
Some useful Python 3 tools, tested for Linux

General: These tools were developed to solve previously occurred problems, not yet solved by other tools/modules


Based on

This CRNG was developed for Python 3.4 on CentOS 7. os.urandom does not offer high quality cryptographic random values before Linux 4.8, especially if much entropy has to be derived permanently. Also, Python 3.4 does not contain the secrets module.

This tool is only intended for Linux operating systems before Linux 4.8 (then use os.random), and for Python 3 before 3.6 (use secrets instead).

At this version, one derivation should not get more than 16 bytes at once. There is no limitation concerning the number of derivations.


Based on

This is a small encryption/decryption tool for files. It needs Python 3.6 or later. Tested on Fedora 28.

It uses ChaCha20 with 256 bit. Blake2s is used for password hashing. The tool implements password salts.

The cryptographic security corresponds to 128 bit symmetric security, limited by Blake2s, but sufficient for today.

As soon as cryptography has implemented Blake2b with variable output length, I will upgrade the tool to 256 bit security.


This improvised script shall manage Sundtek's MediaTV. Individual channels and frequencies can be added and selected using the console. It will start VLC with the choosen channel automatically. Automatic channel scanning is yet not implemented, channels have to be added manually to the script.

If necessary, channel scanning as well as a GUI can be easily implemented using the doc of Sundtek in conjunction with os, or subprocess modules.

It was developed/tested for Fedora Linux. The Sundtek driver for Linux has to be installed, also VLC Media Player.