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In ipa_account_info_handler we first check if the request is for a user from a trusted domain and go that way for all request types. In contrast, in the ipa_account_info_done we first check if the requested object is a netgroup. If both are true, we first start a subdomain lookup send but then call netgroup lookup recv, which results in talloc type mismatch and crashes sssd_be.
Fields changed
owner: somebody => jhrozek patch: 0 => 1 status: new => assigned
Linked to Bugzilla bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1334159 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7)
rhbz: => [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1334159 1334159]
There is a patch on the list and this is a crasher bug, therefore filing into 1.13.5. For the master branch, we should first merge Pavel's refactoring commits.
milestone: NEEDS_TRIAGE => SSSD 1.13.5
> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 01:59:42PM +0200, Jakub Hrozek wrote: > Bump, the bug is no longer present in master after the DP refactoring, > but I would still like to push this patch to sssd-1-13.
resolution: => fixed status: assigned => closed
Metadata Update from @jhrozek: - Issue assigned to jhrozek - Issue set to the milestone: SSSD 1.13.5
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