#7 Add "shotnames" design page
Merged 7 years ago by jhrozek. Opened 7 years ago by fidencio.
SSSD/ fidencio/docs wip/shortnames  into  master

file modified
@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ 




+    shortnames


@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ 

+ .. highlight:: none


+ Shortnames in trusted domains

+ =============================


+ Related ticket(s):

+ ------------------

+     https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3001


+ Problem statement

+ -----------------

+ When SSSD is joined to a standalone domain, user & group resolution and user

+ authentication can be done only using the short names without the domain

+ component. The same does not happen in a trust relationship with an AD forest,

+ where the fully-qualified names have to be explicitly used.


+ Use cases

+ ---------

+ Allow the Administrator of an IdM deployment in a trust relationship with an AD

+ forest to configure its IdM servers and associated IdM clients to allow user

+ & group resolution and user authentication in all domains (or a subset of the

+ domains) to be possible by using only the short names without the domain

+ component, as it's done by Centrify.

+ It's important to mention that the Administrator has also the possibility to

+ configure it for directly AD joined clients, althought it cannot be done in a

+ centralized way (meaning that the configuration has to be done per SSSD

+ client).


+ Overview of the solution

+ ------------------------

+ In order to have it implemented a few internal changes have to be done in order

+ to use the shared ``cache_req`` module for responder look-ups, allowing then

+ SSSD to perform the domain-less look-ups when not explicitly set up in the

+ domain to use only fully-qualified names for those operations.


+ Once domain-less searches are allowed, SSSD will have to support receiving an

+ ordered list of domains which will be looked-up first so the Administrator can

+ have a better control and avoid a bunch of unnecessary look-ups. The list of

+ the ordered domains can be provided in three different ways and those are

+ described below accoding to their precedence order:


+ * sssd.conf: the admin can set up the ``domain_resolution_order`` option in

+   the ``[sssd]`` section;

+ * ``ipaDomainResolutionOrder`` set by IPA ID-view: the admin can set up the

+   attribute per views on IPA server;

+ * ``ipaDomainResolutionOrder`` set globally: the admin can set up the attribute

+   globally on IPA server;


+ In case some method, for some reason, fails to be applied there's an automatic

+ fallback to the next method (of course, respecting the precedence order).


+ In case there are conflicting names (like Administrator) the first name matched

+ will be returned, so it's recommended to use fully-qualified names on those

+ situations.


+ Once it's done and the subdomain where the look-up will be done allows the

+ use of non-fully-qualified names the Administrator is ready to make use of

+ this new feature.


+ It's really important to mention that the domain resolution order will be

+ **completely** ignored in case the domain has ``use_fully_qualified_names``

+ configure option set to ``True``.


+ Implementation details

+ ----------------------

+ This section will focus on the changes done after having the ``cache_req``

+ module being used by the responders.


+ Basically a few parts of SSSD have to be changed in order to have this

+ feature in place:


+  * subdomains: The subdomains have to support the ``use_fully_qualified_names``

+    configure option;


+  * ipa/sysdb: Those two parts have to support fetching and storing the

+    ``ipaDomainResolutionOrder`` attribute from IPA servers, so those can be

+    used for SSSD when performing the look-ups;


+  * cache_req: This is the part that has been changed more and the changes are:


+    * Descend into all subdomains during the lookups: It has been changed for

+      all cache_req plugins but the "host_by_name" one;


+    * When processing the domains a new list of domains is built, basically by

+      doing:


+      * Add the domains specified by ``domain_resolution_order`` (or

+        equivalent method to set those up);


+      * Add all other domains by the order they're presented in the

+        ``sssd.conf`` file, flattening those so it's ensured that a look-up

+        will reach all the domains' subdomains. Is important to mention that

+        the subdomains, when not specified, are added to the flatten list of

+        domains in a random order;


+ Configuration changes

+ ---------------------

+ The configuration changes on SSSD side are quite simple:


+  * ``domain_resolution_order`` ::


+     [sssd]

+     ...

+     domain_resolution_order = ad.example, ipa.example

+     ...


+  * subdomain changes::


+     [domain/ipa.example/ad.example]

+     use_fully_qualified_names = False


+ How To Test

+ -----------

+ For testing this feature the person you'll have to have an environment with a

+ working AD Trust relationship and then follow at least one of the following

+ methods:


+  * Client side: Set up ``domain_resolution_order`` attribute in [sssd]'s

+    section of sssd.conf file::


+     [sssd]

+     ...

+     domain_resolution_order = ad.example, ipa.example

+     ...


+  * IPA side:


+    * View: Once a view is properly set up, the person can just call::


+      # ipa idview-mod --domain-resolution-order="ad.example:ipa.example"


+    * Globally::


+      # ipa config-mod --domain-resolution-order="ad.example:ipa.example"


+ NOTE: Yes, the list set up on IPA side is separated by colon (:) while the one

+ in SSSD side is separated by comma (.).


+ And that's all. With those changes the operations that could be done using

+ fully-qualified-names now can be done by just using shortnames (obviously,

+ having exactly the same results).


+ How To Debug

+ ------------

+ The best way to debug this feature is actually diving into the logs generated

+ by ``cache_req``, which shows the exactly order the look-up followed during the

+ request.


+ For instance::


+     $ id Administrator


+ Will generate logs like (this is part of NSS logs)::


+     CR #0: Setting name [Administrator]

+     CR #0: Performing a multi-domain search

+     ...

+     CR #0: Using domain [ipa.example]

+     ...

+     CR #0: Using domain [ad.example]


+ Authors

+ -------

+  * Fabiano Fidencio <fidencio@redhat.com>

+  * Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com>


7 years ago

The use-case paragraph should probably mention that it's possible to configure also directly AD joined clients, albeit not centrally.


7 years ago

Could you clarify here that the 'view' is an 'IPA ID-view' ?

Could you add that the random order doesn't matter because normally a qualified name must be used anyway, so it is not a bug?

I would prefer if either this section or the how to test section (or perhaps both?) had a paragraph (and/or a test case) about conflicting names like Administrator.

Hmm. I can't reply directly to your comments.

So, about the "Could you add that the random order doesn't matter because normally a qualified name must be used anyway, so it is not a bug?" ...

I can clarify it's not a bug because we just flatten the list in the same way the list would be transcendent anyway (in other words, it don't change the order that was previously built).

I guess just saying that it's not a bug because using fully-qualified names is the normal use case is exactly the reason why it's not a bug.

Does that make sense to you, @jhrozek ?

Actually, I was wrong. you can have a shortname and a random order if you just configure use_fully_qualified_names=false but don't configure the domain order. Then I guess the sentence is good as-is.


7 years ago

New patch has been pushed!

Pagure says: "The pull-request can be merged with a merge commit"
It would be good to rebase PR to have fast-forward merge :-)


7 years ago

Pagure says: "The pull-request can be merged with a merge commit"
It would be good to rebase PR to have fast-forward merge :-)


Pull-Request has been merged by jhrozek

7 years ago