#2492 Group membership gets lost in IPA server mode
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by jhrozek.

Ticket was cloned from Red Hat Bugzilla (product Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7): Bug 1162486

Please note that this Bug is private and may not be accessible as it contains confidential Red Hat customer information.

There is a reproducable way to lose group memberships on IPA server itself in an AD-trust scenario

id -G tuser@ad.example.com
198601112 198600513 1546600014 1546600013
getent group 1546600013                                  
id -G tuser@ad.example.com
198601112 198600513 1546600014

Fields changed

blockedby: =>
blocking: =>
changelog: =>
coverity: =>
design: =>
design_review: => 0
feature_milestone: =>
fedora_test_page: =>
mark: no => 0
owner: somebody => preichl
review: True => 0
selected: =>
testsupdated: => 0

Fields changed

milestone: NEEDS_TRIAGE => SSSD 1.12.3

Fields changed

patch: 0 => 1

resolution: => fixed
status: new => closed

Metadata Update from @jhrozek:
- Issue assigned to preichl
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD 1.12.3

7 years ago

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This issue has been cloned to Github and is available here:
- https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/issues/3534

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