#50 golang-race package relevance
Opened a year ago by alexsaezm. Modified a year ago

Currently, golang ships the golang-race package but this process is going to get trickier with Go 1.20 due to this change:

The directory $GOROOT/pkg no longer stores pre-compiled package archives for the standard library: go install no longer writes them, the go build no longer checks for them, and the Go distribution no longer ships them. Instead, packages in the standard library are built as needed and cached in the build cache, just like packages outside GOROOT. This change reduces the size of the Go distribution and also avoids C toolchain skew for packages that use cgo.

Source: https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.20 Under Tools -> Go command

It uses the cache which is a little tricky to retrieve information from.

I didn't find anything that requires golang-race so I was wondering if it the effort of fixing the issue worth the time.

This subpackage has been removed for now. I'm removing the meeting tag.

Metadata Update from @gotmax23:
- Issue untagged with: meeting

a year ago

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