Hi everyone, sorry if this is not the right place or the right way to report this kind of issues. In some peertube instances (like TilVids.com or peertube.uno) JShelter break the video playback and the video just won't start until JavaScript Shield is switched off. It could be useful to have some kind of notification in those scenario. Anyway, I would like to take the opportunity to thank deeply every developer for this awesome addon, and for all the hard work to protect users privacy giving us this great tool. Really, really thank you. Oh, and sorry for the broken english :)
If you change the WebWorker wrapper from Strict to Medium, PeerTube works. To do this:
Detail tweaks of JS shield for this site
Refresh page
We are undecided if Medium should be the default at this time.
Thank you for the positive feedback!
Resolving as the issue is tracked in issue 42.
Metadata Update from @thomzane: - Issue close_status updated to: Duplicate - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Thanks for the answer!
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