#24 Add "FAQ" page
Merged 6 years ago by jhrozek. Opened 6 years ago by fidencio.
SSSD/ fidencio/docs wip/faq  into  master

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ 

+ .. highlight:: none


+ Frequently Asked Questions

+ --------------------------


+ What is the System Security Services Daemon?

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ SSSD is a system daemon. Its primary function is to provide access to

+ identity and authentication remote resource through a common framework

+ that can provide caching and offline support to the system. It provides

+ PAM and NSS modules as well as a D-Bus interface interface for extended

+ user information.


+ An excellent write-up on SSSD was created by Marko Myllynen and

+ submitted to LWN.net: `SSSD: System Security Services

+ Daemon <http://lwn.net/Articles/457415/>`__


+ What platforms run SSSD?

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ We are currently aware of the following Linux distributions shipping

+ some version of SSSD.


+ -  `Fedora Project <http://fedoraproject.org>`__ - This is the

+    platform used by the original developers

+ -  `Red Hat Enterprise Linux <http://www.redhat.com>`__

+ -  `CentOS <http://www.centos.org>`__

+ -  `openSUSE <http://www.opensuse.org>`__

+ -  `Debian <http://www.debian.org>`__

+ -  `Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntu.com>`__

+ -  `Gentoo <http://www.gentoo.org>`__

+ -  `Mandriva <http://www.mandriva.org>`__

+ -  `Arch Linux <http://www.archlinux.org>`__ via

+    `AUR <http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=sssd>`__


+ In theory, SSSD should compile and run (hopefully without modification)

+ on any modern Linux distribution. Non-Linux platforms such as the BSD

+ distributions are not yet fully supported, though some work is ongoing

+ to port SSSD to

+ `FreeBSD <http://portsmon.freebsd.org/portoverview.py?category=security&portname=sssd>`__


+ If you know of any other distributions shipping SSSD, please `tell

+ us <mailto:sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org>`__!


+ What branches are maintained upstream at a given time?

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ In general, the SSSD upstream supports at least one stable branch and

+ one LTM branch at the same time. The branches designated as LTM

+ (long-term maintenance) are supported for longer time than other

+ releases with fixes for important bugs and security patches.


+ The regular releases are more frequent than LTM releases and are intened

+ for users who like to use the latest functionality. The LTM releases are

+ targeted at users who prefer to run very stable codebase and don't need

+ the latest features.


+ An LTM release is maintained until the next LTM release comes out. After

+ that, the LTM released is declared as end-of-life, but may still receive

+ critical security fixes for up to one year to allow users to easily

+ migrate to the next LTM release.


+ For more detailed information on our releases, see our

+ `Releases <https://docs.pagure.org/SSSD.sssd/users/releases.html>`__ page.


+ Features

+ ~~~~~~~~


+ .. FIXME: Any of the links referred on this section have already

+           been migrated to pagure. Thus, this section, for now,

+           has been commented out!


+ .. How do I configure SSSD to talk to an Active Directory server?

+ .. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ ..

+ .. Our fantastic user community has contributed and maintains a wiki page

+ .. dedicated to this goal: `Configuring sssd to authenticate with a Windows

+ .. 2008 or later Domain

+ .. Server <link here>`__

+ ..

+ .. Please be aware of `a possible slowdown when using referrals with Active

+ .. Directory <link here>`__


+ When should I enable enumeration in SSSD? or Why is enumeration disabled by default?

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ "Enumeration" is SSSD's term for "reading in and displaying all the

+ values of a particular map (users, groups, etc.)". We disable this by

+ default in the SSSD in order to minimize the load on the servers with

+ which SSSD must communicate. In most operations, listing the complete set

+ of users or groups will never be necessary. Applications will generally

+ request information about specific users or groups.


+ Enumerating all entries has a negative impact in load on the server and

+ performance on the client (as we have to save all of the complex

+ relationships between users and the groups to which they belong in the

+ local cache). So because of this, we ship with enumerations disabled

+ (the same behavior as the Samba project's winbind).


+ You should only enable enumerations (and the resultant performance

+ issues) if you have applications or scripts in your environment that

+ absolutely must be able to retrieve the complete lists. In these cases,

+ enumeration can be enabled by setting ::


+     [domain/<domainname>]

+     enumerate = true

+     ...


+ in your ``sssd.conf`` file.


+ Why does SSSD (1.7.0 and later) ignore source host[group] rules in HBAC?

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ There are two serious problems with the srchost feature. In order to do

+ srchost processing, SSSD needs to trust the value passed to it by PAM

+ for the ``pam_data->srchost`` field. Unfortunately, the PAM

+ specification does not specify the format that this field must take.

+ Different login programs provide different values for this field (such

+ as IP address, short hostname or FQDN) and yet others simply pass a

+ value provided by the remote host. As a result, SSSD has no way of

+ verifying whether the remote client is actually who they say they are.


+ The second issue is that support of srchost rules requires significantly

+ more processing and bigger LDAP lookups, as every client is now required

+ to retrieve the complete list of hosts and hostgroups from the FreeIPA

+ server, where otherwise it would only need to download the specification

+ for the current host (and any groups that contain it). Eliminating the

+ srchost rules results in at least one order of magnitude performance

+ increase (more in slow LDAP environments).


+ So the combination of unreliability and slow performance resulted in our

+ making the decision to opt to disable the srchost rules by default

+ (treating them as "allow connection from any source"). It is possible to

+ re-enable these rules with ``ipa_hbac_support_srchost = True`` in

+ ``sssd.conf``. However, note that recent IPA server releases do not

+ support this feature on the server side either.


+ What LDAP schema should I use?

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ The LDAP schema defines the set of default attribute names retreived on

+ the server as well as meaning of some of the attributes, notably

+ membership attributes. The two most widely used schemas are rfc2307 and

+ rfc2307bis with rfc2307 being the default. When using the rfc2307

+ schema, group members are listed by name in the ``memberUid`` attribute.

+ When using the rfc2307bis schema, group members are listed by DN and

+ stored in the ``member`` (or sometimes ``uniqueMember``) attribute.


+ How do I configure caching of sudo rules or autofs maps?

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ The SSSD manual pages only contain reference documentation on the

+ options provided. However, two blog posts are available that describe

+ how to configure

+ `sudo <https://jhrozek.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/access-your-remote-sudo-rules-offline-with-sssd/>`__

+ and

+ `autofs <https://jhrozek.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/how-to-cache-automounter-maps-using-sssd/>`__

+ caching in a more tutorial-like form.


+ Why do some users appear as group members even if they are not?

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ Starting with SSSD 1.9.0, we took a different approach in how we store

+ group members for performance reasons. While this new approach provides

+ a notable performance boost, there are some situations when a user might

+ be removed from a nested group but still show up as a member of a parent

+ group.


+ When group information is requested, the SSSD doesn't download all the

+ information about all members, but rather just downloads the list of

+ user names and stores this list in the cache along with the group

+ object. The list of members is returned from cache until the group

+ object expires and is refreshed during an identity lookup such as

+ invoking getent group from shell or calling getgrnam from a C program.


+ On the other hand, the membership information is always refreshed during

+ a login, so that access control always operates on the most recent set

+ of data in order to avoid unauthorized access or denial of access.


+ Troubleshooting

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ Basics of Troubleshooting

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ When something is not working right, your first step should be to enable

+ debug logging. You can do this in any section in the ``sssd.conf`` file

+ by setting ``debug_level = N`` where N is a bitmask of log levels to

+ display. At the time of this writing (SSSD 1.7.0), the usage of each of

+ these levels is still a bit inconsistent, but we are standardizing on

+ the following levels: ::


+     debug_level (integer)

+         Bit mask that indicates which debug levels will be visible. 0x0010

+         is the default value as well as the lowest allowed value, 0xFFF0 is

+         the most verbose mode. This setting overrides the settings from

+         config file.


+         Currently supported debug levels:


+         0x0010: Fatal failures. Anything that would prevent SSSD from

+         starting up or causes it to cease running.


+         0x0020: Critical failures. An error that doesn't kill the SSSD, but

+         one that indicates that at least one major feature is not going to

+         work properly.


+         0x0040: Serious failures. An error announcing that a particular

+         request or operation has failed.


+         0x0080: Minor failures. These are the errors that would percolate

+         down to cause the operation failure of 2.


+         0x0100: Configuration settings.

+         0x0200: Function data.


+         0x0400: Trace messages for operation functions.


+         0x1000: Trace messages for internal control functions.


+         0x2000: Contents of function-internal variables that may be

+         interesting.


+         0x4000: Extremely low-level tracing information.


+ For backwards-compatibility, the log levels zero through nine map to the

+ above by including the specified level and lower.


+ Common Issues

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ I don't see any groups when I run 'id username'

+ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


+ I don't see any group members when running 'getent group groupname'

+ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


+ This may be due to an incorrect ``ldap_schema`` setting in the

+ ``[domain/DOMAINNAME]`` section of sssd.conf.


+ SSSD supports three LDAP schema types: RFC 2307, RFC 2307bis and IPA

+ (the last being an extension of RFC 2307bis including memberOf

+ backlinks).


+ By default, SSSD will use the more common RFC 2307 schema. The

+ difference between RFC 2307 and RFC 2307bis is the way which group

+ membership is stored in the LDAP server. In an RFC 2307 server, group

+ members are stored as the multi-valued attribute ``memberuid`` which

+ contains the *name* of the users that are members. In an RFC2307bis

+ server, group members are stored as the multi-valued attribute

+ ``member`` (or sometimes ``uniqueMember``) which contains the *DN* of

+ the user or group that is a member of this group. RFC2307bis allows

+ nested groups to be maintained as well.


+ So the first thing to try when you hit this situation is to try setting

+ ``ldap_schema = rfc2307bis``, deleting

+ ``/var/lib/sss/db/cache_DOMAINNAME.ldb`` and restarting SSSD. If that

+ still doesn't work, add ``ldap_group_member = uniqueMember``, delete the

+ cache and restart once more. If that still doesn't work, it's time to

+ `file a bug <https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/new_issue>`__.


+ The recent glibc versions (Fedora 17 and later) also include a new NSS

+ database ``initgroups``, which defaults to ``files`` only. In order for

+ initgroups to function correctly, you can either append the ``sss``

+ module in the same way as ``passwd`` and ``group`` databases or comment

+ out the ``initgroups`` line completely. If your system configuration was

+ generated by authconfig, the ``initgroups`` line is commented out by

+ authconfig.


+ Authentication fails against LDAP

+ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


+ SSSD is stricter than pam\_ldap. In order to perform an authentication,

+ SSSD requires that the communication channel be encrypted. This means

+ that if ``sssd.conf`` has ``ldap_uri = ldap://<server>``, it will

+ attempt to encrypt the communication channel with TLS (transport layer

+ security). If ``sssd.conf`` has ``ldap_uri = ldaps://<server>``, then

+ SSL will be used instead of TLS. This requires that the LDAP server


+ #. Supports TLS or SSL

+ #. Has TLS access enabled on the standard LDAP port (389) (or alternate

+    port, if specified in the ``ldap_uri`` or has SSL access enabled on

+    the standard LDAPS port (or alternate port).

+ #. Has a valid certificate trust


+ The first two of these requirements must be handled by the LDAP server

+ administrator. Check with them that this is supported. If it is not,

+ tell them to add it! (Or find out if there are alternate, secure

+ authentication providers such as Kerberos available).


+ This last requirement is the cause of most issues with authenticating

+ against LDAP. If the client does not have proper trust of the LDAP

+ server certificate, it will be unable to validate the connection, and

+ SSSD will refuse to send the password. This is done because the LDAP

+ protocol requires that the password is sent plaintext to the LDAP

+ server. If the communication channel is not encrypted, it is trivial for

+ any computer on the network(s) between the client and server to sniff

+ the users' passwords. pam\_ldap allowed such authentications to occur,

+ but it was an inexcusable security breach.


+ If the certificate is not trusted, a syslog message is written,

+ indicating that TLS encryption could not be started, as well as any

+ additional information provided by the openldap libraries.


+ The first step to resolving this is to contact your LDAP server

+ administrator to acquire a copy of the public CA certificate for the

+ certificate authority used to sign the LDAP server certificate. This

+ should be placed on the filesystem and a directive should be added to

+ ``sssd.conf`` to locate it: ``ldap_tls_cacert = /path/to/cacert``


+ If the LDAP server is self-signed (or for testing purposes while

+ awaiting a response from the server administrator), the config option

+ ``ldap_tls_reqcert = never`` can be added to the ``sssd.conf``, which

+ will tell SSSD to blindly trust the certificate provided by the LDAP

+ server. **This is a security risk**. It is possible for an attacker to

+ run a man-in-the-middle attack if your clients are not properly

+ validating certificates against a CA. Do not set this option in

+ production.


+ If the logs aren't helping, you can verify your configuration by taking

+ the following steps: Verify that the services work when not called by



+ Using a LDAP server IP of and a base of dc=example,dc=com, you

+ could search using a simple anonymous bind and with mandatory TLS to

+ confirm LDAP server connectivity using ldapsearch: ::


+     ldapsearch -x -ZZ -H ldap:// -b dc=example,dc=com


+ If this fails with ::


+     ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11) additional info: TLS error -8179:Unknown code ___f 13


+ most likely you do not have a correct CA certificate available in the

+ correct location.


+ One other common certificate issue is with servers that have multiple

+ hostnames. When connecting with SSL or TLS, the hostname used to connect

+ must include the fully-qualified domain name specified by the

+ certificate subject or subjectAltName. In most cases, this means that

+ specifying an LDAP URI with a numeric IP address will fail to work with



+ Connection to LDAP servers on non-standard ports fail

+ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


+ On systems running SELinux in enforcing mode (such as Fedora, Red Hat

+ Enterprise Linux and CentOS), you need to modify your client machine's

+ SELinux policy to allow contacting that port. For example, if you are

+ communicating with an LDAP server running on port 1389, you would need

+ to run the command (as root): ::


+     semanage port -a -t ldap_port_t -p tcp 1389


+ This tells the SELinux policy that port 1389 is defined as an LDAP port

+ (to which SSSD has access to talk). This would need to be done on each

+ of your client machines (or coordinated with some tool like puppet).


+ Referral chasing seems to be slowing down the SSSD

+ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


+ There can be a performance penalty if the SSSD performs a large number

+ of referral chasing operations. You can tell a referral rebind operation

+ from the logs: ::


+     [sssd[be[EXAMPLE]]] [sdap_rebind_proc] (7): Successfully bind to [ldap://example.com/DC=example,DC=com].


+ Unless your environment requires the use of referrals, you can try

+ setting the ``ldap_referrals`` options to ``false`` and restarting the

+ SSSD. Some users have reported improved performance after turning the

+ referral chasing off especially in the case of Microsoft Active

+ Directory.


+ Troubleshooting

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ There are dedicated pages that describe `how to troubleshoot problems

+ <https://docs.pagure.org/SSSD.sssd/users/troubleshooting.html>`__ and

+ `how to submit a detailed bug report

+ <https://docs.pagure.org/SSSD.sssd/users/reporting_bugs.html>`__.


+ Getting help

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ SSSD has a dedicated `user support mailing

+ list <https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/sssd-users@lists.fedorahosted.org/>`__.


+ SSSD development discussions occur either on the `SSSD development

+ list <https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org/>`__

+ or on the `#sssd IRC channel <irc://irc.freenode.net/sssd>`__ on

+ `freenode <http://freenode.net/>`__.


+ Tracking bugs and enhancement requests

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ If you think you have found a bug or would like to file an enhancement

+ request, create a `new issue

+ <https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/new_issue>`__ in the SSSD's Pagure instance.

+ Logging into the Trac instance requires a Fedora Account System login.

+ To create one, use the `FAS interface

+ <https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/>`__.

file modified
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ 

  .. toctree::

     :maxdepth: 1


+    faq




This is pretty much a copy & paste from the original, with basically a
few changes:

  • pointing some links to pagure instead of fedorahosted;
  • commenting out the AD section as those were not migrated yet.

Signed-off-by: Fabiano Fidêncio fidencio@redhat.com


6 years ago

I've just noticed that the links for the mailing lists are not correct in this PR. I'll update this and re-submit the PR.


6 years ago

I would prefer if you squash in https://pagure.io/fork/jhrozek/SSSD/docs/c/d9e666e005ba6772e1991a1fe5ad45ea5f9bc5eb

It's just a bunch of small fixes, like saying we already do ship a D-Bus interface or prettyfying some links.

Thanks for the PR by the way!


6 years ago

Squashed your PR into mine and gave you credits.

Thanks for the review.

Pull-Request has been merged by jhrozek

6 years ago