabola2

  pkgdesc="A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5"

  pkgdesc+=" and QtWebKit"

  arch=('armv7h' 'i686' 'x86_64') # per arch version constraints
@@ -99,10 +99,6 @@ 

      cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"

      make -f misc/Makefile DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr install


-     [[ "${CARCH}" == i686 ]]                           &&

-     depends+=( $(_version_constraint python       2) \

-                $(_version_constraint python-pyqt5  ) \

-                'qt5-base>=5.15.7' 'qt5-base<5.15.8'  ) ||

      depends+=( $(_version_constraint python       2) \

                 $(_version_constraint python-pyqt5  ) \

                 $(_version_constraint qt5-base      ) )

@@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ 

   instead of "Linux"



-  man/kernel-install.xml                    | 2 +-

-  man/os-release.xml                        | 2 +-

-  src/analyze/analyze.c                     | 2 +-

-  src/core/main.c                           | 4 ++--

-  src/firstboot/firstboot.c                 | 2 +-

-  src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install | 2 +-

-  6 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

+  man/kernel-install.xml                       | 2 +-

+  man/os-release.xml                           | 2 +-

+  src/analyze/analyze.c                        | 2 +-

+  src/basic/os-util.c                          | 2 +-

+  src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install.in | 2 +-

+  5 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/man/kernel-install.xml b/man/kernel-install.xml

  index 34bb5d2f1e..d22945b5c4 100644
@@ -39,36 +38,21 @@ 


             <para>Example: <literal>PRETTY_NAME="Fedora 17 (Beefy Miracle)"</literal>.</para></listitem>


- diff --git a/src/core/main.c b/src/core/main.c

- index bcce7178a8..7bebcc9e28 100644

- --- a/src/core/main.c

- +++ b/src/core/main.c

- @@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@

-                  return log_full_errno(r == -ENOENT ? LOG_DEBUG : LOG_WARNING, r,

-                                        "Failed to read os-release file, ignoring: %m");

+ diff --git a/src/basic/os-util.c b/src/basic/os-util.c

+ index bf844e5b7f..72a70e9314 100644

+ --- a/src/basic/os-util.c

+ +++ b/src/basic/os-util.c

+ @@ -379,5 +379,5 @@ const char *os_release_pretty_name(const char *pretty_name, const char *name) {

+           * exists mostly to ensure we use the same logic wherever possible. */


- -        const char *label = empty_to_null(pretty_name) ?: empty_to_null(name) ?: "Linux";

- +        const char *label = empty_to_null(pretty_name) ?: empty_to_null(name) ?: "GNU/Linux";


-          if (show_status_on(arg_show_status)) {

-                  if (log_get_show_color())

- diff --git a/src/firstboot/firstboot.c b/src/firstboot/firstboot.c

- index c9fc8dd5cd..ffaa1c1c13 100644

- --- a/src/firstboot/firstboot.c

- +++ b/src/firstboot/firstboot.c

- @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ static void print_welcome(void) {

-                  log_full_errno(r == -ENOENT ? LOG_DEBUG : LOG_WARNING, r,

-                                 "Failed to read os-release file, ignoring: %m");


- -        pn = isempty(pretty_name) ? "Linux" : pretty_name;

- +        pn = isempty(pretty_name) ? "GNU/Linux" : pretty_name;

-          ac = isempty(ansi_color) ? "0" : ansi_color;


-          if (colors_enabled())

- diff --git a/src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install b/src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install

+          return empty_to_null(pretty_name) ?:

+ -                empty_to_null(name) ?: "Linux";

+ +                empty_to_null(name) ?: "GNU/Linux";

+  }

+ diff --git a/src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install.in b/src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install.in

  index 47a0cd224a..9ff48a9d5c 100644

- --- a/src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install

- +++ b/src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install

+ --- a/src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install.in

+ +++ b/src/kernel-install/90-loaderentry.install.in

  @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@

       . /usr/lib/os-release


@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ 



   man/os-release.xml                    | 2 +-

-  src/journal-remote/journal-gatewayd.c | 2 +-

-  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

+  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/man/os-release.xml b/man/os-release.xml

  index 9ff4b7e8c2..1c069275c8 100644
@@ -22,19 +21,6 @@ 

             be used.</para>


             <para>Examples: <literal>NAME=Fedora</literal>, <literal>NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"</literal>.

- diff --git a/src/journal-remote/journal-gatewayd.c b/src/journal-remote/journal-gatewayd.c

- index 9e77e314ff..3d0c3aafd7 100644

- --- a/src/journal-remote/journal-gatewayd.c

- +++ b/src/journal-remote/journal-gatewayd.c

- @@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ static int request_handler_machine(

-                       SD_ID128_FORMAT_VAL(mid),

-                       SD_ID128_FORMAT_VAL(bid),

-                       hostname_cleanup(hostname),

- -                     os_name ? os_name : "Linux",

- +                     os_name ? os_name : "GNU/Linux",

-                       v ? v : "bare",

-                       usage,

-                       cutoff_from,




@@ -241,10 +241,10 @@ 

  index 9963322fc9..4b71a4ab8f 100644

  --- a/man/custom-entities.ent.in

  +++ b/man/custom-entities.ent.in

- @@ -15,5 +15,4 @@



+ @@ -17,5 +17,4 @@




  -<!ENTITY fedora_latest_version "36">

  -<!ENTITY fedora_cloud_release "1.5">

  +<!ENTITY blag_latest_version "140">

@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ 

   "Linux Boot Manager"



-  src/boot/bootctl.c | 4 ++--

+  src/boot/bootctl-install.c | 4 ++--

   1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


- diff --git a/src/boot/bootctl.c b/src/boot/bootctl.c

- index 2832a39dd7..534870ee50 100644

- --- a/src/boot/bootctl.c

- +++ b/src/boot/bootctl.c

- @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@

+ diff --git a/src/boot/bootctl-install.c b/src/boot/bootctl-install.c

+ index c795e75bc3..c373b30241 100644

+ --- a/src/boot/bootctl-install.c

+ +++ b/src/boot/bootctl-install.c

+ @@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ static int remove_from_order(uint16_t slot) {



   static const char *pick_efi_boot_option_description(void) {
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ 

  +        return arg_efi_boot_option_description ?: "Systemd Boot Manager";



-  static int acquire_esp(

+  static int install_variables(




file modified
+12 -12
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ 

  # We split Arch's systemd-libs into systemd-$X, for the following $X:

  _systemd_libs=('libsystemd' 'libudev' 'nss-systemd' 'nss-myhostname' 'nss-mymachines' 'nss-resolve')


- _tag='b16ce4c7ab80665b65345ea030c51a5c758fe66b' # git rev-parse v${_tag_name}

- _tag_name=252.5

+ _tag='eb0f8fc41511dda1f9e0d19e830cc8c6668a2628' # git rev-parse v${_tag_name}

+ _tag_name=253



@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ 




-             'aeefb607471cffb5ed4c3d9f36dc0954a9a08cee4b7b4ff55468b561e089e3d8448398906a7df328049ba51b712e4d50698b96bc152bdb03a35ce39c3f51a7cb'

+             'c6c30042b9f11c04e4430a4f45cce09c2dcc706bac567d7f8ec93b92ef791cd726d81c5b7d5468b350377f6338fa24d39c1ee8f4e8ce5826a61f4a9d4de4b25b'



@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ 




-             '456cbd555bf173252647488c01f4111d9f6c0dc7dc67af6f1fb5a65089649a388b2a2c0364eb4ab626b4dcb02cc9d775bbd9f87b56434780a073f6753ff06d65'

+             '528bbf114ca4fc02a2cfc0d684c43859e79aa8b1ea5c4145b74848849b5644cbf44500c57751e75a250f4d53b46249efce18ca1190e03c3d06f0a2750ce19698'



@@ -81,16 +81,14 @@ 




-             '6784f8d84e7f6063f3ea189eede45725ca913cd2140858416ba097f0dbb8cfff8bbe5c6a52715086e720b11351803f9eb18d71a6f63bc59dd44f9e24a4d45176'

-             '1c93f6641d537290786137138db1ff8e23de754ce7dc20aaed458e13763f29cdddf699eeb9bb2cdaa244495ae1611784dcde7ef32846d2c4043d691ca682ea23'

+             '21e30bedbfa326af04dc73d0281d01d069b6287b45dbb49b7b93d1bceb6c030532e1739b83ed425c20d0deba0a824f0f3147d1e8c3d26206c8edc541e3fc32b6'

+             '730014c3ce5e9526075569641efadec6acf75df5a88e26b83420b130399f3ba8b6a23d778e7221abe8bfd9e54457562905fa068911be5078ac3cd993dad468a5'



-             '8a7d9be0482307efaf290a9c764802e0fae557a6017b893c054e60ea3938aaa5d6a996161828fbd3340177b2f1ad1f523493975c9ed25c6d8dcd7606b112a81e'

-             '10c366c0d8922c26ac7e57cf907a449e05084cb33ef4d2c79243364c8827634a5c92f7108fb40c39199a1013bd5dde3e58bf37d03a497843861d13abe94431f7')

+             '347d5c7b7e809191588e97638b2792edb40cec6c20f1983920f0a66b0acc7ef77d30c6d45f730c0e70b2af0f9851d16d2c1838a52b0d9b6b3344be3c8815f823'

+             '9786edfa655c7400aba362f5fabb93df33e23dfb86e9820585943467f4918937f30e4d9daa74538321a288c2611dda95b700efae14719d34dac6d79eab537a60')



-   # rules: add missing line continuation

-   'de8409ac43f6e4596de4cecce8dbbb5f1f2a18b1'



@@ -256,10 +254,12 @@ 

                'quota-tools: kernel-level quota management'

                'systemd-sysvcompat: symlink package to provide sysvinit binaries'

                'polkit: allow administration as unprivileged user'

+               'python: Unified Kernel Image with ukify'

                'curl: machinectl pull-tar and pull-raw'

                'gnutls: systemd-journal-gatewayd and systemd-journal-remote'

                'libbpf: support BPF programs'

                'libfido2: unlocking LUKS2 volumes with FIDO2 token'

+               'libp11-kit: support PKCS#11'

                'tpm2-tss: unlocking LUKS2 volumes with TPM2')


@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ 

             'glibc' 'iptables' 'libcap' 'libcap.so'

             'libgcrypt' 'libxcrypt' 'libcrypt.so' 'libidn2' 'libseccomp' 'libseccomp.so' 'libsystemd.so'

             'libudev.so' 'libblkid.so' 'libmount.so' 'libuuid.so' 'lz4'

-            'xz' 'audit' 'libaudit.so' 'libp11-kit' 'libp11-kit.so' 'openssl' 'libcrypto.so' 'libssl.so')

+            'xz' 'audit' 'libaudit.so' 'openssl' 'libcrypto.so' 'libssl.so')


    cp -rT -d --no-preserve=ownership,timestamp "$srcdir/dest/${pkgname#systemd-}" "$pkgdir"

@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ 


  package_systemd-libsystemd() {

    pkgdesc='systemd client library'

-   depends=('glibc' 'libcap' 'libcap.so' 'libgcrypt' 'libp11-kit' 'lz4' 'xz' 'zstd')

+   depends=('glibc' 'gcc-libs' 'libcap' 'libcap.so' 'libgcrypt' 'lz4' 'xz' 'zstd')




@@ -105,15 +105,16 @@ 

              swap.target \

              systemd-fsck@.service \

              systemd-hibernate-resume@.service \

-             systemd-journald.service \

              systemd-journald-audit.socket \

              systemd-journald-dev-log.socket \

+             systemd-journald.service \

              systemd-modules-load.service \

+             systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service \

              systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service \

-             systemd-udev-trigger.service \

              systemd-udevd-control.socket \

              systemd-udevd-kernel.socket \

              systemd-udevd.service \

+             systemd-udev-trigger.service \

              timers.target \

              rescue.target \


file modified
+1 -1
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ 

  case $1 in

    hwdb)     /usr/bin/systemd-hwdb --usr update ;;


-   udev-reload)   udevd_live;   /usr/bin/udevadm control --reload ;;

+   udev-reload)   udevd_live;   /usr/bin/udevadm control --reload; /usr/bin/udevadm trigger ;;


    *) echo >&2 "  Invalid operation '$1'"; exit 1 ;;


file modified
+3 -3
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ 




- pkgver=20230114

- _gitver=75e7a54ef2054c0b01152e9bc0b9329459a44b28

+ pkgver=20230305

+ _gitver=89b4d67ac9da32958572f48247e162b685e0efc1


  pkgdesc="This meta-package conflicts with every known non-free Arch package, to ensure that your system is libre"

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ 




- sha256sums=('5a455a8aa283562634c4a6cbbdfd7fc8610dc547d3ace4070cfc7438cf69ac06')

+ sha256sums=('52f4d45b1690a3315f127e938ca20426571e6e2e5b6e4bfd1ff7dcc6edbc7e39')




file modified
+2 -2
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ 




- pkgver=5.101.0

+ pkgver=5.103.0



@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 




- sha256sums=('6a9417c01ecf6681ee41ad0d3f7723dc9dbbbe620cd4bead70b4ebae068e716b'

+ sha256sums=('0b4837365aa489cc4007badb21f49e7d7729b758020cf2a0717ab12fbf97f447'




@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 

- From f7d07e298c819a81eab965efbdbf53a2ce67fc0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

+ From 0e8c18bc2639da328274d02d9222ee2c1f6bf696 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

  From: "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)" <jan.steffens@gmail.com>

  Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2018 23:39:47 +0100

  Subject: [PATCH] Use Arch Linux' device access groups
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ 

   4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)


  diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build

- index 32e5413a62..f781e06fed 100644

+ index 76ad51d3fb..5cf679b088 100644

  --- a/meson.build

  +++ b/meson.build

- @@ -796,19 +796,19 @@ conf.set_quoted('NOBODY_GROUP_NAME', nobody_group)

+ @@ -915,19 +915,19 @@ conf.set_quoted('NOBODY_GROUP_NAME', nobody_group)

   static_ugids = []

   foreach option : ['adm-gid',

@@ -44,61 +44,61 @@ 



  diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt

- index 5048de755d..676e5e2e0d 100644

+ index 814f340840..253a77ecb3 100644

  --- a/meson_options.txt

  +++ b/meson_options.txt

- @@ -235,10 +235,6 @@ option('adm-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+ @@ -257,10 +257,6 @@ option('adm-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "adm" group')

-  option('audio-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('audio-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "audio" group')

- -option('cdrom-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+ -option('cdrom-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

  -       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "cdrom" group')

- -option('dialout-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+ -option('dialout-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

  -       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "dialout" group')

-  option('disk-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('disk-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "disk" group')

-  option('input-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

- @@ -249,18 +245,22 @@ option('kvm-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('input-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

+ @@ -271,18 +267,22 @@ option('kvm-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "kvm" group')

-  option('lp-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('lp-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "lp" group')

- +option('optical-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+ +option('optical-gid', type : 'integer', value : '0',

  +       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "optical" group')

-  option('render-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('render-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "render" group')

-  option('sgx-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('sgx-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "sgx" group')

- -option('tape-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+ -option('tape-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

  -       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "tape" group')

- +option('storage-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+ +option('storage-gid', type : 'integer', value : '0',

  +       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "storage" group')

   option('tty-gid', type : 'integer', value : 5,

          description : 'the numeric GID of the "tty" group')

-  option('users-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('users-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "users" group')

-  option('utmp-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('utmp-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "utmp" group')

- +option('uucp-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+ +option('uucp-gid', type : 'integer', value : '0',

  +       description : 'soft-static allocation for the "uucp" group')

-  option('video-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('video-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

          description : 'soft-static allocation for the "video" group')

-  option('wheel-gid', type : 'integer', value : '-1',

+  option('wheel-gid', type : 'integer', value : 0,

  diff --git a/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules.in b/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules.in

- index 18a3cf46bf..f3c440fd89 100644

+ index 843bdaf9ce..a192f091df 100644

  --- a/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules.in

  +++ b/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules.in

- @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SUBSYSTEM=="tty", KERNEL=="sclp_line[0-9]*", GROUP="tty", MODE="0620"

+ @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SUBSYSTEM=="tty", KERNEL=="sclp_line[0-9]*", GROUP="tty", MODE="0620"

   SUBSYSTEM=="tty", KERNEL=="ttysclp[0-9]*", GROUP="tty", MODE="0620"

   SUBSYSTEM=="tty", KERNEL=="3270/tty[0-9]*", GROUP="tty", MODE="0620"

   SUBSYSTEM=="vc", KERNEL=="vcs*|vcsa*", GROUP="tty"

  -KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*[0-9]|ttymxc[0-9]*|pppox[0-9]*|ircomm[0-9]*|noz[0-9]*|rfcomm[0-9]*", GROUP="dialout"

  +KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*[0-9]|ttymxc[0-9]*|pppox[0-9]*|ircomm[0-9]*|noz[0-9]*|rfcomm[0-9]*", GROUP="uucp"



   SUBSYSTEM=="mem", KERNEL=="mem|kmem|port", GROUP="kmem", MODE="0640"


- @@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ KERNEL=="irlpt[0-9]*", GROUP="lp"


+ @@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ KERNEL=="irlpt[0-9]*", GROUP="lp"

   SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACES}=="*:0701??:*", GROUP="lp"



   SUBSYSTEM=="block", GROUP="disk"

  -SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sr[0-9]*", GROUP="cdrom"

  -SUBSYSTEM=="scsi_generic", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="4|5", GROUP="cdrom"
@@ -110,18 +110,18 @@ 

  +KERNEL=="sch[0-9]*", GROUP="optical"

  +KERNEL=="pktcdvd[0-9]*", GROUP="optical"

  +KERNEL=="pktcdvd", GROUP="optical"



  -SUBSYSTEM=="scsi_generic|scsi_tape", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="1|8", GROUP="tape"

  +SUBSYSTEM=="scsi_generic|scsi_tape", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="1|8", GROUP="storage"

   SUBSYSTEM=="scsi_generic", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="0", GROUP="disk"

   KERNEL=="qft[0-9]*|nqft[0-9]*|zqft[0-9]*|nzqft[0-9]*|rawqft[0-9]*|nrawqft[0-9]*", GROUP="disk"

   KERNEL=="loop-control", GROUP="disk", OPTIONS+="static_node=loop-control"

  diff --git a/sysusers.d/basic.conf.in b/sysusers.d/basic.conf.in

- index 8cc1a7cad2..21bb6d8948 100644

+ index a602b872e4..8d38febb6a 100644

  --- a/sysusers.d/basic.conf.in

  +++ b/sysusers.d/basic.conf.in

- @@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ g utmp    {{UTMP_GID   }}     -            -


+ @@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ g utmp    {{UTMP_GID   }}     -            -


   # Physical and virtual hardware access groups

   g audio   {{AUDIO_GID  }}     -            -

  -g cdrom   {{CDROM_GID  }}     -            -
@@ -139,5 +139,6 @@ 

   g tty     {{TTY_GID    }}     -            -

  +g uucp    {{UUCP_GID   }}     -            -

   g video   {{VIDEO_GID  }}     -            -



   # Default group for normal users


file modified
+179 -106
@@ -9,33 +9,39 @@ 


  pkgname=('udev' 'libudev' 'esysusers' 'etmpfiles')

  pkgdesc='Userspace device file manager'

- _tag='95d0353dad616c275fda9b123ba9660e16b20d0a' # git rev-parse v${_tag_name}

- _tag_name=250.2

+ _tag='b16ce4c7ab80665b65345ea030c51a5c758fe66b' # git rev-parse v${_tag_name}

+ _tag_name=252.5




  arch+=('i686' 'armv7h')


  license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1')

- makedepends=('acl' 'libacl.so' 'kmod' 'libkmod.so' 'util-linux' 'libblkid.so'

-              'hwdata' 'libcap' 'libcap.so' 'kbd' 'gperf' 'intltool' 'git'

-              'meson' 'docbook-xsl' 'rsync' 'python-jinja')

+ makedepends=('acl' 'kmod' 'util-linux' 'hwdata' 'libcap' 'kbd' 'gperf'

+             'intltool' 'git' 'meson' 'docbook-xsl' 'rsync' 'python-jinja')


  validpgpkeys=('63CDA1E5D3FC22B998D20DD6327F26951A015CC4'  # Lennart Poettering <lennart@poettering.net>

                'A9EA9081724FFAE0484C35A1A81CEA22BC8C7E2E'  # Luca Boccassi <luca.boccassi@gmail.com>

+               '9A774DB5DB996C154EBBFBFDA0099A18E29326E1'  # Yu Watanabe <watanabe.yu+github@gmail.com>

                '5C251B5FC54EB2F80F407AAAC54CA336CFEB557E') # Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek@in.waw.pl>

- _commit=29cd296aa4635fe6f7b53bda2f2cb1648bdc0782

- source=("git+https://github.com/systemd/systemd-stable#tag=${_tag}?signed"

-         "git+https://github.com/systemd/systemd#tag=v${_tag_name%.*}?signed"

+ _alpm=57bcc7fee22d75df96fd546ee7215166cdfb1233

+ source=("git+https://github.com/systemd/systemd-stable#tag=${_tag}" #?signed

+         "git+https://github.com/systemd/systemd#tag=v${_tag_name%.*}" #?signed



-         git+https://gitea.artixlinux.org/artix/alpm-hooks.git#commit=$_commit)

+         "git+https://gitea.artixlinux.org/artix/alpm-hooks.git#commit=${_alpm}"

+         meson-install-tags.patch

+         meson-artix.patch

+         udev-log-msg.patch)



-             '10f3b477527ec263cc6465c84d94416e356435930edc9e26844a0fd4f71e87a27fa0f91ce24b43a22cacdd2ead5e760e9d607369bc537a8da8d34021302a89a1'

+             'f26db75129f1f9a7b7235d77e4ec490864fa0a203431f515873443b227da3db7034d8d81f7974f23fc6fbeaa91727244ac8ab82762f02e87fb92ea19a6bd931f'



-             'SKIP')

+             'SKIP'

+             'e936a4b245400140d2cb4ed250fe23639bc3aaf81fb958b9b10dc1ff5aeb094f37b657e044bf35e832fd4a69dccea5b19ef45d20852ce3aa49325ae2e59d8f51'

+             'a26003ddcac5a83ec1fec040b36ff46816869028dc79aebb2646f9f2ed090e6358601f911c9d6a04b426c7f3367595e12716e411fca34ffce59d718b067e4e5c'

+             '268817ee63ca0b03d2a10bb952837052c1fa80a5d2f0fe933d2aa3d61a09d286f188a6358107114964930fcef7057392f9520f875a83f6e265d2f4bc2564c26e')



@@ -58,149 +64,213 @@ 

          git log --oneline -1 "${_c}"

          git revert -n "${_c}"


+     patch -Np1 -i ../meson-install-tags.patch

+     patch -Np1 -i ../meson-artix.patch

+     patch -Np1 -i ../udev-log-msg.patch


      # Replace cdrom/dialout/tape groups with optical/uucp/storage

      patch -Np1 -i ../0001-Use-Arch-Linux-device-access-groups.patch



- _get_libudev() {

-     echo "$(readlink build/libudev.so.1)"

- }


- _inst_bin() {

-     local bin="$1"


-     install -Dm755 build/systemd-"$bin".standalone "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/"$bin"

-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/"$bin".d


-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/{doc/"${pkgname}",man/man{5,8}}


-     install -m644 build/man/"$bin".d.5 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man5/

-     install -m644 build/man/systemd-"$bin".8 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man8/"$bin".8


-     install -m644 "$_pkgbase"/LICENSE.* "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/doc/"${pkgname}"

- }


  build() {

      local _meson_options=()




+         -Dshared-lib-tag="${pkgver}-${pkgrel}"







-         -Dadm-group=true

-         -Dwheel-group=true

-         -Dgshadow=true



+         -Dgshadow=true


+         -Dinstall-sysconfdir-standalone=true

+         -Ddefault-udevd-symlink='udevd'

+         -Ddefault-udevd-dir='/usr/bin'


+         -Dsbat-distro='artix'

+         -Dsbat-distro-summary='Artix Linux'

+         -Dsbat-distro-pkgname="${pkgname}"

+         -Dsbat-distro-version="${pkgver}"


+         -Dtests=true


+         -Dlink-udev-shared=false

+         -Dlink-boot-shared=false


-         -Dtests=false






-         -Dlink-udev-shared=false


-         -Dlibidn2=false

-         -Dlibidn=false

-         -Dlibcryptsetup=false

-         -Didn=false

+         -Dsysvinit-path=

+         -Ddefault-dnssec=no


+         -Dadm-group=false

+         -Danalyze=false

+         -Dapparmor=false

+         -Daudit=false

+         -Dbacklight=false

+         -Dbinfmt=false

+         -Dbzip2=false

+         -Dcoredump=false

+         -Ddbus=false

+         -Delfutils=false

+         -Denvironment-d=false

+         -Dfdisk=false


+         -Dglib=false

+         -Dgnutls=false

+         -Dhibernate=false

+         -Dhostnamed=false

+         -Didn=false

+         -Dima=false

+         -Dinitrd=false

+         -Dfirstboot=false

+         -Dkernel-install=false

+         -Dldconfig=false

+         -Dlibcryptsetup=false

+         -Dlibcurl=false

+         -Dlibfido2=false

+         -Dlibidn=false

+         -Dlibidn2=false


+         -Dlocaled=false

+         -Dlogind=false


+         -Dmachined=false

+         -Dmicrohttpd=false

+         -Dnetworkd=false

+         -Dnscd=false

+         -Dnss-myhostname=false

+         -Dnss-resolve=false

+         -Dnss-systemd=false

+         -Doomd=false

+         -Dopenssl=false


+         -Dpam=false

+         -Dpcre2=false

+         -Dpolkit=false

+         -Dportabled=false

+         -Dpstore=false

+         -Dpwquality=false

+         -Drandomseed=false

+         -Dresolve=false

+         -Drfkill=false


-         -Dxz=false


-         -Dtimesyncd=false

-         -Dnss-systemd=false

-         -Dnss-resolve=false

-         -Dnss-mymachines=false

-         -Dnss-myhostname=false

-         -Dnetworkd=false

-         -Dmachined=false

+         -Dsmack=false

+         -Dsysext=false


-         -Dkernel-install=false

-         -Dresolve=false

+         -Dtimesyncd=false

+         -Dtpm=false

+         -Dqrencode=false

+         -Dquotacheck=false

+         -Duserdb=false

+         -Dutmp=false

+         -Dvconsole=false

+         -Dwheel-group=false


+         -Dxkbcommon=false

+         -Dxz=false

+         -Dzlib=false

+         -Dzstd=false


+     artix-meson "$_pkgbase" build "${_meson_options[@]}"


-     arch-meson "$_pkgbase" build "${_meson_options[@]}"


-     local _udev=() _man=() _ebin=()


-     _udev+=(

-         $(_get_libudev)

+     local _targets=()

+     _targets+=(

+         udev:shared_library



+         systemd-hwdb



-         rules.d/{50-udev-default.rules,64-btrfs.rules}

+         rules.d/{50-udev-default,64-btrfs}.rules


-     )

+         man/{libudev.3,udev.conf.5,hwdb.7,udev.7,udevadm.8}


-     _ebin+=(




-     )


-     _man+=(



-         man/{libudev.3,udev.conf.5,hwdb.7,udev.7,udevadm.8}

+         factory/templates/locale.conf


+         systemd-detect-virt

+         test/sys

+         test-udev

+         test-fido-id-desc

+         test-udev-builtin

+         test-udev-event

+         test-udev-node

+         test-udev-util

+         systemd-runtest.env

+         test-tmpfiles


+     meson compile -C build "${_targets[@]}"

+ }


-     ninja -C build "${_udev[@]}" "${_ebin[@]}" "${_man[@]}"

+ check() {

+     local tests=()

+     tests+=(

+         test-sysusers.standalone

+         test-systemd-tmpfiles.standalone

+         test-tmpfiles

+         rule-syntax-check

+         test-fido-id-desc

+         test-udev-builtin

+         test-udev-event

+         test-udev-node

+         test-udev-util

+ #         udev-test

+         test-libudev

+         test-libudev-sym

+         test-udev-device-thread

+     )

+     meson test -C build --print-errorlogs "${tests[@]}"

+ }


+ _inst_doc(){

+     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/doc/"${pkgname}"

+     install -vm644 "$_pkgbase"/LICENSE.* "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/doc/"${pkgname}"

+ }


+ _inst_man_udev() {

+     local x="$1" y=${1##*.}

+     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man"$y"

+     install -vm644 build/man/"$x" "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man"$y"

+ }


+ _inst_man_utils() {

+     local u="$1"

+     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man{5,8}

+     install -vm644 build/man/"$u".d.5 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man5

+     install -vm644 build/man/systemd-"$u".8 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man8/"$u".8



  package_udev() {

      pkgdesc='Userspace device file manager'

      depends=('acl' 'libacl.so' 'kmod' 'libkmod.so'

              'util-linux' 'libblkid.so' 'libudev' 'hwdata' 'kbd')

-     provides=("udev=$pkgver" 'eudev')

+     provides=("udev=$pkgver")

+     provides+=('eudev')



-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/etc/udev/{hwdb,rules}.d

-     mv -v "$_pkgbase"/src/udev/udev.conf "${pkgdir}"/etc/udev


-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin

-     mv -v build/udevadm "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/udevadm

-     ln -sfv udevadm "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/udevd

+     meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" --no-rebuild --tags udev,udev-devel,libudev-devel


-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/{share,lib}/pkgconfig

-     mv -v build/src/libudev/libudev.pc "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/pkgconfig

-     mv -v build/src/udev/udev.pc "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pkgconfig

+     mv -v  "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/systemd-hwdb "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/udev-hwdb


-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/udev

-     mv -v build/src/udev/{*_id,mtd_probe} "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/udev


-     mv -v build/hwdb.d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/udev/

-     mv -v "$_pkgbase"/hwdb.d/{*.hwdb,README} "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/

-     mv -v build/rules.d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/udev/

-     mv -v "$_pkgbase"/rules.d/{*.rules,README} "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/


-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/include

-     mv -v "$_pkgbase"/src/libudev/libudev.h "${pkgdir}"/usr/include


-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man{3,5,7,8}

-     mv -v build/man/libudev.3 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man3/

-     mv -v build/man/udev.conf.5 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man5/

-     mv -v build/man/udev.7 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man7/

-     mv -v build/man/udevadm.8 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man8/


-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/doc/"${pkgname}"

-     install -m644 "$_pkgbase"/LICENSE.* "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/doc/"${pkgname}"

+     for m in libudev.3 udev.conf.5 udev.7 udevadm.8; do

+         _inst_man_udev "$m"

+     done

+     _inst_doc


      # initcpio

-     install -D -m0644 initcpio-install-udev "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/initcpio/install/udev

-     install -D -m0644 initcpio-hook-udev "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/udev

+     install -vD -m0644 initcpio-install-udev "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/initcpio/install/udev

+     install -vD -m0644 initcpio-hook-udev "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/udev


      # pacman hooks

      make -C alpm-hooks DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install_udev
@@ -209,11 +279,11 @@ 

  package_libudev() {

      pkgdesc='udev library for enumerating and introspecting local devices'


-     provides=('libudev.so' 'libeudev')

+     provides=('libudev.so')

+     provides+=(''libeudev')



-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib

-     mv -v build/{libudev.so{,.1},$(_get_libudev)} "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/

+     meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" --no-rebuild --tags libudev



  package_esysusers() {
@@ -221,10 +291,12 @@ 


      depends=('gcc-libs' 'libxcrypt')


-     _inst_bin sysusers

+     meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" --no-rebuild --tags sysusers


-     mv -v build/sysusers.d/basic.conf "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/sysusers.d

-     mv -v "$_pkgbase"/sysusers.d/README "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/sysusers.d

+     mv -v  "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/systemd-sysusers.standalone "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/sysusers


+     _inst_man_utils sysusers

+     _inst_doc


      # pacman hooks

      make -C alpm-hooks DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install_sysusers
@@ -235,11 +307,12 @@ 


      depends=('acl' 'libacl.so' 'libcap' 'libcap.so')


-     _inst_bin tmpfiles

+     meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" --no-rebuild --tags tmpfiles


+     mv -v "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles.standalone "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/tmpfiles


-     install -d "${pkgdir}"/etc/tmpfiles.d

-     mv -v build/tmpfiles.d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/

-     mv -v "$_pkgbase"/tmpfiles.d/{{tmp,home,x11}.conf,README} "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d

+     _inst_man_utils tmpfiles

+     _inst_doc


      # pacman hooks

      make -C alpm-hooks DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install_tmpfiles

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ 

+ diff --git a/rules.d/meson.build b/rules.d/meson.build

+ index 8376da17e8..ed8f0c18e1 100644

+ --- a/rules.d/meson.build

+ +++ b/rules.d/meson.build

+ @@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ endforeach

+  rules_in = [

+          ['50-udev-default.rules'],

+          ['64-btrfs.rules'],

+ -        ['99-systemd.rules'],


+          ['70-uaccess.rules',   enable_logind and conf.get('HAVE_ACL') == 1],

+          ['71-seat.rules',      enable_logind],

+ diff --git a/sysusers.d/meson.build b/sysusers.d/meson.build

+ index 687544da58..37bf31b4f1 100644

+ --- a/sysusers.d/meson.build

+ +++ b/sysusers.d/meson.build

+ @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ endif



+  in_files = [['basic.conf',            enable_sysusers],

+ -            ['systemd-journal.conf',  enable_sysusers],

+              ['systemd-network.conf',  enable_sysusers and conf.get('ENABLE_NETWORKD') == 1],

+              ['systemd-resolve.conf',  enable_sysusers and conf.get('ENABLE_RESOLVE') == 1],

+              ['systemd-timesync.conf', enable_sysusers and conf.get('ENABLE_TIMESYNCD') == 1]]

+ diff --git a/tmpfiles.d/meson.build b/tmpfiles.d/meson.build

+ index 17607b6c8b..7a53322329 100644

+ --- a/tmpfiles.d/meson.build

+ +++ b/tmpfiles.d/meson.build

+ @@ -4,14 +4,12 @@ enable_tmpfiles = conf.get('ENABLE_TMPFILES') == 1


+  files = [['README',               ''],

+           ['home.conf',            ''],

+ -         ['journal-nocow.conf',   ''],

+           ['portables.conf',       'ENABLE_PORTABLED'],

+           ['systemd-network.conf', 'ENABLE_NETWORKD'],

+           ['systemd-nologin.conf', 'HAVE_PAM'],

+           ['systemd-nspawn.conf',  'ENABLE_MACHINED'],

+           ['systemd-pstore.conf',  'ENABLE_PSTORE'],

+           ['systemd-resolve.conf', 'ENABLE_RESOLVE'],

+ -         ['systemd-tmp.conf',     ''],

+           ['tmp.conf',             ''],

+           ['x11.conf',             ''],

+          ]

+ @@ -30,7 +28,6 @@ endforeach

+  in_files = [['etc.conf',                      ''],

+              ['legacy.conf',                   'HAVE_SYSV_COMPAT'],

+              ['static-nodes-permissions.conf', ''],

+ -            ['systemd.conf',                  ''],

+              ['var.conf',                      ''],

+             ]


@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ 

+ d090cd7950c96d8c376fcf9b08fd33600eae0b71

+  factory/templates/meson.build |  1 +

+  hwdb.d/meson.build            | 11 +++++++++++

+  meson.build                   | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

+  meson_options.txt             |  7 +++++++

+  rules.d/meson.build           |  3 +++

+  src/libudev/meson.build       | 10 +++++++++-

+  src/udev/meson.build          | 13 +++++++++++++

+  sysusers.d/meson.build        |  3 ++-

+  tmpfiles.d/meson.build        |  9 ++++++++-

+  9 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


+ diff --git a/factory/templates/meson.build b/factory/templates/meson.build

+ index ece2c644ff..43ddbd5158 100644

+ --- a/factory/templates/meson.build

+ +++ b/factory/templates/meson.build

+ @@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ custom_target(

+          output : 'locale.conf',

+          command : [jinja2_cmdline, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],

+          install : true,

+ +        install_tag : 'tmpfiles',

+          install_dir : factory_etc_dir)

+ diff --git a/hwdb.d/meson.build b/hwdb.d/meson.build

+ index 90b71916b7..093c5946ac 100644

+ --- a/hwdb.d/meson.build

+ +++ b/hwdb.d/meson.build

+ @@ -43,10 +43,12 @@ if conf.get('ENABLE_HWDB') == 1

+                  command : make_autosuspend_rules_py,

+                  capture : true,

+                  install : true,

+ +                install_tag : 'udev',

+                  install_dir: udevhwdbdir)


+          install_data(hwdb_files_notest,

+                       hwdb_files_test,

+ +                     install_tag : 'udev',

+                       install_dir : udevhwdbdir)


+          if install_sysconfdir

+ @@ -57,6 +59,15 @@ if conf.get('ENABLE_HWDB') == 1

+                                           'test -n "$DESTDIR" || @0@/systemd-hwdb update'.format(rootbindir))

+          endif


+ +        if install_sysconfdir_standalone

+ +                install_emptydir(

+ +                        sysconfdir / 'udev/hwdb.d',

+ +                        install_tag : 'udev')

+ +

+ +                meson.add_install_script('sh', '-c',

+ +                                         'test -n "$DESTDIR" || @0@/systemd-hwdb update'.format(rootbindir))

+ +        endif

+ +

+          if want_tests != 'false'

+                  parse_hwdb_py = find_program('parse_hwdb.py')

+                  test('parse-hwdb',

+ diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build

+ index 7750534466..cfa01e7a66 100644

+ --- a/meson.build

+ +++ b/meson.build

+ @@ -168,6 +168,18 @@ if rpmmacrosdir != 'no'

+  endif

+  modprobedir = rootprefixdir / 'lib/modprobe.d'


+ +install_sysconfdir_standalone = get_option('install-sysconfdir-standalone')

+ +

+ +default_udevd_symlink = get_option('default-udevd-symlink')

+ +if default_udevd_symlink == ''

+ +        default_udevd_symlink = 'systemd-udevd'

+ +endif

+ +

+ +default_udevd_dir = get_option('default-udevd-dir')

+ +if default_udevd_dir == ''

+ +        default_udevd_dir = prefixdir / 'lib/systemd'

+ +endif

+ +

+  # Our own paths

+  pkgdatadir = datadir / 'systemd'

+  environmentdir = prefixdir / 'lib/environment.d'

+ @@ -3582,6 +3594,7 @@ if enable_sysusers

+                                       libbasic_gcrypt,

+                                       libsystemd_static],

+                          install : true,

+ +                        install_tag : 'sysusers',

+                          install_dir : rootbindir)

+                  public_programs += exe


+ @@ -3625,6 +3638,7 @@ if conf.get('ENABLE_TMPFILES') == 1

+                                       libsystemd_static],

+                          dependencies : [libacl],

+                          install : true,

+ +                        install_tag : 'tmpfiles',

+                          install_dir : rootbindir)

+                  public_programs += exe


+ @@ -3645,6 +3659,7 @@ if conf.get('ENABLE_HWDB') == 1

+                  link_with : udev_link_with,

+                  install_rpath : udev_rpath,

+                  install : true,

+ +                install_tag : 'udev',

+                  install_dir : rootbindir)

+          public_programs += systemd_hwdb


+ @@ -3691,9 +3706,18 @@ udevadm = executable(

+                          libblkid],

+          install_rpath : udev_rpath,

+          install : true,

+ +        install_tag : 'udev',

+          install_dir : rootbindir)

+  public_programs += udevadm


+ +if install_sysconfdir_standalone

+ +        install_symlink(

+ +                default_udevd_symlink,

+ +                install_dir : default_udevd_dir,

+ +                install_tag : 'udev',

+ +                pointing_to : rootbindir / 'udevadm')

+ +endif

+ +

+  if conf.get('ENABLE_REPART') == 1

+          exe = executable(

+                  'systemd-repart',

+ @@ -4281,6 +4305,8 @@ summary({

+          'nobody user name' :                nobody_user,

+          'nobody group name' :               nobody_group,

+          'fallback hostname' :               get_option('fallback-hostname'),

+ +        'default udevd symlink name' :      default_udevd_symlink,

+ +        'default udevd symlink directory' : default_udevd_dir,

+          'default compression method' :      compression,

+          'default DNSSEC mode' :             default_dnssec,

+          'default DNS-over-TLS mode' :       default_dns_over_tls,

+ diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt

+ index 814f340840..e022094400 100644

+ --- a/meson_options.txt

+ +++ b/meson_options.txt

+ @@ -509,3 +509,10 @@ option('bpf-framework', type : 'combo', choices : ['auto', 'true', 'false'],


+  option('skip-deps', type : 'boolean', value : false,

+         description : 'skip optional dependencies')

+ +

+ +option('install-sysconfdir-standalone', type : 'boolean', value : false,

+ +       description : 'install configuration files and directories to $sysconfdir')

+ +option('default-udevd-symlink', type : 'string',

+ +       description : 'the udevd standalone symlink name')

+ +option('default-udevd-dir', type : 'string',

+ +       description : 'the udevd directory')

+ diff --git a/rules.d/meson.build b/rules.d/meson.build

+ index 8d2878a36d..31751215d1 100644

+ --- a/rules.d/meson.build

+ +++ b/rules.d/meson.build

+ @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@


+  install_data(

+          'README',

+ +        install_tag : 'udev',

+          install_dir : udevrulesdir)


+  rules = [

+ @@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ all_rules = []

+  foreach tuple : rules

+          if tuple.length() == 1 or tuple[1]

+                  install_data(tuple[0],

+ +                install_tag : 'udev',

+                               install_dir : udevrulesdir)

+                  all_rules += tuple[0]

+          endif

+ @@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ foreach tuple : rules_in

+                  output: tuple[0],

+                  command : [jinja2_cmdline, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],

+                  install : want,

+ +                install_tag : 'udev',

+                  install_dir : udevrulesdir)


+          if want

+ diff --git a/src/libudev/meson.build b/src/libudev/meson.build

+ index 92d54078f0..6795f33e6a 100644

+ --- a/src/libudev/meson.build

+ +++ b/src/libudev/meson.build

+ @@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ libudev_sym_path = meson.current_source_dir() / 'libudev.sym'

+  install_headers('libudev.h')

+  libudev_h_path = meson.current_source_dir() / 'libudev.h'


+ +if install_sysconfdir_standalone

+ +        libudev_h_path = meson.current_source_dir() / 'libudev.h'

+ +        install_data(

+ +                libudev_h_path,

+ +                install_dir: includedir,

+ +                install_tag: 'udev-devel')

+ +endif

+ +

+  libudev_basic = static_library(

+          'udev-basic',

+          libudev_sources,

+ @@ -40,7 +48,7 @@ libudev_pc = custom_target(

+          output : 'libudev.pc',

+          command : [jinja2_cmdline, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],

+          install : pkgconfiglibdir != 'no',

+ -        install_tag : 'devel',

+ +        install_tag : 'libudev-devel',

+          install_dir : pkgconfiglibdir)


+  ############################################################

+ diff --git a/src/udev/meson.build b/src/udev/meson.build

+ index 08a1d97e81..bc2242fe73 100644

+ --- a/src/udev/meson.build

+ +++ b/src/udev/meson.build

+ @@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ foreach prog : udev_progs

+                  link_with : udev_link_with,

+                  install_rpath : udev_rpath,

+                  install : true,

+ +                install_tag : 'udev',

+                  install_dir : udevlibexecdir)


+          udev_prog_paths += {name : exe}

+ @@ -160,12 +161,24 @@ if install_sysconfdir_samples

+                       install_dir : sysconfdir / 'udev')

+  endif


+ +if install_sysconfdir_standalone

+ +        install_data(

+ +                'udev.conf',

+ +                install_tag : 'udev',

+ +                install_dir : sysconfdir / 'udev')

+ +

+ +        install_emptydir(

+ +                sysconfdir / 'udev/rules.d',

+ +                install_tag : 'udev')

+ +endif

+ +

+  custom_target(

+          'udev.pc',

+          input : 'udev.pc.in',

+          output : 'udev.pc',

+          command : [jinja2_cmdline, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],

+          install : pkgconfigdatadir != 'no',

+ +        install_tag : 'udev-devel',

+          install_dir : pkgconfigdatadir)


+  if install_sysconfdir

+ diff --git a/sysusers.d/meson.build b/sysusers.d/meson.build

+ index 608c4b744a..687544da58 100644

+ --- a/sysusers.d/meson.build

+ +++ b/sysusers.d/meson.build

+ @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ foreach pair : files

+          if not enable_sysusers

+                  # do nothing

+          elif pair[1] == '' or conf.get(pair[1]) == 1

+ -                install_data(pair[0], install_dir : sysusersdir)

+ +                install_data(pair[0], install_tag : 'sysusers', install_dir : sysusersdir)

+          else

+                  message('Not installing sysusers.d/@0@ because @1@ is @2@'

+                          .format(pair[0], pair[1], conf.get(pair[1], 0)))

+ @@ -35,5 +35,6 @@ foreach tuple : in_files

+                  output: file,

+                  command : [jinja2_cmdline, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],

+                  install : tuple[1],

+ +                install_tag : 'sysusers',

+                  install_dir : sysusersdir)

+  endforeach

+ diff --git a/tmpfiles.d/meson.build b/tmpfiles.d/meson.build

+ index ca1abbf3fe..e9a8e2449b 100644

+ --- a/tmpfiles.d/meson.build

+ +++ b/tmpfiles.d/meson.build

+ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ foreach pair : files

+          if not enable_tmpfiles

+                  # do nothing

+          elif pair[1] == '' or conf.get(pair[1]) == 1

+ -                install_data(pair[0], install_dir : tmpfilesdir)

+ +                install_data(pair[0], install_tag : 'tmpfiles', install_dir : tmpfilesdir)

+          else

+                  message('Not installing tmpfiles.d/@0@ because @1@ is @2@'

+                          .format(pair[0], pair[1], conf.get(pair[1], 0)))

+ @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ foreach pair : in_files

+                          output: pair[0],

+                          command : [jinja2_cmdline, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],

+                          install : enable_tmpfiles,

+ +                        install_tag : 'tmpfiles',

+                          install_dir : tmpfilesdir)

+          else

+                  message('Not installing tmpfiles.d/@0@ because @1@ is @2@'

+ @@ -56,3 +57,9 @@ if enable_tmpfiles and install_sysconfdir

+          meson.add_install_script(

+                  'sh', '-c', mkdir_p.format(sysconfdir / 'tmpfiles.d'))

+  endif

+ +

+ +if enable_tmpfiles and install_sysconfdir_standalone

+ +        install_emptydir(

+ +                sysconfdir / 'tmpfiles.d',

+ +                install_tag : 'tmpfiles')

+ +endif

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ 

+  src/udev/udevd.c | 2 +-

+  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)


+ diff --git a/src/udev/udevd.c b/src/udev/udevd.c

+ index e3a2742733..21102fde18 100644

+ --- a/src/udev/udevd.c

+ +++ b/src/udev/udevd.c

+ @@ -2055,7 +2055,7 @@ int run_udevd(int argc, char *argv[]) {

+          if (arg_daemonize) {

+                  pid_t pid;


+ -                log_info("Starting systemd-udevd version " GIT_VERSION);

+ +                log_info("Starting udevd version " GIT_VERSION);


+                  /* connect /dev/null to stdin, stdout, stderr */

+                  if (log_get_max_level() < LOG_DEBUG) {


file removed
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ 

- # Maintainer (arch): grimi <grimi at poczta dot fm>

- # Maintainer (arch): Thomas Nordenmark <t.nordenmark@gmail.com>

- # Developer (Arch): Travis Nickles <nickles.travis@gmail.com>


- pkgname=antimicro

- pkgver=2.23

- pkgrel=1

- pkgdesc="Graphical program used to map keyboard keys and mouse controls to gamepad buttons"

- arch=('i686' 'x86_64')

- url="https://github.com/AntiMicro/antimicro"

- license=('GPL3')

- depends=('libxkbcommon-x11' 'libxtst' 'qt5-base' 'sdl2' 'shared-mime-info' 'desktop-file-utils')

- makedepends=('cmake' 'gettext' 'itstool' 'qt5-tools')

- source=("${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/AntiMicro/${pkgname}/archive/${pkgver}.tar.gz")

- sha512sums=('cd58b5a9771d35fc937306a3452e8776ef754bb5a4fa44aeedb735d8366a38b318c1bf14f105bf8003e4264c35f129224becdade32d2a7b61067ec5a705a1e7e')




- build() {

-   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}


-   mkdir -p build && cd build



-   make

- }


- package() {

-   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}/build


-   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install

- }


@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ 

+ # Maintainer (aur): Fredy García <frealgagu at gmail dot com>

+ # Contributor: grimi <grimi at poczta dot fm>

+ # Contributor: Thomas Nordenmark <t.nordenmark@gmail.com>

+ # Contributor: Travis Nickles <nickles.travis@gmail.com>


+ pkgname=antimicrox

+ pkgver=3.3.3

+ pkgrel=1

+ pkgdesc="Graphical program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepad"

+ arch=("aarch64" "arm" "armv6h" "armv7h" "i686" "x86_64")

+ url="https://github.com/AntiMicroX/${pkgname/x}X"

+ license=("GPL3")

+ depends=("desktop-file-utils" "hicolor-icon-theme" "libxtst" "qt5-x11extras" "sdl2")

+ makedepends=("cmake" "extra-cmake-modules" "gettext" "itstool" "qt5-tools")

+ provides=("${pkgname/x}")

+ conflicts=("${pkgname/x}")

+ replaces=("${pkgname/x}")

+ source=("${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/AntiMicroX/${pkgname/x/X}/archive/${pkgver}.tar.gz")

+ sha256sums=("80c446b1149b742b51e3b6d355866294bd6171f48534b3cf23848011736edc2b")


+ build() {

+   cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"


+   cmake . \


+     -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib \

+     -DUSE_SDL_2=ON \

+     -DAPPDATA=ON \


+     -DWITH_X11=ON \


+   make

+ }


+ package() {

+   cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"

+   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install

+ }

@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ 

- diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile

- index cca7657..b3296c4 100644

- --- a/Makefile

- +++ b/Makefile

- @@ -22,42 +22,33 @@ install: install-bin install-man install-desktop clean


-  .PHONY: install-man

-  install-man: bombadillo.1

- -	gzip -k ./bombadillo.1

- -	install -d ${DESTDIR}${MAN1DIR}

- -	install -m 0644 ./bombadillo.1.gz ${DESTDIR}${MAN1DIR}

- +	install -Dm 0644 ./bombadillo.1 -t ${DESTDIR}${MAN1DIR}


-  .PHONY: install-desktop

-  install-desktop:

-  ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux)

-  	# These steps will not work on Darwin, Plan9, or Windows

-  	# They would likely work on BSD systems

- -	install -d ${DESTDIR}${DATAROOTDIR}/applications

- -	install -m 0644 ./bombadillo.desktop ${DESTDIR}${DATAROOTDIR}/applications

- -	install -d ${DESTDIR}${DATAROOTDIR}/pixmaps

- -	install -m 0644 ./bombadillo-icon.png ${DESTDIR}${DATAROOTDIR}/pixmaps

- -	-update-desktop-database 2> /dev/null

- +	install -Dm 0644 ./bombadillo.desktop -t ${DESTDIR}${DATAROOTDIR}/applications

- +	install -Dm 0644 ./bombadillo-icon.png -t ${DESTDIR}${DATAROOTDIR}/pixmaps

-  else

-  	@echo "* Skipping protocol handler associations and desktop file creation for non-linux system *"

-  endif


-  .PHONY: install-bin

-  install-bin: build

- -	install -d ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}

- -	install -m 0755 ./${BINARY} ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}

- +	install -Dm 0755 ./${BINARY} -t ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}


-  .PHONY: clean

-  clean: 

-  	${GOCMD} clean

- -	rm -f ./bombadillo.1.gz 2> /dev/null

-  	rm -f ./${BINARY}_* 2> /dev/null


-  .PHONY: uninstall

-  uninstall: clean

- -	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MAN1DIR}/bombadillo.1.gz

-  	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/${BINARY}

-  	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${DATAROOTDIR}/applications/bombadillo.desktop

-  	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${DATAROOTDIR}/pixmaps/bombadillo-icon.png

- -	-update-desktop-database 2> /dev/null


-  .PHONY: release

-  release:

@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ 

  # Maintainer (aur): Bjoern Franke <bjo+aur at schafweide.org>

  # Contributor: Tommaso Sardelli <lacapannadelloziotom AT gmail DOT com>


- # Maintainer: David P. <megver83@parabola.nu>

- # Contributor: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo@cyberdimension.org>

- # Contributor: Wael Karram <wael@waelk.tech>

+ # Maintainer: David P. <megver83 at parabola.nu>

+ # Contributor: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo at cyberdimension.org>

+ # Contributor: Wael Karram <wael at waelk.tech>



  # parabola changes and rationale:
@@ -12,24 +11,24 @@ 




- pkgver=2.8.17

+ pkgver=2.9.0



  pkgdesc='Gajim plugin for OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption.'




- depends=('gajim>=1.5' 'gajim<=1.5.90' 'python-qrcode' 'python-setuptools' 'python-cryptography' 'python-axolotl')

+ depends=('gajim>=1.6' 'gajim<=1.6.90' 'python-qrcode' 'python-setuptools' 'python-cryptography' 'python-axolotl')




- sha512sums=('b3206865d5e9e5c44fe6b798992c2a8ca39c6920d7836d3c39cfd53ca6c0ba329ce4b494340c12e2cf5ca24f2fa8cacbb510f4a664bb588f7d3f6ff5e053172b')

+ sha512sums=('c17140f3a15167d6e8c0dd5de3af6888c21a8e06c114daede3010e611ca50fe210cef9f1eadd8c869b641d852ce123cd8bab4d74de5ed4034325cb5eb821514a')


  package() {

    cd "${srcdir}"


    # Remove unnecessary files

-   rm CHANGELOG COPYING || ! echo "cleanup needs re-working"



    # Install the plugin

    install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/python${_pythonversion}/site-packages/gajim/data/plugins/${_pkgname}"

file modified
+62 -40
@@ -1,73 +1,95 @@ 

  # Maintainer (aur): Maxime Poulin <maxpoulin64@gmail.com>

+ # Maintainer (aur): Felix Golatofski <contact@xdfr.de>

+ # Contributor: Christian Pfeiffer

  # Contributor: Damian Nowak <damian.nowak@atlashost.eu>

  # Contributor: Kyle Fuller <inbox@kylefuller.co.uk>

  # Contributor: jibi <jibi@paranoici.org>

+ # Maintainer: Wael Karram <wael@waelk.tech>


- # parabola changes and rationale:

- #  - fixed arch array

- #  - removed redundant conflicts and provides



- pkgver='2.0.24'

+ pkgver='3.15.0'


- pkgdesc='A stable, modern and lightweight IRC daemon'

- arch=('x86_64' 'i686' 'armv7h')

- url='http://www.inspircd.org/'

+ pkgdesc='InspIRCd is a modular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server written in C++ for Linux, BSD, Windows and macOS systems.'

+ arch=('x86_64' 'aarch64')

+ arch+=('armv7h' 'i686')

+ url='https://www.inspircd.org/'


+ conflicts=('inspircd')

+ provides=('inspircd')


- makedepends=('pkg-config' 'libmariadbclient' 'sqlite3' 'libldap' 'geoip'

-              'gnutls' 'openssl' 'libgcrypt')

+ makedepends=('libmariadbclient' 'sqlite3' 'libldap' 'geoip' 'libmaxminddb'

+     'gnutls' 'openssl' 'libgcrypt' 'postgresql-client'

+     're2' 'tre' 'mbedtls' 'pkg-config')

  optdepends=('gnutls: m_ssl_gnutls'

-             'libgcrypt: m_ssl_gnutls'

-             'openssl: m_ssl_openssl'

-             'libmariadbclient: m_mysql'

-             'pcre: m_regex_pcre'

-             'sqlite3: m_sqlite3'

-             'libldap: m_ldapoper and m_ldapauth'

-             'geoip: m_geoip')

+     'libgcrypt: m_ssl_gnutls'

+     'openssl: m_ssl_openssl'

+     'libmariadbclient: m_mysql'

+     'postgresql-client: m_pgsql'

+     'libmaxminddb: m_geo_maxmind'

+     'pcre: m_regex_pcre'

+     'sqlite3: m_sqlite3'

+     'libldap: m_ldap'

+     'geoip: m_geoip'

+     're2: m_regex_re2'

+     'tre: m_regex_tre'

+     'mbedtls: m_ssl_mbedtls')



-         'inspircd.service')

- sha512sums=('766ed9b2786a36c6f3765405b5e02d831ea5ae1089c1b646ed0340b08147f9bb8d477ff94e16b0d9ed02dc109c6273f3772e1bed10bc45d1e9e9b409a37d2b6a'

-             '5a16a7c237693ffc6a108358f339b6aa2451fb16430561848ae869f890199b38fab6a13640bcc35cf1d07e32d7e5fff405d88668ee05ddaffc2ef61cb42ee832')

+     "$pkgname.service"

+     "$pkgname.sysusers"

+     )

+ sha512sums=('32d10cd7f6a06c79720c138fc4aff3c8db667754c7a2fe3ad7c07a1e56604bedcf17e3dd5d5f54a6fd49b37414acd57b97afc1d4accbf3e5fbd92b483fe6c394'

+             '5a16a7c237693ffc6a108358f339b6aa2451fb16430561848ae869f890199b38fab6a13640bcc35cf1d07e32d7e5fff405d88668ee05ddaffc2ef61cb42ee832'

+             '90e7ae20a0d13cef2ff00c56382ea5cf1ed8843228937c49cab7fe0e2a34d02b9fac20dd55c6cd5e79533b5764a9d10d19e26b043a2d9c98a4384a7e1c2859c4')


+ prepare() {

+     cd "${srcdir}/inspircd-${pkgver}"

+     sed -i -e s/-lldap_r/-lldap/g src/modules/extra/m_ldap.cpp

+ }


  build() {

-   cd "${srcdir}/inspircd-${pkgver}"

+     cd "${srcdir}/inspircd-${pkgver}"


-   ./configure \

-     --enable-extras=m_geoip.cpp \

-     --enable-extras=m_ldapauth.cpp \

-     --enable-extras=m_ldapoper.cpp \

+     ./configure \

+     --enable-extras=m_geo_maxmind.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_ldap.cpp \

      --enable-extras=m_mysql.cpp \

-     --enable-extras=m_regex_pcre.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_pgsql.cpp \

      --enable-extras=m_regex_posix.cpp \

-     --enable-extras=m_sqlite3.cpp

+     --enable-extras=m_regex_stdlib.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_regex_re2.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_regex_tre.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_sqlite3.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_ssl_gnutls.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_ssl_openssl.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_ssl_mbedtls.cpp \

+     --enable-extras=m_sslrehashsignal.cpp


-   ./configure \

+     ./configure \

      --uid=0 \

+     --gid=0 \

      --prefix=/usr/lib/inspircd \

      --binary-dir=/usr/bin \

      --module-dir=/usr/lib/inspircd/modules \

      --config-dir=/etc/inspircd \

      --data-dir=/var/lib/inspircd \

      --log-dir=/var/log/inspircd \

-     --enable-gnutls \

-     --enable-openssl \

-     --enable-epoll


-   make

+     --distribution-label=archlinux

+     make



  package() {

-   install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/inspircd.service "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/inspircd.service

-   install -o141 -g141 -dm750 "${pkgdir}/var/log/inspircd" "${pkgdir}/var/lib/inspircd"

+     install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/$pkgname.service" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/inspircd.service

+     install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/$pkgname.sysusers" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/sysusers.d/$pkgname.conf"

+     install -dm750 "${pkgdir}/var/log/inspircd" "${pkgdir}/var/lib/inspircd"


-   cd "${srcdir}/inspircd-${pkgver}"

-   make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

+     cd "${srcdir}/inspircd-${pkgver}"

+     make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install


-   mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/inspircd

-   mv "${pkgdir}"/etc/inspircd/examples "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/inspircd/examples

+     mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/inspircd

+     mv "${pkgdir}"/etc/inspircd/examples "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/inspircd/examples


-   rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/inspircd/logs

-   rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/inspircd/data

+     rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/inspircd/logs

+     rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/inspircd/data


@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@ 

- create_user() {

-   getent group inspircd &>/dev/null || groupadd -r -g 141 inspircd >/dev/null

-   getent passwd inspircd &>/dev/null || useradd -r -u 141 -g inspircd -d /var/lib/inspircd -s /bin/false inspircd >/dev/null

- }


  post_install() {

-   create_user

+   getent passwd inspircd &>/dev/null && userdel inspircd

    echo '==> You will need to create a config file for inspircd'

    echo '==>   cp /usr/share/inspircd/examples/inspircd.conf.example /etc/inspircd/inspircd.conf'

    echo '==> You will need to change the pidfile. To do this you can insert the following into your config.'
@@ -12,10 +8,6 @@ 

    echo '==> Remember to use absolute paths in your config directory and not relative paths like you would do with a user-based inspircd install.'



- post_upgrade() {

-   create_user

- }


  post_remove() {

    getent passwd inspircd &>/dev/null && userdel inspircd


@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ 

+ g inspircd /var/lib/inspircd

+ u inspircd - "inspircd user" /var/lib/inspircd /bin/false

file modified
+5 -7
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ 

  # Maintainer (aur): Roshless <pkg@roshless.com>

  # Maintainer: Iván Ávalos <avalos@disroot.org>

  # Contributor: bill-auger <bill-auger@programmer.net>

+ # Contributor: Wael Karram <wael@waelk.tech>





- pkgver=1.6.5

+ pkgver=1.14.2

  pkgdesc="Beautiful Gemini Client"


  arch=('x86_64' 'i686' 'aarch64' 'armv7h')


- source=(

-     "https://git.skyjake.fi/skyjake/$pkgname/releases/download/v$pkgver/lagrange-$pkgver.tar.gz"

- )

+ source=("https://git.skyjake.fi/skyjake/$pkgname/releases/download/v$pkgver/lagrange-$pkgver.tar.gz")

+ sha256sums=('51b05ef7fd730d77ed9571c76a1772067fcfeeb900cbe8e66ec19c6fdfe58c64')



@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ 




- makedepends=("cmake")

+ makedepends=("cmake" "zip")


  prepare() {

    cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver
@@ -51,5 +51,3 @@ 

      cd build

      make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install



- sha256sums=('c971850414aefad2e5f38659c173cdc2f765bfcf158a32c84b5c61294558b00f')

file modified
+11 -4
@@ -4,23 +4,30 @@ 

  # Contributor: tomprogrammer <Thomas-Bahn[at]gmx[dot]net>

  # Maintainer: Wael Karram <wael@waelk.tech>



+ # parabola changes and rationale:

+ #  - use versioned VCS tag instead of arbitrary commit

+ #  - use version tag as $pkgver





- pkgver=$_phcver.12.41

+ _upstream_ver=rev44

+ pkgver=$_phcver.$_upstream_ver


  pkgdesc="Frequency driver for Intel CPUs with undervolting feature"

  pkgdesc+=", (for Core/Core2 systems)"



- arch=('x86_64' 'i686') # avoid publishing to non-x86 arches

+ arch=('x86_64' 'i686') # avoid publishing to non-x86 repos



  # provides=('linux-phc') # useless - no arch, parabola, nor AUR package refers to this


- _commit_hash='c0879a65d2687aaddc2b3ea630020e53ae0bc7cf'

+ _commit_hash=$_upstream_ver # use tag revNN (see https://gitlab.com/linux-phc/phc-intel/-/tags)


          phc-intel.{default,sh,sleep,system-sleep} dkms.conf)

- sha256sums=('52275f7c6880a220983d9541f01e7b3f70d2cd95eadb854e7b77e4c005c3c09e'

+ sha256sums=('94e579e8564c2e4d9e4b926ed0328971926fa8e613b2fcf39ab8d9a3d6be0764'




file modified
+8 -14
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 

  # Maintainer (aur):  Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com

  # Contributor: Brandon Invergo <brandon@invergo.net>

  # Contributor: B3nny <benny@b3nny.net>

+ # Contributor: Wael Karram <wael@waelk.tech>


  # parabola changes and rationale:

  #  - added .install file to update icon database
@@ -8,37 +9,30 @@ 


  set -u


- pkgver='1.8'

+ pkgver='2.3'


  pkgdesc='GNU Restricted User Shell'

  arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv7h')



- makedepends=('patch')

+ #makedepends=('patch')



  _verwatch=("${url}download.html" "${pkgname}-\([0-9\.]\+\)\.tar.xz" 't')




- # md5 and sha1 are published by gnu

- md5sums=('50d8bb3c0a502f2c1f5b374046ff78de'

-          'dcd87b8bf9738796621030930384f97d'

-          'a86f13da54caba8df99719153c72cdcf')

- sha1sums=('e882f68d9004af608b7e5c430c367645aa3e3b75'

-           'adb33d34f04846734ec3457517b46fb7a73efa6f'

-           '637d0a93c8e73e86e9a62f95296e1e110bd6a038')

- sha256sums=('dd3b7bfb33570890086218aa049900a9b4d5a9e8d4878a1328e2aa88bb5793ee'

+ sha256sums=('8cae258247cd2623e856ea5e2c62cd7f09e9e3e043e6fc63bbd1abec3d3fdd93'




  prepare() {

    set -u

    cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"

-   patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/intprops.patch

-   if [ "$(vercmp ${pkgver} '1.8')" -lt 0 ]; then

-     patch -p1 < "${srcdir}/rush-1.7-glib-2.16-gets.patch"

-   fi

+   #patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/intprops.patch

+   #if [ "$(vercmp ${pkgver} '1.8')" -lt 0 ]; then

+   #  patch -p1 < "${srcdir}/rush-1.7-glib-2.16-gets.patch"

+   #fi

    sed -i -e 's:^\s*[^#]:#&:g' 'etc/rush.rc'

    ./configure --prefix='/usr' --sysconfdir='/etc' --localstatedir='/var' --sbindir='/usr/bin'

    set +u

file modified
+19 -13
@@ -1,22 +1,26 @@ 

- # Maintainer (arch): nblock <nblock [/at\] archlinux DOT us>

+ # Maintainer (aur): Barry Smith <brrtsm at gmail.com>

+ # Contributor: nblock <nblock [/at\] archlinux DOT us>

  # Contributor: Frederik Alkærsig (FALKER) <havnelisten AT gmail.com>

- # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <ovruni@gnu.org.pe>

+ # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <ovruni.gnu.org.pe>

+ # Contributor: Wael Karram <wael@waelk.tech>



- pkgver=0.9.3

+ pkgver=1.3.1


  pkgdesc="A minimalist fan control program. Supports the sysfs hwmon interface and thinkpad_acpi"

- url="http://thinkfan.sourceforge.net/"

+ url="https://github.com/vmatare/thinkfan"

  arch=('i686' 'x86_64')

+ arch+=('armv7h')


- depends=('libatasmart')

+ depends=('libatasmart' 'yaml-cpp')

  optdepends=('lm_sensors: hwmon support')

+ backup=('etc/systemd/system/thinkfan.service.d/override.conf')


- source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz

+ source=("$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/vmatare/$pkgname/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz"



- sha256sums=('b61c634996c450445d7e440bf41f7adcda86506063f832afa40d44e01061e45b'

-             '90f0270b4044a41315feb7bc1447ce4a0d5ee50178682e9a1d2a36b07c1a494f'

+ sha256sums=('9466c8c82b7c4333b280fa66445ab26185ffbb4aada6bcb4a164eed742f8d78c'

+             '625730e33fae251f3a1cc8259b222089fb45ada08e9cf5c816ea1cde6560e989'



@@ -30,13 +34,15 @@ 

  package() {

    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"


-   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/usr/{bin,lib/{modprobe.d,systemd/system},share/{doc/"$pkgname"/{,examples},man/man1}}

+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/usr/{bin,lib/{modprobe.d,systemd/system},share/{doc/"$pkgname"/{,examples},man/man{1,5}}}

+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/systemd/system/thinkfan.service.d

    install -D -m755 "$pkgname" "$pkgdir"/usr/bin

-   install -D -m644 README NEWS "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc/"$pkgname"

    install -D -m644 examples/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc/"$pkgname"/examples

-   install -D -m644 src/"$pkgname".1 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1

-   install -D -m644 ../"$pkgname".service "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/system

-   install -D -m644 ../thinkpad_acpi.conf "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/modprobe.d

+   install -D -m644 "$pkgname".1 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1

+   install -D -m644 "$pkgname".conf.5 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5

+   install -D -m644 "$srcdir/$pkgname".service rcscripts/systemd/thinkfan-{sleep,wakeup}.service "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/system

+   install -D -m644 rcscripts/systemd/override.conf "$pkgdir"/etc/systemd/system/thinkfan.service.d

+   install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/thinkpad_acpi.conf "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/modprobe.d



  # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 noet:

@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ 




- ExecStart=/usr/bin/thinkfan

- PIDFile=/var/run/thinkfan.pid

- ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

+ ExecStart=/usr/bin/thinkfan $THINKFAN_ARGS

+ PIDFile=/run/thinkfan.pid

+ ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID




+ Also=thinkfan-sleep.service

+ Also=thinkfan-wakeup.service 

\ No newline at end of file

Built for x86_64 in fresh clean librechroot. Had to modify /usr/lib/libretools/chroot/mkarchroot to remove deprecated option 'd' dropped by pacstrap, so that it's now pacstrap -GMc

Didn't try to build on i686 and armv7h, also didn't check if there were any updates from their upstreams, sorry.

1. Update version and patches according to upstream changes

rebased onto ba422628d3705fdabdbaf2c7a564d1494a6e1d6b

a year ago

rebased onto af07548

a year ago

30 new commits added

  • [iceweasel] 111.0 Upstream updates and DDG fixes
  • [antimicro]: rename to antimicrox - upgrade to v3.3.3
  • [parabola-keyring]: upgrade to v20230305
  • [your-freedom]: upgrade to v20230305
  • systemd-253-1.parabola1: updating version
  • [iceweasel]: upgrade to v110.0.1
  • [linux-libre-vanilla]: upgrade to v6.2.1
  • [bombadillo]: move to [libre]
  • [bombadillo]: upgrade to v2.4.0
  • Remove docker-images repository
  • docker-images: Update status
  • docker-images: fix typo
  • docker-images: trisquel-flidas: make the package architecture specific
  • docker-images: trisquel-flidas: Add complete and corresponding source code
  • [udev]: WIP - upgrade to v252.5
  • netpbm: updated and rebuilt for libtiff.so.6
  • [insprircd]: upgrade to v3.15.0
  • [gajim-plugin-omemo]: upgrade to v2.9.0
  • [thinkfan]: upgrate to v1.3.1
  • [phc-intel]: upgrade to v0.
  • [rush]: upgrade to v2.3
  • [lagrange]: upgrade to v1.14.2
  • [spyder]: WIP - de-webengine a blacklist repalcement
  • [icecat][icewesel]: minimize diffs across PKGBUILDs
  • [icecat]: upgrade to v102.5.0
  • [kio]: upgrade to v5.103.0
  • [kio]: upgrade to v5.102.0
  • [qt5-webkit][pyqt5][qutebrowser]: rebuild against latest qt5-base (i686)
  • [marble]: upgrade to v22.12.2
  • [gst-plugins-bad]: tweak for armv7h and i686
a year ago

Pull-Request has been closed by grizzlyuser

a year ago
Changes Summary 56
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file added
file added
+5 -10
file renamed
+79 -23
file changed
+203 -107
file changed
file added
file added
file added
file removed
file removed
file added
+89 -75
file changed
+83 -9
file changed
+42 -47
file changed
file added
+4 -4
file changed
+5 -5
file changed
+65 -16
file changed
file added
+12 -11
file changed
+6 -6
file changed
+2 -2
file changed
+2 -5
file changed
+1 -3
file changed
+2 -6
file changed
+19 -35
file changed
+1 -15
file changed
+3 -3
file changed
+7 -7
file changed
+12 -12
file changed
+3 -2
file changed
+1 -1
file changed
+3 -3
file changed
+2 -2
file changed
+34 -33
file changed
+179 -106
file changed
file added
file added
file added
file removed
file added
file removed
+7 -8
file changed
+62 -40
file changed
+1 -9
file changed
file added
+5 -7
file changed
+11 -4
file changed
+8 -14
file changed
+19 -13
file changed
+5 -3
file changed