#145 Find a more space-efficient way to store the configuration
Opened 2 months ago by polcak. Modified 2 months ago


A user reported via e-mail that his configuration JSON is to long to be stored in the browser he is using.

How to reproduce

Add a long list of exceptions for many domains to JShelter.


As all browsers have a limited storage, sooner or later, you hit the limit.


With sufficient patience, one can add too many exceptions.


Remove exceptions that you expect that you will not need in (a close) future.

Proposed fix

As the storage is limited, we cannot fix this issue once and for all. However, we can change the format that is used to store the configuration as the current one is not as space-efficient as it can be.

For example, we can compress the configuration, or we can find a more efficient encoding of information, e.g. replace "level_id": "0" by "l":"0".

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