#70 add fleet-commander troubleshoot guide
Merged 5 years ago by jhrozek. Opened 5 years ago by fidencio.
SSSD/ fidencio/docs wip/fleetcommander  into  master

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+    troubleshooting/how-to-troubleshoot-fleet-commander-integration


  Let tools help you!


@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ 

+ Troubleshooting Fleet Commander Integration

+ ===========================================


+ This document consists in a few common issues faced while playing with Fleet

+ Commander integration and how to debug and solve those.


+ It's important to understand that the role played by SSSD in this integration

+ is **only** on the client side and that for general issues related to Fleet

+ Commander you should always refer, in the first place, to:

+ https://fleet-commander.org/documentation.html


+ Also, refer to the following design page in case you'd like to have a better

+ understanding of the feature itself:

+ https://docs.pagure.org/SSSD.sssd/design_pages/fleet_commander_integration.html



+ Common misconfigurations:

+ -------------------------


+ For any error seen in Fleet Commander's Cockpit plugin, please, add

+ ``log_level = debug`` to ``/etc/xdg/fleet-commander-admin.conf`` under

+ ``[admin]`` section and use ``journalctl`` to check for the error messages.



+ Can't initialize Fleet Commander

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ ``Error during service connection. Check system logs for details.``



+ .. code:: ini


+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: Traceback (most recent call last):

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/runpy.py", line 162, in _run_module_as_main

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: exec code in run_globals

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: File "/usr/share/fleet-commander-admin/python/fleetcommander/fcdbus.py", line 881, in <module>

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: svc = FleetCommanderDbusService(config)

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: File "/usr/share/fleet-commander-admin/python/fleetcommander/fcdbus.py", line 196, in __init__

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: os.makedirs(self.state_dir)

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/os.py", line 150, in makedirs

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: makedirs(head, mode)

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/os.py", line 150, in makedirs

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: makedirs(head, mode)

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/os.py", line 150, in makedirs

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: makedirs(head, mode)

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/os.py", line 157, in makedirs

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: mkdir(name, mode)

+     Aug 21 08:44:07 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/admin'



+ In case this error is seen, you have installed ipa-server without ``--mkhomedir`` option.


+ To solve the issue, please. do:


+ .. code:: ini


+     # For Fedora 28+

+     # authselect select sssd with-mkhomedir


+     # For older systems which still rely on authconfig

+     # authconfig --enablemkhomedir --update



+ And log into the system with the admin user in order to have its home directory

+ created:


+ .. code:: ini


+     # ssh -l admin localhost


+ And now click in ``Retry connection``


+ NOTE: A patch to give a better debug message for this issue has already been

+ proposed: https://github.com/fleet-commander/fc-admin/pull/195



+ Error connecting to IPA server

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ ``Error connecting to IPA server. Check system logs for details.``


+ .. code:: ini


+     Aug 21 09:11:33 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: FC: [DEBUG] Started session checking

+     Aug 21 09:11:33 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: FC: [DEBUG] Connecting to IPA server

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: ipa: INFO: trying https://master.ipa.fc/ipa/session/json

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: ipa: INFO: [try 1]: Forwarding 'ping/1' to json server 'https://master.ipa.fc/ipa/session/json'

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc [22135]: GSSAPI client step 1

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc [22135]: GSSAPI client step 1

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc ns-slapd[22623]: GSSAPI server step 1

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc [22135]: GSSAPI client step 1

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: FC: [DEBUG] FreeIPAConnector: Starting sanity check

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: FC: [ERROR] FreeIPAConnector: Error connecting to FreeIPA: freeipa-desktop-profile is not installed in FreeIPA server

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: FC: [DEBUG] IPA server connection failed: freeipa-desktop-profile is not installed in FreeIPA server

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: FC: [DEBUG] Last call time: 1534835493.38

+     Aug 21 09:11:34 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[23521]: FC: [DEBUG] Checking running sessions. Time passed: 1.32938504219



+ In case this error is seen, you have to install ``freeipa-desktop-profile`` plugin.


+ To solve the issue, please, do:


+ .. code:: ini


+     # For Fedora

+     # dnf install freeipa-desktop-profile


+     # For EL

+     # yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

+     # yum install freeipa-desktop-profile



+ And now click in ``Retry connection``


+ In case the problem still persists, please, do:


+ .. code:: ini


+     # su -l admin


+     Then on ipa console, check if the admin user has access to the api commands


+     [admin@master ~]$ ipa console

+     (Custom IPA interactive Python console)

+     >>> 'deskprofileconfig_show' in api.Command

+     False



+ In this case, the user's cache must be wiped out and it can be done either by:

+  * Adding ``force_schema_check = True`` to ``/etc/ipa/fleetcommander.conf``

+    file under the ``[global]`` section or;

+  * By just calling ``rm -rf ~/.cache/ipa/`` as the admin user.


+ Once it's done, check, again, if the admin user has access to the api commands:


+ .. code:: ini


+     [admin@master ~]$ ipa console

+     (Custom IPA interactive Python console)

+     >>> 'deskprofileconfig_show' in api.Command

+     True



+ And now, again, click in ``Retry connection``


+ NOTE: A patch to prevent this issue has already been merged:

+ https://github.com/abbra/freeipa-desktop-profile/pull/9



+ Error getting domain list

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ This error may happen when trying to connect to a Live Session.


+ .. code:: ini


+     Aug 21 12:46:41 master.ipa.fc sshd[7846]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user user by (uid=0)

+     Aug 21 12:46:41 master.ipa.fc sshd[7852]: Received disconnect from port 52348:11: disconnected by user

+     Aug 21 12:46:41 master.ipa.fc sshd[7852]: Disconnected from port 52348

+     Aug 21 12:46:41 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[3802]: FC: [DEBUG] Getting domain try 2: Error connecting to host: Error executing remote command: bash: virsh: command not found

+     Aug 21 12:46:41 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[3802]: FC: [ERROR] Error retrieving domains Error connecting to host: Error executing remote command: bash: virsh: command not found

+     Aug 21 12:46:41 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[3802]: FC: [DEBUG] Last call time: 1534848400.52

+     Aug 21 12:46:41 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[3802]: FC: [DEBUG] Checking running sessions. Time passed: 0.843245983124

+     Aug 21 12:46:41 master.ipa.fc sshd[7846]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user user



+ As said in the debu logs, ``virsh`` is not present in the machine. In order to

+ solve this, please, do:


+ .. code:: ini


+     # For Fedora

+     # dnf install libvirt-client


+     # For EL

+     # yum install libvirt-client



+ And add the user to be used to the libvirt groups by doing:


+ .. code:: ini


+     # usermod --append --groups libvirt <user>



+ After following the instructions, please, retry to use the Live Session.



+ Error starting session

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ This error may happen when connecting to the VM to be used for the Live

+ Session.


+ .. code:: ini


+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc libvirtd[8345]: 2018-08-21 10:55:30.602+0000: 8349: error : qemuProcessStartValidateVideo:4692 : unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'virtio' video device

+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[3802]: libvirt: QEMU Driver error : unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'virtio' video device

+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[3802]: FC: [ERROR] unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'virtio' video device

+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc sshd[9449]: Received disconnect from port 52946:11: disconnected by user

+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc sshd[9449]: Disconnected from port 52946

+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc sshd[9443]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user user

+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[3802]: FC: [DEBUG] Last call time: 1534848929.73

+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc org.freedesktop.FleetCommander[3802]: FC: [DEBUG] Checking running sessions. Time passed: 19.4876799583

+     Aug 21 12:55:30 master.ipa.fc systemd-logind[796]: Removed session 93.



+ From the first line of the log message: "this QEMU does not support 'virtio'

+ video device". However, 'virtio' is not stricitly needed in this case.


+ A quick dirty hack that could be applied till

+ https://github.com/fleet-commander/fc-admin/pull/194 lands in your distro is:


+ .. code:: ini


+     # Edit /usr/share/fleet-commander-admin/python/fleetcommander/libvirtcontroller.py

+     # Search for the following lines:


+     ...

+         video = devs.find('video')

+         model = video.find('model')

+         if model is not None:

+             video.remove(model)

+         model = ET.SubElement(video, 'model')

+         model.set('heads', '1')

+         model.set('primary', 'yes')

+         model.set('type', 'virtio')

+     ...


+     # And change 'virtio' to 'qxl'



+ NOTE: This problem has only been seen when using CentOS7 as a host machine.



+ SSSD troubleshooting

+ --------------------


+ All the issues that would point to SSSD should come from the following

+ question:


+ * Why the profile was not applied to my machine?


+ And those are the steps you should take in order to figure out the answer:


+ * Check that your user and machine are part of the users, groups, hosts and

+   hostgroups the profile should be applied to. If not, then it's not a bug;


+ * Check if ``/var/lib/sss/deskprofile/<domain>/<username>/<profile>`` has

+   been created. If yes, you're dealing with a problem with the communication

+   between SSSD and fleet-commander-client; otherwise, you have a problem with

+   the profile being fetched/stored by SSSD.


+ In order to cover the troubleshooting of both sessions, the first thing to do

+ is to set a the domain's debug level to ``0x0040``, like:


+ .. code:: ini


+    [domain/ipa.fc]

+    ...

+    debug_level = 0x0040

+    ...



+ After the domain's debug level has been increased, SSSD has to be restarted

+ (``systemctl restart sssd``) and a new attempt to log into the system with the

+ user can be done.


+ Then, as part of ``/var/log/sssd/sssd_<domain>.log``, messages containing

+ ``deskprofile`` must be searched.


+ In case of communication problem between SSSD and fleet-commander-client, a

+ message like this will be seen:


+ .. code:: ini


+     (Wed Aug 22 11:02:07 2018) [sssd[be[ipa.fc]]] [ipa_pam_session_handler_notify_deskprofile_client_done] Error sending sbus message ...

+     (Wed Aug 22 11:02:07 2018) [sssd[be[ipa.fc]]] [ipa_pam_session_handler_save_deskprofile_rules]  ipa_pam_session_handler_notify_deskprofile_client() failed ...


+ For the cases where the profiles haven't been fetched/stored, messages like

+ thoses will be seen:


+ .. code:: ini


+     (Wed Aug 22 11:02:04 2018) [sssd[be[ipa.fc]]] [ipa_pam_session_handler_done] Unable to fetch Desktop Profile rules ...


+     (Wed Aug 22 11:02:07 2018) [sssd[be[ipa.fc]]] [ipa_pam_session_handler_save_deskprofile_rules] Could not retrieve Desktop Profile rules from the cache

+     ...


+     (Wed Aug 22 11:02:07 2018) [sssd[be[ipa.fc]]] [ipa_pam_session_handler_save_deskprofile_rules] Failed to save a Desktop Profile Rule to disk ...

+     ...



+ In case anything like those is seen, please, contact open a SSSD bug on

+ `https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issues`__ with a descriptive name, like:

+ "Fleet Commander: failed to fetch Desktop Profile rules" and add the

+ following logs:


+ * journalctl messages from Fleet Commander


+ * http's error_log messages with after adding ``[global]\ndebug=True`` to the

+   IPA's config file and restarting httpd;


+ * full logs from SSSD's domain (please, sanitize them before attaching to the

+   issue);


+ Also, a quite nice explanation of the issue is appreciated, something like:


+ "I have a desktop profile set for this user, which is part of those groups

+ and works from this host, which is part of this hostgroup.

+ Here's the info about the user:

+ ...


+ When the user tries to log into the machine I expect **this** to happen,

+ however the behaviour I can see is **that**.

+ ..."


+ Asking for help

+ ---------------


+ If you did not have any luck with debugging the issue yourself you

+ can reach us through either:


+ * `sssd-users <https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/sssd-users>`__ mailing list


+ * `#sssd channel on freenode.net <irc://irc.freenode.net/sssd>`__ IRC.


+ * `#fleet-commander channel on freenode.net <irc://irc.freenode.net/sssd>`__ IRC.


+ It would be great if you can also provide all the information that you

+ have found so far to speed things up. Such as the ones pointed above.

no initial comment

rebased onto a469f0a

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by jhrozek

5 years ago