#472 Perl: Remove require of perl(MODULE_COMPAT)
Closed 2 years ago by jplesnik. Opened 2 years ago by jplesnik.
Unknown source master  into  master

file modified
+5 -5
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@


      def run_on_applicable(self):


-         Check that we don't have BR:perl-devel and do have the

+         Check that we don't have BR:perl-devel and don't have the

          Requires: perl_compat thin.


@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@

          compat = rpm.expandMacro(perl_compat)

          for r in self.spec.get_requires():

              if r == compat:

-                 break

-         else:

-             self.set_passed(self.PENDING, "Requires: " + perl_compat + " missing?")

-             return

+                 self.set_passed(

+                     self.FAIL, "Requires: " + perl_compat + " has to be removed"

+                 )

+                 return


rebased onto 7ba39484724d48b32b246b307e4a05512f6166ad

2 years ago

Should this maybe be self.FAIL?

rebased onto 6c2320f

2 years ago

@frostyx I'm not sure of the exact usage of the given state. If you think self.FAIL is better, I'll change it.

1 new commit added

  • Switch state to FAIL
2 years ago

I tested for RHBZ 2097826 and the output looks like

- Package contains the mandatory BuildRequires and Requires:.
  Note: Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo
  $version)) has to be removed
  See: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Perl/

So if such Requires is not allowed anymore, it looks good to me. The message note could be a bit more user-friendly but I think it is good enough.

@jplesnik, can you please squash the commits together so we don't spam the git history? I'll merge afterward.

Pull-Request has been closed by jplesnik

2 years ago