#1467 enumeration is broken in the proxy provider
Closed: Invalid None Opened 12 years ago by jhrozek.

Enumerating both users and groups is broken in the proxy provider.

just run getent passwd, or getent group:

[sssd[be[proxy]]] [be_get_account_info] (0x0100): Got request for [4097][1][*]
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [enum_users] (0x1000): Enumerating users
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [enum_users] (0x1000): User found (admin, 1801600000, 1801600000)
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [sysdb_search_user_by_name] (0x0400): No such entry
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [sysdb_search_user_by_uid] (0x0400): No such entry
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [enum_users] (0x1000): User found (uffo, 1801600001, 1801600001)
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [sysdb_search_user_by_name] (0x0400): No such entry
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [sysdb_search_user_by_uid] (0x0400): No such entry
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [proxy_get_account_info] (0x0040): proxy returned UNAVAIL error, going offline!
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [be_mark_offline] (0x2000): Going offline!
[sssd[be[proxy]]] [acctinfo_callback] (0x0100): Request processed. Returned 3,6,Internal Error (Permission denied)

Fields changed

milestone: NEEDS_TRIAGE => SSSD 1.9.0 RC2
rhbz: => 0

Fields changed

owner: somebody => okos
proposed_priority: => Undefined
status: new => assigned

I tested and tried to break it, but enumeration works for me. Probably some some faulty settings.

resolution: => worksforme
status: assigned => closed

Metadata Update from @jhrozek:
- Issue assigned to okos
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD 1.9.0 RC1

7 years ago

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