#27 deepin-icon-theme blacklist proposal
Opened 3 years ago by dikasp. Modified 3 years ago

deepin-icon-theme aka. bloom & bloom classic icon contains many nonfree and proprietary icon reference.

new nonfree icons would likely be incoporated indefinitely as their nonfree apps grows in their software center much like ubuntu does.

therefore im propose to blacklist deepin-icon-theme.

is this related or similar to the faenza/faience PR 26 ? could the same be done for this?

is this related or similar to the faenza/faience PR 26 ? could the same be done for this?

the nonfree assets are enormous and its likely will be growing in each update (deepin like to incorporate freeware nonfree apps to their distro same as ubuntu)

if its more feasible than undepend deepin icon-theme, i will see to work on it later, but im not sure to always check it in each update where more and more nonfree icons introduced

my other solutions is to create and use deepin-icon-theme-libre (long term icon version)

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