#2744 cleanup_groups should sanitize dn of groups
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by preichl.

Cleanup task might fail if group name contains characters such as '(' and ')'.

(Mon Jul 27 09:47:58 2015) [sssd[be[domain.test]]] [cleanup_groups] (0x0020): Failed to search sysdb using (&(objectClass=user)(|(memberOf=name=group_name(2013),cn=groups,cn=domain_test,cn=sysdb)(gidNumber=0))): 5

Fields changed

owner: somebody => preichl
status: new => assigned
summary: cleanup_gorups should sanitize dn of groups => cleanup_groups should sanitize dn of groups

Fields changed

patch: 0 => 1

Fields changed

milestone: NEEDS_TRIAGE => SSSD 1.13.2

milestone: SSSD 1.13.2 => SSSD 1.13.1
_comment0: * master: 4772d3f => 1439974151326841

Fields changed

rhbz: => todo

resolution: => fixed
status: assigned => closed

Additional patches are available in upstream.

resolution: fixed =>
status: closed => reopened

The additional patches are mostly performance enhancement if I read them right, moving to 1.13.2

milestone: SSSD 1.13.1 => SSSD 1.13.2

The performance is just a side effect of properly sanitizing full dn instead of just a rdn. So previous patches just partially fix a problem.

Moving back to 1.13.1

milestone: SSSD 1.13.2 => SSSD 1.13.1

- 2cec08a3174bff951c048c57b4b0e4517ad6b7b1
- 6cb5bad3c8e2f35ca9dce1800a506d626f90c079
- 3d8b576bf49a79d5776574b96c6ef9535bbc46ac
- 9c563db822758732b25a3c8c61ffac90a7deffc3

resolution: => fixed
status: reopened => closed

Metadata Update from @preichl:
- Issue assigned to preichl
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD 1.13.1

7 years ago

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