#23 Upgraded libksysguard 5.19.0 to 5.22.3
Merged 2 years ago by billauger. Opened 2 years ago by avalos.
avalos/abslibre master  into  pull-requests

file modified
+13 -17
@@ -1,37 +1,33 @@ 

- # Maintainer (Arch): Felix Yan <felixonmars@archlinux.org>

- # Maintainer (Arch): Antonio Rojas <arojas@archlinux.org>

- # Contributor (Arch): Andrea Scarpino <andrea@archlinux.org>

  # Contributor: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>




- pkgver=5.19.0

- pkgrel=2

+ pkgver=5.22.3

+ pkgrel=1


  pkgdesc='Library to retrieve information on the current status of computer hardware'

  pkgdesc+=' (without nonfree qt5-webengine)'


  arch+=(i686 armv7h)

- url='https://www.kde.org/workspaces/plasmadesktop/'

+ url='https://kde.org/plasma-desktop/'


- depends=(libxres kio kdeclarative knewstuff qt5-webchannel)

- makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules kdoctools plasma-framework)

+ depends=(libxres kdeclarative knewstuff)

+ depends+=(qt5-webchannel)

+ makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules kdoctools qt5-tools)

+ conflicts=('ksysguard<5.21.90')


- source=("https://download.kde.org/stable/plasma/$pkgver/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.xz"{,.sig}

-          libksysguard-dbus-name.patch::"https://invent.kde.org/plasma/libksysguard/-/commit/27da06df.patch")

- sha256sums=('f026b65372aa49b1f72a7c8029cb3d7afd131de9592cc5392fe05771a4da26d3'

-             'SKIP'

-             '50054408ed31642bd543f6e103cd7fb241ad1eba74102c68269c4d0459b396c6')

+ source=(https://download.kde.org/stable/plasma/$pkgver/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.xz{,.sig})

+ install=libksysguard.install

+ sha256sums=('50b6f881483f3c66843a8506f66cd5bec190b7b980cf9d2ed84c774edea8596a'

+             'SKIP')

  validpgpkeys=('2D1D5B0588357787DE9EE225EC94D18F7F05997E'  # Jonathan Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

                '0AAC775BB6437A8D9AF7A3ACFE0784117FBCE11D'  # Bhushan Shah <bshah@kde.org>

                'D07BD8662C56CB291B316EB2F5675605C74E02CF'  # David Edmundson <davidedmundson@kde.org>

                '1FA881591C26B276D7A5518EEAAF29B42A678C20') # Marco Martin <notmart@gmail.com>


- prepare() {

-   patch -d $pkgname-$pkgver -p1 -i ../libksysguard-dbus-name.patch # Fix ksystemstats dbus interface name

- }


  build() {

    cmake -B build -S $pkgname-$pkgver \



    cmake --build build


@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ 

+ post_install() {

+ # this is executed by make install, but doesn't work since setcap can only be run as root

+   setcap CAP_NET_RAW=+ep /usr/lib/ksysguard/ksgrd_network_helper

+ }


+ post_upgrade() {

+   post_install

+ }


no initial comment

rebased onto 0cf972ed44eaf7a90d0dffd1af1a92ad29653fc9

2 years ago

rebased onto 2e0b2d3

2 years ago

rebased onto 2e0b2d3

2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by billauger

2 years ago