19e8a02 sudo: use proper datetime for default modifyTimestamp value

1 file Authored by pbrezina 4 years ago, Committed by mzidek 4 years ago,
    sudo: use proper datetime for default modifyTimestamp value
    The current default was simply "1", however OpenLDAP server was unable
    to compare modifyTimestamp attribute to simple number. A proper datetime
    is required by OpenLDAP.
    It worked correctly on 389-ds.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. install openldap server
    2. run sssd
    3. there are no sudo rules on the server and there are no cached objects
    4. you'll see in the logs that sudo smart refresh uses `(&(&(objectclass=sudoRole)(modifyTimestamp>=1))...` filter (`1` instead of proper datetime value)
    The minimum accepted value by OpenLDAP is 00000101000000Z, as both month and day can not be zero.
    (cherry picked from commit 6815844daa7701c76e31addbbdff74656cd30bea)