#23 Add "contribute" page
Merged 6 years ago by jhrozek. Opened 6 years ago by fidencio.
SSSD/ fidencio/docs wip/contribute  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@ 

+ Coding guidelines

+ =================


+ Introduction

+ ------------


+ This manual contains coding standards and guidelines for SSSD and

+ FreeIPA contributors. It is updated based heavily on the FreeIPA style

+ which was based on `389 Directory Server style

+ guide <http://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/development/coding-style.html>`__

+ but deviates from it and covers more aspects.


+ All new code should adhere to these standards but please do not go back

+ and make wholesale formatting changes to the old code. It just confuses

+ things and is generally a waste of time.


+ Why Coding Guidelines?

+ ----------------------


+ The Coding Guidelines are necessary to improve maintainability and

+ readability of the code.


+ Maintainability

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ If you're merging changes from a patch it's much easier if everyone is

+ using the same coding style. This isn't the reality for a lot of our

+ code, but we're trying to get to the point where most of it uses the

+ same style.


+ Readability

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^


+ Remember, code isn't just for compilers, it's for people, too. If it

+ wasn't for people, we would all be programming in assembly. Coding style

+ and consistency mean that if you go from one part of the code to another

+ you don't spend time having to re-adjust from one style to another.

+ Blocks are consistent and readable and the flow of the code is apparent.

+ Coding style adds value for people who have to read your code after

+ you've been hit by a bus. Remember that.


+ Definitions

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^


+ The following guidelines apply to developing code in the SSSD project.

+ Some rules are mandatory some rules are just suggestions or

+ recommendations. We will use following terminology to identify whether

+ this or that rule is mandatory or not.


+ -  MUST – everybody must follow the rule

+ -  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – the rule should be followed unless there are

+    some serious reasons why they should not be followed.

+ -  RECOMMENDED – it is a best practice to use this rule. It is not

+    required but strongly encouraged.

+ -  DISCRETION – follow this at developer discretion.


+ Note on C99

+ -----------


+ We compile code with -std=gnu99 flag. It is OK to use C99 features

+ supported by GCC and Clang, however C++ style line comments (*) should

+ still be avoided. Using variable length arrays should be done with

+ caution and only be used for smaller arrays.*


+ Rules

+ -----


+ General Rules

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ -  MUST: All source and header files must include a copy of the license.

+ -  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Stick to a K&R coding style for C.

+ -  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Curly braces on same line as if/while.

+ -  MUST: All code should be peer reviewed before being checked in.

+ -  MUST: If you are fixing a bug, add a link to the bug or upstream ticket

+    to the commit message

+ -  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: For Python we have an enforced style in many

+    cases already but consistency is important.


+ Spaces and Indentation

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ -  MUST: No tabs all indentation 4 spaces.

+ -  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: When wrapping lines, try to break it:


+    -  after a comma

+    -  before an operator

+    -  align the new line with the beginnigng of the expression at the

+       same level in the previous line

+    -  in case of long "if" statements, wrap the line before an operator

+       and indent the new line

+    -  if all else fails, just indent 8 spaces.


+ Length of Line

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ MUST: Do not make lines longer than 120 characters.


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Keep lines within 80 character boundary for better

+ readability.


+ Comments

+ ^^^^^^^^


+ MUST: Use only C style comments /\* \*/ not C++.


+ MUST: When commenting use the following styles: ::


+         /*

+          * VERY important single-line comments look like this.

+          */


+         /* Most single-line comments look like this. */


+         /*

+          * Multi-line comments look like this. Make them real sentences. Fill

+          * them so they look like real paragraphs.

+          */


+ Avoid: ::


+         /* Multiline comments

+            that look like this */


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Avoid useless comments that do not add value to the

+ code.


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Each public API function should be preceded with a

+ block comment describing what the function is supposed to do. It is not

+ required to document internal APIs, although use your discretion and feel

+ free to document internal functions as well.


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Block comments should be preceded by a blank line to

+ set it apart. Line up the \* characters in the block comment.


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Python comments can use either the # or """ form



+ ^^^^^


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: When using #ifdefs, it's nice to add comments in the

+ pairing #endif: ::


+        #ifndef _HEADER_H_

+        #define _HEADER_H_


+        /* something here */


+        #endif /* !_HEADER_H_ */


+ or: ::


+        #ifdef HAVE_PTHREADS


+        /* some code here */


+        #else /* !HAVE_PTHREADS */


+        /* some other code here */


+        #endif /* HAVE_PTHREADS */


+ Include Files

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ RECOMMENDED: Includes should be grouped properly. Standard headers and

+ local headers should definitely be separated by a blank line. Other

+ logical grouping should be reasonably done if needed. Files inside the

+ groups should be sorted alphabetically, unless a specific order is

+ required - this however is very rare, and must not happen. Also, one

+ shouldn't depend on the fact that one header file includes other one,

+ unless it is really obvious and/or desirable, like in cases when one

+ header file practically "enhances" the other one, for example with more

+ error codes, etc.


+ Macros

+ ^^^^^^


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Macros that are unsafe should be in upper-case. This

+ also applies to macros that span multiple lines: ::


+        #define MY_MACRO(a, b) do {   \

+                     foo((a) + (b));  \

+                     bar(a);          \

+        } while (0)


+ Notice that arguments should be in parentheses if there's a risk. Also

+ notice that a is referenced two times, and hence the macro is dangerous.

+ Wrapping the body in do { } while (0) makes it safe to use it like this: ::


+        if (expr)

+            MY_MACRO(x, y);


+ Notice the semicolon is used after the invocation, not in the macro

+ definition.


+ Otherwise, if a macro is safe (for example a simple wrapping function),

+ then the case can be lower-case.


+ Use of goto

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^


+ We use goto to simplify cleanup operations and some other tasks that

+ need to be done before leaving the function.


+ MUST: Never use goto to jump backwards in the code


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: If goto is needed in the code, use one of the

+ following labels: done, fail, immediate.


+ RECOMMENDED: Do not use more than one goto label per function.


+ Label done

+ """"""""""


+ Label done is used as jump target before exit. Clean-up operations, such

+ as freeing local talloc context, usually follow the done label. Both

+ successful and unsuccessful function executions pass this label.


+ Label fail

+ """"""""""


+ Used as special exit path when function fails. Successful function

+ execution typically does not execute statements after this label.


+ Label immediate

+ """""""""""""""


+ The immediate label is used in tevent's _send functions. The typical usage

+ would look like this: ::


+     if (ret != EOK) {

+         DEBUG(...);

+         goto immediate;

+     }


+     immediate:

+         if (ret == EOK) {

+             tevent_req_done(req);

+         } else {

+             tevent_req_error(req, ret);

+         }

+         tevent_req_post(req, ev);

+         return req;


+ Returning NULL from the tevent _send function should be reserved for OOM

+ situations where the request cannot be created in the first place.


+ Variables

+ ^^^^^^^^^


+ Naming

+ """"""


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Use low case multi word underscore separated

+ notation for naming variables.


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Make name meaningful.


+ MUST: Never use Hungarian notation when naming variables.


+ Declaring

+ """""""""


+ Use ::


+     RECOMMENDED: One declaration per line is preferred.

+         int foo;

+         int bar;


+ instead of ::


+        int foo, bar;


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Initialize at declaration time when possible.


+ RECOMMENDED: Avoid complex variable initializations (like calling

+ functions) when declaring variables like: ::


+        int foobar = get_foobar(baz);


+     but split it in: ::


+        int foobar;


+        foobar = get_foobar(baz);

+        ...


+ MUST: Always declare variables at the top of the function or block. If

+ you find yourself declaring many variables inside inner block or loop,

+ consider refactoring the block into helper function. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED:

+ Avoid shadowing variables. Use different name even if the shadowed

+ variable is not important for the inner blocks.


+ RECOMMENDED: Don't initialize static or global variables to 0 or NULL.


+ Use of Typedefs

+ """""""""""""""


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Avoid using typedefs. Typedefs obscure structures

+ and make it harder to understand and debug.


+ Declaring Structures

+ """"""""""""""""""""


+ DISCRETION: When defining structure or union try make it easy to read.

+ You may use some form of alignment if you see that this might make it

+ more readable.


+ Global Variables

+ """"""""""""""""


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Avoid using global variables. They make for very

+ poor code. Should be used only if no other way can be found. They tend

+ to be not thread/async safe


+ Functions

+ ^^^^^^^^^


+ External Function Declarations

+ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Avoid situations where you have to explicitly list

+ out external function. The header files should in general take care of

+ the external function declaration. If this is not the case it is subject

+ for review of the header file hierarchy.


+ Declaring Module Functions

+ """"""""""""""""""""""""""


+ DISCRETION: It up to the developer to define the order of the functions

+ in the module and thus declare functions at the top or use a native flow

+ of the module and avoid forward function declarations.


+ Order of the Functions

+ """"""""""""""""""""""


+ DISCRETION: It is up to the developer which approach to use: whether to

+ write the main function at the top of the module and then all the

+ supporting functions or start with supporting functions and have the

+ main one at the bottom. Both approaches are acceptable. One can use

+ additional comments to help identify how the module is structured.


+ Naming Functions

+ """"""""""""""""


+ MUST: For function names use multi word underscore separate naming

+ convention like this monitor\_task\_init(struct task\_server \*task);


+ MUST: Never use Hungarian notation when naming functions.


+ Indenting Functions

+ """""""""""""""""""


+ DISCRETION: It is up to the developer which pattern to use when

+ indenting the function parameters if function has long name and has to

+ be split between multiple lines. The pattern however MUST be consistent

+ across the module so if you are fixing somebodies code continue with the

+ pattern used in the module.


+ Function Declaration

+ """"""""""""""""""""


+ DISCRETION: It is up to the developer whether to put the return type of

+ the function and modifiers (static for example) in front of the function

+ on the same line or start the line with the an actual function name. In

+ any case the pattern MUST be consistent across the module. If you are

+ adding function to an already existing module follow its pattern. MUST:

+ Put opening “{“ of the function body on the beginning of the new line

+ after the function declaration. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Do not put spaces

+ before or after parenthesis in the declaration of the parameters. For

+ example:


+     OK: ::

+         int foo(int bar, int baz);


+     NOT OK: ::

+         int bad ( arg1 , arg2 );


+ Function Parameters

+ """""""""""""""""""


+ RECOMMENDED: Try to always put "input" arguments before "output"

+ arguments, if you have arguments that provide both input an output put

+ them between the pure-input and the pure-output ones. Add underscore

+ prefix "\_" to output arguments.


+     OK: ::


+         foo(int in1, void *in2, char **_ou1);


+     NOT OK: ::


+         voo(char **ou1, int in1);


+ Use of Const

+ """"""""""""


+ RECOMMENDED: If appropriate, always use the const modifier for pointers

+ passed to the function. This makes the intentions of the function more

+ clearer, plus allows the compiler to catch more bugs and make some

+ optimizations.


+ Tools to Use

+ """"""""""""


+ RECOMMENDED: Creating lists and queues was already done a lot of times.

+ When possible, use some common functions for manipulating these to avoid

+ mistakes.


+ Conditions and Statements

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+ Condition

+ """""""""


+ RECOMMENDED: Use the full condition syntax like (str == NULL) rather

+ than (!str).


+ IF Statements

+ """""""""""""


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: If-else statements should have the following form: ::


+         if (''condition'') {

+             /* do some work */

+         }


+         if (''condition'') {

+             /* do some work */

+         } else {

+             /* do some other work */

+         }


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Balance the braces in the if and else in an if-else

+ statement if either has only one line: ::


+         if (condition) {

+             /*

+              * stuff that takes up more than one

+              * line

+              */

+         } else {

+             /* stuff that only uses one line */

+         }


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Use braces even if there s just one line in the if

+ statement.


+ DISCRETION: You can avoid the braces if entire if statement is on one

+ line.


+ NOT OK: ::


+         if (foo)

+             bar();


+ OK: ::


+         if (foo) {

+             bar();

+         }


+ Also OK: ::


+         if (foo) bar();


+ Always use braces if there is an else part: ::


+         if (foo) {

+             bar();

+         } else {

+             baz();

+         }


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Avoid last-return-in-else problem. Code should look

+ like this: ::


+         int foo(int bar)

+         {

+             if (something) {

+                 /* stuff done here */

+                 return 1;

+             }


+             return 0;

+         }


+ **NOT** like this: ::


+         int foo(int bar)

+         {

+             if (something) {

+                 /* stuff done here */

+                 return 1;

+             } else {

+                 return 0;

+             }

+         }


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Conditions with <, <=, >= or == operators should

+ isolate the value being checked (untrusted value) on the left hand side

+ of the comparison. The right hand side should contain trusted values

+ (thus avoiding overflows/underflows). Use unsigned types when storing

+ sizes or lengths. For example if variable len is untrusted and variables

+ size and p are trusted (NOTE: sizes and length should be stored in

+ unsigned types):


+     OK: ::

+         if (len > size - p) return EINVAL;


+     NOT OK: ::

+         if ((p + len ) > size) return EINVAL;


+ Loops

+ """""


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: For, while and until statements should take a

+ similar form: ::


+         for (''initialization; condition; update'') {

+             /* iterate here */

+         }


+         while (''condition'') {

+             /* do some work */

+         }


+ Switch

+ """"""


+ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Use the following style for the switch statements.

+ Add comments if missing break is intentional. ::


+        switch (var) {

+        case 0:

+            break;

+        case 1:

+            printf("meh.\n");

+            /* FALLTHROUGH */

+        case 2:

+            printf("2\n");

+            break;

+        default:

+            /* Always have default */

+            break;

+        }


+ Strings

+ ^^^^^^^


+ Internationalized (i18n) Strings

+ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


+ If the string will be internationalized (e.g. is marked with \_()) and

+ it has more than one format substitution you ***MUST*** use *index*

+ format specifiers, not positional format specifiers. Translators need

+ the option to reorder where substitutions appear in a string because the

+ ordering of nouns, verbs, phrases, etc. differ between languages. If

+ conventional positional format conversion specifiers (e.g. %s %d) are

+ used the string cannot be reordered because the ordering of the format

+ specifiers must match the ordering of the printf arguments supplying the

+ substitutions. The fix for this is easy, use indexed format specifiers.

+ An indexed specifier includes an (1 based) index to the % character that

+ introduces the format specifier (e.g. %1$ to indicate the first

+ argument). That index is used to select the matching argument from the

+ argument list. When indexed specifiers are used *all* format specifiers

+ and *all* \* width fields ***MUST*** use indexed specifiers.


+ Here is an example of incorrect usage with positional specifiers: ::


+       printf(_("item %s has %s value"), name, value);


+ Here is the correct usage using indexed specifiers: ::


+       printf(_("item %1$s has %2$s value"), name, value);


+ See man 3 printf as well as section 15.3.1 "C Format Strings" in the GNU

+ gettext manual for more details.

@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ 

+ .. highlight:: none


+ Contribute

+ ==========


+ There are many ways you can contribute to the System Security Services

+ Daemon. This page should provide some basic pointers.


+ SSSD development discussions occur either on the `SSSD development list

+ <https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org/>`__

+ or on the `#sssd IRC channel <irc://irc.freenode.net/sssd>`__ on

+ `freenode <http://freenode.net/>`__. Keep in mind that SSSD developers

+ are spread across different time zones, which makes mailing list

+ preferred communication channel if you wish to reach the entire team.


+ The SSSD originated as a sister-project to `FreeIPA

+ <http://www.freeipa.org>`__, so we share many pieces.

+ Contributing to FreeIPA may also help SSSD and vice versa.


+ If you want to file a bug or enhancement request, please log in with

+ your Fedora Account System credentials. If you do not have a Fedora

+ Account, you can register for one at

+ `https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/

+ <https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/>`__.

+ There is dedicated page about `bug reporting

+ <https://docs.pagure.org/SSSD.sssd/users/reporting_bugs.html>`__.


+ Contribution Policy

+ -------------------


+ All source code committed to the SSSD is assumed to be made available

+ under the GPLv3+ license unless the submitter specifies another license

+ at that time. The upstream SSSD maintainers reserve the right to refuse

+ a submission if the license is deemed incompatible with the goals of the

+ project.


+ Source Code Repository

+ ----------------------


+ For the SSSD project, we use the

+ `Git <http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gittutorial.html>`__

+ source control system. ::


+     https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd.git


+ We also maintain a read-only mirror on github. ::


+     https://github.com/SSSD/sssd


+ Tasks for newcomers

+ -------------------


+ We try to mark tickets that don't require too much existing knowledge

+ with the ``easyfix`` keyword in Trac. We also prepared `a Pagure query

+ <https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issues?status=Open&tags=easyfix>`__ that

+ lists the easy fixes.

+ Before starting the work on any of these tickets, it might be a good idea

+ to contact the SSSD developers on the `sssd-devel list

+ <https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org/>`__

+ and check if the ticket is still valid or ask for guidance in general.


+ Getting the source

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ To check out the latest SSSD sources, install git on your system

+ (Instructions are for Fedora, you may need to use a platform-specific

+ installation mechanism for other OSes). ::


+     sudo dnf -y install git


+ You can find an excellent

+ `tutorial <http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gittutorial.html>`__

+ for using git.


+ The first time, you will want to configure git with your name and email

+ address for patch attribution: ::


+     git config --global user.name "GIVENNAME SURNAME"

+     git config --global user.email "username@domain.com"


+ You can enable syntax highlighting at the console (for git commands such

+ as '``git status``' and '``git diff``') by setting: ::


+     git config --global color.ui auto


+ And if you would like to have a graphical tool for resolving merge

+ conflicts, you can install and set up meld: ::


+     sudo dnf -y install meld

+     git config --global merge.tool meld


+ It can be invoked with ::


+     git mergetool


+ Once that's done, you can clone our upstream git repository with ::


+     git clone https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd.git


+ This will create a new subdirectory 'sssd' in the current directory

+ which will contain the current master sources. All development should be

+ done first against the master branch, then backported to one of the

+ stable branches if necessary.


+ You can also enable the commit template by: ::


+     git config commit.template .git-commit-template



+ Building SSSD

+ -------------


+ Starting with SSSD 1.10 beta, we now include a set of helper aliases and

+ environment variables in SSSD to simplify building development versions

+ of SSSD on Fedora. To take advantage of them, use the following command: ::


+     . /path/to/sssd-source/contrib/fedora/bashrc_sssd


+ To build SSSD from source, follow these steps:


+ #. Install necessary tools ::


+     # when using yum

+     sudo yum -y install rpm-build yum-utils libldb-devel


+     # when using dnf

+     sudo dnf -y install rpm-build dnf-plugins-core libldb-devel


+ 2. Create source rpm (run from git root directory) ::


+     contrib/fedora/make_srpm.sh


+ 3. Install SSSD dependencies ::


+     # when using yum

+     sudo yum-builddep rpmbuild/SRPMS/sssd-\*.src.rpm


+     # when using dnf

+     sudo dnf builddep rpmbuild/SRPMS/sssd-\*.src.rpm


+ If you plan on working with the SSSD source often, you may want to add

+ the following to your ``~/.bashrc`` file: ::


+     if [ -f /path/to/sssd-source/contrib/fedora/bashrc_sssd ]; then

+         . /path/to/sssd-source/contrib/fedora/bashrc_sssd

+     fi


+ You can now produce a Debug build of SSSD by running: ::


+     cd /path/to/sssd-source

+     reconfig && chmake


+ The ``reconfig`` alias will run ``autoreconf -if``, create a parallel

+ build directory named after your CPU architecture (e.g. x86\_64) and

+ then run the configure script with the appropriate options for

+ installing on a Fedora system with all experimental features enabled.


+ The ``chmake`` alias will then perform the build (with build messages

+ suppressed except on warning or error) as well as build and run tests.


+ Finally, assuming you have sudo privilege, you can run the

+ ``sssinstall`` alias to install this debug build onto the build machine. ::


+     sssinstall && echo build install successful


+ You can also directly build **rpm packages** for Fedora or CentOS using

+ make target *rpms* or *prerelease-rpms*. The second version will create

+ rpm packages with date and git hash in package release. ::


+     make rpms

+     #snip

+     Wrote: /dev/shm/gcc/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/sssd-libwbclient-1.13.90-0.fc23.x86_64.rpm

+     Wrote: /dev/shm/gcc/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/sssd-libwbclient-devel-1.13.90-0.fc23.x86_64.rpm

+     Wrote: /dev/shm/gcc/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/sssd-debuginfo-1.13.90-0.fc23.x86_64.rpm

+     Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.jeWpr7

+     + umask 022

+     + cd /dev/shm/gcc/rpmbuild/BUILD

+     + cd sssd-1.13.90

+     + rm -rf /dev/shm/gcc/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/sssd-1.13.90-0.fc23.x86_64

+     + exit 0


+ To install SSSD on other distributions, you can run the usual Autotools

+ combo: ::


+     autoreconf -i -f && \

+     ./configure --enable-nsslibdir=/lib64 --enable-pammoddir=/lib64/security && \

+     make

+     sudo make install


+ To build and install the code. Please note that by default, the

+ Autotools install prefix is ``/usr/local``. Also, if you are building

+ and installing on a 32bit machine, you should use ``/lib/`` instead of

+ ``/lib64`` for ``nsslibdir`` and ``pammoddir``. Please note that even if

+ you are installing to ``/usr/local``, the NSS and PAM libraries must be

+ installed to system library directories as that's where NSS and PAM

+ would be looking for them.


+ .. FIXME: Add back the "Useful tips and information for developers"

+ ..        as soon as it gets migrated.


+ .. Useful Tips and information for developers

+ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ ..

+ .. There is a `dedicated

+ .. page <link for DevelTips here>`__ that

+ .. contains a collection of tips that are useful for developers. The `SSSD

+ .. Internals page

+ .. <link for SSSD Internals here>`__ is

+ .. useful to become more familiar with SSSD terminology, components, and

+ .. flow between processes.


+ COPR Repository

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ You can download development packages from

+ `COPR <https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/>`__ repo:


+ -  `https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/groups/g/sssd/coprs/ <https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/groups/g/sssd/coprs/>`__


+ Sending patch to upstream

+ -------------------------


+ Coding Style

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ We have adopted the code style and formatting specification used by the

+ FreeIPA project to describe our

+ `Python <http://www.freeipa.org/page/Python_Coding_Style>`__ coding

+ style. For C language we also used `FreeIPA C

+ style <http://www.freeipa.org/page/Coding_Style>`__ but this style is

+ currently outdated and a `new updated C style guide

+ <https://docs.pagure.org/SSSD.sssd/developers/coding_style.html>`__

+ was written for SSSD.


+ Submitting

+ ~~~~~~~~~~


+ Make your changes and then add any new or modified files to a change-set

+ with the command: ::


+     git add <path_to_file1> <path_to_file2> ...

+     git commit


+ Before submitting a patch, always make sure it doesn't break SSSD

+ tests <https://docs.pagure.org/SSSD.sssd/users/reporting_bugs.html#running-integration-tests-locally>`_

+ and applies to the latest upstream master branch. You will want to

+ rebase to this branch and fix any merge conflicts (in case someone else

+ changed the same code). ::


+     git remote update

+     git rebase -i origin/master


+ If this rebase has a merge conflict, you will need to resolve the

+ conflict before you continue. If you get stuck or make a mistake, you

+ can use ::


+     git rebase --abort


+ This will put you right back where you started.


+ Patches should be split so that every logical change in the large

+ patchset is contained in its own patch. An example of this is `SSSD

+ Ticket #2789 <https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/2789>`__ where one

+ patch makes the ``resolv_is_address()`` function public with tests and the

+ other adds the function in the SSSD providers.


+ .. FIXME: Add a link to GithubWorkflow as soon as it gets migrated.


+ Once your changes are ready for submission, submit it via a github pull

+ request.


+ If a patch isn't accepted on the first review, you will need to modify

+ it and resubmit it. When this happens, you will want to amend your

+ changes to the existing patch with ::


+     git add <files>

+     git commit --amend


+ If you need to make changes to earlier patches in your tree, you can use ::


+     git rebase -i origin/master


+ and follow the directions in the interactive rebase to modify specific

+ patches.


+ Then just re-push the patches to github, the pull request will be

+ refreshed automatically.


+ Patch metadata

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ The description associated with the patch is an important piece of

+ information that allows other developers or users to see what the change

+ was about, what bug did the commit fix or what feature did the commit

+ implement. To structure the information many SSSD developers use the

+ following format:


+ -  one-line short description

+ -  blank line

+ -  ticket or bugzilla URL (if available)

+ -  blank line

+ -  One or more paragraphs that describe the change if it can't be

+    described fully in the one-line description


+ These best practices are loosely based on the `kernel patch submission

+ recommendation <http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/SubmittingPatches>`__.


+ An example of a patch formatted according to the above guidelines is

+ commit `925a14d50edf0e3b800ce659b10b771ae1cde293

+ <https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/c/925a14d50edf0e3b800ce659b10b771ae1cde293/>`__: ::


+     LDAP: Fix nesting level comparison


+     Correct an issue with nesting level comparison of option

+     ldap_group_nesting_level to ensure that setting nesting level 0

+     will avoid parent group of group searches.


+     Resolves:

+     https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3425



+ Unit tests

+ ~~~~~~~~~~


+ It is preferred if a patch comes together with a unit test. SSSD uses

+ the `cmocka <http://cmocka.org/>`__ library for developing unit tests,

+ although some older tests still use the `check framework

+ <http://check.sourceforge.net/>`__. For an introduction to cmocka, see

+ either the examples in the ``src/tests/cmocka`` directory or read the

+ `lwn article on cmocka <https://lwn.net/Articles/558106/>`__.


+ Running integration tests (locally)

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ The easiest way to run the integration tests is by running: ::


+     make intgcheck


+ Running the complete suite of tests may be overkill for debugging.

+ Running individual tests from the suite can be done according to the

+ following examples: ::


+     INTGCHECK_PYTEST_ARGS="-k test_netgroup.py" make intgcheck-run

+     INTGCHECK_PYTEST_ARGS="test_netgroup.py -k test_add_empty_netgroup" make intgcheck-run


+ The INTGCHECK\_PYTEST\_ARGS format can be checked in the `PyTest

+ official

+ documentation <http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/contents.html>`__.


+ Localization and Internationalization

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ Our development policy for the SSSD requires that any code that

+ generates a user-facing message should be wrapped by GNU ``gettext``

+ macros so that they can eventually be translated. We use

+ `zanata <http://zanata.org/>`__ for translating.

file modified
@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ 

  .. toctree::

     :maxdepth: 1


+    contribute

+    coding_style


This is pretty much a copy & paste from the original one, with basically
a few changes:

  • pointing some links to pagure instead of fedorahosted;
  • mentioned the commit-template after the part where you clone the
  • changed the commit used as example for one that actually matches our
    commit template.

Signed-off-by: Fabiano Fidêncio fidencio@redhat.com


6 years ago

I've just noticed that the links for the mailing lists and for the coding style are not correct in this PR. I'll update those and re-submit the PR.


6 years ago


6 years ago

I've squashed your patch (and added you as co-author). Also, I've added some FIXME in the contribute page (and I'll update the issue #27) about those.


6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by jhrozek

6 years ago