
Created 2 years ago
Maintained by py0xc3
Drafts and finals of workingpapers about political science and games
Members 1
Christopher Klooz committed 3 months ago

Political science and games

Drafts and finals of interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary workingpapers that have no dedicated computer-science/cryptography focus in their research methods/goals (although computer-science/cryptography might both on themselves become an object of research in these papers).


Papers are separated by folders, each containing an abstract, and either an editable file and a pdf, or only a pdf. The editable files enable edit/blame/compare/merge/commit within git.

Feel free to open issues, merge/commit suggestions, or let me know about your thoughts on LinkedIn.


All content in this repository is published under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.