#349 SSSDConfig list_options() should specify whether each option is mandatory or optional
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by sgallagh.

Currently, there is no way to inform a consumer of the SSSDConfig whether an argument is mandatory (such as ldap_uri) or optional (such as ldap_user_object_class)

In order to avoid breaking ABI, this will probably need to be a new request such as {{{domain.is_mandatory('ldap_uri')}}}

Fields changed

milestone: NEEDS_TRIAGE => SSSD 1.0.2

Fields changed

status: new => assigned

Postponing to 1.1. This will be redesigned, based on a user experience meeting we held last week.

milestone: SSSD 1.0.2 => SSSD 1.1

Fixed by 764d624

Adds the following additional interface to the SSSDConfig API for both domains and services.

 |  list_mandatory_options(self)
 |      List mandatory options for the currently-configured providers.
 |      === Returns ===
 |      A dictionary of configurable options. This dictionary is keyed on the
 |      option name with a tuple of the variable type, subtype ('None' if the
 |      type is not  a collection type), the translated option description, and
 |      the default value (or 'None') as the value.
 |      Example:
 |      { 'enumerate' :
 |        (bool, None, u'Enable enumerating all users/groups', True) }
 |      === Errors ===
 |      No errors
 |  list_options_with_mandatory(self)
 |      List options for the currently-configured providers, including the
 |      mandatory flag
 |      === Returns ===
 |      A dictionary of configurable options. This dictionary is keyed on the
 |      option name with a tuple of the variable type, subtype ('None' if the
 |      type is not  a collection type), whether it is mandatory, the
 |      translated option description, and the default value (or 'None') as
 |      the value.
 |      Example:
 |      { 'enumerate' :
 |        (bool, None, False, u'Enable enumerating all users/groups', True) }
 |      === Errors ===
 |      No errors

fixedin: => 1.1.0
resolution: => fixed
status: assigned => closed
testsupdated: 0 => 1

Fields changed

rhbz: => 0

Metadata Update from @sgallagh:
- Issue assigned to sgallagh
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD 1.1

7 years ago

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