ec76659 pep8: Ignore W504 and W605 to silence warnings on Debian

Authored and Committed by jhrozek 5 years ago
    pep8: Ignore W504 and W605 to silence warnings on Debian
    This code:
        pkcs11_txt.write("\nname=soft\n" +
                         "parameters=configdir='sql:" + config.ABS_BUILDDIR +
                         "/../test_CA/p11_nssdb' " +
                         "dbSlotDescription='SSSD Test Slot' " +
                         "dbTokenDescription='SSSD Test Token' " +
                         "secmod='secmod.db' flags=readOnly)\n\n")
    Was producing warnings such as:
    ./src/tests/intg/ W504 line break after binary operator
    Even though it looks OK visually and conforms to pep8's written form.
    Additionaly, this regular expression compilation:
     Template = re.compile(
                ' *<template name="(\S+)">(.*?)</template>\r?\n?',
                re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
    Was producing a warning such as:
    ./src/sbus/codegen/ W605 invalid escape sequence '\S'
    Since the \S literal is part of a regular expression, let's suppress
    this warning as well.
    Reviewed-by: Michal Židek <>
file modified
+2 -2