#261 Regression: Attempting to delete a local group that doesn't exist is returning an incorrect error messsage
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by jgalipea.

Error message has changed when attempting to delete a group that doesn't exist. It is saying that "modifying" groups is not allowed. Below is what is expected and what is returned from the automated tests.[[BR]]

520|2 28 25731 1 1|START sssd_028: Delete group that doesn't exist
520|2 28 25731 1 2|ERROR: Unexpected Error message.  Got: Cannot find group in local domain, modifying groups is allowed only in local domain  Expected: No such group in local domain. Removing groups only allowed in local domain.
520|2 28 25731 1 3|Trac issue 136
520|2 28 25731 1 4|TestCaseResult sssd_028 FAIL
520|2 28 25731 1 5|END sssd_028

520|4 7 32043 1 1|START sssd_multi_007: Attempt to delete LDAP Domain Group - LDAP PROXY and LOCAL
520|4 7 32043 1 2|ERROR: Unexpected Error message.  Got: Cannot find group in local domain, modifying groups is allowed only in local domain  Expected: No such group in local domain. Removing groups only allowed in local domain.
520|4 7 32043 1 3|TestCaseResult sssd_multi_007 FAIL
520|4 7 32043 1 4|END sssd_multi_007

Fields changed

component: SSSD => sss_tools
owner: somebody => jhrozek

Fields changed

status: new => assigned

Fixed in 60d87f2

fixedin: => 1.0.0rc
resolution: => fixed
status: assigned => closed

Fields changed

rhbz: => 0

Metadata Update from @jgalipea:
- Issue assigned to jhrozek
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD 1.0 RC

7 years ago

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